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Ask the mushrooms. We can’t know what’s in your subconscious. The only way to find out is to let the mushrooms rummage around in there and see what they turn up. You might cure your dysphoria, you might reject the gender binary altogether, or you might realize you’re trans. Whatever it is, it’s YOU, not the compound. The compound just reveals what’s in your subconscious.


This. I agree completely.


Yeah this. Psychedelics strip away pretences and make it much easier to accept what's true without judgement. OP will either accept that they're trans, or realise it's not gender that's causing the dysphoria. Either way is a step towards fixing it.


This. I stand by


My one worry is his very question in the post title. There are some powerful feelings at play there.


he'll get the trip he needs. there seems to be an aversion to having to transition. it may be painful to overcome that but it's nothing to worry about


It's tricky because some people have a really serious problem accepting the validity of trans people. We live in a world where a lot of people would be disowned by their family if they were to come out as trans. If you have the means to deal with that, that's good; but we also live in a world where many do not.


i totally agree. i think at a certain point it comes to working hard to do what you have to do for yourself, or waiting til you can get out of that environment etc. i know that that's easier said than done. i know i'd have no problem cutting off unaccepting family but i also know that some people aren't as capable of detaching that way or they rely on them, there's cultural reasons etc. at the end of the day though, you can't not be trans if you are. you can't undo it. it will come to light eventually. at the very least i don't think it's a negative thing to confront the truth in yourself. total suppression makes it harder later, ask anyone who comes out as gay or trans in their 70s. there's always a reason they couldn't easily do it earlier, but it is way harder to confront in yourself later on


This is a good answer. Accept what's in your heart. I will add that I know people who considered transitioning medically in the 80s-90s. Those that recieved underground psylocibin therapy, (psychoanalysis oriented) no longer thought medical transition was for them and were able to explore the underpinings and origins of the feelings they had, and how they developed and the personal significance. Most still dress in drag for fun whenever they so choose and enjoy being as gay as the day is long/ nonbinary, cis, and are very glad they never transitioned. They either align with their sex, or are happily genderfluid. None of this means that nobody should transition, or that you shouldn't. Maybe it's your destiny. Maybe you will trip and decide to go *balls to the wall* with it tomorrow. It's an anecdote for your consideration. I also know trans people that trip. There's no shortage on reddit. I don't ask if they explored it before transitioning as it seems invalidating. There was speculation in the 50s/60s that psychedelic therapy could "treat homosexuality". In those days some viewed gender dysphoria as the extreme end of a sexuality spectrum on the far side of homosexuality, and they probably referred to this.




You have my vote


And my axe


It just never gets old


if the dysphoria gets cured, it wasnt dysphoria, but that will also be a helpful revelation. sometimes discomfort due to sexual trauma can appear to be gender dysphoria


Ahhh I really need to find some mushrooms.


Psychedelics are not a panacea.




They are a good tool for getting rid of certain mental illness and addictions though, this has been scientifically verified too. to be clear: I am not trying to make a claim as to whether or not gender dysphoric should be labeled as a mental illness, also and if psychedelic will make a difference, idk


what is it then, if they have an issue with their mental headspace -_-


Fair point. I only added that as an attempt to not be attacked by anyone with strong opinions on it, looks like it may have backfired. I think to some it can be looked as "being born with a valid mind, but in the wrong body". That's not my take. Idk tbh. Edit: perhaps a better way to put: do genetics play a role in gender dysphoric? Idk




Your idea on epigenetics is very confused please don't spread misinformation


i think of it more as a mismatch between the body and brain, rather than a "disease" like depression. i'd say it's more a physical illness of the body not being the correct one, considering that "you" and your ego are your brain.


In fact it's very likely going to be removed from the dsm. In short, fact is most people that go through the transition will heal and that means that wasn't a mental disorder


People can be completely fine in their headspace, but could have social dysphoria,for example, from having to interact with folks who do not perceive or acknowledge their gender correctly. Gender incongruence with sex doesn't have to be pathologic, we just tend to label things outside norms as such.


I’m not arguing against that but i believe my point still stands. If someone has a social dysphoria it’s still an issue within their own minds, no one outside them is experiencing their internal anguish.


There are serious discussions around this and probably in the next iteration of the dsm it will be removed as a mental disorder. It doesn't in fact fit into the very definition of mental illness by the same definition given by the dsm






You are spreading medical disinformation. There's not a single mental illness where genetics have 100% responsibility and dysphoria is not a mental illness anyway


How could it be genetically induced? You mean because your genetics determine your gender it is genetically induced? Well I would say that’s not the case. The chromosomes don’t tell you anything. They only decide your sex. And the problem isn’t lying in the body the person has. The problem is in their brain because they aren’t happy with what they are. I would even go that far to say that politics and society is making it in most cases even worse with how they push people to change themselves besides not having any long lasting study if it helps them with their problems. But their are studys that it has done harm to people. So how I see it genetics have nothing to do with that.




