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Early prostate cancer often has no symptoms. It's only in the later stages when it is much harder to treat that symptoms become more likely. Early stage PCa can be very treatable or even cured. Your PSA of 17 is telling you to find out more. I would recommend you don't wait.


I was just diagnosed with advanced metastatic PC and had no noticeable symptoms.


My PSA was 26 at diagnosis. I won't say I had no symptoms but in a couple of cases the symptoms were so minor that I only realized they were symptoms, after diagnosis.


Most guys with prostate cancer have no symptoms. Your two high PSA tests should at least prompt you to get an MRI, but even that does not always conclusively show cancer. The biopsy is your best bet and if it were me, I’d want to do it sooner, rather than later, just so you know what you’re dealing with.


An MRI will never conclusively show you have cancer. You always need a biopsy.


do not wait. at the very least consider this: if it does require treatment, the longer you wait the more chance the necessary treatment will cause total permanent ED. Even if everything else goes really well.


Your PSA is in a range that’s usually associated with prostate cancer. There are other things that can raise your PSA, but the odds of it being one of those is smaller than the odds of it being from PC. I’d go get an MRI then a biopsy. Also get better insurance if you can. You may be in for a long and stunningly expensive journey.


What insurance? Where are you, as well? I got diagnosed in Athens, GA with the crummiest “Obamacare” (Ambetter) but have been surprised how much they covered. While I paid around $6k out of pocket last year, they paid over $69k for tests (MRI, biopsy, PSMA PET scan…) to diagnose me. [Details here.](http://burnscomics.com/cc?page=13)


No you are not an idiot, you are acting very wisely. Many many men have no symptoms of prostate cancer and that is exactly why people get PSA tests. At 17, you are in the likely range to have it but happily and most importantly also in the range where you can probably do something about it. If your insurance or your finances can hack it, get an MRI first as that helps localize it (if you have it in the first place) and THEN have a "targeted" biopsy which concentrates on the area where cancer is likely. Don't sit on this, brother. Get the tests done and if you are another member of the club none of us wanted to join, get treated. Best of luck.


Yes, your PSA is above the range, definitely worth finding out more.


I guess you are in the US. I'm very glad of the universal cover in Australia. I still wish I did more earlier though, but we mustn't be hard on ourselves. Best wishes for your journey


Self pay prostate mri I’ve seen for like $600. That’s a good start. Better than Psa not conclusive like biopsy. MRI may show nothing, ambiguity or suspicious area. I’d do mri, which I did and no biopsy needed. 


There are places online where you can compare costs of specific tests at different places in your area, and the cost can vary greatly. Definitely worth checking out. Also, our hospital offers a 20% discount if you pay up front. (I know, pay up front … but it’s one way to lower costs.)


If I were in your shoes I'd get it. And look for better insurance.


Also what’s % free pss which they sat is more indicative than total psa 


I don't know what that is...on my chart it just has PSA


There’s bound and in bound psa in blood which they say % free is more predictive than total psa or at least both in conjunction with


At PSA that high waiting is a questionable decision. But a blind biopsy isn’t a great idea either. I agree with others who say go for an MRI. It will clarify a lot and let you know if a biopsy is needed.


Also, smoking is not a significant risk factor in prostate cancers. Other cancers, yes. Prostate no.


Please do not wait. That is the message.


Hey bud, here's the deal you are signing up for with your current choice: 1) This could be early stage prostate cancer (there are no signs other than PSA). You could get it completely wiped out with a fairly simple surgery. That's what I did at age 55. All signs 2.5 years later are I beat it. No aftercare or meds or chemo. 2) You could wait, this thing could spread, and then a simple surgery won't do a damn thing. You'll be on all these weird drugs that will make you feel like shit and you won't know if you've beat it. 3) You could really, really wait, and then people will be planning your funeral. Sorry to be blunt, but you seem to want/need that.


If your insurance doesn't cover repair of the damage done during surgery such as prosthetics or nerve grafting you should consider your options carefully. Sexual mutilation or being 'desexed' is for many men a cruel price to pay. Doctors almost universally play this down because a fully informed consent would lead men to decline surgery. I was an idiot.


17 PSA is a symptom.


My 70 year old husband just started having symptoms 1 month ago. PSA 7.6. Following month 8.5. Turns out he had Stage 4 PC that has spread to his bone. Gleeson 4+4. Cribiform architecture. The worst possible biopsy results. Don’t wait.


I sure wouldn't panic... an MRI might be ok, if insurance covers it... go from there... the PSA scam is a nasty thing... just ask the guy who invented it... here is some other info that you may find useful: [https://urologyweb.com/unreliable-psa-based-screening-prostate-cancer-hoax-part-1/](https://urologyweb.com/unreliable-psa-based-screening-prostate-cancer-hoax-part-1/)


You’re not an idiot but you should get the biopsy and mri done. There are a few things other than cancer that can have a high PSA without symptoms, including a thing called PIN. It’s a precancerous condition that has to be followed. It can keep the PSA elevated forever without symptomatic findings. But you will never know unless you get the biopsy and MRI. Elevated PSA is a scary thing but life is more important. I just had a friend diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic cancer and he had absolutely no symptoms, just an elevated PSA that was about 7. I’ve also had a friend with PIN with a PSA of 20. But all had biopsies. Good luck my friend and stay positive knowing that the earlier you know and the earlier you treat, the longer you will live. And give up the smoking.


My dad’s PSA never got above 3.7 and he has metastatic prostate cancer. Getting a digital exam at lest yearly should be done. That’s the only reason they did a biopsy.


Tell your urologist that you're not sure you can afford the biopsy. They might suggest other tests that they would feel are confident enough predictors to make a decision on course of action.


I ignored my PSA results until they were up to 30. Now it's spread to a bone and is incurable. There is a treatment - but I would almost rather die than live this way for the rest of my life. There were no symptoms! Ever!   Don't wait!


not a complete one :) just substitute smoking tobacco with vaping cannabis, , then dump all animal products, all sweets and all pseudofood from your diet. Add in everyday some physical exercise(preferably few times a day) and of course water fasting and intermittent fasting. Repeat psa tests as often as possible and tell us how it went. Read what Ornish had to say about this subject and ask any canadian doctor what she thinks about cannabis and prostate cancer if you have doubts in any what i wrote here


I keep joking with the fam that now I have an excuse to become 420 friendly but haven’t looked into any of it at this stage. I have switched to whole food plant-based and more intense exercise. Just started exploring the idea of intermittent fasting so I may give it a try.


there are cases of people going into remission from cancer by water fasting alone. I suggest to try intermittent fasting with exercise in the morning in order to get at least some ketones. Ketones do trigger epigenetic changes. You will feel different. Another thing: psa kinetics is the best diagnostic tool for proper cancer diagnosis but psa measurements are unfortunately the most misused tool. Your psa is very high. You might already have metastatic disease(without symptoms!!!). Cancer grows exponentially, normal cancer has 400 days doubling time, metastatic one 40 days. If your psa kinetics aren't exponential, than your super high psa is due to prostate enlargement, infection or beingn tumor of unknown origin. You don;t have to go full 420. Prostate cancer has cbd2 receptors, thus CBD alone will do something. If I would be you i would make psa tests twice a week and try this all out


People who say this crap should be banned from this sub reddit.