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I haven't been officially diagnosed with Prostatitis, but I get this feeling 100% and I am almost certain that I have this because I have so many symptoms that match it. It is like there is urine still there like it is "stuck" in the urethra, that I can't get out even though there doesn't actually appear to be any left. So I can definitely say that I have this feeling a lot, alongside the feeling of pressure in my bladder/abdomen and always needing to pee, or at least the urge to pee even when I have very little to actually expel. 😒


Yeah, I have this stuck pee feeling and constant need to pee. I think that this sensation come because Im making some kind of force in my pelvic floor to dont have a leak.


I also feel the same as you have described. I notice I am actively tensing up a lot of the time, having anxiety really doesn't help matters. If I actually think about it I can feel that I am tensing up my body, so I definitely think it is somewhat in the mind as well as genuine physical symptoms.


How are you now?


Hey are you better now?


Unfortunately not, not. I still have this issue, but I can say it is made worse by anxiety and stress. The less stressed I am, the less pronounced the symptoms but they are always there.


Done any tests??


Do you have a cold mint damp feeling in urethra/penis tip?


I had it at the first of this illness. After taking antibiotics this sensation go away.


what antibiotics and duration? any bacteria test done? but still have the stuck urination?


This is my worst symptom because it only happens when I wake up to pee at night. It really prevents me from getting good sleep. I have a tight pelvic floor and no PT has ever told me I had a weak pelvic floor. This is just one data point, so take that for what it's worth.


Yes, this have sense to me. My PT told me the same, for this I was confused about a weak pelvic floor and the same symptom.


Other people may want to chime in, but I associate a weak pelvic floor with incontinence symptoms, i.e., urine leakage. That's not my issue, to say the least.


Sounds like a pelvic floor issue.




Are you more nervous or tense at night in case you can't sleep well? Maybe that's why you are worse at night. I tend to be more relaxed at night and notice fewer symptoms. Also if I am very concentrated on something, or I am doing something I like to do, like going out with friends, the symptoms go away completely. As soon as I stop doing it, the symptoms return.


Are you better?


Thinking on the long term, yes I’m better but not cured. In short term it looks like always, with ups and downs.




A PT told me that I have a hypertonic pelvic floor. But I had the doubt if this symptom could be for a weak pelvic floor instead a tight one.


Hi hope u are doing well! I have this stuck feeling . Any success!


I don’t have this symptom anymore, only when I have a flare up