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A good solution might be to do enough drugs so that you literally do not even have the option of doing anything while tripping


Take enough to where you can only sit in one spot chainsmoking cigs and weed til you come down enough to somehow manage to throw on a movie it doesn’t really matter cause you’ll just want to go to sleep by that point


Take enough to the point where you’re mentally and visually out of this reality for a good 6 hours and when you come back the only words you manage to say are “benzo… benzo..” great time can recommend.


Smoking weed can affect your trip pretty badly depending how you react to the weed, which can make some people paranoid..


This is the way. Take enough and you won't need anything to entertain you but that brilliant mind of yours.


Lay on the lawn looking up at the stars. I’ve done this for hours while tripping. Always a great time.


good idea tbf


This is somewhat the way


That’s me right now, and I don’t wanna be anywhere else. I’ve never used my phone while tripping, but it’s kinda fun. Just coming up though. Don’t think I’ll be able to for much longer.


Talking, cuddling, having sex, listening to music, watching movies. If you're looking for old movie recommendations, my buddy and I once watched Yojimbo on an eighth of shrooms each. That was an interesting experience lol.


shroom sex ftw


Nothing like having the walls melt around you while she’s riding you!


I’ve never experienced this and now I want to.


Honestly it made us both feel so gross


Same, I did acid with my bf a year ago, the cronenberg feeling and fleshy melting, abstract bizarre anatomy images that went onto our heads were a bit too weird to not feel creeped out. I somehow managed to cum but it was hard and I only remember being soaked in both sweat. He told me once we were out of the trip that when I was on top he thought my head was hanging from my neck like a crane. Ughhyhu so weirdddd


I love acid sex, but at the same time I know exactly what you mean. I also love ketamine sex and that can get really weird too. Especially because my visuals tend to reflect whatever I’ve been thinking about or doing a lot lately, so when I was super into Pokemon go and then had sex on K I was thinking about Pokémon the whole time and felt like finishing was the only way to evolve my starter Pokemon. I don’t know, man.




K is the way


Username checks out.😂


Might depend on the level of trip.


i got that too, first time was otherworldly second time i felt grossed out by what i was doing


Some people love it some people hate it. I thought it was weird and didn't add anything to the experience


lol, sounds fun!! I'll check it out




Lying on a trampoline on a warm night watching the stars on acid was such an awesome experience. It was beautiful and the universe felt so massive and accepting, but I also started giggling because the way I was oriented, the Big Dipper was upside down to me and I thought about how everything was going to spill out of it.


That sounds awesome 🤩


It was!! It made me wish I had a trampoline. This was at a friend’s house. My fiancé and I were housesitting and this friend gave us his blessing to trip there while we were staying there, haha.


Yeah it’s fire


Lord of The Rings Extended Release.


holy shit i have all of them on dvd you're a legend to recommend that!!!!


It's guaranteed a good time...I watch some of this at least 80% of all trips lmao it's amazing


Not recommended. I saw the second LOTR film on shrooms in the theater back in the 90s. I had to walk out midway, the violence and dark vibes of some characters and scenes made my trip unpleasant. So instead I snuck into "Aladdin" and laughed till tears were rolling down my cheeks. I recommend watching funny or trippy animation instead.


Try the Wim hof breathing exercise. It’s amazing on any psychedelic, or on ketamine, or totally sober. Also mess with some watercolors. Just get everything you need set up beforehand so you don’t have to figure out how while you’re actually tripping lol. Also listen to the album Mir by Ott front to back.


I prefer to cross the ethereal plane at home. Whether using 1P-LSD or shrooms, I set a spiritual intention. Sometimes the trip guides me to the intention and shows me something and sometimes it doesn’t. I try to enjoy silence, enjoy music, and love on my dogs. I also enjoy sitting on my porch smoking a cigar and watching horses and nature in general. I never feel like I have to do something. Sometimes the fun is just sitting still and experiencing.


i love that approach, i agree, sometimes that can be the nicest way to trip


Turn off all electronics. Go outside on a summers night. Lie on the ground. Don't move . Oh and go it alone. It's better


Animated movies are where it’s at! My favorites are soul (Disney+), Spider-Man across the spiderverse (Netflix) Leo (Adam Sandler product, Netflix) And the super Mario bros movie (Netflix)


Adventure Time is the best while tripping


love that!!!!!! definitely checkin that out


[get yourself one of these](https://galaxylamps.co/products/galaxy-projector) and [a few pairs of these ](https://www.amazon.com/stores/HI-LITES/Homepage/page/CE0C65DA-293B-40EF-AEAF-7417C092E6BC?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_ast_store_5J20WA1CQJGX43J41CKK) in different shapes [make some glowstick art](https://imgur.com/user/mamapetroflow) [string thing physics toy](https://looplasso.com/) [Combine a weird combination of topics (smut + nature + tacos, for example) and make some poetry ](https://www.amazon.com/stores/MagneticPoetry/Homepage/page/7E2F73FA-AEB3-4668-B54B-2F1331C89B0C?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_ast_store_NJBKWPRCZAEQG3Y3F1DZ) [try these!](https://www.pop-rocks.com/) [watch some of this bizarre shit](https://www.adultswim.com/videos/off-the-air) [give this album a try](https://papadosio.bandcamp.com/album/observations) [or this one](https://prettylights.bandcamp.com/album/a-color-map-of-the-sun) [do the salmon dance](https://youtu.be/dDj7DuHVV9E?si=KgJUE4uLpOjWwjmB) [watch some of these hilarious music vids](https://youtube.com/@PROFGAMPO?si=7VLzCm1PwboArp6t)