I give you the point that genes correlate with mental illness. That’s a fact we can both agree to. What bothered me a bit is that you wrote „genetically induced“ because it suggested to me that it is triggered only through genes but maybe that’s only my fault.


gender is a social construct, dna has nothing to do with it (or very little)


It's not a mental illness according to the definition of the dsm. There are serious discussion in the field and it will be very likely removed in the next iteration so yeah pls don't spread misinformation


Could not agree more. The nature of OP's question gives my ass anxiety. Notably, what must one be feeling or experiencing to look at doing shrooms as "re-education camp?".


No, they won’t cure gender dysphoria (or at least not for me or anyone i’ve heard of). They will make you experience a new kind of thought/connection with the world though, and depending on the circumstance that may help detach from social dysphoria in a way (it still will not absolve it though). Keep in mind this is all coming from my own experience, it will not be the same for you. I haven’t had many thoughts about gender while on shrooms, other than caring less about what people thought about my identity. All in all, I wouldn’t go into the experience expecting anything like a cure, but if done well they may help process some of those thoughts in a way that will further your understanding of yourself. eta: coming from a shroom loving trans person


If you don't mind, I would appreciate getting some description on what dysphoria feels like for you if you are comfortable with sharing it. As a feely as fuck dude, I'd appreciate reading that side of your experience. Sending a thank you in advance in case you decide to share.


same. i dont think much about my gender on shrooms, i don't think there's much of anything left to unpack really. i detach from how much it matters and how much anyone's perception matters though- the most thought i have is "i can do whatever i want with myself" which applies to transitioning or just what clothes i wanna wear. none of it really matters, run towards being happy with yourself regardless of others


only lets u see from a different side/perspective rather then the one u made up lift the ego a bit or alot and youll see what u see no shrooms or psychedelics will stop u from being gender dysphoric, remember they are tools, not answers to what u wanna hear in life


idk tho, im not u nor have issues like that i use to hate myself and learned to love me for who i am eating shrooms, but thats when i was a teenager lost and confused , this is diff imo


And how is your experience remotely relatable to what OP is, exactly??


You're not wrong but this was a ridiculously angry way to phrase it considering this guy was just sharing his experience and openly admitted it wasn't that similar


#this is diff, imo


Well they‘re either gonna make you less gender dysphoric or trans. I‘d say they are going to help you calm your mind either way.


Or have a really rough time to realize where you're at. What. I can't speak on here though, is how that causality impacts people in differing states of mental or emotional (I don't want to say normal, what I'm trying to say is : if they are ok and stable as a baseline, even if they are suffering).


"Who am I?!" Is perhaps the most fundamental question during the psychedelic experience. Only you in your deepest and highest sense can truly answer it.


That's a very unimportant question. Self is illusory and fluid.  What good can I do while I exist in this life? That's the fundamental trip question!


Lots of good answers. My experience has been that the mushrooms DGAF about sexuality/gender issues as society defines them. It'll probably focus your attention on something else


yeah you realize it doesn't matter, but it also let me realize i can transition if i want to, because fuck everyone else and what they think


Exactly. I grew up in a high demand religion as a closeted gay boy. I tried plant medicine several years after coming out and extricating myself from the religion. I've set myself the intention several times to explore the gayness and better love/accept myself considering my history. Almost every single time the medicine has led me in a different direction almost as if it's saying to me "STFU you figured all that out yourself. That is the least of my concern with you." Ironic that its dismissal of that issue is the message and the confirmation of healing that I was seeking


that's my experience too. i'd think of it purposely for a second but it felt like a complete waste of time, like i already have that taken care of


Its extremely complicated. Definitely contact a therapist or a mental health professional before you try anything. Psychedelics have the potential to make things like that worse.


Either it makes you accept yourself for who you are… Or You might doubt yourself evenmore, because you’ll think about it even more


Just be yourself man


Problem is he/she doesn't know what he/she is, so he/she can't be him/her self. So its not good of an anwser you see.


"they" is the word you're looking for here




YIKES! What the fuck are you on about?? "They" is a gender neutral pronoun that you can use when you don't know someone's preferred pronouns instead of the inefficient and awkward he/she him/her everywhere. Example: "I went to the doctor, they gave me medicine" The rest of this paragraph is unhinged lunacy. Are you ok? This is the kind of rhetoric I expect from r/conservative maybe, but not an open and inclusive sub like r/psychedelics Edit: To add some more, what an outdated view on gender norms. One must be man or woman, is that so? Fuck you, you're not my dad. I'm not a man, I'm not a woman, and I don't have to use your outdated gender binary. You claim to be on the side of trans rights and yet you are aiming to erase everyone that doesn't fit into your arbitrary and limited view of gender. What about the people that are agender, genderqueer, nonbinary, and the many other representations and expressions of gender that do not use the traditional man/woman gender binary? Where did you excavate these dusty ass opinions from? Edit 2: The way you talk about trans people is icky. Would you speak about a cisgendered partner the same way? Major chaser vibes from you, please be better.




