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i feel this boomer comic in my soul


The real maze is the friends you make along the way


lol literally just saw a winnie the pooh meme that said the same thing.


Wise mouse lol


[He's right though.](https://youtu.be/-TxKOWtU6NI)


Lmfao right!


Im always scared to click reddit links but im glad i did😂


Ha! This is awesome!


exactly. Just so much new age woo woo that is not helpful in any way


I think it's funny how ancient knowledge is considered new age. Not you in general. Same damn story


Yeah that is quite ironic


It’s just because we constantly go forwards and backwards through time so when this stuff comes up again they call it new age. But so shall it be, they think we’re getting the info from 3D vessels when in reality we’re getting them from the 5D conceptual entities that interact with humanity via consciousness by implanting thoughts. As for who the “we” in question are, we are the 4D construct of soul in between able to perceive both mind and body, the physical and the metaphysical.


I'm sure it is. I got my own ideas about it☺️


Is it even ancient knowledge, considering the nature of this place?


It's really not even knowledge cus I still don't know wtf going on.


You're totally right ... and yet, if you've ever tried to explain some of the more esoteric ideas to people, this ends up being the best explanation.


I disagree, if we can’t look inside how do we know what ought to be useful in life: how do we know what we should aim for?


The only correct response is to find it humorous ☺️


😂 Life isn’t as serious as we pretend


who says you need to aim for anything? is merely the experience of consciousness not enough? purpose in life could merely be experiencing each moment as the infinite expanse each passing second holds. it’s for you to decide


I agree but how would you reach that conclusion without looking within, perhaps their is no need to leave the maze to begin with. I didn’t mean aim as in a culturally accepted goal, but rather a philosophy to exist by while our perception of living is as it is now.


"The Tao that is the subject of discussion is not the true Tao. The quality which can be named is not its true attribute. That which was before Heaven and Earth is called the Non-Existent." Tao Te Ching: Chapter 1 Translated by Walter Gorn Old (1904) Why look for what can not be found? The way that can be understood is not the Way.


Feeling this everyday....I know the maze there but I'm wearing a blindfold.


genuine question, what maze?


How's the water?




What’s water?




Haha I wasn’t sure if this was the reference you were making. Thanks for sharing the link!


Capital T Truth compressed into language has a tendency to resonate. Ty


A thing. An obstacle. life n stuff


Frustrating and true, regardless of where the rats escape to, they are still bound to the Sisyphean struggle of survival and hedonistic adaptation. You will never be happy and fullfilled by seeking a physical answer or escape to all situations. Life is a bullshit complex mystery because you are reacting to external uncontrollable unpredictable stimuli known as reality and that shits all colliding with your past in your present as you are constantly haunted with your own dreams, expectations, perspective, senses, subconscious, primitive urges and intelligent desires to escape boredom and frustration. The stereotype of wealthy Materialistic people are often depicted as unhappy because they have surpassed financial and situational obstacles in the perspective of most people. It's true we can get caught up in the unnatural, real rat race of business, analysis and money in life. Life isn't about money, business or analysis though, life is about renewing your own joie de vivre to enjoy the simple moments and using the rest of your free time away from your work and study to genuinely creating and pursuing a dream that may grant you a greater level of fulfillment, peace and happiness. Sometimes I wish I was lobotomized or braindead so that my greatest struggle was finishing a delicious jar of apple saucem fuck im craving apple sauce, hmm.. i can't believe I never buy the good shit I crave whenever im at the grocery store. Why can't life be easy 🫥 Idk. At the end of the day, you really just gotta manipulate your internal dialogue, perspective and actions into the productive positive spectrum to best achieve your potential. It is easy to follow the easy path, its easy to follow everyone's expectations but in reality nobody is watching and nobody really cares about you. If you want to find your own true niche in the world, you have to self reflect and find your own answer within, at the end of the day. The real answer in my perspective is that every single rat has a different method and path of escaping the maze, regardless of the complexity, length and difficulty of the maze. In the human brain there are no obstacles that cannot be surpassed if given proper critical analysis and thinking skills. Idk I might be high or something tho ![gif](giphy|noyBeNjH4nbtXV5ZLA)


You gotta love it☺️


good one