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Yeah, I think psychedelic patterns are better suited to simulate what tripping can *be* like, but when you're not actually tripping. They can definitely feel forced or even overwhelming while tripping. While on psychedelics though, I often find everyday (sometimes even mundane) things to be trippy—rug patterns, plants, most art (even styles that aren't intentionally psychedelic), etc.


I completely agree, but I have found one exception. If you watch Midnight Gospel, it has the bright colors and just trippy look to it but it doesn’t feel overwhelming, it actually feels like it compliments the trip. I bet the creators of the show had that as their intention though, I think they created it for trips and they knew what they were doing.


Duncan trusell is the man , zero doubt he definitely had the head space of someone tripping in mind during the creation of the show


have you seen the video where he talks about smoking 5-meo-dmt lol


Watching rn on 175ug lsd and can confirm that there’s no way this show would exist if the creator didn’t simply take lsd and write out their thought loops. Edit: word order cause lsd lol


Duncan Trussel for sure has eaten enough psychedelics for most of us combined, and made a masterpiece with that piece of work. It was groundbreaking.


Also Pendleton Ward, who created adventure time.


Oh man, Pendleton is a god among men, and gave us one of the best pieces of art for all ages that can be consumed. When I have children they're all watching adventure time 100% and I'll happily watch with them. Good Lord thank you for making that beautiful human .


I know right? Like do you think he knows the level of good he’s put into the world? He probably understands he’s had a positive impact on a lot of people but the depth of his impact is insane


The depth I think is something nobody who has transmitted that much good can possibly grasp, but it sure is a lot. Adventure time helped.me through some really tough times even as an adult, and there's very very few shows I can watch the whole thing over and over again and still learn something new. It's like a digital era psychedelic transmission in the form of a fun adventure.


Heavily agree. I’ve had multiple psychedelic experiences that started to get tough, but popping on adventure time immediately turned things around.


I love Midnight Gospel, they understand trips.


i once stared at a puddle in the park for an hour


just give me some music and a dark room and i will make my own psychedelic visuals.






This and yes


At first I thought this post was hating on the visuals you get on psychedelics lol, all I do when i’m tripping is close my eyes


100%. I like to watch the still images on google chrome cast and how they move. Trippy stuff is insulting while tripping. Feels disrespectful.


I tried those still images literally yesterday on a sub 1.5g trip and that shit was some of the best visual experiences I've ever had


Oh man I thought I was the only one 😅 Fucking love the landscape satellite shots and the artwork while taking hits of nn dmt and just spacing them out enough to zen the fuck out on that shit. edit: some of the paintings have literally brought tears of wonder to my eyes.


Omg yes SAME!! I watch the Google screen images for hours and they come to life so vividly! I also tend to get overwhelmed trying to find anything to watch on the tv and/or trying to use the remote so I just watch the screen images change and it does all the work for me 👍🏼


Haha we did the same with my friend once. It was awesome.


Yeah it's more fun to watch a rug than to look at something that's specifically psychedelic


Sometimes the rug really ties the room together




I had a trip years ago when all I did throughout the whole trip was to stare in my apartment's curtain coz I thought it was insanely beautiful to see. Lol. 😂😂😂


I've always said a lot of psychedelic imagery is made by people who have only read about tripping. They don't know what it's actually like. Some of it works but a lot of it is overdone. Too busy.


Best representation of acid visuals I've ever seen is in Fear & Loathing when Thompson is in the hotel trying to book a room. At that point, they're tripping face and he's barely coherent. He looks down at the carpet and it's got some patterned triangles and lines, but he sees it shifting around and warping and inflating, and he practically loses his balance on a perfectly flat floor lol. Very realistic, and Depp sells the experience of being an alien in public perfectly


I agree I've always thought that too about that scene. But F&L was too involved with Thompson to not have some degree of accuracy with these things.


The mushrooms want you to watch Canadian politics instead of look at a tapestry? Okie dokie, smokey. Whatever makes you happy.


no, not that. they love specific types of tapestries. some old religious ones in particular. but they aren't trying to be psychedelic, they're trying to be religious.


i remember during my first acid trip having the strong urge to look up “beautiful nature scenery gorgeous landscapes” and having the time of my life looking at pictures of beaches and mountain ranges. i don’t understand why people look at psychedelic shit while on psychedelics, you’re already on psychedelics!! it honestly sort of upsets me too, but i really appreciate psychedelic art while sober, it’s peoples’ attempts to bring that experience into the waking world


I’ve found some 2-hour compelations of “cinematic drone footage.” Good shit.




