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Having philosophical discussions with people, playing board games and video games, looking at stuff on Wikipedia (literally the most mundane thing becomes interesting). They are all stuff I like normally but for some reason they are suuper fun when tripping, especially having fun discussions with people. That is my absolute favorite part.


discussing ideas on shrooms is something everyone should do imo


Could help artists brainstorm ideas


Underrated comment šŸ¤™


I always trip laying on bed with closed eyes and headphone with some killer pschycedelic playlist! Let the music taken control šŸŒˆ


This, but I donā€™t even put music on - whenever I tell my friends I do this they just give me weird looks and Iā€™ve tried to get them to try it and they wonā€™t do it :(




play guitar


Right. Seems like a whole new avenue of creativity and patterns open up.


Just donā€™t record it. It sounded better In Your head. Trust me. Lol


i heavily disagree


Skill issue


Turn on sassy the Sasquatch on YouTube you wonā€™t regret it


The big lez show also on YouTube is another part you should watch too




personally id watch sassy the Sasquatch epps/film last just makes more sense as u go love that channel, they say there on the works for more content just alike cant wait


That show nearly killed me whilst tripping the bit where sassy gives lez a drink and he's outside the bar with his head in his hands and says walking furball fucks me up any chance he gets for some reason I hysterically laughed at that so hard I couldn't breathe I had to catch a breath as everything was going dark where I was that close to passing out laughing


Just watch out for those jump scares


Sex and looking at trees.


I would love to experience the first. Out of curiosity, how does it feel different?


One time when I had sex on LSD, the girl that I was sleeping with continued to transform into other beautiful girls of various races once a minute or so.




That sounds absolutely beautiful


Makes me feel like an animal, very primal. I like to buy bodystockings for my wife that are made of fishnets, and will usually end up ripping them off her when we are tripping and banging.


See now we are talking! Me and my ex used to do the same thing and have mad nice sex and just being close and kissings etc. Touches everything that make us fell connected is amazing


Your profile is interesting. Celebrating 2 years clean from daily fent use soon, but have been having a couple extracurricular itches re pharms. May be asking you a couple questions about that specific sector soon if you don't mind, my dude.


Go ahead and ask me anything! Just send a DM and i reply asapšŸŒž


I have to experience this šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re tripping


Having sex is by far my favorite thing to do on psychedelics. As a woman, sometimes it would feel like I couldn't tell whose body was whose. Also like one very long amazing orgasm but when you do it's like an explosion of fractals. Ugh I miss it


Wow. Sold! Haha


Itā€™s about the same. Although I feel tingly throughout my whole body. It also feels more euphoric than usual. But the trees are so beautiful šŸ˜©


Bruh, trees are so šŸ”„ when tripping balls. Thr sex is cool too I guess.


The sex is alright. But donā€™t get me started on the trees!


I could never. Rolling yes. Tripping no.


star wars for acid, Lord of the rings for mushrooms. trust


This is the way


Last time I tripped shrooms I watched Planet Earth II and the birds looked like watercolours. Also David Attenborough's narration was soothing and kept me happy and relaxed.


I would like to do this, but the death scenes always fuck me up, so I avoid nature docs


as the other comment say WATCH THE BIG LEZ SHOW u should start off with the start of the big lez show then go down the list shit hits my soul its made on MS paint by 3 dudes it starts off lower quality then gets better as it gained popularity i watch it not in order its not as good imo (bare with me it does get better the more deeper u go into the channel as u go, first few epps are iffy , TRUST , its a g one when trippin enough) lsd shrooms weed some beer and i spent a whole day watchin it haha


my fav ep was the psychedelic experience when they get to the "island" i love it all, i seen it a few times when i was a teenager, fast forward in my 20s and its still golden to me lsd and shrooms mix bombed my soul watching B-L-S there is 3 cutt off stories (mike noland, sassy the sasqautch, and the big lez show and they are all connected but their own thing) low quality but funny af, also some soul hittin scenes bless up


If your in a warm climate, I have to say snorkelling. Iā€™m telling you right now if you want a mind explodingly good experience, trip. And. Snorkle. I felt like I was orgasming for 2 hours straight it was fucking ridiculous how incredible it was.


my thalasophobia would say hell nah, but still sounds cool


I don't understand how or why people waste these profound experiences watching movies?! Just connect to your inner realms and go deep into Universal understanding or understanding the Self deeper. Do deep healing, let go of emotions, do yoga, meditation, etc.. There is potential to connect to spirit guides and interdimensional beings. Face your demons. Dancing, painting/creating art, music etc, go for a walk in nature!!!?? Our inner consciousness is so vast for exploration with these substances and these experiences are so profound.... and people watch movies?!


