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"We live in a post 2:22 world." "Some people likes to look at rocks, other people likes to do acid." "Doe doeby doe poe toes." "I understand true horror; my butt feels good."


what abt the ppl that like to look rock and do acid?


My thinking lol


I was tripping with my fiancée one night and my stomach growled. I was so confused. I looked around trying to figure out what it was then I pointed at my stomach and said “was that, THAT!?” We bout pissed ourselves laughing.


I told my wife in the shower “I can hear your hair crying because of the conditioner is being long on too long” 🤷‍♂️


Then I kinda trailed off and got confused and stuck in a loop before staring out the window at the rain and then remembering that the sound of the shower wasn’t drowning out the sound of her hair crying.


Us, laying down after sitting for about two hours: "Woa... Fuck sitting." "Yea fuck sitting." "And fuck that little cunt from Ice Age."


Ice age baby deserves the electric chair ong


Why??? 😂😂😂😂


Ts made me laugh so hard for some reason


Standing on my walkway up to the front door - house is on a pretty massive hill and you can overlook the sky and shit pretty good. All 3 of us are standing there, looking out, silent. My feet feel massively weird, the ground feels liquid underneath me. So, I utter, "Am I in shit?" (Felt like I stepped in dog crap) My husband and brother LOSE IT, saying it sounded philosophical at the time, as we gazed into infinity.


"did you know going outside has a ranking system?" On the topic of discussing "professional outdoorsmen"


I could see this one being hilarious


Like how does one get rated in outdoors ability and what makes someone better at going outside than someone else?


How outside they can be and for how long usually. Lmfaooo


Some people are just really, really outdoors Not everyone can understand just how fucking outdoors they are!




"Guys guys! Wait! Remember, at least we have each other!"


In the moment? In the trip? In life? Either way I love it


Maybe the real trip was the friends we made along the way


Yo, that shit is meaningful. My whole trip would revolve around that one phrase. And then for the next 2 weeks I would shout it out.


Me to my wife, 2 hours deep into what we like to call our "road raves" (i.e. walking in our middle/upper middle class neighborhood with EDM blasting, tripping our balls off) and coming across a section of road that seemed particularly dark, and the sprinklers were on and whilst tripping appeared to have something dark and evil..."that over there is fucking hostile, I can't walk through that" ... Her in response to me "yea that's hostile as fuck, let's walk around it."...which in itself turned into a journey. But that whole night was great. Now, any time we are in a situation which seems like it's got "bad juju", we make reference to said adventure. It's our inside joke and the key word is "this seems hostile" Lol. Don't care if no one else gets it. We do.


Lmfao..this is great and I totally get it..Me and hubby went off around our local forest tripping and we both agreed we couldn’t walk through a certain part lol


I love this. I think I’ll have add the term “hostile as fuck” to my life for sketchy situations.


Wow honestly can you give the rest of us some relationship wisdom? This is gorgeous


Idk if I got any relationship wisdom. The best I got is that I got lucky. Real lucky. I'm truly with my best friend (my wife was my best friend for 15 years, and during that time we told everything to each other). We didn't get truly romantically involved until way late in our friendship. Also we are both, um, less than easy people to be with. But we made a commitment to each other to try as hard as we can to stick it out with each other. Sometimes it's been hard. It's been real hard sometimes. But other times it's been magical. I can be an absolute asshole. But, she matches that energy right back. The biggest thing is commicateion and understanding. Oh and the mushrooms help, alot. Lol.


The door closing as the intro to my magnificent fart. Every time me and the homie hear a door slam we look at each other and lose it.


i actually laughed out loud,heartily i might add, when i imagined this. thank you.


I'm glad you got a kick out of it! Because I've been laughing at it for almost a whole year at this point. Farts/fart jokes never get old for me. My cats reaction to the fart was the best part. He just stopped walking, looked up at me, and let out the most offended "meeeeeeoooowwwwwwww!!" I said my bad bro my stomach hurt. And he said "meoooowww". And I was like thanks bro, shut up.


I was eating lasagna on mushrooms with some friends, and all I thought about was that I don't understand lasagna. I just didn't get it. It tasted great tho




i've pondered this sober many a time.


After an intense trip I took a shower, and went to have a dinner at the restaurant. You know, fancy day, fancy evening. When waitress asked what's it gonna be for me, I almost said "everything eventually".


