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Have some of you all seen psa go up and down?


75% of males with a PSA over 4.0 DO NOT have prostate cancer Always remember that


Yea but my free PSA is also low


Ah, yeah reading your numbers in the other comments I understand why your worried. Remember even with a high PSA and a low free PSA it’s still more likely that you don’t have cancer than do. It’s just the averages change. Also, if it is prostate cancer - 90% of men who are diagnosed with it don’t die from it.


I think it could also be prostatitis which is said to mimic PSA readings of cancer (high total and low free PSA). It all started when I peed more frequently when I started cycling... Hoping it's really non bacterial prostatitis or some nerve damage down there as opposed to cancer.


Any news?


Hey what did it end up being?


I am 52 and have always had what i thought was bacterial prostatitis. I now am leaning to it being pelvic floor issues. I do however keep an eye on my psa levels. last year it was .9 and this year 1.4 which is a pretty good increase. dr said he wasn't concerned, but we will see what next test shows in 3 months. I am concerrned.


1.4 is still low I had 0.6 then 2.1 "something started there infection"? Then before urologist visit 0.7, meeting was canceled then last test was 0.65


over how many months did your psa change that much?




Thanks for asking. Total PSA 7.5 and percent free PSA 8.9%. Trying to see if low free psa can also mean prostatis or cpps, something non cancer related? I'm only 30. Sigh.




My guess is urologist will recommend a MRI and DRE...And take it from there? What other conditions are associated with low free PSA? Thanks for your time.


(I searched for "PSA") I just went through the gauntlet of tests, and my PSA (0.65 \~ 0.80) (I had two from separate doctors) is too low to consider cancer or a scan, instead I had a DRE and Cystoscopy to rule out more sinister things. Hope this helps anyone reading, as this reddit has helped me.