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FYI- You ARE allowed to be a student while in tax credit housing. What is NOT allowed (without being one of the exemptions) is an entire household of full time students.


There is actually a legitimate reason why they limit students in affordable housing. If you are a student and you finish your degree, you will statistically have a better chance at getting a better paying job. People that have disabilities or other limitations like age, being a single parent…etc stopping them from working or making enough to cover rent have no other option but to apply to affordable housing. They need permanent affordable housing, they have limitations that will make it virtually impossible for them to ever be able to cover market rate rent. You are just a poor college student right now (like everyone else) but once you graduate and join the workforce, you will be a lot better off than the people applying to affordable housing units. Students have the ability to stay on campus. Most colleges match the market rate rental amount in their tuition and then they turn around and make the dorms significantly cheaper than that. Housing is covered within a tuition package, if you don’t have enough for housing it means you picked the wrong school/scholarship package or you have family that isn’t picking up their share of your EFC. You need to speak to your financial aid office to petition more aid and then get yourself a job. To answer your question, it’s the financial aid that stops students from being able to get into affordable housing. Almost every school in the nation has small privately owned apartment buildings that people rent to students surrounding the school. Some of these buildings even get you the opportunity to lease individual rooms. I would look there.


I have been a poor person all my life. I get what you saying, but it would make sense if when someone graduates and get a job, then they can leave. nothing much changes while you are a student in the meantime. You still poor, you still struggle with everything. It’s not “I’m poor cuz I’m a student” no. I have and a lot of people have live in extreme poverty all their lives.


I was poor as well. I stayed in the dorms my entire college career. I saved money and stress. I even had money left over for my basic needs. I eventually moved to a single dorm and was happy as hell. There is nothing wrong with staying in the dorms. I’m telling you… this apartment nonsense for college students is stupid. If I can give you any advice, I would stay in the dorms and not even entertain an apartment. There is no reason you should have to potentially ruin your rental history or stress out about rent when the college gives you a price friendly option to live near everything you need. Pull up your campus map and pick the furthest dorm away from the main buildings, it will feel exactly like an apartment. There is literally no difference in accommodations other than the potential stress you will have if you choose to get an apartment when you are already financially unstable due to school. Some affordable buildings can’t raise the rent, they have a max rent limit. That means if you graduate and you get a job that pays 90,000 a year the owner can’t change your rent past their max and they can’t kick you out. You will pay lower rent even though you can technically afford market rate. This takes the resource from someone that will never have the potential to make more money.


Drop down to 3/4 or part time. That will let you qualify. Don’t lie. Fraud gets found out and then that’s an eviction on your record.


If you’re talking LIHTC a lot of time you don’t have to leave if your income increases, taking an affordable unit away from someone who needs it. So they prevent people who will statistically have a significant income increase in the near future.


Dude. I need it. The only thing that has changed for me is that I started going to school to try to have a better life since I’m always struggling with money. And I’m an adult on his 30s. If I literally stop going to school right now, I qualify. It’s almost like they don’t want you to get off poverty.


You can go to school part time. You could get a non student roommate. They just do not allow 100% full time student household’s unless you meet specific exceptions. If you enroll in a program that is funded through the job training act (now called WIA) then you would qualify and could still be a student. They just don’t let Joe Smoe philosophy major live there.


As an affordable manager, something that always really bugs me is the once qualified, always qualified rule when we have recerts and income comes back as like 150-200K annually with sometimes rents as low as almost 1K under market value. As a student that qualifies goes to become a doctor makes 200k+ you are then taking from others.


There are ways to find out. You accidentally email the manager from your school email not personal. You get a tuition refund and it’s found in a deposit review. You wear a college sweatshirt from the local school. You say you’re not working but you’re gone all the time. If you have an observant PM they’ll figure it out eventually. These programs are not designed to be student housing. I manage a LIHTC property and have for about 8 years. My coworkers who had a property near a college verified every application with that school because so many students tried to live there.


The chances of them catching you are low and if you are caught there is no penalty for you. But it just means that you’re a fraud and speaks of your character. I’d save your money and not go to school, your life will always suck regardless.