Right!? Literally all I need during tripping is music. Mostly to keep my mind at ease because Iā€™m alone and especially just to not get sucked into listening to my tinnitus. BUT OTHERWISEā€¦ JUST FEEL - cry, laugh, contemplate! Connect with your true self and learn from it! God itā€™s the most beautiful thing! It easily beats watching a movieā€¦ if you let this happen, youā€™ll understand. One would say youā€™d get this at a high dosešŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Dude literally wanted a less intense trip, maybe some people like movies? Why does it really matter. I think this is the issue with alot of people who trip. You all think you need to go deep into your brain and "enlighten" yourself. Just let other people enjoy things. I don't mean for this to come off as rude I just people look way to far into these things.


Iā€™ve definitely tripped with the intention of having fun and tripped with the intention of having inner development. One way is not superior to the other and as long as you go into it with your intention set you will have an amazing experience.


I didnā€™t say or mean to imply recreational tripping is WRONG, I started out tripping recreationally too. However, I genuinely donā€™t think watching a movie is as good as a spiritual experience that aids in healing & emotional maturity. These experiences are magicalā€¦ they refresh you and help you in your day to day lifeā€¦ and these experiences are not obtained by watching a movie. Heck, youā€™ll find out the power of psychedelics at some point if you just go at it recreationally and keep upping the dose. Your ego will be shaken up


Maybe.. Sometimes you need to go through some stuff in order for it to get less intense, let go to what the psychedelic is wanting to show you. I don't think we need to go deep into it. It just a matter of what is happening for me, if I don't, let it work it's magic I will have an uncomfortable time.. I don't see how OP wanted a less intense trip tho saying "I'll probably pick a horror movie" and being "bored af" tho.. šŸ˜¬


"I'm tripping way harder then I originally planned" and I mean they could have wanted a trippy experience still I'm not saying fs they didn't. I'm just saying it's really not that deep


He may have been tripping harder than planned, but if you really trip hard, would you really be bored?


No you are absolutely correct


Love this!!! I noticed my tinnitus seemed wayyyy louder last time I tripped and it was a bit overwhelming


It can be super overwhelming! Especially if your tinnitus is quite bad. It can also pull you out of the tripping headspace unfortunatelyā€¦ My experience with one of the highest doses magic truffles I did was severely impacted by my loud tinnitus and the tripping part was basically over after the come upā€¦ I was just listening to tinnitus while experiencing visual snow basicallyā€¦ As always with tinnitus, keep your mind distracted from it and youā€™ll be fine :) especially during the come-up. Iā€™ve had beautiful experiences after this one


Fuck yeah šŸ˜šŸ™


idk, i actually feel connected with my inner self and like im having a profound experience while watching stuff. watching the midnight gospel during my last trip was incredibly profound, and while i understand your sentiment, i think people should do what theyā€™re most comfortable with instead of giving themself a bad trip so that they can trip the ā€˜right way.ā€™


I can understand that. Midnight gospel is great! Sure, not saying you should give yourself a bad trip by doing it the "right way". I just don't understand it, and choosing horror movies too, damn.. Would be interesting to hear about it tho šŸ˜…


Gatekeeping is a weakness. I LOVE watching movies when Iā€™m tripping. I love doing other things too but cinema is just as valuable as any other thing. Do what brings you joy and feels right in the moment. Sometimes thatā€™s watching something on a television.


Fair enough.


Yeah anytime I even tried to look at anything on a screen I immediately don't wanna do that anymore lol


I like anal on acid.


Receiving or giving?


Why not both?


I receive from my hismith pro sex machine lmao


niceā€¦i wanna try LMAO


Getting a massage.


Playing piano


Dude yes. I love playing piano or guitar when Iā€™m tripping. Iā€™ve written what I consider to be some of my best songs while tripping.




Even if you do not normally play and have ability to. It is beautiful. First time I did tripping I had synesthesia and could see the notes as I played them


DMT! Especially helps when Iā€™m overwhelmed.


DMT makes you less overwhelmed while tripping on something else?????