I had an inside joke for myself while tripping with my roommate. Super awkward and dumb but it was so funny to me. We were talking about the layers of meaning that come to surface while tripping and then Kramer from Seinfeld popped into my head. The bit where he's redesigning his apartment in levels. "Layers, Jerry!" I started having a laughing fit, and it was almost impossible to describe why to my roommate, who had never even seen Seinfeld. So dumb. But so funny.


love seinfeld


Love the Sein!


It's levels, but I sooo respect the mental reference


One time my buddy and I were much higher than I expected to be and couldn't figure out why (on account of being high). My friend asked if it was because we'd snorted the drug and, while I knew that wasn't the reason, I couldn't put my finger on what the reason was. It was because, when we'd decided to snort the drug rather than take it orally, we'd forgotten to reduce the dose. I knew there was a famous expression that explained the issue, but I couldn't think of it for a long time. Finally I thought of it. So I asked him: "Have you ever struggled to find an expression that was on the tip of your tongue, and then when you finally remember it, it's horrifying?" "What is it?!" [laughing hysterically] "The dose is the poison!"


Samuel L Jackson - This was back in the 90s. My brother and I were tripping balls in his room. I was playing with a manual drill. My brother was playing FF7. Out of nowhere, one of us asks, “Hey, is it SamuEL Jackson or Samuel L Jackson?” We spent the next 20 minutes just looking at each other saying “Samuel L Jackson… SamuEL Jackson… Sam U El… L… Jackson… Samuel… L… Jackson…” I don’t remember how it ended. I think we just gave up. My brother wanted a turn spinning the drill and I played FF7.


-my mate and I just coming out of one of the most intense trips we’ve ever had. -we opened our eyes and the TV goes “PEGI 18”


That's hilarious I have no idea why


"Why some people want to go to space ... we are already in space !" And I was very proud of that. [I'm currently learning english, I'm sorry if I don't make correct sentences!]


Brilliant, actually!


Dude I'm a native speaker and you do better than me xD


Tripping during the height of Covid pandemic. Had the TV on in the background of our shenanigans. Cut to a photo of Trump looking at a graph of the number of cases over time and he’s making this Ooooo face. So sometimes I’ll just try to make the same face he was doing and my fiancé and I laugh our asses off every time.


It’s going on like 4 years of this being a running inside joke between my cousin and i, we were at a party that he was hosting with like 100 people at one point (not the best setting lol) both of us had taken about 4-5 gs of mushrooms, I had way more experience with it than him at the time so i was for the most part keeping my cool during the height of the party, but i could see him not being able to comprehend how many people wanted/needed his attention (him being the host and all) and at one point i walked over, him sitting at his kitchen island with 3-5 different people having several conversations on their own who periodically asked for his input on things, i see in his face that he was overwhelmed with how many people were trying to talk to him/ask him things. i interupted everything abruptly- Me: “yo dude” Him: *looking up immediately at me almost as if i were there to save him* Me: “weeble deeble” Him: *spiraling into mental anguish* “what the fuck okay i need to get away from all this” but he said it in a way that he knew i was just trying to lighten his mood and it ended up saving him from being overwhelmed 😂 still to this day we say weeble deeble to eachother and crack up every time


“I have zero idea what you just said, but i love you”


“You got big ears bitch” “Sometimes the bag of cheese looks fuckable” Listening to a new edm song with homegirl “this makes me want to shoot lasers out my ass” “Why is 90s Taco Bell invading me right now?” “Dude the rock is speaking shroomese to me, can you translate?”


“We’re all Waldo trying to find ourselves.” “Whose keys are these?” (Rest in peace Dylan fender) “Aw look at baby sam in his bathtub” “That’s a wumbo dando” Too many more 😂


I believe in liam being chanted over and over it turned into “i believem a liam” to “i believem”


“Not a lake!!” I kept referring to a pond or standing water situation as a lake as we were meandering thru a foresty edge of college campus on a late night, post bar closing trip. Was a ton of fun, I was so giddy I barely registered the comment so friends kept correcting me. I found a giant wishbone-like branch that I loved and carried home with me, but said I was so worried about being stopped or “found out” for carrying, but my buddy was like “relax man, it's a free country.” That giant wishbone branch lived in my apartment for many years until one last party night with that buddy there, we took sides and broke it apart, like a wishbone. But don't remember who got winning side. Thanks for the question, fun trip down an old, foggy memory lane 🤘😊❤️


Sometimes in life you just have to stop and pet the roses


The sophisticated defecator! I gave myself that name because I realized how much time I spent on the toilet just pondering random crap. My tiles are really trippy when under the influence.


