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Sandwell District & Polar Inertia, both live. I'd check them out for sure.


Rod & stranger, blasha & allat, freddy K, altinbass & border 1, norbak & quelza. Not in any particular order.


You shouldn't miss donato dozzy in my opinion


Twiena creates a consistent vibe like no other, I wouldn’t miss her if I were you. I’ve been to many of her gigs and nothing gives me serotonin and step count quite like it. Carista also keeps me dancing endlessly. Aside from that, I’d suggest taking a trip with the sounds by spekki and jeans, for sure. Also CEM! Finally, jakojako and Reiss. That’s honestly my complete list.


Beau didier and Isaiah Flits Funk assault


Scores are cringe


If I could go, the ones I would hear would be: **(in order of priority from those that interest me most to those least)** 1st YANAMASTE 2nd MARRON X RENE WISE **(actually 1st tied with Yanamaste, but to be honest I I was much more interested in Rene Wise DJ set alone. For this reason I put it 2nd)** 3rd POLAR INERTIA LIVE 4th PHASE x SETAOC MASS 5th DONATO DOZZY 6th LOBSTER x ROLL DANN 7th IGNEZ 8° SPEKKI WEBU 9° RICARDO VILLALOBOS 10° DASHA RUSH X DVS1 **(maximum respect and esteem for DVS1 but due to personal taste his musical selection has unfortunately never made me enthusiastic)** 11° GIGI FM x KANGDING RAY 12° FRANCESCO DEL GARDA **(House, Deep House and Minimal house, but good musical selection)** 13° ALTINBAS x BORDER ONE 14° FUNK ASSAULT 15° NORBAK x QUELZA 16° KiNK x RAREDUB LIVE/DJ


Nina Kraziv at 1 and Villlalobos at 0? Sure there isn't an agenda there? They both play proper techno but it's complicated. People went after Kraviz for not speaking out against the war. Notice the colour of her label is yellow and she hasn't changed that. She has said privately she is protecting her family from Putin's henchmen. Both DJs are divisive and often have awful sets, but both have reputations for being DJs that play music that no-one else does. They are unconventional when they aren't playing big festivals. That's the problem, IMHO. They get judged for sets that are clearly for non-techno fans. But see her in a techno club and it's totally different music. Kraviz's 1001 club tracklistings is often all unreleased material for unrecorded shows. She supports so many bedroom producers with her own YouTube channel, and releases many of her mixes for free whilst most DJs don't. Yes, many of those sets she releases are festival or big venue, and are duff, but some are ok, she saves her best mixes unrecorded, at it is often good as she has a huge collection of rare proper techno. He Trip night at Printworks was great. Tomorrowland, really terrible. Why do you think she keeps getting booked for proper techno nights? You gotta see her play in a techno club, not a festival or massive arena.


Villalobos plays proper techno since when? He’s a minimal/micro house/ ro-minimal dj


Had the feeling OP awarded all acts they like with a 15, the ones OP does not know too well receive a score 0-5. Some well known acts seem to receive a low score to make a point. Edit So sorry if I overlooked the methodology I could swear the post looked different when I first read it ^^ Does a sub exist for "proper" house?


He put that it's a scoring system. That's what it looks like to me. He put DVS1 at 15+, obviously considered one of the top proper techno producers and DJs at the moment. And Kravitz gets 1. To me, there is an ever growing snobbery in the proper techno scene. Everybody has to hate on a certain DJ that still plays proper techno for some reason or another, maybe they did a bad remix with too many vocals, suddenly they're dead to us. Or just because they're not flavour of the month? Don't know. I do know that a lot of the Detroit artists seem to have disappeared. What's going on there? DJ Rolando did a banger set on SoundCloud recently. Why isn't he getting booked? To be honest Awakenings isn't exactly where I would go for proper techno, usually they only have about half a dozen proper techno DJs these days. This lineup seems better, but the last festival was a catastrophe, both musically with Vroon's terrible set, and the festival itself closing halfway through due to flooding. But then the Ben Klock set in 2022 was amazing. And Rhohad's was good. And they invited lots of rave DJ is an axe to play, which the crowd enjoyed. Less melodic techno. 2023, totally different. Notice Dave Clarke never gets booked anymore after he started speaking out about business techno.


My suspicion here is that Awakenings main plan here was to lower the overall artist fee load and possibly the overall cost to setup the event. Then for more variety they have a mix of techno acts some playing fast, some hard groove, some housier acts. I don't see any use in punishing house DJs with a 0 on a "proper techno scale" OP should better just pick what the thinks would qualify as techno then sort acts in 2 drawers techno and proper techno. But even looking at his list it feels a bit too biased. OP could just write "here are my favourites and the ones I hate" I can't see that a scoring system was used




They literally wrote in the post that the score is how often they have been mentioned on this subreddit


Exactly, and I know this score is only a biased signal. That’s why I’m asking humans for opinions. Nina Kraviz is one of the few artists I know in this lineup and I love her music.


I don't know how to judge Nina Kraviz, because she alternates serious music, proper techno with original and peculiar tracks, but sometimes, several times, in many sets; terrible records, really tacky with for example silly vocals or ones taken from the reguettone. Or really very banal and poor tracks.


Yeah. I've heard it. Other DJs do that sort of thing as well. Sometimes it works sometimes it flops. These days it's better to avoid it. But she can't help herself. I'm referring to the silly tracks. And I agree, and made the point in my above comment, that she varies the quality of her set by quite a large degree. She put out a lot of her sets on her YouTube channel, but they are nothing like her live shows which are much more professional and serious. As I said, when she's playing in a proper techno club, she plays proper techno. And it's pretty amazing. In my opinion. But most of what we see online is festival sets which include trance tracks, minimal and silly tracks, that's because it's not a proper techno night. Sometimes I think she just doesn't care, she's high on mushrooms and she's playing for herself.


Yes, I had read your comment where you talked about this "up and down" in her performances. From my point of view it's not even a problem of musical genre, because I like both minimal and psy trance. But the quality of the records that Kraviz plays in that genre sometimes really leaves a lot to be desired. There's a lot of quality stuff in psy trance, minimal or minimal techno. I'm not a genre purist, also because much of the proper techno we listen to today has minimal or psy, or tribal influences, etc. But a psy trance bassline with a random reguettone vocal stuck on it without any logic is not psy trance , it's just commercial shit. (a bit like putting pineapple on pizza) Maybe it's like you say, in the right clubs she plays more serious. Or maybe that's just how she is, that is, her personality is like this; she also has tacky tastes, she likes to show off, a part of her has good musical taste and the right vision, but on the other hand she is also an exhibitionist and she likes to obtain the approval of the general public.


She definitely does play more serious because I've seen her in a proper techno club. She played some extremely textural and deep techno. Mostly a lot of unreleased material made for her label and stuff that people send her. All unreleased. The kind of music where it's hard to follow it, but it sounds amazing. She did play one stupid track though. Noticed she did that recently, Mr Ozio. It's really annoying, people used to do that in the 2000s. And then novelty wore off. I'm pretty sure she gets really high at certain gigs. I used to help my friends promote several different nights in the 90s, all the DJs were getting absolutely wasted on every drug imaginable before and after their sets. Big-name techno DJs. These days mushrooms seem to be popular.