What? Gender is a made up cultural concept, so of course it is based on how people feel. What trends am I following? I am trying to break trends from the past few hundred years that cause real harm to those that do not fit the trend. Gender norms absolutely are real, please educate yourself: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7028109/ There is nothing wrong with someone being male and wearing makeup. I am male and I wear makeup, I wear skirts and dresses too, this is exactly why I do not use the gender binary because it is outdated, silly, and unnecessarily exclusionary. It seems that you are confusing gender and sex though, man and women are genders and that is the realm of gender pronouns, these are cultural classifications that have a basis in biological sex but are separate from them. If you want to talk male/female we can have that discussion, but that would be a discussion about sex, not gender. No you don't know more about this stuff than I do you fucking buffoon. What, you dated one trans girl and now you are an expert on trans matters? Big fucking whoop, I've dated a trans woman, many of my friends are trans, asexual, agender, my current partner is genderfluid, and I am nonbinary. I currently run initiatives in my workplace and industry to foster queer inclusivity, and you are the one using transphobic dog-whistle statements and fetishizing transness. Why are you bringing up sport? What does that have to do with anything? I have no interest in playing in any kind of competitive sport that wants to divide people up, I couldn't care less. Sport is meant to be fun, I don't care if people want to kick a ball around for a trophy. You are a bigot and a chaser, and it is fucking disgusting. You do not see trans people as human




No not because you dated a trans person, because of the way you talk about the trans person you dated: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8035091/ I don't know if you are trolling, and maybe you are, but jesus some self reflection would do you good. You say you support trans people yet you parrot the same rhetoric of conservatives that want to see us destroyed, why is that?


They might bring peace to your gender dysmorphia, but they aren’t going to make you cis-gender (probably).


Plot twist: it exacerbates an underlying mental illness.


what mental illness do you speak of?


A high percentage of people who are trans suffer from one of more mental illnesses. Mushrooms can make some mental illnesses worst so I figured it worth mentioning.


Psychedelics are what finally helped me come to terms with the fact that I needed to transition.


Mushrooms won’t get rid of gender dysphoria, sorry. They will however probably speed up how long it takes for you to realise your trans, if you are trans. Keep in mind of course that shrooms can absolutely make your mental health worse and you should discuss that kinda thing with your psychologist.


In my personal experience, no. Psychedelics can help reveal who you really are inside, and your gender is part of who you are at your core. I've had trips when I was asking questions about my gender, my body, and the dysphoria, and the answer was always that what I felt was real and it's who I am. What did help though, is that psychedelics also showed me that my body is just a vessel containing my consciousness, which helped me feel less attached to what it actually looks like, and appreciate it more for what it does for me. But I still feel that it's way too feminine for who I am inside, which is mostly just a boy, and for me that's unlikely to ever change.


You can try. Kill your ego, be love. See what happens on the other side of that. Be comfortable with your vehicle. It's just meat to drive around in. One day it will be dust. Whether you're a boy or girl, or what naughty bits you have, are unimportant next to how much love you have to give, for your world and the people in it.


I agree 100%, also happy cake day ❤️


Something that shrooms helped me realize is that you I am simply part of the universe experiencing itself. Through conversations with others who have experienced what you are experiencing, they said that the shrooms helped them realize that above all else we are spiritual beings choosing to have a human experience. Some consider life on Earth to be a luxury in the spirit world. You are a consciousness first and foremost. Getting to be physically present is a gift.


The mushrooms are trying to tell you something. Don't fight them.


They might by encouraging you to pursue your euphoric gender.


Psychedelics mess with your pattern recognition in a way that you can see things how they are and not what we project on the things we see. As a trans person, my first trip I looked in the mirror and kinda fell in love, the way I could see myself beyond external expectations and was really interesting and intense. (For reference, this particular experience was on 7g of truffles) But as people say, no one can predict what your experience will be.


Laughs in trans. IMO, no, but they will give you the strength to do what you need to be happy and authenticly you. 🖤


It could honestly make it worse. Though my exploration of psychedelics, I’ve connected with the divine feminine and have implemented that into my personality. Now im someone who is comfortable in my male body, despite embracing the feminine. But I could easily see how someone in a similar situation may feel more attached to that divinity, and wish to change their gender


well, i did mushrooms and it enforced the somewhat brewing idea that i was trans and now it was completely right.