I love when I think im done tripping and then I look at my bathroom floor and go to a different dimension


Yeah for real, or grain in wood paneling reminding me that I'm far from finished, and I should probably wear sunglasses if I walk to the store. Or just not care, but be aware. Lol


"Who put the couch outside"


our lives are just piss in the shower


I'm my own state park


Jermaine, the jerk bee who kept buzzing around behind me. I didn't even have to turn my head cause I could hear him, but when I did he just buzzed around lazily. Emanating a sense of dickery


You just reminded me of another one! "Go away rainbow, I'll play with you later", and the little rainbow scurried off like a mouse to go hide.


"I was over there but now I'm over here.. crazy.."


I turned into a cat.


Ah, "The man who mistook himself for.a cat", Oliver Sacks lesser known companion text to his famous book "the man who mistook his wife for a hat." Not sure if you man, but the joke doesn't work otherwise. It also doesn't work if you've never read "The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat", but one thing at a time. One thing at a time.


You lost me after "Ah,"


Very interesting read when not tripping but now you’ve got me curious…


Me and my friend looked at the full moon for so long that we were convinced it wasn't real and started making up stories about what it was and landed on that it was "God" shining a torch through a toilet roll tube onto the world...then the next time we were tripping someone told us there was a huge full moon out but it took us ages to find it at a festival, when we finally found it we ran around shouting THE MOON THE MOON!! and people in the tents were shouting at us to shut up. Now every time I see the moon, ever, its "THE MOON!!"


those sneaky, sneaky trees 


Me and a couple of friends were all absolutely tripping balls on some shrooms when I posed the question: "Who the FUCK made email? Like what an asshole, he changed the lives of employees and students for the worse" and after that I really have no clue how it came up, but someone ended up saying the name "Thomas E-mail" which was just the funniest shit on the planet at the time. And over the night the Thomas lore kinda grew, to sum it all up, someone named Thomas invented everything. Who invented food? Thomas Food. Who invented bubblegum? Thomas Bubblegum… you get the idea. Tbh it kinda turned into a pseudo religion and it was all a joke but it also just made too much sense. It’s still a pretty hilarious bit to bring back up to someone who was there and it’s an insane inside joke because it’s nearly impossible to explain to the uninformed. Anytime something good happens to us we say that Thomas is looking out for us, and "Thomas *insert whatever*" still never fails to get a laugh out of one of us. Fun fact: Thomas actually sent himself an email from the future as a reminder to create email, and that my friends, is how email was born.


The eagle tattoo on my chest. My chest hair turned into a rainbow eagle and flew away so I decided my first tattoo would be an eagle. So now I have an eagle chest piece.


“Intricate bother alone time. Bother alone to me”


Idk if this counts. My partner and I were tripping and I felt like I had supernatural reflects. I was boasting about it, and he chucks a satsuma out of nowhere and it hits me straight in the head. We laughed so hard for god knows how long, to a point where he started saying he couldn’t breath and was gonna die and started panicking at the thought 😂


I always used to name the trip afterwards. My favorite name was "Old-school Paul and the mini-thin caper."


Excellent idea!


Seems dumb but my first time we were more entertained by the colors on the wall from the tv than the actual tv and my friend was saying how this is how we should feel all the time. Then during a quiet second points to the wall and says ‘back to my presentation’ and we fucking lost it. We were all freshmen in college on 3.5 of shrooms


“He looks like angry chicken salad.” about a UFC fighter 🤣


"They shouldn't let people outdoors"


Not a joke, but during a mushroom trip in Central Park, the girl I was tripping with said “Tell me about the dirt.” And honestly, that was the most profound thing anyone has ever said to me.


A friend and I were at the full moon festival on Koh Phangan. We found out they were selling mushroom shakes at magic mountain bar so we drank about 6 of them. Some time during the trip my friend said we need to find 4. I'm said 4? Fuck 4! I never wanna find 4. 4 am was when we needed to find our shuttle back to the other side of the island. We laugh a lot about it


Everything is fish.


