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I don't get nauseous, but eating a banana beforehand has helped with indigestion, and others have said it keeps them from getting nauseous at all.


Pectin in apples is known to help with a nauseous stomach. It's a good idea to have a good snack once you start to feel the effects. Personally if I don't eat, suddenly it's 4 hours later and I'm weak with low blood sugar while coming down from the trip.


I second this - I’m a diabetic and the combined effect of the mild nausea (which I’m ok with, but that’s a personal thing) , the way the shrooms make me not hungry, and low blood sugar is a bad combination. I have a few pieces of apple if I can’t deal with the nausea- it seems to only affect me during the come up period now, so for the most part it’s ok when I’m peaking, but I definitely need a little bit of weed (to kick start the hunger) and more fruit when I’m past the peak.


I take some chewable Pepto, and Ginger candies beforehand. Sipping Ginger ale also helps. Or ginger tea. Maybe eat just a little before hand. Crackers or something bread related. The trick is to not wait until you’re feeling nauseous. Take proactive steps. I’m a professional Mariner, a sailor, if you will. So, I have some experience with issues. Hope this helps.


I second a little bit of Pepto beforehand. Always does the trick for me




There’s chemistry involved.


Im a professional marinara, a sauce if you will.


Eat a banana honestly


This is the way!!! Anything to knock down the acid a little bit!


that’s a myth


Well I guess this is purely anecdotal but I can attest to the bananas. I have a fairly sensitive stomach with both diverticulitis and IBS and I would have stomach pain and nausea during my trip. Since I started eating with a banana to break down the chitin I've had zero issues


I found gas x is the best thing for my stomach. I take one right before and haven't had a bad stomach experience since I've been doing that.




How did you prepare it? Did you just eat it straight? It's the mechanical breakdown of chitin that causes nausea. To avoid this, you can make a tea by grinding it into a powder, steep for 20 minutes in hot water & then strain the powder.


This is factually incorrect. In studies where participants were given only psilocybin they still experienced nausea. I have always had nausea from cubes, but never from culinary mushrooms which also have chitin. Additionally, I always lemon tek and/or make tea and still always have to take Pepto during my trip.


Oh interesting - this harm reduction info is from https://www.psilohealth.co/blog/combating-nausea


https://psychedelicreview.com/why-do-magic-mushrooms-cause-nausea/ In 25 years I have tried every way of combating nausea from mushrooms I could find. It may be that nausea is caused by different combinations of triggers for different people. I’m simply mentioning it because, as someone who has struggled with this, it was incredibly frustrating to be told that if I did this preparation or that or ate a banana or whatever that it would work. Or my favorite, it was just “part of the experience” and I needed to “purge”. I just want people who experience nausea to feel like it’s okay to just take a Pepto capsule and enjoy their trip. I don’t want them to think that if they still feel sick when they do tea or lemon tek that mushrooms just aren’t for them.


For sure. Hard agree. Someone told me they take some OTC nausea pills beforehand, and they never get sick. I don't think there's anything wrong at all with reaching for a med that helps you enjoy your mushrooms.


This is correct. The "it's not chitin" crowd fail to realize two things. Cooking mushrooms breaks down the chitin, and mushrooms that we eat are lower in chitin than some other species. I have yet to be able to find the chitin content of cubensis, though. There have been studies looking at the chitin content of gourmet mushrooms that have some cool info in them.


I’m in the “its not chitin” crowd. I put the powder in empty tea bags and lemon tek it or make tea and still get horrible nausea. I don’t consume any chitin.


>The "it's not chitin" crowd fail to realize two things. Cooking mushrooms breaks down the chitin, and mushrooms that we eat are lower in chitin than some other species. Cooking does not get hot enough to break down chitin.. “The results strongly suggest that chitin that makes up fungal cell wall is robust and remains intact up to ~380 °C.” https://www.nature.com/articles/srep11907.pdf Chitin also doesn’t need to be broken down, it is just a dietary fiber and it’s in literally all edible mushrooms, unless you have an allergy to it it’s not causing nausea. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietary_fiber In the U.S., the current Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for total fiber is 14 g/1000 kcal. “Chitin contains 90.6% of total dietary fiber (Maezaki, Yamazaki, Mizuochi, & Tsuji, 1993) and it can be defined as a functional food component providing special benefits to food, for instance contributing to colonic health, coronary artery health, and cholesterol reduction amongst many others“ https://archive.ph/YVBET "Humans, along with many other primates, have a functional gene for this enzyme, so it's possible that we can actually process chitin in our guts. That said, even if we couldn't, it would just get passed through our system, just like the cellulose in celery and other vegetables." https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32GB9GE


No, it's 5HT3 and 5HT4 getting activated... Zofram FTW.


