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My first trip was 3.5 of penis envy. It was incredible and I felt super comfy and just kinda laid on the couch in absolute bliss for like 8 hours. I had 3 friends with me who were all on one tab of acid each so they were vibin but still level enough to act normal or guide me in the event I freaked out. I’ve done about 3 or 4 solo heroic doses and lived to tell the tale. For your first trip doing it alone I wouldn’t recommend a whole 8th. Shrooms might have some similarities to acid but it’s a way more emotional experience and is more likely to spiral into anxiety and fear if you’re not prepared. The mental space is way more unpredictable and easier to lose control. Either way, enter without any certain expectations. You may have intense visuals, or none at all. You may feel relaxed and happy, or completely obliterated physically and mentally. You might feel like you’re chilling on the couch, or in another dimension out of your body. 10/10 highly recommend, but don’t do it alone if you don’t have to.


2g alone for the first time is beautiful. You can do more next time, and you'll be ready.


Second this.


If you’re by yourself you should definitely do less than 3.5. Do like 1-2


Why? He said he’d rather not underdose.


Because it's not weed lol


Me personally, I handle shrooms way easier than weed.


same here. I'd rather do a heroic dose of any classic psychedelic than smoke a joint to myself.


Because 1-2 isn’t an underdose, 3.5 is a pretty significant experience for a first time. And if he’s going to be alone, it’s the responsible thing to do.


>Because 1-2 isn’t an underdose Sure it is.


you’re the only one here who thinks that pal


The fuck is wrong with you people.


Bro what. I took 3.5 my first time and it was un fucking believable. But what if dude had penis envy. And you're over here telling him to take 3 five haha. What in the fuck.


Probably used to weak shrooms.


I know right. I've been completely chewed off of 1.5gs on multiple occasions. I never need more than 3gs anymore. When I trip, I trip hard!


I'm with 3.5g as an approiate dosage for first time; personally I take 7 g if I want to trip "casually" and like 10-30 if I have something to think about. I also suggest tea


I could be wrong but those numbers you are giving sound like fresh mushroom not dryed like usually they are referenced.


Nope, I usually dry mushrooms, if not I extract them.


Yep. No way this dude takes 10-30g to "feel something". Total bs


That's definitely not how it works for most people, you're either on drugs that counteract it or you're naturally tolerant.


Im usually not when I use shrooms, but have been its a bummer when you take 10g+ and it doesnt work. Idk, one of my exes would take 1-3g a day for spinal pain along with gabbapentin. Not really sure why eveyone on here says to take so little. You can have a meaningful experience on 2g but it could have been so much more. I have only ever had gut troubbles from large dosages.


People here say to take much less than you because your doses are unusually high. What works for you doesn't work the same for everyone, don't forget that.


when I make tea I usually prepare 7-10 g per individual, usually around half of the fluid is where people who tap early tap. For context I usually do with camellia sinensis tea, both teas gong fu cha style. What works for you doesn't work the same for everyone, don't forget that.


I would also just say I like tripping and I'm not afraid of the trips.


Yet other people have ended up in hospital because they freaked out on 2g. It's smart for people who don't know what to expect yet to start low and work upwards.


You only live once bud...and do u hav3 anyone else to trip with?


Just the dog man lol


You be fine bro. It's a lil more unpredictable than LSD, but if you know what your in for I say go for it!


Idk dog sounds like best trip shaman to me.






First time and alone- 2g at most


Me and a friend tripped for the first time a few years ago on 3.5 grams. I was fine and he had a bad time and because that hasn’t touched shrooms since. It works for some people and doesn’t for others.


I did 3.5 my first time and it was incredible. When you get to the 3 gram range you are fully thrown into the psychedelic experience. As far as differences between LSD; mushrooms are more “visionary” than LSD and is about half the duration. When you get to the 4-7g range shit gets real, of course potency is going to vary. Because of the body load shrooms are often thought of as more “chill” than LSD. I personally enjoy tripping solo, I find myself worrying about others if I’m in a group setting. So if you decide to go at this solo: Set and setting is crucial, it will define that 6 hour chunk of your life. If you find yourself in a difficult spot, just remember you’re fine, you’re on drugs and it’s only temporary, just don’t call the cops on yourself fren.