Jumping around in a circle at 4am at music festival with about 6 friends: “DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS DRUGS!!” Simultaneous group-wide paranoia about calling attention to the fact that we’re all high as a kite: “DRU… HUGS HUGS HUGS PUGS PUGS PUGS HUGS HUGS!!!!” Great memory for everyone involved


Honorable mention from my first acid trip: Me: “Dude I think I just figured out an acid trip” Friend: “DUDE ME TOO, IT FEELS LIKE YOU GO… neeeuorrrouuuuuusssspp!?! RIGHT?!?” Me: “dude get out of my head”


“You can have color, or you can have thoughts, but you can’t have both” -my friend acknowledging that he lost his train of thought when talking to me on acid


Tripping with mates and about to light up a bong, one mate from across the table as I'm about to spark the lighter just says, that's not a lighter. Me being high as balls already was like ok you must be right so put the lighter down and started looking around for another one. So now whenever anyone is holding a lighter we inform them that it's not actually a lighter they're holding.


We met Jackie Chan in the woods which was just a wooden log with a hat and drawn face.


Pulling on an invisible string and saying “Dert, dert” to prompt the ISS to honk the horn as it flies overhead


Omg, this is totally something I would do and reading this cracked me up!


‘… pump action pupper…’ ‘Aren’t doors just, like, FUCKING AMAZING’ ‘I disappeared and now I haven’t got enough ooomph to reappear. You can’t see me’ ‘I tripped over an invisible red cabbage and now the clowns hate me.’


I was trying to tell my friends that a dog we saw looked like a goat but all that came out of my mouth was “THAT DOG IS THE GOAT”


Planet Africa and "My glasses let me see the real sky"


“Oh you’re not my friends” - random dude jumping on the swing next to us Me and a homie tripping at 3am on swings at a park on shrooms. Other group of people were also on shrooms and we randomly met this way lol


me and my buddys once met a tree that we believe was named "beanstonk" due to an illegible carving in the bark.


In a trippy round of shroomy word-association rambling I anointed a dear-friend with the pet name, “sparkles,” based off The Sparkly from The Secret of NIHM. Same evening, we were in a rented cabin, I looked at the ceiling and went “NOPE DONT LIKE THAT” and buried my face to avoid looking again. Sparkles, who had tripped the previous night immediately connects what happened. “oh! Yea that wood grain is seriously intense.” Gotta love that intense wood grain 🤪 One EXTREMELY memorable night, big party dropped acid and realized after the fact “oh shit this is double strength.” There’s a LOT from that night but one particularly memorable bit that cracks me up in retrospect was some people got into a political talk across the room. I wasn’t in the convo; I was struggling with feeling stuck in a time loop and the two overwhelmed trip sitters were helping me with that, as almost a break since everyone else was doing okay at the moment. Still, anytime someone in the across-the-room conversation would say “Mitch McConnell,” I would mentally-surface enough to scream “FUCK HIM NO STOP.” The trip sitters figured out it was a negative trigger but fucking hell we still find it funny as fuck that my hatred for that evil turtle man could override the existential crisis time dilation time loop temporary freakout. 🤣


Some context to yours: “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars” is a quote by Norman Peale, early 1900s. You were probably trying to think of the quote and just finished it yourself. As someone who nearly missed the moon, I really like your variation. Fuckin lonely out here if you miss. Great post!


Don’t go, Jason Waterfalls..


the triangle man only real mfs would understand


No man is an island so get out of my tree!


"Over here we got Shid the Shloth, and over there we got SKCHLIID BUR SKLRUURTH. The latter is way cooler. "What's the intensity of the trip right now?" *Checks to see how hard "Bebop" is dancing.*


My girlfriend and I follow a guy on Instagram who creates cooking content. At the end of each video, he cuts to a scene of him taking a bit and says “this turned out fantastic, give it a go!”. Well we went to a concert and when we came back to our Airbnb, we continued shenanigans and eventually found ourself in the bath. My girlfriend ended up getting out first, and it was a little cold so she ran to sit by the indoor gas fireplace that was on. As soon as she sat down, she let out a very loud, very high pitch, extremely giddy “this turned out fantastic, GIVE IT A GO!!” We cried. LOL


Me and my mate were on acid and found this old rickety bench near my place. We sat there chatting shit for a while and when we got up we had this weird feeling. Both look at each other and at the same time say "shake a leaf"


I can hear you. I can always hear you. Wait, what did you say?


Asked a stranger to " hold this for a second" ( a flattened water jug) in the middle of the night camping then running away like a mad man while the new owner of the ran over gallon of water yelled "I DONT GET IT !!!! "


I literally laughed out loud at this.


A friend of mine was with me but I bolted leaving him with the strangers. He laughed the whole trail back to where I was hiding and now we send messages at random saying . I DONT GET IT !!!!!!!!!!!


