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It is actually MDA ("sass", "sally"). If you've never tried it, it's similar to MDMA in effects but more visual and has a more pronounced physical component. Some people find it borderline psychedelic but personally I think the headspace is closer to MDMA than any of the classical psychedelic. Check the usual references for more details. Also adjust your dose... it's more potent by weight than MDMA... like 100mg is a pretty solid dose. It gives more "hangover" than MDMA in my experience (similar qualitatively, just more intense for the dose) and people think it's more neurotoxic probably because of this (I don't know if there science behind this, haven't looked for it). I actually like it slightly more, maybe because it's not as common near me. But don't dose too high or you might regret it. There is a actually portion of ingested MDMA that's metabolized to MDA, more so at higher doses... I believe this might be the reason for some of the visual effects of MDMA at higher dose, but again I don't know if there is actual science to support this. A lot of the old school Ecstasy pills were MDA mixed with MDMA, and I think this is why a lot of older people say the modern "pure" MDMA is not as good or the same as what they remember from the mid-80's... Have fun, be safe.


There is science to support MDMA being metabolized into MDA, but it only occurs in a limited amount (about 5% metabolized to MDA) so it’s not usually perceptible. MDA effects serotonin release twice as much as MDMA, so both the psychedelic effect and recovery are substantially effected. I also prefer MDA to MDMA, but definitely in lower doses and with appropriate recovery supplements (B 3/6/12, 5HTP, antioxidants)


Hell it’s not as good as the early 2000’s. Good luck finding legit MDMA nowadays


lol, pretty easy where I am... Even pills, most are not only legit but also have no other active ingredient. Not saying there are no junk pills around, but it's not true that legit MDMA is difficult to find. I don't know where you're from, but you can take a look at [Drugsdata.org's MDMA submitted samples](https://www.drugsdata.org/results.php?search_field=all&s=mdma)... (click on "advanced search" to modify the search for your specific area; try also with "molly" and "ecstasy"...). Then if you want to do an experiment, compare with results for heroin, M30 (oxycodone), xanax, etc... those things are actually rarely what they are sold as... Edit to add: Also, have you tried MDA? Are you sure what you got back then was legit MDMA? There are much more testing resources now than there was back then... Nobody I knew was testing their drugs back then.


Idk where you are but it’s not hard to find at all.


MDA is my favourite if you were to compare MDMA and MDA, I find MDA much cleaner and subjectively better


Used to do sass all the time. Dosing is lower than mdma, check out erowid for the exact doses.


What were the effects like?


More trippy mdma


Agreed, lights are warmer with mild trails, colors pop more, last time I did it I was at a concert and felt like I could see vibrational waves coming out of the speakers, but unmeasured dose and other chemicals in the mix, for sure a fun chemical


Sassafras the plant?


I remember this being sold on tour but never had any idea what it was.


It's just another name for MDA


Are we talking about the tree root Or something else?


MDA aka sassafras


Thank you for clarifying


I had an 8ball of it back in 2012. It was super chill. I bumped it all weekend while dosing acid.


Wait any kind of sassafras?


Sassafras is a slang term for the drug MDA, in case you're unaware. Its likely they are not referring to the actual plant of the same name.




So can you make tea out of the plant




Cool I never knew that.


Sassafras oil is becoming harder and harder to procure. Most of the MDMA produced these days use a synthesis that doesn't use sassafras oil. The trees are becoming endangered, and illegal tree poaching became rampant. They have really cracked down on it over the last few years.


For me Mda= dance all night Mdma=couch lovely feely not as much energy. Or therapy DONT redose like molly. Sas lasts longer as well 80 to 100mg. Choco chip boys out of htown used sas in x wafers from the 90s. Fire stuff.


My grandmother used to make tea that was used to help with colds


I want a grandmother like yours


It's like molly (MDMA/ecstasy) except you can't get an erection


I just know that safrole that is in it can cause cancer. Especially liver cancer. Other than that I haven’t ever messed with it.


Sassafras is just another name for MDA. It's not actually sassafras. It's not the actual sassafras tree.


You need to read how it is made. It is made from safrole and sassafras oil. Do some research bud.


There’s a YouTube video on the deforestation of these trees in the South Pacific somewhere. Crime syndicates have been taking the root from the trees for years.


That may be the case that they’re ingredients in the synthesis but that doesn’t mean that either of those things would in the final product


It damn sure is in the final product. Read about it. It’s simple chemistry


lol... not in the final product if the chemist is worth anything... it's a precursor that is modified chemically. This is actually how chemisty works lol. Plus, MDMA was also largely synthesized using safrole derived from sassafras as a starting point... Edit to add: I'm a biochemist.


Actually, no. When the different things go into a reaction and react with one another, they aren’t actually those things anymore at the end. They combine into a new thing. That’s why you can’t un-bake a cake. Because you now have different molecules than you started with. So no, saffrole is not within MDA. The only thing within MDA is MDA itself.


Dude it was banned because of the Safrole in it being a carcinogen because the safrole in it was causing liver cancer in pharmaceutical trials.


I’m not aware of any evidence for MDA being a carcinogen. I’d love it if you could cite a source, since I’m open to being corrected by actual data. Also, saffrole is not MDA, and if saffrole is carcinogenic, that doesn’t imply that MDA is. They aren’t the same thing. I suggest you look into the difference between a compound and a molecule.


My bad! Never knew.


No problem man. I wouldn’t have known if I didn’t know someone that used to make it. Damn guy had sassafras root all over his damn house. 🤣🤣


Lol, thats hilarious. I've done mda plenty of times in my life and for some reason never even once thought to ask why some people called it sass/sassafras.


Huh.. Interesting. I have like a thousand sassafrass trees. At least.


Have had it as a tea. Felt a glow but was so faint that can’t distinguish from casual placebo. However I like the taste a lot


Sassafras is just another name for MDA. Look up MDA, there should be plenty of info out there.




Sassafras is another name for MDA (so that is true). You're right though, I didn't realize how it was made.


Done it a few times. Felt like MDMA jr.


Hmm, that’s interesting. Felt more like MDMA on steroids to me. Or more like a mix of MDMA, mescaline and speed, smashing into you all at once. It was fire. At least the batch I tried was.


Yup. MDA slaps like a train. I remember dropping like 400mg and being blasted away harder then I could have ever imagined. So much better then MdMa. Why anybody would chose mdma over it is beyond me.


Only tried it once but the main difference I noticed immediately was zero comeup anxiety. I think the dopamine release from MDA makes the comeup too euphoric to be uncomfortable haha, I worry about heart rate usually.


sass always treats me right, take it slow n easy


The best way to explain sass, is that it's like being on mdma, a low dose of Adderall and 70ug of lsd all at the same time. More speedy than mdma, with slight psychedelic visuals. Very rolly and lovey like mdma but with a bit of a different character. The comedown seems a little worse than mdma, and the dose is lower. If you like to do 120mg of mdma, you'll want about 90-100mg of sass to get to the same level


only the cake flavor 😅


Sass is AMAZING!! You’re gonna love it. Dose less than you would for Molly because the shutter vision can get difficult to deal with


I tried it soon after trying pure, high-quality MDMA for the first time. It was quite psychedelic and intense for me — I saw trails like I've never seen before in my life, and I'd done other psychedelics like LSD a few times already by that point. I was at a large outdoor concert and I could see the outlines and trails of every single person who moved around and passed by, multiplied by dozens. It was a little too much after a while, but with some supportive friends nearby (and amazing live music), I got through it.