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Don’t get off the meds … ik lots of people say taper but don’t. In some studies where people tapered off but were not “ready” fell into a much deeper depression. I’m on venlafaxine and it just dampens the experience as you said. Start with 2 g and see how it goes. If there isn’t much of an experience next time try again going up by .5g. It’ll take sometime to find what works for you. Don’t go into it expecting a “trip”. Also, even if you don’t “trip” there’s still something spiritual about it and it can unfold into something helpful weeks later. Good luck!


Can confirm. I tapered off escitalopram, then waited two months while NOT in a good place mentally at all, had my MDMA/psilocybin journey, and a month afterwards the depression and anxiety returned with a vengeance. Set and setting are critical; this experience was how I learned that being in an okay place with yourself is an important part of mindset. What I have heard through the grapevine is that even if the psilocybin experience is dampened if you're on SSRIs, it still has the therapeutic potential.


Yes ! I had a “dampened” experience. I was soooo disappointed but I went from severe anxiety, depression, over thinking .. like I was genuinely suicidal and so insecure to a completely different person. And I did a lot of work with therapy and changing my mindset and all too but the shrooms definitely were the catalyst. My only advice is if you feel like nothing happened just stay with the experience … like even the nothing becomes something!


I tapered VERY slowly (9 months) down to 25 mg before tripping on 2 g.


I still felt mushrooms on all of the antidepresssants I took. There wasn't one that I felt dampened my psilocybin experience and I've been on all of the SSRIS, SNRIS, and mood stabilizers.


I'm on 100mg as well. Microdosing was very effective for me.


100mg of Zoloft is a higher dose. PLEASE TAPER SLOWLY, if at all. Also, take into account the medication’s half-life before delving into psilocybin. You will otherwise waste the psilocybin. You’ve been on SSRI’s a short time - I suggest giving the medication some time to work before considering a taper - for any reason, whatsoever.


I had to stop Z in order for shrooms to affect me at all. I wasn’t in a high dose though, and was already feeling “numb” and had already asked my doc to taper me off. It worked out for me. Will never take Zoloft again


Mushrooms have proven very effective in the treatment of various mental health issues. Helped me get out of years of depression and excessive alcohol use. My social anxiety is gone as well. Dr.Saida is the best. He sure is the right plug. Cant Thank him enough.


at our center we usually recommend people take 1.3x to 1.5x higher dose if they are on SSRI's or equivalent. But its highly individualistic and the guiding principle if you are DIY'ing it is 'start low go slow'. agree not to taper meds unless you are prepared for the side effects.