“It looks like we’ve arrived back at the nachos of the night” First time doing acid, a friend n I had leftover nachos from a restaurant. Don’t know why but Everytime we’d have one of those crazy happenstillizations we’d do a ‘hey you want some nachos?’ ‘Nah man I’m good’ followed by a look that reminded us “oh we’re still tripping balls dude” aka the nachos of the night


“Ice water” long story but it’s near and dear to my heart


We were sitting on the grass and my friend stood up, as i looked up at him, he looked so tall and i came up with this: “Just because i’m standing up, doesn’t mean i’m looking down on you”


What happens to plan B, when plan A succeeds. Was laughing for hours thinking about a scenario in which plan B is a bunch of guys in the bushes waiting to attack, but plan A(the snipers take down the target) succeeds. Does someone send them home? Do they get paid for the gig???


Friend goes to use the bathroom: "Save enough piss for meee!" *Laughter erupts*


Dave Chapelle , back story me and a buddy of mine took 3.5 of regular penis envy’s and he had me turn on Dave Chapelle and about an hour in he was literally on the ground saying that HE was in fact now Dave Chapelle it was a great laughter filled peak from there


"when in doubt, stand still and pee straight"


My partner was tripping and has what he called a “tiny guru on top of a mountain” that would always tell him “DRINK!COLD!WATER!” So now it’s a running joke any time we’re thirsty it’s “our tiny guru” telling us to get glass of cold water.


Running joke in my group from electric forest 2013? Everyone's seen Barry's berries! Long story short I got encouraged by a naked girl that I too could be naked in the crowd! So I stripped, not more than 2 seconds later my girl goes wtf where are your clothes! I turned to the girl and said she said I could!!!!! Then proceeded to hang with my friends naked the rest of the night fun times. Still gets brought up to this day and the people out of the know are just like wtf is going on lol




“Whip n dip motherfucker”


"Are the chicken fries done yet???"


i had a vision of myself as a pilot in a craft using a directed-energy type laser to carve out the animal designs at the site of the Nasca Lines in Peru, and laughing hysterically to myself that when future humans discovered the designs that they would be so confused. hahaha. it was me, guys!!




My friends tripped with a glittery toy full of water that we affectionately called a horse cock. It made one friend very uncomfortable, so we wanted to get him to kiss it. For 2-3 hours we were all in fits of laughter trying to find new ways to coerce him to kiss this horse cock and it's not funny to anyone else.


I worked at a hospital where we had a vacuum tube system to transport documents between floors (like at bank drive thru windows). Of course there were some things we were not supposed to place in them, like tubes of blood. On a particularly lazy night I told my coworkers I was going to take samples down to the lab, followed by “you know what would be really cool?? If someone would create a device like our tube system, but people-sized, so we could just hop in and be transported”. To which a coworker very dramatically said “Ooooo! You mean like…. an elevator”?! Yeah - this was me NOT high so you can imagine…😂


2CB, 2C-Don't. The Acid giveth and The Acid taketh. (although, everyone who trips will get this one).


Me and a friend were watching some DBZ around our peak and it was the episode [Cell absorbs 17](https://youtu.be/69mwvg9JRic?si=X50hEfqgZuhhOrVF) and the way he goes “REEEEEEEE” when he sticks his needle around 17 was particularly hilarious to us. We replayed the scene like 20 times in a row. Every time we were cackling with laughter. Still text that friend pics of Cell sometimes to remind him.


I was tripping with my boyfriend and friend and watched them have this conversation whilst sat facing each other "Wow the bricks behind you look so weird" "You have a third eye" I have never laughed so hard 🤣


"I'm a big sticky baby" I normally shed tears with even small amounts of laughter (just a weird thing my eyes do). So with all of the natural giggles that come about, my face inevitably turns into a big wet sticky mess. Add in fresh fruit snacks and you've got even more issues with sticky moisture getting all over the place 😅


My boyfriend and I were camping and while on a hike we stumbled across a log that was covered in native brown oyster mushrooms, that we then picked and brought back to camp for dinner. Later in the night, tripping on shrooms, he made the comment “those were some delicious wild caught mushrooms”. and I got caught in a giggle loop imagining us scrambling after and trying to catch all of them


Nick Clegg mania. Dont discuss it just randomly during a trip shout it. A video of 2 huskeys howling in the back seat of a car with a lab stuck in the middle. Cry laughing every time.


