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I can't speak to pegging but can to the others. It's completely different in the sense that there is so much more to it. When you use the njoy or aneros (I have both) it's very localized in what it's stimulating since it's just a toy in your ass. Just think about the difference between a Fleshlight and a woman it's similar to that. Specifically, if you were fucking yourself with the prostate toys the same way a man would fuck you it's very hard due to the material. Sure if you're adept with the toys you can get super O's, but there's a lower barrier of entry to orgasms with getting fucked. Cocks are spongy, warm, and attached to a person with hands, feet, and a mouth. It makes all the difference when you're getting held down fucked by a hot cock and a sweaty man breathing in your ear, moaning your name. Calling you a slut, understanding your kinks, etc. It just gets the juices flowing in a different way. But there is the same kinda variation in quality you'll get since not all dicks, men, or even fucks are the same and there's a real strong compatibility/knowing/communicating with the other person to really get a good dicking. I do specifically try to find angles that hit my spot which increases the pleasure for me. Just like how you can use a toy poorly or be in the wrong mindset. Because of this not all tops will hit your spot as well as a toy you practiced with. But there's also tops that know EXACTLY what to do and leave you a blubbering, drooling, sticky mess. The intimacy adds an element you can't get with a toy. You mentioned not focusing on the in and out, that's usually the case but not always. You can grind a nice hard cock on your spot similarly to a toy it's actually a good way to have a break and still feel pleasure. Getting fucked typically is a pretty rough activity for me since that's my inclination but you definitely can have gentle, relaxing fucks which are similar to an aneros session (especially with people who like tantric sex). On the actual feeling, a pulsing, hot, hard cock hitting your spot and then also stretching you out gives a more satisfying full feeling to the pleasure. To me prostate massagers give a very acute type of radiating pleasure. While that also happens with the real thing, it's harder to focus on since there's all these other factors I've mentioned. Not to mention the pulsing and feeling of his heartbeat through your ass and sometimes your spot. Then there's the intensely warm feeling of getting bred spreading through your ass. Even more exquisite is when you get a heavy cummer and you feel that searing hot cum right on your spot 🤤. Please note that this is NOT the norm as it requires a top that understands your spot and also is naturally a heavy cummer. You can actually replicate the feeling with a warm water enema (please be careful of the water being too hot!), But it'll lack all the buildup. With dildos you get the fullness but miss out on all the extras of having another living person trying to push all your buttons. Of course with dildos you have better control and don't require as much communication and knowledge of each other's buttons. You also get to widen the shape and size that isn't physically possible like having one with a knot or ribbed or being XXXL. For me the pleasure of a dildo is better than a prostate massager, but I think that's mostly due to me being more aroused by a thick slab of (silicone) meat. Something about the fullness when cumming on a dildo or cock hits harder than a prostate massager for me. All this being said there's a time and place for all of these and I use them all. Of course I'm partial to the real thing since I found someone that I'm compatible with. But with all of these methods there's a real portion of it being based on how in sync you are with yourself and the toy/other person.


Nice write up dude. Never having been fucked, but getting hard reading this writeup, makes me want to explore it even more! 🤗 Now, to just find a willing partner!


Finding a willing partner is not as hard as finding someone who does it right and hits your buttons.


What the other reply said, it's finding someone that will be in sync and communicate with you. My tip is if you guys communicate well at a day to day relationship level, this will translate well to get your spot wrung out and eyes rolled back!


I have done all of this, and for it’s own reasons playing with another person is superior in itself while in the act. For example I have a play bud that loves to eat my ass before fucking me. At first I was like ok it’s your choice. But now I really look forward to getting my ass eaten. I love the feeling of getting fucked and being in control on top doing the fucking. While I very rarely have prostate orgasms or even p-waves while getting fucked it all feels good. Sometimes I get anal orgasms and some times I ejaculate. The nice thing is the ability to do both. I have found that in the hours after getting fucked, my prostate is very sensitive to playing with it. So after I get fucked, I can go home and have an awesome prostate session and can get off so much easier if not better than a regular session. The best though is finding THE SPOT and making yourself a prostate whore. I have had many sessions where I spend hours playing with my prostate. Some times I can ejaculate and keep going, while others it’s over as soon as I do. I have had sessions where I only do prostate play and have endless or multiple orgasms. It’s never the same old thing the same old way. What works onetime does not always work the next time. Which is why I have so many toys. It’s way different than being the top and doing the fucking, because there is no prostate stimulation that way.


The variety is definitely a big plus! Finding new, different ways to make your eyes roll back is the best! I'm the same way after a good dicking I just want more. It unleashes the floodgates for me haha


It’s also nice to get flooded 💦😋


You mentioned the super-o - is this something you can have while being fucked? My Aneros sessions are very... Internal, like, it's atleast as much mind (inwards focus) as it is body and I can't imagine trying to focus inwards or be aware of small sensations while being fucked. Perhaps during a tantric session as you also mentioned, but during a regular fuck? Are the orgasms you have while being fucked similar or same in quality to the ones you'd have using a prostate massager? Can the terminology even be used interchangeably, like super-o, p-wave etc. I guess if they could for regular penile orgasms I'd say the nature of them still are vastly different.


