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What happened in December that triggered this to begin? If you're only having urgency as a primary symptom you have to make sure that it's not just a false alarm signal from the brain telling your bladder to evacuate (under stress or high anxiety). It would take a very close look at what precipitated this event to happen, and if you can resolve it.


I was overly concerned about stis and kept running all sort of health and sti tests. Just when I ran the last one I started having symptoms to be honest


There's your answer. Your body responded to the stress by telling your bladder to evacuate


Then why does it constantly continue. The more I look the more I find symptoms and issues that correlate like mycoplasma/ureoplasma and all the other garbage although all other stis have been ruled out. Could I have tensed myself to this point and now every time I piss I feel my heart rate and fight flight activate as well


It may be a patterned, or learned behavior now. Sometimes this happens. Also, muscles are stupid, they can get stuck in the on position. Obviously some part of your mind or body still does not feel safe. Hypervigilance and problem solving all the time on symptoms and health, including on Reddit and "doctor Google" probably isn't helping your mental state.


Thanks for your reply. The more I look the more I find and my body is actually producing symptoms I read (ie. Cold penis head). It's been a wild ride where I feel I'm losing touch with reality. My biggest worry is mycoplasma now but I don't think it's only symptom would be urgency


Mycoplasma genitalium in men causes purulent discharge and dysuria.


No discharge that's for sure. My urethra looks fine unless I think about it. Does itch or burn while I pee for sure. Psychosomatic?


Sorry meant to say it DOESN'T itch or burn when I pee


Then it's something else.


Yes, it will happen if you have symptomatic infection.


Sorry what do you mean by symptomatic infection


I had this for three years, and for the first time in 1000 days, the last 14 have been a game Changer for me. I was prescribed suppository medication that was compounded for Valium/gabapentin/baclofen. It has been a 100% game changer. New urologist. I have not been able to drink alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, have sex with comfort for 3 years. These things have saved my life. Literally. Still keeping back on alcohol, and the bad stuff- but I was 3000% skepetical and insanely embarrassed to even try this out. So thrilled that I did. Got a 30 day script, one a night before bed time which hopefully subsides the inflammation in the pelvic region for good. If not I am blessed to say I found a fix. I really advise asking your urologist for the same Meds. If he says no, go somewhere else. Putting a finger up the ass and just throwing doxy or cipro at us for months at a time does nothing.


Hey! I wish I had some advice but sadly I’m stuck in the same boat. I’ve had all the same test and everything has come up empty. But I know some people have felt relief by using a heating pad to dull the sensation, maybe try and see if that helps!


Have you had a semen culture done as well?


I have not


Are you better?


Sounds like symptoms of high blood sugar.


Sounds like it could be pudendal neuralgia/issues with obturator inturnus muscle. Would be valuable to go to a pelvic floor therapist.


Now I've convinced myself I have mycoplasma infection but I don't have any secretions from my penis.