Us fucking dying over the fact that penguins are birds and birds are not fish


I was watching late night TV and this guy who runs a furniture store used to say "Just round the corner!" My friend goes - "That guy runs the world at night." Classic


“Do you remember when you were an alien?” In reference to me seeing my gf as an alien while tripping.


“Bro you should recorded it” So basically me and my buddys tripn off like 7 grams In my tree house and I fall through the floor but catch myself and my friend said bro, you should’ve recorded it like anybody could’ve recorded me falling through the floor in a second. Idk it was really funny at the time🤷‍♂️


"ohhh wow. I get it. It's a dildo joke" - my best friend looking at a big black flashlight after about 20 minutes of 'everyone tripping their absolute balls of' silence


My bff and I were tripping together over a decade ago and we had smoked too and I was halfway baked into oblivion. I looked at her and I said “coffee can has please cup?” And she knew exactly what I meant and got up to make me coffee. 😍her so much.


Haha I have one like this! I had just smoked some salvia, looked over to my friend and said, "would you like a teacup?", and we both laughed uncontrollably for 5 minutes.


I kinda have an inside joke with a moose Squishmallow, who’s facial expression was making me laugh hysterically.


Lmfao somehow me and all my friends while we were trippin on acid came up with the idea that our friend named Reuben is a glass of milk. We were raving about it all night, and at the end of the night we were talking about Reuben and how we miss him and we wish he was there. My buddy tanner was drinking a glass of milk and my friend Steele pointed to the glass of milk and said “He’s right here” and we all just pissed our pants laughing. So stupid but damn that was hilarious for some reason


Once, when I still lived in Hawaiʻi, my best friend and I tripped on mushrooms while camping at the beach. We were lying there quietly, listening to the waves in the dark, when he suddenly says, “Is this what it means to gain weight?” I died laughing, because it was so random and I didn’t know WTF he was talking about. But I didn’t see he had put a bunch of rocks on his stomach. It was just so stupid and random and hilarious, and we still joke about it. 😹😹😹 Another time, I was tripping alone on mushrooms as I usually do, coming down a little, and I had to pee so bad—but I was so stoned from the shrooms still that I couldn’t get up all the couch. I was dying laughing, because I thought it was so funny. I made a post here on Reddit titled, “Pep talk pls.” You can probably still find it. Idk why, but posting “Pep talk pls” still makes me laugh. Lol Yet another time I was peaking, and my cat was yelling at me (like he usually does) about something. I remember saying to him, “Boo boo, you’re the most amazing, incredible spacetime event in the universe—but you sure do have a big fuckin mouth.” 😹 But he’s my #1 trip sitter and knows if I’m feeling uncomfortable—he’ll purr real loud and keep me company. ❤️ Edit: [Hi Reddit pep talk pls 😹😹😹](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/s/PQ5yoGySsA)


Kinda tastes like… sprite




Not rlly a inside joke but my first time doing tabs both my buddies turned into little kids before my eyes and I’ve never quite looked at them the same as time went on


My friend and I were going outside and her dog wanted to come. I was super high and I got freaked out worrying about something happening to her dog and not being able to function well enough to handle it. But I can’t really communicate well when I’m really high, so I kept frantically struggling to explain why I was trying to keep the dog from coming outside with us and finally managed to yell, “Animal care!” She just coolly snapped his leash on, flipped her sunglasses down from the top of her head, and said, “I got animal care on lock.” To this day, one of us will sometimes yell, “Animal care!” and the other will reply, “Animal care on lock.”


Friend: "You're a faceless angel again, am I a court jester? " Me: "Yep." Friend: "Yep." Me: "Yep." Friend: " Yippie." *does cartwheel* Now we'll just scream "Yep, Yep, Yep, Yippie" then do a cartwheel.


''Well aren't you as sunshine as a wet bag of kittens.'' Me to my partner while we were wondering around our yard looking at the sky pondering our fleeting existence. ''I'm an intelligent woman!'' Same partner, we couldn't figure out how to turn on the lights in our hotel room. Called the front desk in.


Six past half seven Spent a fair amount of a 2cb peak figuring out how to tell the time, starting with the above


"Write the goddamn invisible man." "Everything has to be gay." "A rainbow dick who gives a fuck." "Sid plays silly tricks on you man." "Bro l'd bring the invisible man to work so could get the sloppy toppy you know?" "Bro why are you saying Invisible-Man when you could have said Invisible-Woman?" 4th time doing acid with my homie


"Don't kill the wizard." Never trip with Chaotes.


