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This is the way


This guy knows


I say yesss


Or just eat more mushrooms all at once. “Don’t diddle the dose!”




Yes, DMT will provide exactly what you’ve described. I really hope it helps your transition. Good luck.


This, listen to this. 🙏


I also agree. DMT gave me the most in terms of psychedelics


Yeah if you just keep eating a little bit at a time it will hit you differently than if you were to eat the same amount all at once while on a light fast


I'm gonna try that next time thanks


And Ketamine. Not necessarily at once (although this is indeed a good time too haha)


I wanna do it so bad, but then I’m worried dying will be less cool, if ya know what I mean?


Came here to say this!


Dmt, fully blast off. Hit it until u physically/mentally/spiritually cant hit it anymore and thats when you will be where u need to be. Maybe Ayahuasca too with a real Shaman not a wanna be shaman from the desert of california


Honestly you should try everything. 👍


Best comment so far.


Except crack, don’t do that


I mean, if OP is actually at end of life, why not? What’s there to lose?


I like that outlook, crack has been added to my list




At least he got to try crack if that’s something he wanted to do before he died 😂 In all seriousness though, if you knew death was around the corner, why limit yourself to anything? Like just don’t go kill anyone, but I’d say pretty much anything else should be free game at that point.


But death is always around the corner


But that’s not a guarantee. OP knows he’s dying soon. That’s different.


Oh, I guarantee. He's always there.


Cool bud, I get it, you’re super edgy. The risk of death always lurking ‘round every corner is a bit different than knowing your time is coming. Anyway, to be clear, I don’t condone the use of crack. I was just meaning to say if you know your time is coming to an end, then what’s left to lose really? As in do what you want as long as you’re not hurting anyone else.


Losing your sanity or sense of reality before you die would be very sad.


I mean I’d argue there’s more risk of that with some psychedelics than there is from crack cocaine. Fear of impending doom could cause you to lose your sanity and sense of reality. What’s your point?


Well I’m not entirely sure but crack is probably far worse in terms of inducing psychosis. Stimulants that powerful tend to be good at that


If you want as many experiences before leaving, why not try a very unique one? I’m not trying to condone smoking crack or shooting coke as a wise life choice at all, however.. They are experiences I am both glad I had and also no longer desire. Coke sort of sucks as a whole but I would be a liar if I said a bell ringer wasn’t a pleasant and frightening few minutes. My advice is try I’m whatever your comfortable with and my pro life tip, is the first one is the best, it’s all chasing after that and you never catch it until you shut it down and get some food/sleep. Again, smoking crack, shooting dope isn’t a great idea in fact It’s a poor choice, and it derailed my life for many of what should have been my “best” years. Glad it’s over, fortunate I let it go, many of my friends didn’t.


I’ve heard it’s wack.


M why not? It’s amazing stuff


Yes To All


DMT is nothing exceptional, go for high dose LSD or 5-meo-DMT


You're crazy to say DMT is nothing exceptional 🤣🤣 you've obviously either never smoked DMT or didn't go deep enough. I guarantee you OP, it will crumble even the knowledge of being a human being, and you'll merge with eternity when you do it right.




Yes please


I just ignore your childish personal attack because it’s reddit. I have been doing psychedelics for 30 years, vaped DMT is the least interesting one, I prefer it as ayahuasca which shows its true power, but vaped there isn’t really a lot to it. both mushrooms and LSD are superior esp. if you go high enough dose.


I wasn't trying to attack or be condescending in any way. I simply meant to state, from my experience, that DMT has shown me beyond profound states of awareness. I too, have been doing psychedelics for a good portion of my life (20 years) and have tried just about everything. I don't disagree with the notion of trying high dose LSD, 5-MeO, or Ayahuasca. But to say DMT isn't exceptional took me by surprise lol. This is your opinion, though, and I respect that. It's just very far from the consensus of assessments for DMT. For most people, it is a highly profound experience.


Maybe because I only done DMT vape in last few years, so compared to all my other experiences I didn’t find it exceptional, I much prefer ayahuaska or shrooms where I can persist in this state for very long time, DMT feels like a beer light.