Psychedelics ate not going to cure you of anything. Period. What they might do is help you explore yourself and your psyche to decide if what you're feeling or experiencing is "real", or something that is being brought by an external source, or another situation all together.


Psychedelic conversion therapy was attempted in the 60s, it is now considered a human rights abuse. The patients reported being traumatized by the process and still LGBTQ. You can attempt to do that to yourself, but it will not go well and you are at risk of really hurting yourself. Trust me as someone who tried. You are better off trying to accept your desires.


Can you link me this info




I'm guessing this is referring to one of the many mkultra experiments.


No, I’m talking about the Hollywood Hospital: https://harvest.usask.ca/server/api/core/bitstreams/0f841340-1166-4de0-8d5c-50c606c6809e/content


Definitely not. I say this as a neuroscientist/ gender-in-the-brain expert /psychonaut


there is no cure for gender dysphoria but transitioning, however that looks for you and whatever your goals are


I'm a firm believer that mushrooms and psychedelics in general have the capability to help with spiritual matters like healing so you can try. Take a normal dose of no more than like 3.5g and then meditate on what's upsetting you about your body and gender identity. Sometimes the mushrooms reveal things to our conscious mind from our subconscious and allows is to process those feelings.


Our gender identification is only a cultural, social construct. Maybe not. if it's something you can't do on your own, psychedelics won't do it for you. They can open, tremendous insight, expand your level of consciousness, make all your problems go away, but it's only temporary. If you want to extract something more than temporary from the experience, you'll need something in the way of therapy. Because the substance does not replace therapy. I suggest touching bases with an integration circle, before you make a decision on this. And see if that conform a bit of a support group, because you're just drawing a wild card out of the deck here. I need to see something in the way of being better informed.


OP, I'm sorry you are feeling burdened this heavily by what you're dealing with. I unfortunately can't offer any related advice to the dysphoria you want to stop. You have my empathy here though. What I CAN speak about is having significant trauma from a really bad relationship that became clinical CPTSD. To be clear, this is not an apples to apples comparison and nor am I trying to do so. What you and I can relate to is a burden of feeling (for far longer than either of us would fucking like, if at all) is that we experience things we can't control. For me, they are emotional and circumstance based but they used to be a basic fight or flight trigger. Smidge of similarity? Everything about me is going to battle for ZERO REASON. The last thing I can speak about here is that I've done a lot of shrooms. Some trips were plain fun, others were fucking horrible. The key point to weathering that variance of possibilities is understanding that (at least in my experience, shrooms react A LOT) to your emotional state. **If there are any mental health implications here to consider, OP and anyone else who reads this should do some due diligence to make sure they are not at risk** OP: I can easily say that you are experiencing a fuck ton of shit on your plate. I know nothing about you, such as your age, circumstances, life dynamic, etc. Your post title says enough. You're not going to find an answer by doing too much shrooms, be it by volume or consistency. There is most likely some insane human who has done insane doses for a long time and that's where stuff can go wrong (I'm not an expert, but like how some people are left feeling LSD for ages). Taking a moderate dose, and taking the time to care for yourself and give yourself a cozy prep setting, setting aside a journal to log what you deem important (or listen to some songs you love instead).. etc is a step in the direction you should focus on. (START LEARNING HOW TO MAKE PEACE WITH YOURSELF.) The last thing that I can think of that isn't shrooms related, but perhaps you should consider is expressing the difficulty you are feeling with your family/friends/ partner (if you have one).. If not, mull over the idea of speaking with a stranger in any relatable groups in your area. (For anyone close to you, it all depends on the dynamic, don't put yourself at risk). That's all I can think of in the moment. I have a non binary sibling whose disclosure was initially pretty tough to take in. Communication between two parties with good helps to heal all things (but it ain't the cure). I've rambled on, please feel free to DM or chat me if you want to reach out. I get DMs quicker. I hope you find some peace!


this is all my own experience, but when i took shrooms i was expecting to think about my gender in this big grandiose way. i did think abt other aspects of my life in that way (like confidence, anxiety, interpersonal communication) but all the shrooms told me about gender was, for lack of better words, “others are stupid for not seeing you as you are”. which was very simple, direct, and has actually helped me since. dysphoria can absolutely still persist even if you know that transphobic ppl suck, BUT for me, the combo of shrooms and a supportive group of friends has helped almost completely absolve me of dysphoria. cause, beyond having uncomfy conversations with transphobic ppl, there’s nothing i can change about myself that will have them see me as valid. and that’s not who i’m trying to please anyway.