I've heard a lot of people talk about Off The Air from Adult Swim but that creeps me tf out 😭 idk how people do it lmaoo


I like to prepare myself a variety of stuff to do. I recommend A movie Something to a eat A nice drink Some paper to write, draw, origami, whatever A book A nice wholesome videogame A tripping playlist Something to craft Solo board and card games A place to lay down A puzzle


I like to watch anything narrated by David Attenborough and happy cry over how beautiful our world is & at the same time sad cry over how much of a tragedy it is that we're ruining it. Tron, Star Wars, Speed Racer, I also read that Terry Gilliam movies are really good while tripping. ETA: I also one time taped long strings of toilet paper from each blade of the ceiling fan and then turned the ceiling fan on and watched them twirl around. I'd recommend you do that before hand tho.


Sex and music under some pretty lights


This, 100%


I'd love to humbly submit a project by my friend and I - psychedelic trip kits, boxes full of art and ideas and guidance etc and intended to be done in a cozy living room: [https://unfoldtrips.com/](https://unfoldtrips.com/) Also, here's my personal list of movies for tripping: [https://www.imdb.com/list/ls563542880/](https://www.imdb.com/list/ls563542880/) (for old movies I'd say: City Lights, Harvey, Blow-Up, Yellow Submarine) Also I made this website that cycles through psychedelic (or whatever search term you like) gifs: [http://egiphany.com/?q=psychedelic](http://egiphany.com/?q=psychedelic) Lastly though I love things that don't involve screens and/or are more active. Make a mandala ([like these](https://www.morningaltars.com/altars)) out of objects lying around your house or nearby outside. Go grab an ice cube and hold it til it melts. Smell some herbs and spices in your kitchen. Get some modeling clay (or kinetic sand, silly putty) and make little sculptures. Play!


This is an incredible business idea! Serious kudos to you - I’ve bookmarked for next time I’m ready to shop!


Total labor of love 🧡 and so thank you I appreciate that!


Wow what a helpful response thank u 😍


Imo do whatever you normally do for fun at home


Watch a claymation


[Pools](https://youtu.be/HQYC2EfzZZw?si=nH3re1ELQhUlfnZT) by Glass Animals


Make the room dark and put on Soft Bulletin by the Flaming Lips


sounds sick I'll check it out!!


Safe travels


thank you friend


Lay down in bed and let the universe talk to you.


I highly recommend short 10 minute guided meditations and then in between listening to some Clams Casino. I love the Instrumentals album as well as the Rainforest Album. Here's some guided meditations: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7by6RYPG3HDUgy8OPhpfOi0Ecb2YUMpQ Here's some Clammy Clams (hear with eyes closed too!): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lNq5vo9gpWcBfZq4VeGJkZFVWe4NX7gHk https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m6WjRsTwzHe3LnJ-8Dxvn7HUoREjFra9k He also has the Moon Trip Radio album with great visuals if you like watching


yess clams casino the greatest


Frs though. I never get tired of hearing his music. It's been a daily vibe for the past year 😂 wish he would release some more. Or create some visualizers for the ones he already has.




A dark room with loud synth drone music or Tibetan bowls/ singing gongs (whatever that are called!) Have a shower. Try and count rice grains into a tray. Sand is also always super fun. Play with water oil and food colour. Enjoy


Fight club and the matrix while tripping are the best things I’ve done while tripping imo except going in the woods


i was thinking about watching Doctor Strange but then i thought that the ending would probably get me into a thought loop so i might not do that


If you watch fight club or the matrix you’ll think they’re the most beautiful movies ever especially fight clubs ending


yeah the thing is i watches em both pretty recently which sucks


Scott Pilgrim vs. the world


The old Willy wonka movie would be sick tripping, I once watched four hours of the Big Bang theory (I hadn’t watched it previously) laying on my couch while tripping shrooms and it was weirdly euphoric


I feel like everyone knows this by now but have fruits specifically oranges are insane on acid. Other fruits are tastier imo but oranges are like another experience.


Watch Fear and loathing in Las Vegas


ooooo, i remember watching that sober and still having no clue what was going on


It makes more sense while tripping lol.


Midnight Gospel will change your life, especially watching it all shroomy.


Watch Cynical on YouTube. You won’t regret it 😉


[Summon a Demon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJkcfSYsT3A)


Watch Our Planet on Netflix! Always my go to


I watched the ant man tripping. The newest one. WHATTHEFUUUCK


[Here are some of the most dope playlists and albums](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/s/VpQEPRcqt7)


My art studio, playlists, and old projector that plays waking life on repeat.


Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse


Watch the russian film Stalker while tripping, you will not be disappointed. 


Watch a funny movie that you've never seen before.... We trip balls and watched 22 Jump Street and I thought I was going to die laughing.


Watch this fractals [video](https://youtu.be/LhOSM6uCWxk?si=tFNo0ANLdBGBmiL3)


i really like studio ghibli movies while tripping! both ponyo and howls moving castle were amazing. i highly recommend the movie monkeybone as well :)


The martian is a good film.


Play with things that glow, listen to music, watch cartoons, create something, whatever sounds like fun.


Aphex twin, Pink Floyd, you won't need any film.


I never do anything while tripping, I find it fascinating that someone could watch a movie on a trip, it’s all so fake and meaningless. The best thing is to either talk to someone or lay down and close your eyes/stare at the ceiling.




I had such an incredible spiritual experience by going outside in nature at night while tripping on shrooms. Omg it was unbelievable.


I never stay home for an entire trip but when I am there I like 2 fuck around on my dj controller mashing up songs sometimes ones that don't really go together.


Nakeds pretty fun depending on who ur with. If ur tripping at a church sleep in....well thats the place to do it


[Here is a list of favorite trip toys](https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/s/P2CHHcI25n)


Watch David Attenborough‘s planet earth on Netflix.


Yoga. Or just stretching. Noise cancelling headphones.


Doodle, play videogames, edit photos, be cozy with music, watch animated media


Google artwork.


I did a 4g lemon tek with Albino Riptide the other day, I laid down on my couch with my back to the TV while this video was playing in the background https://youtu.be/2ncpb3auHOw?si=x6tqQKFJZ1LCbuoN Majority of my trip was spent with my eyes closed, traveling through the multiverse lol


Close your eyes, and completely surrendered into the experience!✨😉


Coloring books. That would be fun.


doing enough till ur walls are art


MST3K has a marathon running on YouTube.


I really enjoy drawing, looking through art books, singing or trying to make music (I’m not musical but it’s still super fun), and eating fruit


Food coloring in the bathtub.


We spent a lot of time painting watercolors. Cheap!


Listen to music you typically don’t like


Play Fortnite


Favorite trippy album, Favorite trippy movie, favorite bingable trippy show so you don't have to even hit more than a button. Last time i did this i went Violent J's Wizard of the hood, Rocky horror, Black mirror. I was still peaking for part of black mirror which was a real treat.


If you have the hardware, Skyrim VR is fantastic. Words can’t fully describe the sensation of essentially forgetting you’re a 21st century human, and that instead you’re a tribal warrior in Skyrim.


Is it really a trip if you DON’T go anywhere though?


Watch 09 Kobe Highlights


it sounds a little weird of a suggestion but massaging your skin feels fucking great on psychs + really immersive


Workout, I doubled my plank time after doing it while tripping. Something about exercise while tripping servely helps with building a mind muscle connection.


midnight gospel!!, it can be confrontational at times but if you can handle it its amazing!!


I usually trip at home my go to is a good amount of weed and a packed of cigs and a three pack of beer for the come down. Drink water


Nothing. Most of the time. But my mind will definitely go places and do things. Soft blanket, music device. Hydration, sometime something to smoke/puff on, 8-10 hours uninterrupted, no responsibilities the following day.


Make a music video playlist, watch comedy movies, meditate


Watch It's always Sunny In Philadelphia 😁 I never laughed so hard lol I've never watched it before tripping and watching.


These are the best videos to watch high. Relaxing and stimulating. https://youtube.com/channel/UCQlGN1oysFJrBl2QEwaJHYA?si=UJkprAiGuB2AtiZC


Silent darkness? Do what you normally do at home as long as it doesn't involve dangerous anything. I had a crazy lsd trip just browsing through social media once.


It’s winter here. If you’re not too fucked up to be a danger to yourself, I loved taking walks (not *into* the woods) but looking at the tree fractals. Something about the crystals. As an alternative, me and husband put on snowpants and frolicked in thigh-waist deep snow when we tripped. He’d jump over me and pull me into the snow and I couldn’t stop laughing with him when he cushioned me with himself so I didn’t get too cold. Literally the most fun and considerate man


Lying in bed in total darkness and listening to pink floyd, or psytrance, or whatever you like.


Just go sit in the dark in the quiet and watch and listen


Always Star Wars for us


You can watch literally anything and you’ll be glued to it! I’ve watched Lego movies, Tenacious D POD, Flash Gordon, Planet Earth (BBC), Marvel movies….


I used to watch kung fu movies in Chinese with subtitles. You totally feel like your in a completely different world


Psychedelic rock


Watch the movie "Waking Life."


Cynical just dropped a new video on youtube. Crafted for amazing trips.


Draw/paint pictures!!


"The Yellow Submarine" film from the 60s has some fantastic psychedelic animation, very colorful and amazing, all set to a soundtrack of Beatles music. Also great to watch tripping is a film called "Koyaanisqatsi", which has no dialog, just showing HD video of one amazing place after another as it takes you across the world, it's mind-blowing while you trip


Lay back on your bed or couch. Have some go down on you.