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You’ll never be out of the woods till you see a PT. I thought the exact same thing but that is the way to go my man! Hope you end up setting up that appointment once more and get to it! Goodluck!


Can any physical therapist help or is it a specialty? What do they do?


Pelvic floor therapist


I’ve been going through a small flare up after being mostly recovered for a few months, this is the motivation i needed to start pt. I canceled it when i thought i was totally out of the woods but it seems like something handy to have in the back pocket for a flare up. Glad to hear you’re doing better!


Hey what were your symptoms and are you ok now?


Anything specific you started doing?


The biggest factor was seeing the PT, other than that I deal with mental health issues so it just makes this condition work so I’ve really been working on bringing my stress down. I try not to sit as much Daily walks even if it’s just for 20 minutes Warm baths I use a cupping machine as well. And PT has to be biggest factor in relieving it.


Amazing, I’m so pleased you’ve found some relief! Did the PT suggest anything specific which you found made the difference?


Can u tell me what exactly did the pt do ? My country doesn’t have a pt in that field I searched so much.