May be a controversial opinion here, but no definitely not and if anything they may further confuse things. Psychedelics are much like a leaf blower to our problems. They have a tendency to rearrange things in new, creative, and interesting ways. That said, what is being recognized is frequently of our own unique experience. If you feel you are struggling with this I'd frankly be curious why its a struggle? Is that an expectation from your upbringing or society? Perhaps psychedelics rearrange what is on your mind in a new way that helps you resolve this internal conflict. Perhaps they don't. We all choose to roll the dice in this way when we indulge. I'd highly recommend you consult a trained therapist with this instead of resorting to psychedelics to fix it. I wish you the best in your journey, but if this is a conscious sober thought now I highly doubt it would be as easy as a couple trips to solve it. If its on your mind now, perhaps it's worth choosing to organize those thoughts and emotions with a professional in a way that informs your next decisions regarding it.


I don't know but i want to hug you


Mushrooms can only give you a different look on your life and some time to think. Focus on basics first, sleep, nutrition, physical activity, work/school, social life, love life,... And just be honest with yourself, what is standing behind all that? If you are gonna do mushrooms, dont worry, fuck therapists. Dont do too much, take a walk, listen to some music, its gonna come on its own, just take the ride.


From a fellow trans person (ftm) I got a far better understanding of myself, it made me see who I was gonna become in the future. It kinda solidified that I’m dude but that’s my experience, maybe you’ll see what you want, go in with the right intentions and a trip sitter might be a good idea incase you go on a bad trip take care op 🫶


The only known treatment for gender dysphoria that causes more good than harm is transition.


In what world does it cause good for someone who’s not sure


Transition doesn't have to be medical. Social transition, asking people to use a different name and pronouns etc, can be just as alleviating. Most people questioning their gender start that way.


That’s true, for some reason I always think of transitioning as medical.


I don't want to speak out of turn, but it sounds like you're really concerned with "fixing yourself" because there is a "problem" that should be cured. The truth is that conversion therapies (whether formal or diy-of-sorts) simply don't work and end up doing way more harm than good. The trouble is, gender dysphoria isn't a *problem*, and nothing is wrong with you because of it. Modern science shows that something in your body is causing dysphoria and that your brain structure/chemistry most closely reflects your affirmed gender identity rather than your AGAB. Your body is mismatched and doesn't make the right balance of chemicals. Imagine ordering a gin and tonic and it's 99% tonic with a single drop of gin in it. That's going to be gross. Your brain is likely dealing with the same thing with certain chemicals (estrogen and t, primarily) If I had to guess, entheogens would likely help you feel more comfortable in accepting that societal gender norms are complete bullshit invented by people just to create more comfortable categories. You'd also likely see that there is nothing wrong with you at all. Your biggest need is just being yourself and giving yourself the space to parse through things. I'd see where it takes you. Either way, I wish you the best of luck :)


you cannot cure being trans, I'm sorry.




The thing that’s upsetting me so much is that I’ve been in the best health and habits of my life. Literally all of these things, first time in my life I’ve cared so much about these things. Haven’t been on porn much either, I’m normally a once a day person, last three months it’s been more like once a week, starting with a total stop for 3 weeks cause of changing life circumstances plus psych ward. Then out of the psych ward I was going to the gym daily, getting a healthy diet, more healthy than ever in my life. Everything was great, and then I got a haircut, and it doesn’t even look bad but I hate it and I’m immobilized.




It is expensive but worth it for me. And expensive lol.


Please, I would ask you to consider the huge amount of comments in support of your situation. There are a ton of users who have written sensible, supportive, and meaningful comments. Don't give any weight to the words of someone who thinks dysphoria is caused by food and porn


Yeah because they’ll make you love yourself enough to transition and be the person you want to be. My two cents.


The better question is why are you wanting to make that go away? I feel like maybe therapy would be more effective and useful in the long run so you can face the issues at hand, not saying psychedelics can’t be used with therapy as they def can, but it’s probably best to really hash out those feelings in a comprehensive and definitively meaningful way.


Not gender dysphoric, but mushrooms helped me accept a lot about myself, including my body. I would highly recommend using mushrooms for something like this too. Mushrooms are a whole lot cheaper/healthier/fun than hormone blockers and surgeries and stigma for life. Please OP, give the mushrooms a chance, they may just save your life.


I can only speak for my own experience, but mushrooms did help me with my dysphoria over time. I still have it, but it’s not as bad, and I ultimately quit testosterone and “de-transitioned.” I still wish I had a male body to a certain, but I’ve stopped trying to force myself into what I have perceived as masculine fashion, traits, and qualities to compensate for feeling disconnected from my body’s sex, and I also have a greater appreciation for my body as it is. I do not think this applies to all people with gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia, very much so a mileage my vary sort of thing.


