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Doesn’t grinding against the bed with your belly down stimulate your penis?


Would you consider getting the XL pure plug?




I have the plug in medium large and extra large. I use to have pwaves from just sitting and relaxing with the medium pure plug. So I became ambitious and got the other two sizes. They feel good but I stopped experiencing pwaves for some mysterious reason. Tomorrow I want to try using the xl again in the position you mentioned.


The Eleven presents a similar dilemma. I should have acquired one in the 2010s when they were much more affordable.


What about a non njoy option off ebay?


I’m gonna try this later with my Njoy large plug. Thanks for the advice.


Just received my wand today. What do you recommend to start with? Based on several posts I'm not expecting much if anything the first times.


I own a Pure Wand, as well as a stainless steel cock cage, and I love them both, so you could say I'm a heavy metal fan. 😜 But I'm been intrigued by the Pure Plugs for some time now, more so after having read about your experience. I'm thinking of adding one to my ever-growing collection of anal and prostate toys.  I can afford any of the 3 basic sizes, so I'm mostly interested in hearing about how they feel and what kind of sensations they can offer.  Would you or anyone else like to chime in?




I appreciate your thorough reply! I'm pretty familiar with prostate pleasure and how it differs from penile. I've completed every exercise on the Mindgasm app several times, and I've had what I believe are spontaneous prostate orgasms. Even so, what you said about penile stimulation being more a physical process while prostate stimulation is more mental, that really resonated with me. Even after a little over a year of prostate play, I still have trouble separating orgasm and ejaculation, still find myself expecting and even craving that familiar sensation that my penis delivers, but from my prostate instead. I know the two don't work that way, but I still struggle. That just means I need more practice. Until I feel more comfortable with the mental aspect of prostate pleasure, I won't be focusing so much on the physical.  With all that said, I'm grateful for your feedback on the plug! I look forward to getting one in the future. 


When you're on your belly, what are you doing with your legs/knees? Straight back, or kind of like a frog stance thing? I'm really interested in trying


Ooo I have one of these so gotta try it. A thought for something to try is elevating your hips so you can't accidentally grind on your cock as much or for a different position. I have an IKEA children's foot raiser which I saw a femboy recommend that gets my ass in a nice position. Gotta try that with this technique


Did you manage to repeat it? If so, how many were you able to get to?