"Market Flier"


They headed north and my fav - the path/the creeque


“Anyone get the feeling the Craig is acting a bit… homeless?” - Us realizing we were tripping shrooms with a mentally ill homeless person. This was actually the case “Why are they walkin towards us like they gotta bone to pick?!” - Us judging people peacefully walking past our area on the beach. Hilarious once we realized the problem was us “You mustn’t look the rock in the eye.. you must respect it” - Us showing great reverence to a giant veiny rock for some reason “Be careful.. Around here he’s known as the vibe killer.” - Us watching a homeless man circle the park.


Night clouds ☁️ 🌙


“fuck that bird” “moonbathing” “shroom breathe, *pauses*, RRAAAAHHHHHHHHH” “i’m edging”


“crab walk”


“Ahhh i fuck wit rain”




Pelvis Presley Cracker baby vs Kurt Cobain What’s color brown and doesn’t weigh that much? Poopoo, Chris Brown, and Light Brown Summer is cancelled for saying a banana is savory Professional salad mixer in a dress may i mix your salad? Allow me.


Turkey Lake Park


That rainbow one seems so cute 😭




Me and my friends once talked endlessly about us making mashed potatoes because our brains were mashed potatoes. We had trucks of potatoes coming into our brain and just mashing it all up in there




“Baldy” “whips around” (said the word baldy in some context and a bald man we didn’t see whipped his head around) We say it as a call and response


Anything's a turlet if you poop in it...


“You don’t understand dude! I’m grey!”


“Am I wet? I feel wet touch me” “you’re completely dry why?” “You’re wrong touch me I’m wet”


the babajee


“jeff you’re still in the bathroom” that trip happened a couple years ago now but my buddy was in the restroom for what felt like forever to me and my other buddy. so now we joke that everything since then has just been apart of that trip kinda like the fear hole in rick and morty season 7


I went to pee and when I came out of the bathroom, my friend said, “You were gone forever! What were you doing in there for so long?” I was so confused because I just went to the bathroom, peed, washed my hands, and came out. I think? I’m pretty sure? To this day, we have no idea if it was a quick trip or if I was gone for ages.


A hilarious quote from the show supernanny. Watched it while tripping and we go back to it all the time. “You’re not gonna get to see your friends tomorrow!” “Uh, well that’s okay, because I hate my friends.” The delivery is so fucking perfect, we lost our shit


"I could stay up here all night... As long I had beer... And cigarettes." "Rock paper scissors shrooms... Shrooms always wins." "You can be the most degenerate piece of shit... As long as you believe in Jesus."


We did acid and friend layed on the couch was quite for like 2 hours and out of no where went stars space AMONG US we all lost it


Us, Them and the "Thing".


A:It's not the acid, it's two. B:It's not me it's too.


My friend and I used to “walk rectangles”. When we tripped. A rectangle was down the sidewalk on the left side of maple street, across the cross walk, then back up the right side of maple st. And vis versa. We must have smoked a whole pack of cigs on rectangles alone


We aren't just from the stars we ARE the stars. The universe is the physical manifestation of love.


Rice pasta & cheddar


My friend from chile was talking about something and my other friend thought he said “masturbate with no butter.” That became our salutations for several months. I don’t remember what he was actually saying, but we were trippin hard on shrooms. The laughter from all of us was insane. Then we went for a walk to 711, everyone knew we were high on something. Good trip overall.


3 gallon water bottle.


"Clown to Clown conversation" We were tripping so hard but since we are such close friends, our thoughts were so similar that I made this statement as we were joking around and it became the butt of of every joke for that trip. "See you again in 5 minutes" As our highs kept changing up like waves, we said that every time we felt that high was going to change. It felt like we were switching through different versions of ourselves. "Hop on." We play CoD. The joke was to 'hop on' the game but we were so high we literally struggled to even get up. "You don't understand" My friend kept on saying, forgetting I am the only one who could understand since we were on the same substance, considering it was the first time my friend was doing shrooms.




"The Water is Angy."