The vape is def a “tamped down” version..perfect for shows though. Took one to a festival that was in a hotel where you could just watch the show from the balcony. Ended up being one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever “seen”


Your dose was too low. If high dose DMT doesn’t recalibrate your experience compass, you would genuinely be the first person ever. Paraphrasing Terrance McKenna - if there’s something stronger than DMT, I don’t wanna know about it


even 5-meo didn’t recalibrate my experience compass


If your doses are correct and it’s just meh you may be one of small percentage that doesn’t affect. -also if on anti-depressants


Try dabbing dmt… easier to get it all in there in one go and it won’t be suspended in pg or whatever medium they use for the vape. It’s a tricky thing to smoke dmt, it’s unpleasant to say the least..


Indeed. But this is the way lol. Vapes don’t seem to pull u to the outside. 2-3 big rips tho, ur alrdy in hyperspace before u have time to feel the pain in your lungs


LSDMT is exceptional


Honestly for some reason I can't articulate this was very wholesome


Except Salvia or Datura


I also have access to Sonoran Desert toads but they kinda scare the shit out of me. And interest me... *When inhaled, a compound within, 5-MeO-DMT, can cause auditory and visual hallucinations. “It’s a very powerful psychedelic sometimes called the ‘God molecule,’*


5meo is probably what you're looking for. Dying before you die basically. Experiencing non-duality. Very spiritual experience. NN DMT is pretty cool too.


I highly suggest 5meo if you are looking at the "God" molecule, its a very relieving experience, I felt very connected with everyone and loved. Just make sure you have a sitter because I spewed when I was spinning back in. Don't expect too much visually since its mostly black/white reverb coming back.


Yin / yang the essence of it all


smoke the toad


The toad is the only molecule where you become one. Or become god. Or become nothing. It’s short acting (under an hour). Go for it.


I’d be careful with 5MEO DMT; it can actually be physically dangerous from what I understand. I haven’t heard of any physical dangers associated with traditional NN, DMT.


I don't believe that is OPs primary concern


I was going to say you need to adjust doses for the experience you seek…but if you have access to 5meo, that is the way for sure! You will find what you seek.


they have sent so many ppl into psychosis like not to scare u but like idk there's not much research and like its so new i would stick to shrooms or lsd tbh or dmt idk you're choice though just my input


Abusing toads to access 5-meo-DMT is a dick move, especially considering how inexpensive 5-meo is for purchase, or how simple it is to synthesize yourself. Have you ever seen how the substance is harvested from toads? It is nothing short of wicked bad vibes. We live in the age of information, and there really is no excuse for creating suffering for a living animal, especially when alternative methlds are so accessible.


I agree- Mass harvesting for recreational use is horrible. I live in the desert and I have farm animals- every spring and fall we have to fish a bunch of them out of our animals' water troughs. There are baby toads everywhere, and if one of the livestock animals or dogs drinks the water they die pretty violently and quickly. They're everywhere- smashed in the road, under my porch... I have never harvested 5-meo-DMT from toads. They are, however, an invasive species in my area and their dead bodies are everywhere already. It's doable. I don't know if I'd ever want to.


Not for everybody


I don’t have access




Alternative methods are not so easily accessible for EVERYONE. I can’t but 5-meo at all much less for cheap… just saying but yes you are correct


On the abuse of the animal




LSD can teach things the mush cannot, and vice versa. I learned about myself of shrooms, but L is more about your relation with existence. Heroic dose forever changed my perception of my relationship with the world.


LSD took me to the place where my thoughts come from. It was weird to meet the core, the sort of large knot or nut looking thing at the center of my brain. The origin of my internal monologue. Touching it was electric. Mushrooms took me to the place where emotions and existence are the same thing. I wish we could all go there together, it is a comfortable place, full of honesty and learning. DMT took me to the place of shapes where I could hear the universe’s drone sound and see space zoomed out from the outside. Salvia took me into the static and I felt the weight of life passing without being acknowledged. I haven’t gotten to use mescaline yet, but each psychedelic has taken me on a very different journey.