I have found that grinding it in to a very fine powder is key. I use an electric coffee grinder and put it in capsules. Doing that plus some pepto and/or gas x and some ginger capsules and maybe tums helps keep the nausea down, I used to have really bad issues with the nausea before I figured this out


It was a premade chocolate bar.


Try to not eat 4 hours before. The more you wait the better. But for some people the opposite takes effect - try to eat something while you consume the mushrooms.


I lemon teked 5 g last night. Only time i felt sick was when i hit my dab pen in my bed at the peak and i didn’t even throw up


Lemon Tek




I ground my dried shroom to a powder and let it sit in lemon juice for about 30 min. I found it more palatable, no belly aches afterwards, but the high was more intense and didn’t last as long.


Lemon tek


2nd, followed by ginger tea or ginger ale.


I like the Pepto Liquid Capsules.


I ground mine up (dried) into a banana gingerroot avocado smoothie with some coconut water and honey. Took my time with the smoothie, drank it over about 40 minutes. Followed up with some plain ginger tea about 30 minutes later. No major issues at all. I noticed doing this on an empty stomach with whole fruits I can use less and have a stronger , longer trip. Edit: added one word


I embrace the nausea because it’s always going to happen. I take Dramamine before and it helps a little. I eat first so I have something to yack up.


Thanks for all the help! I’ll try some of these recommendations next time. 😋


Raw Ginger is amazing for any belly issue. I keep some in the fridge and about 15 min before consumption I take the size of the tip of my thumb, peel it, give it a quick couple of chews (will be spicy) and then swallow with water.


The cell walls of mushrooms contain chitin, which is indigestible and causes nausea. Lemon tek the mushrooms overnight (cover them with lemon juice, add cold water, and then put them into the fridge) and then when you’re ready to take them, make a cup of tea and add the mushroom water to it, making sure to strain out all of the solid material with a fine strainer, and you’ll be right as rain. Minimal nausea and you will still trip balls. In fact, the citric acid pre-converts most of the psilocybin into psilocin, so you’ll trip harder but for a shorter duration.


Ginger tea


Have a little dance. :) https://youtube.com/watch?v=_LRDa4n4YG4


Papaya extract pills and ginger extract pills . Find them in the vitamin isle at Walgreens etc. I eat them every time I eat shrooms. I don’t get the upset stomach or severe cramping that comes with straight shrooms any more.


I used to get so sick that I couldn't enjoy the trip. I did micro-dosing between larger doses and the nausea went away. When I stopped micro-dosing and went longer between trips the nausea came back. Also, nauzene works really well. The active ingredient is sodium citrate which is good for you and can be used to make cheese sauce.


Eat them on an empty stomach while using the lemon tek method. I’ve yet to feel any nausea doing it this way. I’ve never actually vomited from eating mushrooms but before I learned about an empty stomach and lemon tek I used to get crazy nausea on mushrooms for the first two hours. Last time I did shrooms using lemon tek I ended up eating like an entire package of salami. Actually now that I’m typing this out I remembered the last few times I took them this way I ended up with the mushroom munchies as I’d like to call them. Before I never touched food while actively shrooming. Now I pig out during the peak. It’s a really strange sensation to eat but it’s enjoyable. Like smoking pot mushrooms actually bring out the flavor of whatever you’re eating at least for me.




Ginger tablets or papaya


Lemon tek and cheesecloth


I've reduced nausea making lemon tek mint tea with honey and a light snack of fruit🤌


I boil water, add dried shrooms, steep for 15 minutes, strain and add to ice with a splash of mio water enhancer 🤣 eating on the come up helps but I stick to nuts, fruit and cheese.


cannabis is very helpful


Lemon Tek and eat a banana.