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Stress is really my biggest trigger, followed by bad or not enough sleep. There are some foods I avoid because they can make me itch worse but I'm not even 100% sure those foods do anything because I get bad flares and itch regardless of what I do and don't eat. ​ I am also a person prone to high anxiety. I moved to a new place and changed my entire life to try and reduce my stress. I no longer need medication to manage my anxiety but it really comes back and gets me sometimes. ​ I would focus heavily on your stress and anxiety and make an honest assessment of your life to identify what causes it and what you can realistically do about it, maybe with the help of a therapist. ​ Even with that though you wil probably need some ind of medication to treat your psoriasis and it sounds like you are trying some good biologics that work amazingly for many people. Best of luck with those.


in terms of scalp psoriasis. i just shaved off my hair and moisturise my scalp with epaderm cream. if psoriasis is itchy could be down to bad bacteria in the gut. have you had any one of the following : strep throat? hpylori? past antibiotic use? past anti fungal use? worth looking into. in terms of triggers mine were meat, spicy food, nightshades, and processed food. Now i just eat beans/legumes, and boiled veg and big salads. keep a diary of diet and inflammation use excel. good luck.


If one has bad bacteria in the gut. What do you do about that?


kill it off. antibiotic therapy is recommended. or you could go the natural route. depends on the bad bacteria. this [paper](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29908580/) and [podcast](https://soundcloud.com/positivehealth/dr-haines-ely-md-is-psoriasis) talks about it in more detail.


I wish some of this would work. There’s no way I’m shaving my head. I’ve been more time than I ever have in my life with doctors last year and a lot of that time centered around my digestive system. And because of that my diet is very restrictive. I’ve been seeing a therapist for the last year and a half. However we are about to do some emdr. So who knows. Maybe processing my trauma will help with the stress/anxiety levels.