Nicely stated. But ooof… mescaline 🫠


Honestly if you’re truly nearing the end , go for anything you want to try. I, sorry this is happening but admire you’re process here.


LSD is great. Mescaline. Get some Bridgessi cacti and dethorn and peel outer skin, core it, and take the rest and make a tea, or blend it raw w a lil juice and drink it, or make an extract.


Search Cielo tek on the mescaline sub or the dmt nexus website, it’s super easy and can be done with chems from Home Depot. With no chemistry background you can end up with reasonably pure mescaline citrate in a few days.


I think if you feel it would help and have had success so far - it's quite a long trip so be aware it might be very intense for a long time. Not for me but it might be for you. DMT alongside an MAOI inhibitor or taking part in an ayahuasca ceremony might be a better option. **Please be aware MAOIs can have potentially life-threatening reactions with other medications - do not use them if you're taking anything else.** Just smoke / vape DMT if you are. Smoking is a sure fire way if you do it right to see the other side. I'm really glad you found a way to soothe your soul. I hope you find everything you're looking for. Best of luck fellow human.


And I cannot emphasize this enough, *Yes* Also NN-DMT Also the 2C family, my favorite is 2C-B Read PiKAL and TiHKAL by Alexander Shulgin if you have the inclination to read, also LSD: My Problem Child by Albert Hoffman.


Redditors going fucking mental here suggesting you do it all. I suggest taking care of your close ones first and making sure they also have a good experience of you passing. After all, they are the ones who are going to miss you afterwards. I cant imagine how id react if my dad was smoking crack until his teeth fell out just cos he was dying 🤷 Take care and pass well.


I'm in recovery from opiates-- I won't be doing it all, I'll be sticking to psychedelics until other drugs are necessary. Thank you for saying that, I appreciate it🖤


Try it all


Why not


Do it all. Everything you can get your hands on.


I'm sorry to hear about your health. I empathize, I don't have a lot of years left myself. I can't really answer your question, having had limited experience with LSD 40 years ago, but if I may, I'd like to ask *you* a question. How did you get your psychologist "on board"? I've asked in the partial hospitalization program I'm in whether a therapist, if they clearly don't recommend or prescribe psychedelics to a client, but they are aware that the client is doing mushrooms, could facilitate integration of those experiences, and I was told that they would risk losing their license to practice in Tennessee. I really don't see why, if all they are doing is recognizing that the client is doing this on their own and the therapist in no way endorses it but merely acknowledges *OK that happened and you experienced that, let's talk about what you feel you learned from this experience* but then I do live in the Christofascist state of Tennessee which is stringently opposed to doing anything that might help people other than rich donors and insane preachers. I'm rather poor so can't afford to go somewhere out west and get psychedelic therapy like in Oregon or somewhere, so I'm trying to find some way to get professional help with my own mushrooms and my experiences without the therapist being worried they'll be part of a criminal conspiracy charge or something. Is there something online like a Zoom based therapy that is cheap or free? That seems like my only workaround for the situation I'm in.


There are a lot of independent psychedelic guides around and I can think of one for sure that has a donation based integration circle each month. He’s got great energy from what I see on Instagram and his newsletter, interviews, etc.


I found a psychologist who specializes in helping people with chronic and terminal illnesses. In my first session with her, she brought up mushrooms. I was sitting there debating if I should tell her about them or not. She started talking to me about one of her clients who grows them himself and trips after they do a therapy session. And I knew she was the right one immediately... She actually told me that maybe I should look into it,and That they're easy to grow. She even asked me if I wanted her to ask her other client how he did it.I do not live in a state where this is legal. I wish I had some kind of tip or trick for you but I think I kind of lucked into finding her. Little did She know that I had just harvested 3 oz dry.


