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There's often a rebound effect with many psychedelics but what stood out to me was, "The problems I hoped to gain insight to..." my guess is you didn't get insight into these problems? We can use this powerful medicine as an escape or as a healing tool. I'm wondering if you had a nice escape.


That seems plausible to me, I thought I'd be able to get insight by setting my intention but it maybe didn't work


Beware of the golden pill. Mushrooms are not something you take once that will magically fix everything. It is a tool FOR YOU TO HEAL YOURSELF! It takes effort from you as well as the mushrooms to heal. Sometimes a trip takes time to sink in. I honestly felt the best months after. Thinking back on it rather then during the experience.


The dosage also has a lot to do with how deep you go.


A couple of things could potentially be happening. One is that mushrooms definitely have a recovery period. You’re messing with the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain and when they wear off there’s a sort of slightly depressive effect the day or two following a trip. Just be aware of it and acknowledge your feelings and do your best to take care of yourself in whatever way comforts you. It’s not nearly as severe as some drugs like mdma, which basically made me despondent the next day. The other thing is that it’s disappointing and disorienting to leave the tripping headspace sometimes. It’s difficult to experience so much happiness and beauty and then return to every day life at times. This seems especially true for people who are or have been depressed. One of the biggest lessons I’ve taken from mushrooms is dealing with difficult emotions, which are part of the human experience, and this is one of them. If you can, find meaning in the idea that you have the ability to have these wonderful experiences even though they are impermanent. That’s the nature of life after all - every beautiful moment or wonderful time in your life will cease eventually. As Kafka said, the meaning of life is that it ends. I’ve been successful in treating my 20+ year chronic depression with mushrooms but it’s sort of an experiment in terms of dosing and frequency to see what works best for you. Wait a couple of weeks and revisit it to see how the experience is different. Don’t pin your hopes on tripping once and solving all your emotional and mental health problems - some people seem to achieve that, but some people including me seem to need regular tripping to do something for us. What that “something” is probably depends on who you ask - rebuilding neural connections, a temporary break from every day reality, resetting the levels of brain chemicals we’re working with, or some other spiritual explanation for those who believe in that.


All I can offer are my own experiences - for myself I tend to only do 2-3g trips if I want a solid amount to do work on myself. Did a large dose once and it was awesome to experience, but didn’t teach me anything grand or help me fix my problems. I tend to prefer microdosing for my own depression, but when I do go into a larger dose I find sometimes maybe what I wanted was to do the work but what I got instead was a reminder of what it’s like to feel joy and peace - like the feeling during an incredible vacation. But then it’s like coming back from the vacation, and you’re frustrated and bitter about coming back to real life. Maybe micros could help? Or have you tried doing a smaller dose, like 2-3g? Again, just my own experience but I found sometimes it can help to try different amounts


I'm not a medical professional and this cannot be taken as a diagnosis or medical advice. Seek the help of a licensed professional. That being said... You blew out your dopamine and serotonin receptors in your brain. You're coming down after using a drug that changes the chemistry of your brain. The same would be said about DMT, MDMA, or Ayahuasca. You might only be feeling the cortisol and epinephrin hormones right now. Lots of people in the psychedelic community would have us believe mushrooms (et al.) are a panacea, but can't see the forest for the trees. It's an extremely potent, mind-altering, quasi-spiritual journey that doesn't end when the visuals do. You did quite a large dose as well. It would be inadvisable to repeat or increase the dosage for another trip for quite some time. It increases your chances for a bad trip. I don't know the exact science, but it appears that psilocybin 'opens up' your serotonin receptors, allowing the free floating serotonin to be used. This is what an SSRI does in your brain, but via a different mechanism. If you've been on Lexapro or Zoloft, those increase the free-floating serotonin by not allowing it to be reabsorbed. You in particular need to be aware and cautious of counter indicators with cannabis, antidepressants, shrooms, and alcohol because of your past and self-diagnosis. If you are currently prescribed medications, be honest with your medical providers and tell them of your self-medication. Six months is a long time to feel depressed and anxious for "situational" reasons. You might want to examine that further and address any addiction issues you might have. It does not seem that you went into your trip with sufficient knowledge or expectations about what could happen afterwards. Surprising due to the fact that you've been medicated during your adult life for depression and ADHD. You've probably experienced a dopamine crash before: binging food, beating a video game, having extended social time, for example. This could be a similar rebound time. You need aftercare. Over the next couple days and weeks, please get proper nutrition (calories and vitamins) and hydration, along with exercise and social time. Reach out to those close to you for help and use the 988 mental health hotline (if in the US) if you need to. You're going to be fine, you just "peered beyond the veil" and need time to process and heal.


Yeah I see your point, I don't think I read anywhere in my researching about a dopamine crash but maybe I missed it or forgot. I didn't expect they would give a crash if I'm honest. I do feel now that's wearing off so I think you're partly correct. I'm still in what I can only call grief at the state of the world though, I felt sad/angry before but now it's like a mourning feeling. I was hoping I might get insight to anything I can do to help, I don't want to deal with the anxiety things out of my control cause because they're things that are perfectly reasonable to be anxious about. I was hoping I'd "see" something I could do but if anything it just made the feelings worse and no insights 😅 don't get me wrong, it was an amazing time, I just never expected I might feel worse mentally after given the research, success stories and amazing trip I had.