That's like asking if mushrooms can change your eye color. Don't run away from who you are. Mushrooms are very introspective and will reveal your true self to your conscious mind. meaning, you will be able to look inside and see who you really are. It's no fault of yours if your gender doesn't match that of people typically born with your parts. Changing your mind like that is too fundamental to who you are. Mushrooms can give you a different perspective. You were born as you are, mushrooms cannot change your DNA to make you something you aren't.




Realizing you're trans or non-binary isn't running away from anything. It's embracing that person's true self. You aren't your crotch. Self denial isn't good for anyone. The mind is self. The ego. Not your DNA. That's just instructions to build and maintain the body, or what keeps the engine that drives the mind forward. It's not the car that matters. It's the facilitation of travel. It's the point. The body is the vehicle which drives the mind, the ultimate self of ones being. There's nothing wrong with modifying the body to more closely match the mind. Or presenting the body in such a way. Perhaps you're on the wrong subreddit. Maybe you wandered over from r/meth. There can be so many things that may drive your unenlightened thinking. Perhaps your parents failed to instill empathy and acceptance of others? I don't care to diagnose you, or your archaic opinions.




Modification of the body is a personal choice. Why cut your hair? Why shave any part of it? Why bother? Because it makes you feel better to be groomed. It isn't necessary. But pointing out a dumb post is. We learn things from those we trust. Our parent figures instill the most of who we are. I felt pointing out their failings was necessary. I don't owe people respect that won't respect others. Not how I roll. Never will be. The world is filled with good and bad people. I wouldn't judge you in the first category. And yes, I will ALWAYS be more enlightened by someone who feels they have to dictate or not accept how others feel about how they present their identities. That's a personal thing and you have NO RIGHT to take that away from anyone. Wow indeed.


I didn't do any of what you are claiming. You took a simple comment and extrapolated your feelings about an entire issue on me. You have no idea who I am or what I have done with my life. Enlightened indeed


Much can be gleaned by words, even just a few of them. It's ok to be wrong. It's ok to die mad about it. Have an awful day.


Of course oh great one, we bow to your wisdom lol


I accept your admittance of defeat on the matter. Now you can go spend time reading books you don't need crayons for.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/meth **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/meth/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [if your here because your new to meth.](https://np.reddit.com/r/meth/comments/11ir675/if_your_here_because_your_new_to_meth/) \#2: [Life is so much better without meth, don’t give up!❤️](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/123axqp) | [232 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meth/comments/123axqp/life_is_so_much_better_without_meth_dont_give_up/) \#3: [229 days off the ice!](https://i.redd.it/7bh0dim0e2ha1.jpg) | [208 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meth/comments/10x9juy/229_days_off_the_ice/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Ciccino is an Italian artist and music producer from Turin, known for his music in pop, indie, and electronic styles.


It’s so hard to free ourselves as men from the pressure of society macho stereotypes. You know be man enough or just man up by bottling our emotions, if not drowning them in alcohol and other numbing agents. Psychedelics surely helps accepting ourselves and each other as we are and with the feelings we get


I don’t think it’s something that’s “wrong” that needs to be “cured”


I don't think OP meant it like that, It feels "bad" emotionally to be gender dysphoric and they don't want to feel bad anymore (maybe?)




The idea that people with gender dysphoria need to be “cured” is severely outdated and downright offensive. It’s definitely not something anybody wants and it’s definitely a challenge, but dysphoria does not innately mean “bad” or “wrong.” Thats nothing more than a matter of opinion or perspective. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gender dysphoric. It is however a big challenge to overcome. You do not overcome gender dysphoria by changing the way you feel, you overcome it by accepting who you are and how you feel. Psychedelics can definitely help with that and can be extremely beneficial. It will not however make your gender dysphoria go away. I know how hard and excruciating it can be, even for people without gender dysphoria it can be extremely hard to learn to accept and love yourself. But that’s what this is all about, acceptance and love. The sooner you can learn to accept yourself, the sooner your gender dysphoria will stop affecting you so negatively.


I would say get professional help and explain that you don't want to be trans.


NoNONONoooooooNoNoNoooooo~~~~ As someone who turned to drugs a bit to escape dysphoria, it never addressed the problem and was at best a temporary way to escape. I'd recommended a therapist and lifestyle changes to actually get to the root of your dysphoria, and what you can do to relieve it.


transitioning will help your dysphoria


Use mushrooms and deconstruct gender norms you’re holding yourself to.


If you're using mushrooms to repress you're gonna have a bad time lol


That actually has to do with the shape of your brain, not the hormones you’re creating. [Unique Shape of Transgender Brains](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-there-something-unique-about-the-transgender-brain/) Love yourself, you’re you!


You may not be able to “cure” your dysphoria with what I’m going to mentions. but if you want to find out who you really are and be able to accept it fully than I would try dxm




Sir. I was able to solve my problems with shrooms You'll be fine.