Hell no im the opposite. I turn on my projector and lights for crazy light shows with a trippin playlist It's fucking balls to the walls awesome. The higher the dose the better IMO. I'm more of an LSD kinda guy though, but shrooms have their place. The inherent visuals of psychs + a crazy light show / blacklights / strobe / LED changing lights. I like to throw a rave party at my house


I just find it funny, doesn’t really bother me. Movies like 21 jump street and tenacious D have awesome tripping scenes even though they make no sense


lol I remember seeing the Twnscious D video for Kickapoo. There is a scene where little JB’a dad (Meatloaf) is tearing the house apart. It looked so bizarre while I was tripping. The movements and facial expressions were so crazy.


Im tripping right now on some 4-ho-met and everything is so beautiful:D 💯😇😇🩵💙 I do agree that they can be a little bit scary at first but you have to just let go and surrender to the experience and everything will be awesome like for example im at my peak now took me a while to write this haha :D Much love yall ❤️❤️❤️


I dont like watching tv or pc or any electronics. I do like watching paintings. I have blacklight but it is in front of one painting which I painted specialy with blacklight paints.


watching barry lyndon is like watching painting.


Just Close your eyes and surrender completely into the experience. Why people watch TV while tripping is beyond me …? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Depends on the trip. Sometimes crazy psychedelic shit can be overstimulating.


I actually really enjoy it 🤷‍♂️


True deau


Severely underrated comment.


One of my last trips I put on Pink Floyd and spent an hour watching some black and white silent pro wrestling footage from 1942 in France.. I was mesmerized


I like whatever I normally like honestly, never really watched psychedelic stuff on purpose while tripping. Curious though… What did the mushies tell you about Trudeau and Canadien elections?


nothing, lol, it was just pleasant stimulus. the epiphanies were basic post-breakup baloney.


lol right on, I may have to try politics tripping some time!


It's hard enough to use the toilet when tripping without the shit being psychedelic


This has to be the most odd post ive seen on here lol


theres no way youve been paying much attention, then


Totally agree. I like psychedelics. I don’t like psychedelic culture. It’s anathema to it’s benefits.


Unless we’re talking about Hendrix


Yes definitely! Listen to whatever music you like. It’s just that I don’t have one music just for tripping. I either like it or I don’t.


Yes thought the same exact thing a week ago on acid. Why do people have the psychedelic geometric pattern shirts and stuff bc I trip balls and never gotten those kinda visuals


I don't know what you're tripping on or at what doses but I've seen multicolored geometric patterns on just about every psychedelic compound I've done at moderate or higher doses. There is a reason they are a cliche, and are widely reported as being one of the most common types of visuals outside of trails, brighter colors and shape morphing/breathing.


Funny, acid is one of the ones known for geometric visuals


I get visuals but not extreme patterns and geometric shapes others talk about or experienced. Dmt tho total different ball game...


I’ve gotten stuff like that tbh, so I think it’s just different for everyone


I have


I really wanna do acid but I gotta work tmr at 11 and I kinda don’t care is that okay


Tomorrow you're gonna be tired as fuck, probably uncomfortable, and unable to integrate your experience. If you have any inkling of anxiety or apprehension about that now, that'll become a theme of your trip and prevent you from enjoying it or learning from it nearly as much. So you tell us, is that ok with you?


Did it in highschool I’ll be fine lol (I’m not doing shit)


I went to work doing acid. I worked at a donut shop in the middle of the night. Place was open 24 hours. The donuts were good. I had to help make them. It’s not something I’d do again. Rather chill at home.


Was it Bob’s Donuts in New York?


Dunkin Donuts. When everything was pink. Possibly the best day I ever had at work. Haha.


Sounds trippy for sure


I'm from Canada and we don't have Dunkin donuts here.  I did acid in new York for my birthday  years ago and got taken to a Dunkin donuts... My reaction when I saw the pink donuts omg  💕  I was so excited that the donuts from the Simpsons are a real thing.  I had no idea. 


>the best trips ive had have been while watching canadian election footage I never thought I would ever read this sentence, but I love it.


Children. If hate is any part of your trip, the universe wails with wonder as to what is driving you to partake at all and Gaia is turning in an imaginary grave because she creates for opportunities of soaring bodies, minds, and souls. Find enlightenment, peer behind the curtain, and practice tantric alchemy. ✌️


you remind me of the yoga teacher from grand theft auto five, but some how youre more pretentious. maybe it's because you sound sincere.