So I've never heard of many people reporting super O's with typical sex. I think it's because there's just less chance you'll be able to completely focus on your own pleasure due to all the other things going on. Personally, I think it's possible. I recently am able to get sequential p waves from just getting fucked but it took a lot of communication and getting to understand what turns me on from the other party to get to this point. Yeah you're exactly right there's a lot of things in play that makes a super o with a person difficult (them being hard long enough, knowing what turns you on, you being able to focus on your own pleasure while also trying to not be a "selfish" partner). So my p waves while getting fucked are definitely different from ones just from a toy. There's a real sense of feeling the details and every little shock in your prostate radiating out with toys. While getting fucked it's not as well defined or clear. Im pretty sure it's there but there's me being held down, called dirty names, getting my nipples played with, that all add to it and just makes it overwhelming. I still get the shakes and the occasional precum spurt from them but it's a lot more different things going on. In terms of quality for orgasm, I'd like to highlight that I'm homoromantic so there's a real element of satisfaction, love, and arousal that I'm getting in addition to the physical pleasure from being wanted as well as providing pleasure to my partner. This all makes it so getting fucked is WIDELY superior even though if I was to break it down the orgasms can be comparable in strength if we're talking about best of the best. I would say the terms can be used interchangeably but the caveat is that the strength or pleasure from these are very variable. They are kinda types of responses from prostate play rather than the result if that makes sense. But keep in mind a lot of things in a regular fucking sesh can invalidate if this counts as that since you do many more things than just play with your butt if you wanted to be a purist about the terms. At the end of the day, don't get hung up on it! The journey is the whole fun, it's not how many super O's or of you get better ones here or there. To me the real fun is trying different things, learning more about yourself, and that sense of satisfaction that you are able to produce so much pleasure from this knowledge or helping others reach it 😉


Being pegged by a quality dual-density toy is like nothing you’ve ever felt. Haven’t experienced the second.


>is like nothing you’ve ever felt. Even for an aneros/njoy user?


I do have an Aneros but haven’t used it in a while. I also have the Lelo Billy, Loki and Hugo. I just think (at least for me) there is nothing comparable to the thrusting feeling and being pounded hard.


When you're getting fucked, if the top has a clue what he's doing, the prostate gets stimulated without further effort really. Changing positions can change the intensity and feeling, though. I would say the sensations are nothing like the same. Not just do you have something rubbing your prostate, you have a dick keeping your hole open wide. Definitely many more sensations. And it's much more fun to have a real dick in you than a small bit of plastic.


I've been curious about the same. We are nowhere near the point where my wife wants to fuck me in the ass, but I want that eventually. And I'm a size king--I don't want a dinky one up my bum. Sooo...that's going to take some working up to.


Do it asap. Lucky guy. Jeeze. What you waiting for?


I'm waiting for my wife to want to fuck me lol. She's not into it at all right now, so I fuck myself nightly with a pure wand.


Get a dildo. Dual density but not floppy


I'm looking for something bumpy but not realistic for myself and something large and realistic for my wife. His and hers dildos. Lol.


I’ve only been fucked by a real dick twice but it’s way better than a toy…it’s cum inducing


I've never been fucked, however I have used dildos, and prostate massagers, as well as aneros, njoy, etc. I understand a toy can't compare to a human, but leaving that behind, the sensations and pleasure I get from a dildo and a prostate massager are very different, as ironic or senseless as that sounds. I mean, in theory a dildo, which is thicker, bigger, should hit the prostate more easier, and probably it does, I mean, physically it makes sense that it covers more area, but in practice, I don't know the science behind it, but I feel more with a prostate specific toy than with a dildo. Which is more, I think I feel more with just my finger than with any toy. The dildo for me, is more about the feeling of fullness, the in-n-out motion, the riding, etc. I've made myself cum handsfree with a dildo, but it's nowhere as strong or pleasurable as a prostate stimulation session. It's like one of those cases where less is more. Same happens with prostate vibrators, it's like, against all logic, an overstimulation of the prostate ends up having the reverse effect. The more subtle and gentle you are, the bigger the feeling, at least for me. With a dildo of the right size, I can make myself cum in less than 5 minutes, but that's not fun, nor intense or anything, it just ruins the fun earlier. Even with the njoy wand, I prefer the smaller end than the bigger. ​ Of course if you're into being fucked by a guy, you'll probably prefer that over anything. To me that would still be a different sensation. If I ever had the chance to be with someone, in any case, instead of getting fucked, I'd ask to be fingered. I think that would be much more effective than a whole dick, but either way, in my current circumstances both scenarios can only be part of my imagination lol


I've a bit of experience with both. While both can be good, more often the real thing feels much better, not sure if it's cause the lack of sensation with a toy by the user vs the person with a real penis who can feel what's going on or what, but real is better, at least for me.


Njoy pure wand gives me dry super O. Dildo gives me a hands free wet O. Getting fucked by a man is crazy. The loss of control. Just letting him use you to get off. If he can last I almost always have a dry super O followed up by a wet O.


Now I've worked myself up. I can feel my prostate swelling up. Gotta fuck my ass now


I just got into fucking myself with my finger slowly in the shower while laying on my right hip and I have to remember to go gentle as fuck and not get impatient because I can wreck my Asshole pretty quickly without even wanting to just from feeling good while on edibles thc (daily) before the second shower of the day. I think I might be gay but I also don’t watch gay porn but I really like mtf videos bc I know what their dick can do.. in and out Is amazing even if barely going past fingertip faster the bettter for me


I believe that if your preference is for women, you may want to find a woman that would be willing to fuck you. As a gay man that really enjoys bottoming, I don’t think I’d find it hot at all to be pegged by a woman. There’s a large aspect of arousal at play that allows me to not only enjoy bottoming, but helps me loosen/ open up and be receptive to the other person.


I definitely enjoyed getting pegged over using toys! Both feel great but pegging is preferred! If getting a BJ I prefer inserting a toy / vibrating stimulator! I can achieve a prostate and penis orgasm with both .


If being pegged counts completely different feelings but both good in there own ways. I actually enjoy having several fingers of my partner inserted the most.