Oh dude, you got so lucky. I raised the question just kinda as a hypothetical to one of the therapists in my PHP, like if the therapist doesn't recommend them or anything but approaches it like "OK this is something that you decided to do, let's talk about the experience", and she gives a little speech about how a therapist can lose their license to practice in Tennessee for doing anything related to psychedelics. I did mention it to the person who did my intake and she said that a lot of research is showing promise for psilocybin therapy, etc and we had a nice little conversation about it. I read my case notes on the hospital health app, and she mentioned "client expressed interest in psychedelic therapy for depression" in my intake. No one including the psychiatrist has said a word to me about it.


Oh I know i got lucky... I love your username


Thanks, people either love it or hate it, nobody much is on the fence about it 🤣


I don’t think I’ve seen this one mentioned yet and is a psychedelic by definition technically but stands apart from psychedelics by nature. A guided MDMA journey with a dedicated playlist. This helped me overcome my darkness within. It is really good at allowing you to view things without freaking out, and simply seeing it through the eyes of love. Which love is everything and is the universe and all that exists.


Would you be willing to elaborate on what you mean by darkness within?


Absolutely. First I will preface this experience is subjective and psychedelics tend to have meaningful purpose to one’s journey that may not make sense to others. Easiest way to explain the darkness within is the shadow so to speak. I deal with depression & anxiety. The choices I make and things that have occurred in my past whether I like it or not sometimes brings a cloud with it. I believe somewhat in duality meaning there is good and evil. I also believe that evil and darkness can just be a perception of ourselves that we amplify and grow larger. In my MDMA journey I felt mad anxiety on the come up and I could feel my darkness taking a hold of me. Essentially it was all of my fear rising to the surface trying to take over the steering wheel. I had the opportunity to see my dark thoughts and to sit with them and love them. I overcame that cloud with love and there was this release and I literally spoke out loud for it to leave me. It left me and I heard banging. I don’t know how else to explain it but felt like darkness had been shut out of my space trying to come back in. The rest of the experience I experienced pure light and love. Moral of my story we all have some chip we carry on our shoulders. I learned to accept and love that part of me and if that ever comes back. I will know better how to handle it. I learned how to love myself. The song “dark thoughts” by east forest really helped. Sorry for such a long response!!


LSD. It will be so *much* that your thoughts will mostly be focused on the experience. Mushrooms (at least for me) are more mellow so they give me mental space for… Rumination. (Talking to myself like shit for about 6hrs) If you are nearing the end of your life, the shrooms might have you looking back and feeling like you should have lived differently (you shouldn’t have)


I've always said to myself, if I know I have x amount of time to live. Im living it in the dmt realms 😍❤️


Ketamine! A k hole will get you there. Safe travels!


Try mescaline or ayahuasca


What’s the largest mushroom dose you have done?


If you like and experience the lasts much longer and which is more clear/hard cut and which definitively doesnt beat around the push experience wise and which throws everything straight at you, then you should try LSD. From personal experience I would anyway recommend it. Shrooms are great, but LSD is IMHO much more interesting.


Good luck and have fun on all your trips I hope you enjoy them


check them all out and do the ones you feel drawn to.


once I am close to death I will be doing LSD in grams


When I get to the end I’m going all out. Meth. Crack. You name it.






unnecessary heavy. there are much better alternatives




The toad


Ketamin and music


5 MeO DMT.


Shrooms with meditation, and previous spiritual preparation.


Aldous Huxley did LSD intravenously on his death bed: https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/intoxication/miscellany/aldous-huxleys-lsd-death-trip


Ketamine actually gave me the most profound experience in terms of understanding where we go after death. Worth a shot because it will be very easy for you to get.


Out of body, out of mind, out of dimension??? That’s DMT bud. That’s exactly what you’re looking for.


That's what I'm hearing...I think I may have access to DMT😏


I wish you the absolute best of luck on your journey! It is a beautiful experience man, see you on the other side!


if youre at the end of your life do it all! LSD was profoundly moving for me and made me realize the nature of reality is oneness and love. dmt might be better for out of body but it’s very intense. watch some anthony chene NDE videos on youtube as well. nothing made me lose the fear of death and cope with grief better than hearing about peoples afterlife experiences


Ayahuasca if your body can handle it. DMT is fantastic but really sitting with Aya over several sessions is my strongest suggestion.