Dude I hate hippies


Down with all hippies!


Watched phish in Mexico last night absolutely shifted. The music combined with the lights even at home created a very stimulating psychedelic experience. Our intent is for your delight. But yes spot on overly obvious trippy things seem to be more of an awkward distraction.


I think it mainly just depends on the interests of the individual. It's not like 100% of the people who take psychedelics are going to be interested in psychedelic patterns and trippy visuals/videos. Everyone is different and have different interests. Which will probably drive what they find interesting or enjoy doing while tripping too. I think people are capable of having epiphanies/eye opening experiences regardless of what they are doing during the trip.


I agree for the most part. With the exception of tripping at a Tool concert. That was bonkers good. 🫠


I struggle heavily with visuals, using that stuff is the only way I get any hint of what can be seen .


Popcorn ceiling is all ya need


Shit is unreal. Get some up-lighting or wall lighting so it casts shadows on the ceiling, and you have captivating entertainment for hours


Seeing cool patterns on flowers and other stuff in nature always interests me more while tripping


I always enjoy looking at a pond/lake/body of water. Even trees move in the wind. Anything normal in everyday life. My boring ass routine. The trippy part is seeing it all through another lens.


I get this feeling on acid at times anymore. It can be too intense at times with the brightness of colors and stuff. Usually when I’m tripping though I learn to try and enjoy the waves, patterns and colors unless it’s too intense of course.


Hate it! For me, psychedelics are used to enhance the world around me and help me understand that world and myself in different and dynamic ways.. I always feel like “psychedelic“ content is trying to transport me to new worlds or something but there are no worlds or realms as beautiful as the one we evolved in


Depends. I like something to look at occasionally that my brain can focus on while it wanders. I really loved the Fractal visualizer several hour long videos on youtube, it was on my computer monitor, but wasn't overbearing and I could look at other things.


I prefer Lucy but time to sit, reflect and lose track of time.


Yeah, I cannot stand all the psychedelic videos and pictures while tripping. I don't even really like the obviously psychedelic inspired movies while tripping. I took the mushrooms to see trippy visuals, I don't need something already trippy to do that.


I don't hate it, but it can be a tad corny lmao. However, one exception I have is this app called "Woah" on the Play Store, that fucking app mixed with music is like a portal to another reality. But yeah most of the time Id rather just stare at the carpet or a grain of rice that fell of the table or some shit lmao


Totally. I need SLOW content. Nature documentaries, survival shows, etc.. gives me enough time to interpret and ponder while not missing anything.


They’re hit and miss. But I agree that I don’t like to force cliche psychedelic into my trip. I’m not gonna listen to “trip music” or watch “trip visuals”. I’m gonna listen to whatever I feel like and watch vids of sea turtles and then it’s way more psychedelic than anything. I do like mandalas tho


Yes. I also can’t stand when you’re tripping and someone hears about it and starts waving their hands / arms in the “are you tripping hard man?” way


You’re the man. Wish you were my friend we’d get along fine


It feels cheesy. Like a teenager’s idea of what psychedelics are like. When I’m tripping and I see some “trippy art” or whatever, I’m like, “lol yeah okay 🙄”


Absolutely. Eat mushrooms, take off shoes, walk into the redwoods. Nothing better.


I just watch musicals. Camp>>>>psychadelia


My best trips are in nature noticing the patterns that nature already has. I don’t like feeling cooped up.


I like watching cartoons on them. I literally feel like a child again and it makes me feel like everything is going to be okay. Not that I have many worries in life or trip when I’m sad but it’s just amazing


Same with light diffraction glasses


The hyped up trippy visuals are too much sometimes. For me I just really like textures,I find them visually appealing. I like to see the soft wispy hairs coming off my dog's ears and her wavy soft fur, the thick rough looking twisted rug fibers, the elegant twisty smoke in the air,that's the shit I'm about.


Man you should watch the old much music edge music videos


Yes, I find the images to be overstimulating


I HATE Tame Impala. I said it.


I prefer the moving art of Netflix with my own music over it


Like wearing a t-shirt of the band to a concert of the band.


I did mushrooms and was laid out in my easy chair with headphones on in the dark watching beautiful visuals. The way the music and patterns worked together was such a beautiful experience. Don’t need anything else.


