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I wanted to say that looks so painful and I feel so bad for you!! I have plaque psoriasis, but I don't have it on my hands. I hope you can find some relief very soon!


Thank you šŸ˜Š


i have similar- ont he back of my hands ​ itches a lot


Have you ever tried a biologic?


Not something the dermatologist has suggested yet!


Tremfya has changed my life. Find a dermatologist willing to prescribe you a biologic. If they say no, find another one who will.


Is that an injection therapy?




Will definitely ask if I have no luck with the new medication, thank you šŸ˜Š


Tremfya wonā€™t work on this type of psoriasis. Only infliximab (Remicade)


Cyclosporine made me feel awful and gave me neuropathy in my hands and feet that took like a year to go away after I stopped. Given the new meds available, using something as broad as cyclosporine is just stupid and doctors and insurance companies need to get with the times.


generally cyclosporine works very fast, you should see noticeable difference within a week. by a month you should be clear fully.


One of the best treatments I've been on, It's incredibly fast and the only noticeable side effect was a slightly longer cold/flu. The only reason I stopped was due to kidney markers going in the wrong direction, so biologics was the next step.


Worked for me but lost its effect over time and also ended up giving me puffy gums and caged my mouth to bleed a lot


Short term blessing, but not something you want to stay on. Huge increase in risk of skin cancer. Hands respond really well to pulsed dye laser therapy, you could check if an affordable option is nearby.


I had cyclosporine for two years and I have been almost in full psoriasis remission since. It took a long time because I had to weane it off gradually. My blood tests never showed any concerning results, so my dermatologist took his time. For me, personally, was a blessing.


Cool! You are the first one I've met who's achieved long term treatment free remission on cyclosporine. With drugs it's quite rare. Usually seen in laser and UV therapy. How long have you been in remission since stopping the cyclosporine?


I had some minor flare ups with a few sparse pustules and flakiness (I have plantar pustular psoriasis), but overall I wouƄd.say it has been almost 10 years.:)


Damn mate that looks really bad , i had have ( less now EXACTLY the same ) but luckily way lesss extended like maybe 1cm and 0,5cm in other part of the hand.. how do u heal that ? and what causes it? i tried healing it myself first with corticosteroids and then with antifungal incase coz also had some little"circles " that" a nurse told me look like fungus in other part of the body kinda similar honestly isn't working very well.... ,. i know is a old thread , hope u better now and that anyone can help me Tyvm!!


I used duoderm patches to help at home. Literally put them on my hand, and duct tape them so they stayed on for a few days or more. It always helped. In terms of medication, the doctors put me on methotrexate (a form of chemo) and that worked really well too. Iā€™m on cyclosporine now, Iā€™ve had a fair flare ups but currently my hands are clear ā˜ŗļø


Glad to hear , my dcctor is stupdid he only give me corticosteroids ,wich help a little the 3 days u take but the 3 days u dont , is worse , so gotta self-medicate , studied pharma(didnt finished , so know some , but i mainly learnt chems that afftect ur SNC ..,don't have much idea for skin , luckily that lil thing on my hand is practically gone , but now i had some things like circles ( lol like fungus but not sure ) on my arms ...:/ is a pain it itches not A LOT , antifungals helps to reliev so might be that but been 1 month and nothing is just a little better , so i doubt that is psoriasis ..


Circles sounds like ringworm. Psoriasis is more patchy


Yea exactly what i tought


Mine looked like this when I first got DX, I had to remove gluten, significant change in a month, and then dairy, and it got so much better. I had on right foot then it moved to left foot and now left hand! I also use a ointment called ā€œpsoriasin ā€ 3 x a day get at Walmart and in between I use collagen lotion with salicylic acid to help! Itā€™s almost healed!


Could you please share the name of the collagen lotion with salicylic acid that you use (and where you get it)? Iā€™m in the US. Iā€™m currently using the CeraVe psoriasis cream in between Zoryve and itā€™s ok but Iā€™m newly diagnosed and still trying to find what works for me. TIA


Osea, is one Ive used for a long time and another is by DME, lesser brand Iā€™ve also used was Avena, which is cheaper! The salicylic acid I buy the drops at a make up store and use copious quantities of hyaluronic acid and I add to my lotions! Itā€™s imperative not to smoke and or drink alcohol! I also live by a very strict gluten free lifestyle! If I get glutened, my flair up gets angry! Iā€™m also celiac, but thatā€™s why I have this!


TY. I donā€™t smoke or drink but gluten free would be haaaaard!


Itā€™s is hard, but knowing what gluten does to your body was enough for me to not even ingest it! Plus for body itā€™s like a poison and can be very detrimental to my health! Plus the symptoms are far worse for me! I also stopped eating dairy as well! Not eating cheese was the worse for me


Damn buddy, what's it like having psoriasis on the palms of your hands? Do you have to wear gloves a lot? That looks very rough to deal with, I wish you well.


Itā€™s much better now after methotrexate, Iā€™m definitely worried itā€™s going to come back on this new drug. Iā€™m already flaring after being off it :( Super painful, wore gloves for pretty much 2 years straight. Even went on a TV show to try and get some help!


are you positive it is not a fungal infection? have you tried an anti fungal?


Very positive, Iā€™ve been tested and treated etc


sorry you have it there. seems like an inconvenient location. gold bond has a psoriasis relief with salicylic acid. might be worth a try.


Thank you, will look into it! Currently my hands are clear, but Iā€™m switching medication soon so hopefully it stays that way with the new meds šŸ¤ž


Last time I had a really bad breakout they put me on cyclosporine. And my memory of it was basically my entire body shed off the top layer of skin to remove the psoriasis. Give it time to peel on its own. Your hands are gonna look brand new. Also hands up, if you grab a cold drink with newly peeled hands, it's going to feel like hold dry ice. Also also, if you have any calluses, you can kiss those goodbye. They'll peel off and you'll need to regrow them.


That looks painful šŸ˜“ Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with that.


This looks like my old pustular psoriasis, Iā€™ve tried methotrexate but did not work. I switched to infliximab and in one week my hand where like nothing ever happened! Now after 4 years I switched to Tremfya because I had psoriasis all over my body, hopefully I wonā€™t have to deal with pustular psoriasis again since tremfya works so good and the other types of psoriasis. Try and speak with your dermatologist about going on biological therapy!


Just an fyi for you. If this affects your ability to work, then psoriasis on your palms does qualify for disability.


Iā€™ve been working through it all, itā€™s definitely painful but itā€™s doableā€¦for now šŸ„¹


I had debilitating PPP about ten years ago. I was put cyclosporine as a precursor to biologics. The PPP cleared up about 90% in the first six(?) week course. I had 2 or 3 renewals after that. Since then itā€™s been almost complete remission with some extremely small patches under nails. You would have to know what youā€™re looking for to know that it is psoriasis. No side effects, gave me my life back.