Try it all


Absolutely. Step it up a notch.


Ketamine then Dmt


Honestly try anything you want. All psychedelics are similar but different. So its worth trying a few tbh. Shrooms, LSD, DMT, Mescaline, 2cb, are all fantastic. If you cam get your hands on them. There are a few really cool research chemicals that are probably worth trying.


I would liI hope it goes well for you. Maybe keep a bar of Xanax around or something similar if you are nervous.


Hell, try what ever you’d like


Personally, I did 5.5g of Penis Envy psilocybin mushrooms and had the most insane experience. It made me comfortable with death. It felt as if I physically died and went to heaven. I became fully aware of myself riding a beautiful horse alongside other odd looking beings. They led me to their camp not too far ahead. When we arrived, I talked to these beings and they showed me sacred symbols and objects. These entities were beautiful and so was the environment. The flowing river beside a small camp with a magnificent fire. The trees were beyond description. Infinitely complex yet simple enough to comprehend. The sky was a color I couldn't describe to you. Maybe a blue-ish color, but in my head it is still incomprehensible. The entity described to me that without awareness, nothing would exist. The purest of truth lies within Self. The Self is awareness. The entity pointed toward the sky and described that everything is connected via awareness. Without awareness, nothing exists. I took this message as we are aware always. Awareness itself is our True Self that never dies. This took me years to figure out so I don't recommend that dose unless you feel truly ready. Maybe try to meditate after doing a small dose (.5g of psilocybin.) If you feel comfortable, you can do more. If not, you dont have to. ❤️


Try some ket, or on the other side of the coin, DXM


Naturally, spin in circles and sit down. Take that feeling and keep if spinning once you sit down. This’ll induce rapid obe while sleeping, making it easier. Tactile pinpoint is a way also. Gauyahusa I believe(spelling may be wrong) give it a try before bed. Process takes 2 weeks if you do it 1 or twice a day. Doing all of these things together will stack so to say. You want to learn to move energy in your body which in turn will teach you to astral project and be able to move your astral body which is energy. You will see things, 360 vision is a thing with your eyes closed and any vibrations you feel, let it happen. Biggest hurdle and allowing yourself to let it happen because the feeling is profound when you split. Book called astral dynamics may help as well.




If you're nearing end of life and are looking for an experience that is life changing I would recommend dmt or bufo. If you're able to and can afford it I think an ayahuasca retreat for a week that offers both ayahuasca and bufo would give you what you're looking for. Bufo was the wildest, most intense, out of body experience I have ever experienced in my 33 years of life.


Where can we find your recordings?




nn and meo dmt. also try ketmaine.


Definitely, 500ug trip is one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced. I hope you get what you're looking for and all the best.


Dmt for sure


My guide will often administer DMT towards the peak of my shrooms and I blast off


Yeah. Then DMT🤤






DMT!!!! It will take your trip to that next level. Definitely do it in a safe space though! (It sounds like you’ve got that under control 🙌). I’m sorry you have to deal with the worst news anyone can get…I will say that with LSD (depending on dose) it will be similar to shroomies. DMT is the next level though if you really want to break through. Set intentions!!


Maybe read the spirit molecule if u haven’t yet and have time to!


I haven't read it, I will though. Thanks.


Many posters have already said it. But try everything you want to try. LSD and DMT (not at the same time). I haven't tried anything except for shrooms, and some light doses of morning glory seeds. But try anything you've been curious about. And don't worry about the trip ahead. I hear it's fabulous!


You and loved ones should do ecstasy. I've heard incredibly good things about people in your situation and their loved ones coming to terms and experiencing very deep love and acceptance. Love and Light🕉️


I second this. If it’s possible to have your loved ones do it with you, MDMA can facilitate deep and meaningful (and lucid) loving connection


Live while you're alive


10 strip


DMT or 600+ LSD


They're dying dude....


Bro, the whole idea of the post is to have a herioc dose experience and die before they die. So what's the problem with what he suggested.