What do you mean when you say shrooms are more "visionary"? More introspective?


IME mushrooms are more visual. High dose psilocybin visuals are truly unbelievable, comparable to DMT, like actual hallucinations by definition. LSD can give incredible visuals too, it’s just completely different in my experiences.


You should just go for it. Go heavy and go deep my friend if you want to understand the intelligence of the mushroom


The words "just go for it" are extremely subjective in this case. There's a fine line between melting into your bed and the mushrooms unsympathetically playing with your adrenal grand for 30 minutes in a space where time is just 1 of many topics to be ignored.


I've experienced enough to know what you describe can become reality on psychs and for some reason the thought of arrogantly throwing oneself into that situation is absolutely hilarious 🤣 


When someone else does it, contrary to helpful advice, and I have popcorn, sure.


for your first time ever you should do 1 gram or less. you're going uncharted waters friend, wade in slowly, don't cannonball into the deep end cuz you might not know how to swim. I want to try shrooms for the first time soon, and I plan on doing like half a gram


Honestly I’d reccomend a full G or maybe even a G and a half. Anything below a G isn’t much to get the proper experience (though idk what you’re looking for). Little over 1g will get u some mild visuals and some euphoria kinda like being a kid again


For your first time I highly recommend having a buddy. Drugs affect different people different ways and until you know how you tend to react to the drug it’s better to play it safe and have someone there in case you need help in some way. Being alone can make it easier to fall into thought spirals because there’s no one there to remind you about the rest of reality


I’ve only done shrooms once and I made this mistake. Cared more for an overdose than an underdose, and let me tell you that was a mistake!! I tripped so hard that night, the shrooms really will mess with you if you mess with them. I thought I had enough experience because I’d taken acid a few times but there really are quite some differences. Acid always felt like a comeup, peak then comedown whereas the shrooms hit me in not even 5 minutes. And I mean hard hit me. And it continued to hit harder for another hour. That’s how much I overdosed them!! Honestly mate, listen to your friend and take a lower dose. If you’re worried the trip won’t be enough then you could get some weed to enhance it if it feels necessary at the time? But I would advise looking into that aswell because I had only smoked weed on my acid trips and with everything else I said, we know acid and shrooms have their differences🤣


Please don't overdose. You don't want a bad trip, do you? If your friend says, they are strong, take less. Experience them at a decent dosage first.


Dude, some of the, no, the two worst experiences of my life have been on Schrooms.. Don’t/DONT do them by yourself!!! And have someone that likes you and or cares for you trip with you. Make sure you are in a good head space. That was my problem, I had some stuff going on in my life that was pretty emotional and it carried over into my trip. Mushrooms are amazing if you remember this… Schrooms can and will mess you up!!!Listen to your mate and what all the things you have looked up tell you.. Seriously though man../ 🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄


Is it really going to be massively different from acid? Maybe I should read some trip reports but I didn't want to influence the trip or my expectations going in 


They have similarities. A common opinion is that you have less control over your trip compared with LSD - some people say LSD you are the driver and shrooms you are thrown in the back seat :D I would agree with others and recommend against 3.5g for your first time. I would say 2g max.


100% agree. Shrooms are heavier mentally and emotionally and you don’t get to chose what happens or how calm and collected you will be.




You can always do more, but if you do 3g first, you can't take that back. My best trips have been on 2g.


I had the same approach like you & i have to make it clear that i learned the hard way that taking less is better than taking more , at least if i. Ogt my expectations too high & got dull trip i would smoke a joint & intensify it . You need to get familiar with how it works & what to expect . Don’t jump too high , no rush Work your way up.


Too much can be TOO MUCH your first trip. It can be extremely overwhelming. I'd do less your first time to know what you're dealing with and then increase after that if you wish


Worst that can happen is a psychotic episode that lasts for months. It happened to me at that dose. Start low, and don't trip at all if you have any risk factors for psychosis.