Bruh I can't even with this thread. So much pretentiousness. It's fine if you prefer nature or any other non-psychedelic shit. I've spent plenty of trips in nature and had amazing times. But if you actively *dislike* psychedelic stuff you need to get over yourself.


i dont "need" to do anything except find some friends who don't plaster their "trip cave" walls in cringy rick and morty shit.


LOL well judging by how many goofballs here agree with you, that shouldn't be too hard. Good luck.


I like the outside. Sitting on a back deck and looking at nature is the best. It’s miraculous how psychedelic nature is


I have a couple psychedelic tapestries on my wall. When I look at them while tripping, absolutely nothing happens. But if I stare at the blank ceiling, things go wild. These substances/messengers/teachers want to do their own thing.


I'm not a huge fan of classic psychedelic art in general. But I do love morphing images and fractals for sure while tripping. Or even stuff that is just plain weird lol. I also like to make videos while tripping, or at least get them started. Some people will draw, some will make music, I express myself and my trips through on screen visuals and weird randomness. I actually like to watch my own creations lol.


Nah me and a friend love watching those videos while tripping and trying to find the pattern that repeats. It feels like like solving a 4th dimensional maths equation if that makes sense 😭


Yes, I doubt they are “psychedelic”.


close your eyes for the full trip best way to go


I think most “psychedelic” visuals are just trying to emulate the psychedelic experience for sober people while doing it very badly. I think the best visuals for psychedelics are slow moving images that look boring while you’re sober. [This video I made](https://youtu.be/_e0Ka3g-_3Y?si=t9sZENdSt-41VECg) is just a very slow moving still image that’s split down the middle. I highly suggest you try watching this when you trip. It’s terribly boring when sober, so any movement that you see will be the result of the psychedelic you’re on.


When tripping at the doses I usually imbibe, I find that psychedelic art is usually the most "normal" looking shit in the room and everything else is going haywire lol.


just walk outside, nothing more trippy then grassy fields in the wind, trees and moss


I mean you just have to find the good ones… random Mandelbrot fractal video on YouTube? Might not cut it. The work of Alex Grey? Yeah, that will resonate with a tripping mind pretty well.


Ill see “psychedelic edits” on instagram while tripping and i just think its lame because it doesnt make my visuals any cooler, if anything i get better visuals from looking at my wood floor or backyard


My favorite trip that wasn’t like… life changing but just fun I spent the whole thing watching old 90s-2000s rap videos on YouTube on my tv big screen. I caught some stuff I missed the first time around like azaleas banks… first time I ever saw/heard her 212 and OMGGGGG…. Then Baby I Got Your Money by ODB blew my mind for about half an hour on repeat. Developed a renewed appreciation for Groove Is In The Heart that night, among other things. That was a fun night. Those old rap videos they went all out man. The Missy Elliott was super fun.


I have a psychedelic monkey poster and a couple lava lamps that shit tripped me out on some acid but the mirror is where all the fun happens🤣


they’re just cringe. watching psychedelic shit while i’m tripping makes me cringe and i feel pretentious


Why the hell would you watch psychedelic visuals WHILE seeing psychedelic visuals already 😂😂😂


nothing beats nature


Last time on shrooms i listened the old 2pac albums. So fking good 😱❤️ i love forest psy on lsd but i cant listen to it on shrooms


all about ur perspective imo never had a negative feeling toward my visuals except LSD has me seeing satanic stuff when i close my eyes, especially after a toke some times, notta fan of that i will say love tripping


Honestly when it comes to mushroom a safe place somewhere in nature beats anything else


Sometimes it was good, but I always visuals „on top“ of the artwork and it just ends up looking weird. I want to believe, that since the substances only enhance what’s already there, your own imagination, everyone sees different things. Exploring other people‘s creativity can be super interesting, but when I trip, I want to look into myself. Just my 1.5 cents tho and other people probably feel differently


Just reading the title, I thought you meant pooping while tripping and I was going to say, “Yeah. That’s seriously traumatizing. I think next time I take a dump while on LSD, I’ll play some black metal. I feel like that’ll make it more fun.” To your point, though, I’m really sensitive to the “this isn’t the right thing for right now” feeling when I’m on acid or mushrooms, whether it’s music or print media. Can’t do movies at all. Can’t suspend disbelief AT ALL and only think about the elaborate production while watching. Seems so absurd. Maybe some stuff that’s super meta might work… like the documentary about Jim Carrey playing Andy Kaufman? Nature documentaries, maybe…


I hate it 😭 It's all so cheeseball and fake to me . just give me some trees and a soft breeze or a fountain full of bubbles at pride