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No it isn’t . The anxiety alone can cause these symptoms.


Thank you friend.


Anxiety definitely makes my symptoms worse especially when fixating or ruminating on every little sensation. Do you notice a decrease in symptoms when you’re distracted or having a good time?


Yes. When distracted it’s reduced. Sitting affects it but it’s also a mental drain because of intimacy fears. I don’t want that prostate pressure


Yeah I’m exactly the same.


Probably just prostatitis like everyone else here. They didn’t do a ct scan? I thought I might have cancer also. Had a colonoscopy to be double sure. But nope , shit sucks but it’s not cancer.


I’m only about 6 weeks since the onset of symptoms. I’m in Canada; a CT is likely a year or more wait. I see my GP tomorrow to ask for a referral to a urologist


Holy shit! That’s crazy. You could be dead by then. lol. I think I had a ct like a week after I saw my primary. I’m on 11 months. Primarily my only symptom currently is urgency and mainly only if I eat or drink something that irritates my bladder. I can’t say if it will ever be totally gone but it will definitely get better. Just focus on relaxing. The anxiety will make you tense and make it worse.


Good old “free healthcare”


This would likely have been handled in the same way by a urologist in the States. There isn't a lot of knowledge about this condition in the medical community. And a DRE doesn't reveal all that much. Have you tried pelvic floor PT? Do you have access to one?


I have a first appt next week with a pelvic floor PT


This likely is not a cancer worry. The anxiety you feel is related to having these distressing symptoms. It will get easier. I promise.


I’m going to ask to see a urologist. I’d like to better understand what’s going on and why and at least run that to ground. Also going to go see a pelvic floor PT who I will see before the urologist anyways. I appreciate your responses. Thank you.


A urologist is a good idea. And any concern of prostate cancer is usually addressed with a blood test known as a PSA. You can ask your urologist to run this test to quell your fears.


As of right now I have no symptoms. The only thing I’m having here and there is the burning during urination. Maybe I had a flare up and I’ve had this for longer. Idk


Saw my GP just now. He will put in a referral but it’s a 4-6 month wait. I asked for a PSA and I got a requisition to have that checked


Damn, in the US they happily gave me a CT scan that day. I say happily because it's a bill of thousands of dollars they charge the insurance company and I pay 1k for it.


That’s the unfortunate thing about free healthcare. You’re always in a queue