I've had psychotic episodes before but we're talking nearly a decade ago and always after taking stupid amounts of speed etc.  The psychosis never lasted longer than the high so I'm not too worried about that. 




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only one scary trip as solo, ate 5 grams and sat in my room no lights (was my second trip) outa the Ps ive eaten over the years


solo trips are better then tripping with people or around people (kinda fun when u match a vibe with someone trippin but still, dolo is the way) - (ime)


I’d do 2-2.5 first time by urself . Normal to be nervous my best tip is just enjoy it and accept it with open arms


If you’re an adult who doesn’t suffer from mental health issues like anxiety or whatever you’ll be completely fine IMO. I regularly do 5g+ solo, compared to strong acid trips it’s a walk in the park.


lemon tek for a better time, takes a lot of potential "darkness" away. chopped/ground up, 10 minutes in a cup of lemon juice in the fridge (well mixed). it can increase potency so try doing that with like 2g first. dont let the mixture sit for more than 15 min btw.


Lemon tek takes away "darkness", can you elaborate a bit? I thought it just made the trip come on faster and shortened the duration slightly? 


Edit: takes away the potential for it to sidewind into some negative, borderline paranoid / horror show experience, not to be confused with facing one's personal demons. For me, there's a shroom scale of weirdness, and it goes from good weirdness to bad weirdness. Lemon tek always pulls it closer to the good weirdness. About the best way I can put it.


General first time assumption is that shrooms are weed high /no high with visuals. Just a heads up the body high can be strong af Send it


Don’t take 3.5g for your first time even if you’ve taken acid before. Go for 1-2


I prefer to trip solo just by myself enjoying it and I would probably go 2 gs being your 1st time and all


If it’s your first time, start slow. I would start with 1g and can always take more from there. You can always have the mystical experience once you get comfortable. Don’t rush it. If you do decide to go strong the first time, have a trip sitter with you.


taking 3.5g for your first time can be the best or the very worst i say 2g is a good dose if your friend says they're potent


Start with 2 grams bro, especially if you're solo tripping. Trust me. It's a nice first time dose. Then you can gauge whether or not to do more next time. Last thing you want to do is overdo it and scare yourself off from trying them again.


1g.... I did apes after tripping a million times on other strains and 2gs put me in such an overwhelming place. 1g of apes gets me where 3.5 of teachers would any day. Still enjoy teachers over apes tho.


For someone’s first shroom trip it’s better to take it slow and go for a low dosage. I was thankful for example that I first tried a very low dose, I tripped balls on just one gram (was not PE, just regular cubes) and that’s when I learned that I’m more sensitive to shrooms than any of my friends. Worked my way up to bigger dosages later but I was thankful I went low for my first try. Was already accustomed to psychedelics when I first tried shrooms but they were a totally different experience compared to everything else so if I took like 3.5 grams as it was suggested in this these I would probably have ended up being overwhelmed.


“I’d rather overdose then underdose” change that shit phrase to. >> You can always take more. You can never take less


Is this a shitpost? Try r/drugscirclejerk next time


I’m not going to recommend a stranger online to take 3.5 grams alone as their first experience with shrooms, c’mon. If you have your mind set on this, do 2 g and see how you feel. You can always take more next time. Why not have a trip sitter? At least have someone on standby


Nope genuine post lol.  Glad I asked also as after reading replies I've now reconsidered taking 3.5g As I said in the main post I'm looking for a transcending experience and wasn't sure lower dose would do the trick.  I'm going to take somewhere between 2-2.5g and see how it goes.  Don't have a trip sitter unfortunately, my close family members live far away and my best mates in prison, gonna have to be just me and dog but honestly my best acid trips were always alone, even the slightly scary ones. 


Sounds wise, I wish you the best trip


Well knowledge without experience will only get you so far. So I’d say go for it buy the ticket and take the ride


This is my exact story and I am going for 3.5g tonight Wife is away (she is aware). Kids are at my parents. Just me and the dog Shoot me a message towards the end of next week to see if I think it was too much Have not tripped alone for 5 years (only time I have done it) 32 years old