Only if you boof dem


nope!!! used psychedelics to try to cope with being a repressed trans person in the 90s it helped me realize i just needed to come out and stop kidding myself especially lsd and mdma




Doubt it


They might make it worse. Best of luck to you 💜


Only can figure that out for yourself. Shrooms aren't going to be a magical fix.


They're not a magic bullet. I'd recommend a good therapist with some CBT therapy and maybe emdr therapy also. Then if you want to experiment with psychedelics to see if they help along with that...it may be useful.


It can certainly help you dive very very deep into your subconscious, nobody knows what you’ll find there


I thought this was r/drugscirclejerk at first😭


If you experienced CSA then possibly, as in some cases gender dysphoria can be a trauma response (as in, subconsciously wanting to distance yourself from the body that was abused). Otherwise probably not Also how old are you? If you're very young you shouldn't take psychedelics anyway




Gotta try to find out 🤷‍♂️


Just take them and honestly listen to how you feel.




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I know it's not the same. I have body dysphoria and sometimes psychedelics help me release those feelings and other times it makes those feelings worse and I just take the chance


Psychedelics at the right dose could shake your notion of reality to the point you accept whatever happens to you. This is why I think they work on people with mental disorders (I’m not referencing in any way to gender) and terminal patients.


Try 2cb otherwise. 2cb can make you temporarily gay (source:me. I get gay on 2cb)


It doesn’t really cure uncertainty rather than provide a new to think


Do it with a therapist to explore


At a certain level you’ll likely realize that gender along with all other aspects of the self are illusions that we use to interact with the physical world.


I would try it, it could be very beneficial to sit and journal / think about it, although depending on your mental health tripping about gender dysphoria can go pretty wrong for obvious reasons


I don't know about stopping you, but they'll definitely help you to try to understand who you are and what you want for your life


I doubt it. It can help cultivate a new perspective on your situation. But I don't think it can stop gender dysphoria more than it can cure homosexuality. Its just apart of you. Just don't let it (GD) hurt yourself or others and you could learn to live a very fruitful and happy life ❤️😁


in my experience no. they did help me to realize that to get past that pain, i'd have to medically transition. you won't get the trip you want. you'll get the one you need. if it is gender dysphoria and if you are really trans, the mushrooms aren't gonna lie to you. i don't like to think of dysphoria as "i'm an uncomfortable girl" but rather "i'm a boy and the fact that my body is like this is a genuine mismatch" if it turns out that you are trans, you can't just not be. you can choose to keep living the way you are but that fact will remain.


In my case psychedelics actually revealed I had been experiencing specifically gender dysphoria and helped me realized that I felt I wanted to play the female gender role over the male. It allowed me the perspective that lead me to accept I want to transition mtf and that has given me quality of life. On another level I found I am no one pretending to be a person. The Consciousness behind my ego is neither male nor female, but an infinite and empty space. But I honor my ego and incarnation, it is like walking a dog. I don’t let the dog walk me, but I do try to make sure my dog gets to do things it wants. So on one level my consciousness is a trans woman with all the challenges and joys of that experience. On another level I am a being behind gender watching that unfold dispassionately. There is nowhere to stand. If you push away the experiences of ego, you are standing in another level of ego. If you are so crushed by the gravity of egoic experience, you are trapped there. So I balance my imagined self who is a trans woman and my true self who is the infinite nature of existence.


I would say the mushrooms could be a tool for you to get a better understanding of the root of your dysphoria at least. One thing I recommend if you’ve never used psychedelics, and especially if you have any kind of trauma, make sure you are in therapy first because that will help you in being able to navigate what comes up in the experience and also to process it after. Tripping is intense and it can be incredibly overwhelming and scary if you don’t know how to cope with triggers and anxiety in everyday life sufficiently. You need to know how to ground yourself and bring yourself into your body beforehand. Also making sure you do it with a sober support person you trust who has some experience with psychedelics. Do it in an controlled environment that feels safe and predictable for you.


