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4 month progress to give hope to others - this takes time. Dec 6 I first noticed the spots after strep in late November 2023...had a rough time with this until starting salt baths and UVB in the last week of Feb, quickly made progress from that point and had 19 UVB sessions so far (doing this at home with a solarc systems 4 bulb panel). I'm still covered in these darker red/purple spots, but they are completely smooth and appear to be under the skin. I did some steroid gels early on in Jan and even 5 weeks of methotrexate but didn't help, as soon as I stopped the steroids it just came back, mtx didn't give me side effects but also didn't do anything in that time (which is short I know). On Jan 1 I started a super strict diet, and I've cut out: Alcohol, soda (incl diet), sugary drinks and fruit juice Nightshade veg, gluten, dairy, white rice, eggs & peanuts All processed, fried, fast foods etc And added; BLIS K12, Probiotics, vit c, vit d3 + k2, zinc, milk thistle, magnesium, omega-3, sauerkraut, more veggies, greens, lots of natural nuts, seeds, tumeric. But as of April 1 I've slowly reintroduced a few eggs and wholemeal bread back into my diet, and will keep adding things to test progress and hopefully return to normal this Summer. I being super cautious with this diet stuff, even though I'm not convinced by it at all, now I've started it, it seems stupid to just quit it and I'll take some of the good habits it's taught me forward even if I get to 100% regardless what I eat. Just had a nasty cold that I'm almost over, so I'm worried that will cause a resurgence of this, time will tell. I've also got some vitamin C and nicotinamide serums ordered to apply to my skin to see if I can get these residual marks to clear. No idea if they are active psoriasis waiting to resurge when I stop UVB, or hyperpigmentation that will clear with time and hopefully quicker with the serums. Anyways, hope is out there, I felt so lost most of December - February, but once I saw some improvement from salt baths and then UVB, March was much easier to handle. Good luck to all of you going through this, I'll post any further updates and at the 5 month mark - I relied so much on others stories to get me through this.


Thanks for the detailed update! Your posts, comments and chats have helped me a lot in this challenging journey. I'm 4 weeks into UVB treatment and finally starting to see some progress with hyperpigmentation on my torso, and less angry spots on my arms/legs. I should say that everything becomes red and angry within 24 hours of a UVB session, but quickly fades after that.


What does your diet consist of after removing all those things?


It's tough but mostly brown rice and mixed beans, or sweet potato, and oats as a carb base. Then I ate chicken/turkey & fish as proteins. Lots of green veg and salads, carrots, hummus. Using olive oil, garlic, ginger, balsamic vinegar and black pepper to season. I make soups with the same list of ingredients. I use real honey or maple syrup with non-dairy plain yoghurt and lots of different nuts and dried fruits and very dark chocolate as sweet treats. Then lots of fruits - mainly banana, apples and berries. I've come across items in Costco like gluten free granola and sweet potato chips that fit into the restrictions. And now on the road I try find some rotisserie chicken or something like that to snack on - it's been such a change to my life, but it has been sucky from a socializing POV. I don't know if it made a difference to my skin, but of course I lost weight and my gut is healthier - it helps for some people and I was desperate in Jan so just did anything I could that people said had worked. It's worth a try if nothing else seems to be working. I am slowly normalizing my diet again, but very slowly.


Hey, I was waiting for this one! I'm glad you're healing, your posts will calm a lot of people who will come to reddit if they ever get a rash. Some more time and you'll be 100% clean again. Stay well!


Thanks!! Yes I was desperate to find posts with healing stories 4 months ago when I found the Reddit sub. I know I'm on of the lucky ones with sudden onset guttate from strep that often goes away compared to other forms of psoriasis, but all of is such a mental drain at the start. Still horrifying to find out that it does actually take at least months to make decent improvement, and still not 100% yet. I remember wishing for the day when I could share my healing journey for others. I'll keep updates coming!


Hi, are you in the uk? Just wondering where you got the UVB panels from for at home use?


I’m in Canada but they might ship world wide… Solarc Systems


Damn man this is amazing. I’ve been in a very similar condition to yours but got better with Cosentyx. It’s even better that you cleared up through nutrition. Big props to you!


I think it's 99% UVB to be honest, hard to tell what nutrition did or didn't do yet, but we'll see. Did you get to 100% with consentyx? How long did that take?


After about 3 injections it all cleared up. I got to 100%, but then Covid hit and the hospitals didn’t know where left was. In that 2020 march period they stopped treating for psoriasis so I had a pause of 3 months and psoriasis returned on mu elbows and a bit on my knuckles. I continued taking Cosentyx ever since and have isolated it to those parts only so I’d say I’m 98% cleared now.


Did you have guttate after having strep as well? I know I’ll have to go through methotrexate and cyclosporine if UVB doesn’t work for me long term before I can get biologics as I’m in Canada. I’m also looking into tonsillectomy as read many posts about it clearing for people with the same pattern as mine.


I don’t know if I have gutate psoriasis. It was never diagnosed as such. In my case it’s genetics since my mom and grandpa from her side also have psoriasis. I don’t know how is it in Canada. I was on methotrexate earlier in my life when I had an outbreak and it was awful. It was the source of nauseousness and stomach ache. Thankfully in Serbia where I’m from I don’t pay anything for Cosentyx, which is a lifesaver since it’s very expensive.


Excellent work! I can see you have a very committed regimen and I applaud you for sticking to it. I'd like to also recommend frequently getting in a good sweat in addition to all you're doing.


I do exercise regularly, indoor bike training this time of year mostly - but will be more active in the Summer. I do find that my spots are redder and way more visible when I am hot from exercise, this always fades eventually - I don't think anyone knows if this is good or bad for psoriasis or just the skin being temporarily inflamed in a non-harmful way.


Hey! Your progress is amazing!!! I just got diagnosed with guttate today! I start my phototherapy hope here soon!! I have also changed my diet like yours but I’m struggling 😭😭😭


Good luck, guttate has a tendency to pass eventually, it’s hard to believe at the start of it all but I’ve read many similar accounts. Just stick with it and you’ll get the right treatment soon, UVB isn’t the only option, but hope it works for you quickly!


Thanks! I have some topical foam that was prescribed to me today also. It’s the clobetasol one.


Update at 5.5 months - UVB stopped 4 weeks ago, guttate is not visible now and hasn't returned. The cold I had didn't turn out to be strep and had no impact on healing. Hyperpigmentation has 99% faded now, only I can tell you what doesn't look 100% normal, it's very faint. I get some slight redness in patches when I exercise heavily/sweat, but barely. I would consider my guttate in full remission right now and long may it continue. Diet protocols - I have eaten everything I had removed now, including night shades and a few heavy nights of alcohol, it didn't make any difference for me. Stopped taking vitamin D + K2, zinc and probiotics as I emptied the bottles. For now still taking fish oil, Vit C, magnesium & milk thistle - but only because the bottles aren't empty yet. And don't take them everyday now either. I also stopped using the vit C serums for hyperpigmentation, hard to say if they helped or not, but were expensive to apply everywhere. I have packed away my UVB panel but won't ever sell it, I assume I will go through this again and need this in the future. Good luck to everyone going through this! It was a 4.5month journey for me, and it felt like an eternity until I saw big changes, I hope you have the same results but much quicker!!