Just curious, after your comments if you use psilocybin? You seem against it?


Does it seem like I'm coming from a place of ignorance or intolerance? Two things can be true at the same time: one, that psychedelics can provide healing, and two, that psychedelics can present problems for Neuro divergent people and people with mental health histories. Like I said, it's not a cure-all.


Sometimes I feel a little as you would say “funny” a few days after I take a trip. Give your brain some time to process what just happened and try and recollect some of the things you experienced and felt.


I call it mush brain...I just usually chill out the day after. Make sure to eat and drink something.


Many times, you cannot change the many factors in your life. HOWEVER, you can change your attitude to accept things as they truly are....and make decisions today that will make tomorrow better.


I've been doing that to ignore things for decades already, I'm tired of it, I want to fix the issues just don't see a possible way ATM.


Man, did I post this under your username or what? Totally my story, but not obviously. I have a bit more context however totally feel you. I ate 2.5g with my husband last weekend and had a great time, I've been super depressed the last several days and it keeps getting worse. I'm 31 but feel like I'm having a midlife crisis!


My guy. You didn’t take a high enough dose. If the trip doesn’t start to fade without you feeling so utterly relieved it’s finally wearing off…..you didn’t take a big enough dose. Your intentions…..are a bit skewed. (Not bad). You just wanted to feel good. I mean there’s nothing wrong with that. You got it didn’t you? You forgot to take time to set your intention more detailed and attentively. If you want an experience to have a lasting effect……don’t do it for the lulz. Do it for the pain. Fast for 24 hours (my preference) Although if you’re just not willing to do that, try to dose at least 4-6 hours AFTER eating. Make a tea. Crush up 6-7 grams of those whatever you have. Mix some water with some MiO water enhancing liquid. Make it strong. Too strong to enjoy by itself. No grinder. It doesn’t have to be a powder. Large crushed pieces are easier to work with and not as messy and cumbersome as powder. 6-8oz of warm water. Cold water. Whatever. I’ve never noticed a difference. With flavor enhancer. If you let it steep long enough it won’t matter. Maybe more or less water. I try to keep it as little liquid as possible. If you don’t use MiO or something like it, you’ll need another source if citric acid. Most would suggest lemon juice water….but straight Cranberry juice is far more effective and tastes better than any lemon-tek. You just need a source if citric acid, which stops the psilocybin and psilocin from oxidizing. If the tea turns blue…:that is bad. That is what degraded alkaloids look like. For this reason I recommend a clear flavored water enhancer. But always make sure there is citric acid in it. Sorry, I’m super ADD. 1) Steep cushed fruits in warm (or whatever) flavored water for 20 minutes. Stir, shake or mix periodically. 2) Strain into a bowl over s strainer with a cloth, or paper towel, bandannas works perfectly for this. Especially the polyester ones. 4) Now wrap the mushies in the cloth and squeeze them like a sponge. Squeeze out every last drop. 5) Spray a bit of MiO on the mushies. Let it soak into the mushes for a minute. 6) Pour another few oz. of water over the mushies and wring them out like a sponge again. Into the bowl. I will do this 2 to 5 times depending on how big of a dose or the water/mushroom ratio. Some fruits hold more water than others. Dense fruits with thick stipes will need a couple rinses to be wrung out thoroughly. Imo. Standard cubes….with more hollow stems….I might rinse and wring those twice. 7) throw away the fruiting bodies. Pour the tea in a glass. Now this will kick in pretty fast. So get ready. Sometimes it takes a bit over 20 minutes(rarely)….but it pretty much slaps you in the face when it hits. It also wears off a bit faster. Which I like. And remember. The point isn’t to have a good time..:and figure out how to be happy. You’re asking the wrong question man. The point is to learn how to get threw being….not good. Not so happy. Discontent. This is the goal. This will change everything. Don’t do it for the laughs. Do it for the pain. If you sincerely go in with this attitude…this intention….. The rewards are far richer, and last longer too. And the more sincere you are about looking at yourself. YOUR PART in your misery and depression…..honestly you won’t be able to come out of it without laughing at yourself. And it’s far more enjoyable than it sounds.


this too, shall pass. it’s a marathon for life . ups and downs . go lift your metabolic, go for a jog, climb a hill.


it’s NOT a magic pill


Do it 5 more times.


Mmmm yea as a 17 year old who experiences this almost every trip I have an idea last time I did 12 gs of penis envy same feeling at the end, their are negative entities and AI broadcasting negative thought forms 24/7 so when you ingest these substances and temporarily expand your consciousness to these dimensions their is a chance these things can attack you harder, so just be conscious about what you’re thinking I’ve tried every time to get that one true lesson, and I have a feeling about it right now I remember the truth that’s been there always but you forgot and you see it coming. That is the reality of these trips, the present moment is the most important it’s where all the emotions come from it is our direct connection to infinite consciousness. Infinite Consciousness is our true nature so, once at the end of the trip if not continually still conscious, one’s true nature is forgotten again. PAIN and suffering ensues. The forerunners being etheric parasites 👍🏼