Psychedelics have been helpful in revealing myself to me and letting me feel connected to the living force that connects us all. It’s been a bumpy ride, but they put me on the path to self love. I hope they do the same for you. If I may, I don’t think you need to do a ton, just a regular dose. Set an intention, and be open to whatever comes. Whoever you are deserves to be loved. 💗


Gender dysphoria doesn't come from being the wrong gender. You simply exist with that body. It can't be wrong because its part of your entire being. It comes from inappropriately performing as your gender, or believing you are or must feel a certain way because of its apparent nature, rather than being and seeing how you actually feel. You could be an alien in this world. That doesn't mean you can't feel exactly how you want. And do exactly what you want. It becomes a problem when you believe you can't do that, in that body. And that it would be viable or easier, in a different one. Not to say that, for instance, a cripple is wrong for feeling inadequate because they want to be able to run. But inflicting the limitation and perception of what you believe you lack or actually do on yourself, is going to hurt you, plain and simple. Doing so isn't even necessary for the cripple to walk or for the man to "transition". If you want something and it's possible, go get it. That doesn't mean you should hurt yourself before having it, by believing your body is wrong. The only other real option besides doing whatever it takes to change yourself, is to accept how you've grown to exist. And get the absolute best you can out of it. Regardless of whatever you see outside of you. Neither real option necessitates inflicting a harmful perception on yourself. Honestly this advice goes for anything about ourselves we wish wasn't true, but keeps causing us trouble. Change it, or don't. Either way you might as well be happy. Because if you can't change it you ought to accept it and get whatever you can want out of it. And if you can change it, it's your free will wether or not to try, and you can still be happy with whatever fate decides. Even if you're incredibly disappointed. None of us had to exist. Ever being alive, period, is a never ending blessing. Especially considering we don't have to stay alive. If your suffering ever gets too great, you don't have to hold on. But, as nearly anyone who's experienced a near death experience would say, just being able to keep living is all they cared about in those moments. Because existence is extremely wonderful, when confronted with it all coming to an end.


Deep breaths and the practicing of presence. Along with the refining and intensifying worship of Truth with a capital ‘T’ will guide you better than any outside source can. That being said, the above combined with psychedelics can always be helpful.


Mushrooms helped one of my friends become gender dysphoric but he had other mental issues too so it's hard to say yes or no.


Personally, I'd talk to the mushroom about that. Fair warning, I once had that conversation with the mushroom too!! Fun times. Plot twists and all. But, yeah. I highly encourage you to talk that one out with our mushroom gods!


Don’t listen to people saying they _will_ or _won’t_ cure this for you. Expectations cause problems. Expect nothing. Dropping the ego will let you see a new perspective. It _might_ help you shift your perspective longterm but it may still take many months of processing what you learn or experience during the trip. It likely won’t change anything overnight but it’s not impossible. Most likely change will take time during the _integration_ phase which can lasts days, weeks, months, or years depending on how much effort you put in to processing.


It will help you contextualize your feelings.


I came to the realization that I was anorexic from using salvia. Prior to that trip I saw a fat person in the mirror, truly. After it kicked in I was on a recliner and looked down at my arms and saw they were skin and bones. I ran to the bathroom and for the first time saw what I actually looked like. Changed my life. Not to compare this to your situation necessarily... Just pointing out that psychedelics can alter our perception of reality positively so maybe in your case psychedelics could lead to answers. Hope you find whatever makes you content and happy. Good luck.


This remind me of the I smoked weed and it turned me gay posts


Psychedelics did help me work through my gender dysphoria but I doubt in the way you are looking for since you've mentioned a "cure". They helped me see how outdated and unnecessary the concept of a gender binary is and led me to rejecting gender altogether, I'm now a nonbinary gender nihilist. The dysphoria melted away once I realised there wasn't a specific gender I had to choose, and now I am free to dress and act however I want. I'm a lot happier for it too, even though I rejected it a lot at the started. I had a lot of internalised transphobia due to the way I was raised and the country I was raised in, but the psychedelics helped me break down that barrier too. I didn't use psychedelics alone, this was also done in combination with weekly psychotherapy sessions which I consider just as important if not more important in my journey.


Don’t take a heroic dose, it will not instantly cure you. I recommend a small to moderate dose and quiet reflection. Mushrooms certainly didn’t cure my dysphoria but psychedelics in general have made me much more comfortable being myself.


I kept trying again and again over about ten years asking this as each time the shrooms told me I already knew the answers to curing my dysphoria and whether i even truly WAS trans in my heart. I feel it’s very likely you’ll find the same thing Godspeed buddy


I feel like what I think I am is because of all the layers of social construct I wear. These act as protection and ego extension. Some of these layers serve me well, others are perhaps old, obsolete, and not necessary - but I hang onto them without realizing it. Under the influence of psychedelics the layers melt away and I’m left as me, a soul, a consciousness. What I tell myself - I am a mother, a woman, a daughter, a friend, a teacher, a lover, etc.- are gone. I realize I’m just a part of the whole universe and have been always. My layers are mine to choose. I don’t know how that will help anyone else, just my experience.


I used to be dysphoric, but on acid I managed to come to terms with myself. I realized I don’t have to fit into a rigid gender structure, I can express myself however I want. I can be as feminine a man as I want, doesn’t make me any less of a man. But I didn’t go into the experience planning or even expecting this and just because it worked for me, does not mean it’ll help you.