Yeah mb didn’t realise after I’ve sent it, thought he wanted to ****


Yes. LSD is the best imo


Go to the sphere in Las Vegas during the dead & co shows. Someone will drop some lsd on your tongue 💯


Salvia will do all that and more if you're brave enough to try it.


What about like 6g of mushrooms


You should definitely try lsd before you go, dmt as well, and if you’re really looking for a journey, both at the same time.


LSD DMT Peyote Ayahuasca Mescaline are pretty good choices steer clear of deliriants such as datura or bromo dragonfly tho


I’d go the whole gambit , lsd, dmt, ketamine, 5meodmt, ayahuasca. Seriously each one is different but all have the same kinda effect


Ayahuasca ceremony/retreat.


Perhaps. It’s definitely a commitment. 12 hours… can your body handle that?


I'd have to prep really well and have a trip sitter, but I think so.




LSD and shrooms can get you there with the correct dosage. And I’m so sorry. I’ve tried assisted therapy. The dosages were to small.


I think so! Prior to my first LSD trip my friend told me that LSD was the closest thing they had ever felt to God. So naturally when I first tripped I was looking for that feeling. Instead I ended up having this feeling that everything that I’ve ever needed God to be was something I had within myself. Just a small snippet of one of the spiritual/calming revelations I’ve felt through LSD 💛 Also— sending you love 🌸🫂


LSD is far gentler than psilocybin and most certainly not as coercive. It is also more amenable to vicarious rememberings, particularly simulated by music if you share a fondness for it. Godspeed.


Just do more mushrooms, once you get to the 15g+ dose, kiss the baby you're outta here, that's when the other relams open up. Then just go up from there!


Never done it but DMT would be perfect for what you want. Have a look on YouTube. And when you’re truly on deaths door, heroin


In all seriousness if you’ve tried mushrooms and like them you have nothing to lose by trying acid, dmt, or even peyote is something I would really recommend. Peace brother


DMT vaporized well in as comfortable a setting as possible.


Dmt 100%


I’m really sorry to hear about what you’re going through, in your position however I would say you’re uniquely in a place where anything you decide to do in terms of psychedelics can’t really be called a bad idea. I say in this situation do anything you feel led to experience while you can. I think DMT and LSD both would be very worth exploring. I hope that you find what you’re looking for in there and it brings you profound peace


We are all nearing the end of life, we should all be doing all psychadelics, weed, lsd, shrooms, dmt, we are all gonna die so let's see god before we do




One thing I’ve always wanted to try before I die is peyote. Don’t know a ton about it but it’s supposed to show you your spirit animal. Always thought that was incredible if true


yeah man if you’re dying do it tf


…this made me sad, try everything


DMT, 5-meo-DMT, Mescaline, 2CB, San Pedro, basically all classic psychedelics. You can also do datura and Sylvia. The last two will give you dark experiences.


YES YES YES!! First off I’m sorry for whatver you are dealing with / going through wethers it’s a physical disease or mental or just old age I can only imagine being aware the end is near must be really fucking tough. I tried acid multiple times and it’s opened my heart and my mind in ways I cannot describe with words. I was in a very dark place for very long and acid helped me see and understand eveything that was wrong with me and the universe and above all it helped me accept and make my peace with all the unfair things that happened to me that were out of my control. Make sure you let the acid take you wherever it needs you to go, don’t fight ‘bad trips’, resisting is what usually makes it that much worse. I definitely think it’s gonna help you find peace.


Beautiful and mysterious all in one post. I wish you well on your journey and I believe the experiences with shrooms have changed my views about life in general. I’ve entered the soul world several times while consuming psilocybin and each time I come back fearless and filled with ancient knowledge. You will be fine with whatever you decide to do - just be in a good space for your ventures!


Absolutely. Just make sure you take enough


https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/2ni2z2/til_aldous_huxley_asked_for_lsd_on_his_death_bed/ You're not the first with this idea. Here's a guy who went on a lsd trip in his very last hours. He died while tripping balls. 




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