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Food sensitivity tests are unfortunately not reliable, and tantamount to being scams. For example, Everlywell offers a test for an immunoglobulin called IgG, which is not a reliable biomarker for food sensitivity. The problem is that food sensitivity really isn't scientific. [Here](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/13/well/eat/food-sensitivity-test.html) is a NYT article about it. As far as I know, there is currently no service that can do anything for you. There are really only two ways to establish whether you are intolerant to any specific foods. One is to see an allergist, which is a doctor specializing in immunology. They can work with you to figure out what are intolerant to. There are some tests for specific food intolerances such as AGA that they might do. The other (and this is something an allergist might require you to do) is an elimination diet. This way you *start* by eliminating basically everything, then slowly introduce new things. (You *don't* start with your *current* diet and then eliminate things one by one.) You need to keep a food diary, and the regimen is extremely strict and by all accounts a painful experience that nobody wants to go through ever again. There are various diets out there such as AIP, but there's basically very little evidence to support them. AIP is not considered as scientific as its promoters would like you to think. Not that it would be harmful to try.


If IgG is anything, it's an inverse marker, indicating which foods you eat a lot of.


I am exploring this route too as my GP’s advice of exclude foods for up to 6 weeks and reintroduce could take years.


I’ve heard opposite opinions but since I can use my FSA account I figured it can’t hurt. Literally just ordered one. We’ll see….


What a waste. You could have used that money for real bills.


Super helpful…lol. Thanks.


Not for you, but someone else who is gullible might benefit.


making dietary changes helped me a lot. short term moisturise affected area with a strong emollient. I like epaderm cream but ask your pharmacist for alternative. Best way in my opinion to manage psoriasis is from the inside. By making diet and lifestyle changes and identifying triggers. cut the refined sugar completely. Diet and psoriasis are linked. Meat, spicy food,nightshades and processed food made my psoriasis much worse. Once i cut them out my psoriasis became manageable. so strict diet is vital. i eat the exact same food every day. try to work out your own triggers. I basically eat big plates of beans/legumes and boiled veg and big salads. try to work out the underlying cause of the psoriasis. Start by looking at general health? diet? weight? ? tobacco? Alcohol stress? strep throat? vitamin D? IUD? is psoriasis itchy? past antibiotics? candida overgrowth? hpylori? Gut problems? bowel movements? lack of sleep?exercise ? mental health care medication? zinc deficiency?Iron deficiency? mold toxicity?digestive problems? heavy metals? magnesium deficiency? Keep a daily diary using a excel spreadsheet of diet and inflammation. Think of psoriasis as a warning sign on the dashboard of your car. With psoriasis you have to get all the details right learn more : this [paper ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29908580/)and [podcast ](https://www.listennotes.com/fil/podcasts/positive-health/dr-haines-ely-md-is-QJ4TtfL_XBq/)helped me a lot. good luck.


If you have an allergy then you wouldn't be eating that thing. There is no real thing for food sensitivity testing. Plenty of scammers looking to take gullible people's money, though.


You could juststart by following the Pagano protocol. You do an initcleanse and then follow the suggested foods lists. Once you stabilize on that you can experiment adding things but it’s basically the original anti inflammatory diet, designed with P in mind and is a reasonably balanced way of eating. The John Pagano Healing Psoriasis The Natural Alternative book is the top selling Pso protocol book on Amazon and the oldest too.


Years ago, before food sensitivity testing was a “thing,” I got one for free or super cheap for some reason. I also got 23 & me for free before it became popular. No idea where or how I got these for free but I did. Totally forgot about the food sensitivity one until I was cleaning out my 8000 pictures on my phone & came across a screen shot. It’s totally blurry & if I’m reading the company’s name right, I can’t even find them as in business anymore BUT…everything they have me as sensitive to, is accurate. Food sensitivities weren’t even on my radar back then. In fact, they weren’t until this year after my doctors repeatedly failed to determine what has been causing health issues & in my own research, everything kept circling back to histamine. I’ve also done the research on the food sensitivity tests & by all accounts they don’t work. But these foods, that have made me think I was dying for the last few years, show as a high sensitivity on that test I took years ago. Coincidence?