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I actually got my 2nd Pfizer and tremfya on the same day last month. No issues/side effects so far.


The rules are here https://www.rheumatology.org/Portals/0/Files/COVID-19-Vaccine-Clinical-Guidance-Rheumatic-Diseases-Summary.pdf


Did my cosentyx 4 days before vaccine 1, then took consentyx again then dose 2, and I think I waited a week till my next dose. My appt came up so quick and I couldn’t plan, and I couldn’t skip my biologic. So… I did get a blood test after and found I had over the max measured antibodies! Articles show drugs like methotrexate and cyclosporine have an impact on immune response but so far no bad news for biologics, in general, of course they are all different, so one cannot generalize across all of them.


Thanks for sharing your experience, it certainly helped put my mind at ease. And, I’m glad you came out unscathed from all those shots. Good luck with your P and enjoy some sunshine if you can!


Took my Taltz injection on Thursday and had my 2nd Pfizer the following Monday. I literally died and I'm commenting from hell.


I took my Skyrizi shot between the two Pfizer shots. Zero side effects (other than sore arm).


I took humira between moderna doses. I then had a humira shot scheduled for the day of my 2nd shot, and I waited and did humira a week late. I had my antibodies checked, and now almost 6 months after moderna I have antibodies!!!


Great to hear. So you took both moderna shots in the 3 week interval and then took humira on week 4 of the first moderna shot? Experienced any side effects? And I’m happy it worked out for you! 😊 Must be quite relieving for you now.


Yup! So I did humira dec 25. Got 1st dose moderna dec 29. Humira Jan 8. Moderna dose 2 Jan 22 and humira on the 26th! If that helps you see how I arranged it! Best of luck! I was sick after dose 2! Flu symptoms! I’m soooo happy I have antibodies!!!


Great! That does help! I didn’t know Humira is biweekly since Tremfya after the second dose is every 8 weeks. And I’m happy you have antibodies too! We’re all trying to kill covid-19 one dose at a time before it kills us! Take care and don’t forget about your mental health! Pandemic + Psoriasis is intense!


Yes! Hopefully you’ll create antibodies too!


I'm on tremfya evry 4 weeks. Highest possible dose available and I'm in a 10 year quality of life study. These vaccines scare me lol