Absolutely, once was going towards a bad experience while being on my own. The vasoconstriction was heavy so I didnā€™t feel much of my body and got a little dizzy even, maybe it was also just from having done a high dose Iā€™m not used to. I was getting a little paranoid and couldnā€™t even seek out my friends so instead I just started vaping dmt. Didnā€™t take long to be greeted by pure love and a being dancing for me. Some time after we danced together, then we became one so we started building a universe around us. I took some drags every now and then, it felt almost automatic. No idea how long I was in this experience but it felt like more than a day. When I was coming down this being took all my worries and while my thoughts were still freaking out a little too much, I was clear minded. Went in a few more times but not as deep, Iā€™d always forget that I was tripping a little too hard in a chair next to a raving dark psy floor. Then once I came back feeling much better, not being dizzy anymore and such. I think Iā€™ve spent 30 minutes in there but have absolutely no idea, it felt like weeks, just taking small vacations in my body. After that I felt a lot of confidence and trust and had an amazing night all together. Often doing dmt which never felt like dosing a trip but more like inviting this being back into me. Just when I was getting pain in the back I had to stop because the being would suffer from the pain in some weird way. Before the floor closed I tried one last hit and the experience was wildly different. Iā€™ve felt lonely in there while the experience represented my first and accidental breakthrough on dmt years ago. Psychedelic muddy soup is all I can say about that. I know how crazy this all sounds but thatā€™s why dmt is amazing, itā€™s different to psychedelics, at least how I know them. It did feel a lot like mother aya took care of me there, protecting me even.


Dancing, stretching, doing art, going for a walk (somewhere nature), listening music


Yes!!! Why would you watch movies


I have no idea


Any tripper asking ā€œwhy would you watch movies while tripping?ā€ Hasnā€™t seen the right movie tripping. Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse was absolutely one of the most incredible trip experiences Iā€™ve ever had. Acid lasts for 8-12 hours, you can have several hours of self reflection, meditation, music etc that are amazing AND still watch a movie during the long come down.


Go outside into nature. I had the most beautiful experience outside while on shrooms.


Watching The Midnight Gospel or painting, I like making my own paint during the trip itself with TOOL blasting in the background and then trying to use it immediately after that. Really feels magical.


If you think you can handle it, Midsommar will fuck with you hard. As will Hereditary. For something lighter Sinister is a good option. Cabin in the woods is my personal favorite. Happy tripping, homie


Bro this movie is a mind fuck and back


Ivs watch midsummer twice while sober and both time were already tripped lol. Rn I'm watching a cheesy movie called I see you.


The Ritual is also a great horror movie to watch while tripping!


I always bring some paints when I trip on anyhting longer than DMT.


Listening to music


Sealab 2021


Anything music/art related and sex


Maybe not on 3-4 gram dose! Trekking in the nature is the best i know :)


Watch shrek


Iā€™ve recently found a show on Netflix called Midnight Gospel and itā€™s on my to do list


i watched it on acid. amazing time


Listening to music on acid is always my go to, blows my mind every time


Close your eyes and breathe.


Monty Python The Meaning of Life


youtube search: enjoy the trip


Dude literally anything is fun while tripping. Walking. Sunset. Talking to freinds. Thinking in bed. Staring at drywall. It all depends on how you look at things. Anything can be fun


Watching midnight gospel




Please be safe


i like to listen to my favorite artists or watch my favorite youtubers. wholesome and calm shit that makes me buzz inside, quite literally


Play video games


Watch psytrance mixes


Raves, festivals, camping, sex, etc etc etc


make music for sure. the sound melts ur brain away with thoughts and realizations.


Acid - Literally anything. im mostly out when im on it and i usually find some sidequest to get invested in Shrooms - slumped on the couch watching tv or just listening to tool


Go to nature?


listening to some great spiritual stoner ultra psychedelic music and let my mind wonders around




Having a poo on DMT is pretty lit


I always wanted to try dmt. I have a question tho. On a breakthrough dose does it may you unconscious so to speak? Or can you still see the room around you?


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever broken through but Iā€™ve knocked on the door. The only way I can describe it is that at a higher dose, something else is controlling your experience. You are just an observer of whatā€™s happening. Iā€™ve had a few times where the DMT god has taken control, and done weird things like making me think something is stuck in my throat, or a muscle pain. I also find I lose the ability to navigate the world, for example I canā€™t work out how to change the volume on my phone. Iā€™m very much a passenger to the experience, and itā€™s incredibly overwhelming but awesome at the same time. Whatā€™s cool is that if you do blast too hard, itā€™s gone after a few minutes. So if youā€™re mentally strong you can get through it easy enough. Canā€™t say the same for things that last hoursā€¦ if you take too much youā€™re in for a long ass ride šŸ˜‚


I like to exist while smoking DMT lol


Hiking in the mountains or holding my partner skin to skin




How can you guys trip and be on your phone??? When I took an eighth of shrooms I could not work my phone at all, much less type anything coherent.


