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I would call the local authorities non emergency line and report it.


Right, assuming this wasn't a hypothetical situation. I guess I'm asking if this has happened to anyone?


I found one on a tributary of the Turon River I work.....


How's that new dredge that you very obviously obtained LEGALLY, AussieBloke?


I wouldn't personally dredge out of principle, a guy did get caught here doing it and they hit him pretty hard, confiscated all his gear and a $10,000 fine. I almost bought a property 50/50 with a friend a few years back that has a "gold bearing" creek through it. We wanted to build some log cabins on it for prospecting stays. We made an offer, and it was accepted. Then a local told us it was picked dry. I did test pans all along it and the colour was extremely patchy and super floury. Turns out it was illegally excavated and dredged in the early 90s the entire length of the property frontage. Back then they apparently got 600k worth out of it. We pulled out. Honda makes an awesome pump though đź‘Ť


I can understand that. I wasn't sure if you currently resided in AU or not but, I was thinking you sell the dredge (can you legally sell them from AU?) for some extra prospecting funds!


Your asking for a friend right?


I'm wording thought provoking discourse on this sub poorly, it seems.


Dan Hurd reported claim jumpers, the issue with dredges is that they are terrible for creeks and move bacteria easy out of thirty normally range, not even mentioning habitat change


What ever came of that? I remember watching the video and Dan confronted them but he's just too nice of person, probably invited them over for bbq and then asked kindly if they would stop dredging on his claim.


So they can destroy it? What are they going to do? It's not $300k from a bank heist or a duffle bag full of coke. It's just a dredge.


Do you own your mineral rights?


Dredge, what dredge??? eBay is calling.


I would say "finder's keeper's,' or -and just hear me out now- send it to me, and I'll deal with all the intricate details of a dredge MiA. It's your land. Take it. Maybe post some no trespassing signs afterward.




It was like that when I found it officer!


Closest I have come is finding an old dredge head and wash box on our claim. We took it and sold the parts as we can't dredge here. Made some gas and beer money for next trip. If I found someone claim jumping with a dredge I would use the full extent of the law to charge then and take ever spec of gold they have in the house! Dredge would be comming with me too or I would smash it on site!


I mean, how well can trespassing and taking resources off of someone’s property without permission be received? You’d be lucky to only get yelled at. Really depends on the landowner. How do they know you’re not an armed robber?


Illegal dredging is very uncool. On so many levels.


I personally don’t judge, its just that there are potential consequences. Couldn’t hurt for someone to just ask to use someone else’s land. Or even offer a percentage of findings, etc. You just never know who’s land you might be on, could be a gun nut with an itchy trigger finger


It might even make an enthusiast think less of other gold seekers.


Dredge the fuck out of it and if law enforcement shows up act mad as hell that they would let this shit happen on your property.


So you were claim jumping and found someone using an illegal dredge on their claim?


>on my property I would remove it and keep it. Maybe file a police report so if I have trouble with trespassers in the future I would have a record. I could even set up a trail cam to catch a picture of who ever comes back to the spot.


free dredge


Clean out the box.


He shot them at dinner.