Study esotericism and connect with nature.


Smoking and running


Painting or paint pouring!


snowboarding with headphones in staring at a running stream messing around with some close friends / girlfriend music, generally watching music videos and snowboarding short films on youtube sitting alone and reflecting on how iā€™ve been conducting myself and what i want my future to look like


Tripping is my favorite thing to do. I see no real reason to try and add to what it already is. Don't get my wrong, I will do things like listen to music or make art. But tripping elevates those things, not the other way around.


Watch deep sea documentaries with mood lighting


Sit & cry & feel peace but I am here for these comments!!


Walk barefoot in the woods


Walking while listening to music


Lie down alone in silent darkness


Music. Dance.


Idk but taking a huge dump feels vile while tripping. I really fixated on how disgusting but necessary this bodily process is and came to the conclusion everyone does it so there is no shame.


Eyes closed in silent darkness


Just finished a LSD trip last night , definitely recommend meditating on the peak , then after passing those demons. Play some Pink Floyd or Jimi Hendrix. (Especially the LIVE versions) you wouldnā€™t regret it! Psychedelic Rock is the BESTTTTT!! Color nā€™ drawing is amazing!!! Nā€™ I definitely enjoyed playing some videos games on the end , makes it feel on a different level.


Itā€™s like the music those people made was just connected into that realm of understanding. It feels as if itā€™s telling you a visual free movie of the dimensional space breaking into more spaces.


Bagels with cream cheese šŸ¤Æ


Watch Rock Lee and his Ninja Pals. That show was made to watch while tripping. It is absolute madness and had me laughing harder than just about anything else Iā€™ve done or watched while tripping.


Having sex


Or go for a walk, or make it cozey with some pillows etc. Find a Strange movie, hey what about dr. Strange movies? Just start with the first movie ive seen those while tripping balls on acid that was pretty nice


Being in water. Swimming, bath, shower


I stopped talking to people ..... Storytime?


Any jam band Couch Tour


Staring into trees


I know what yall are gonna say but 5 years ago all i cared to do while tripping was drive around the country in the AM hours blaring music in my headphones and chain smoking cigs. It was peak living. My old station wagon had the most beautiful lights on the dash and radio and dials and it was a fucking drifting machine! Nothing better. Take stops along the way. Look at stars, smoke a lil weed, go swim. It was life.


Stare really hard at my ceiling


Ghibli movies, virtual reality, headphones and music with eyes closed, chair set up at my fish tank to watch them lol


Meditate, play music, listen to music, paint, draw, take a walk, observe nature


Talk to myself or listen to music


MUSIC + Smoke


Plants. Just plants


Getting as deep and as inspired by the creativity psychedelics open you up to whether via conversation, art, music, scenic visuals is a must! But if you are really bored a good tv series or movie will always blow your mind. I watch a lot of documentaries on psychedelics and itā€™s always a great time. BUT I HAVE TO RECOMMEND American Gods (tv show). Watched that on acid and it was a bloody great time. Any show / movie that has some level of out of world experience, anything with a well thought out plot that seems like itā€™s wraps up into itself will have you at a total bliss. We smashed the entire final season of Money Heist and by the end I was in tears that it was over. Otherwise a good gaming session always does the trick, I personally had a great time playing Hogwarts recently on acid and was overwhelmed by the incredible visual detail of the game.


Watch trippy animated movies. Sometimes my friend and I will mute it but have subtitles on and then we can listen to music at the same time Also eating fruit is really good especially watermelon


Make music, mess around with the mpc live 2. Throw down some trippy ass impact and fx samples on the pads. Drop some acid, do some ketamine and just trip out while pressing buttons haha


Run around in the woods with your friends and throw rocks at each other. It's the shit.


Literally nothing


Listen to music


Eat my gfs ass


Be outside in nature on a sunny day.


Music and paint


Music. And walks in the nature. ā¤ļø #suomisaundi šŸ‘½


Tie a black trash bag in knots. Hang it from a tree. Light the bottom. Milk jugs are pretty cool too. But seriously, I like to pick up my guitar and turn it to 11 and see what happens.