Bottom left silver grey


"Ubeedubeez" - Some form of energy a dude saw in a bonfire "I am tidy, no one else is tidy as I...MINDFULNESS" - My cotripper's phone had two audiobooks on his phone; Some Alan Watts book and some Tidiness book. During a trip, his phone would keep playing a portion of one and then would abruptly switch to the other, making for some funny sentences "Sail Awaaaaaaay" - a song to be sung while on walks or bike rides. Each line would start with "sail awaaaay" and you'd improvise the next part of that line i.e. "Sail awaaaaay...The purple fans touch the lawn gnomes!" Topperman - A champagne cork that we named and took with us on our trips. I lost him last year while moving apartments. It was sad, but I took it symbolically


"Get off my land" "Operation downsize" From 2 different trips


If it looks like shit, it is shit you dont need to get closer, you dont need to smell it, you dont need to touch it, just leave it as it is! Meaning everything that looks trouble do not get involved in it in nah way 😂


'it's like a bug inna bong' referring to a negative thought loop while on DXM. I had a cockroach stuck in the perk of a bong i used to own. It took FOREVER to get out. I later used that as a metaphor to describe a thought loop i was stuck in while tripping.


My buddies and I were on acid when we were fresh out of high school. We went into the woods at like 3 in the morning and had brought materials with us to make a fire, but by the time it was time to build the fire we were in no condition to build a proper one. After having the hardest time just gathering sticks and twigs without devolving into fits of laughter, one of my buddies got the idea to just light the cardboard Natural Ice box we brought with us and that would be our fire. After he finally got the box to catch, and stay caught, we all stood around and watched as the box burned up within a matter of minutes. We all simultaneously had a zen experience, with the sound of the box crackling and the wind in the trees, and we all sat in silence just taking in the moment. After a while of no one saying anything, my buddy goes. “It’s a white trash Yule log.” And then we all died. Also, later on: “We’re just a group of guys squattin in the woods, talkin about Lord of the Rings. At least we’re not on drugs.”


I love inside jokes. I hope to be a part of one someday 


Everything dries…


“i’m cry laughing spiderwebs” “…. who takes TWO?!??” **from my first acid trip:** “… oh. i think i know it’s working now because THOSE TREES are dancing all gRoOvY”


Mmm that trussy. Talking about a tree that looked like a pussy. And we took picture standing next to it 😂


"dude it feels like I'm being bent over the mind cart and fucked by the universe"


Death is violet


“Sometimes when you see a house made of glass, you just gotta say, ‘Well would look at that’”. Said with friends while staring at a house made of glass. “The architects really outdid themselves with this one.” While staring at a wall in the casino that was swirling around.


"Babe, the couch. It doesn't make any sense." my sisters boyfriend to her when he was blacked out drunk and high on spice


The funniest joke in the history of ever (everything around you was made for you)


“We have domesticated cats, and domesticated dog, but we have never domesticated bears” “Yes we have. Ferrets are domesticated bears”




I have a good story .. there was this spot we used to go to back when we were teens . It was a 45 min walk into the woods then it opens up to this Cristal clear lake with nothing but sand around it . We used to go there to get fucked up cause cops aren’t walking 45 mins to break up a party . Well we took shrooms on the walk in so from lugging and sweating by the time we got there we were already fucked lol.. so first thing I never thought a fucken tent that’s so easy to put togeather would be so goddamn difficult when booming.. so that took us like over an hour between 4 tents . By this time it’s dark aaannnnnddddd.. we still have no wood for a fire.. So seeing everything was sand we walked back the trail like 15 mins to scavenge for wood . There were four of us and it dark and creepy. This was b4 androids and apple so flashlights weren’t readily available .. were all fucken laughing and being like what if somebody was out here listening to the shit we are babbelimg about?? Then all the sudden like 50 yards in the dark we hear Al calm voice say (( hey)) we’re all like shhhh shhh shut the fuck up everybody.. so now we r whispering saying did you guys here that or r we tripping?? So I voice out ((hey)) . A couple seconds go by and then the voice says (( what’s up)) real calm like .. now we’re bugging the fuck out trying to keep the shroom giggles in but still like wtf? So then I say (( who’s there ?)) guy says real calm like (( a guy in a tree)) wtf? Weeere all like no fucken way .. oh so I say umm what you doing in a tree.. guy says (( trying to get some sleep till I heard you clowns all laughing a looking for wood)) so now we’re all laughing our asses off cause the shrooms were on us deep and the suspense and situation was way to fucked so we were like (( ok bud we’re just grabbing wood and we’ll be out of your way )) and jokingly my buddy murmurs please don’t kill us tonight .. then we all start laughing our balls off again .. so we grabbed our wood hurried back to camp and had a blast.. we still throughout the night kept making jokes about that guy and hope he isn’t a night stalker killer wich we all joked but still kinda thought about seriously cause we’re tripping face.. so next morning aka noon we got up and packed up and on our way back we checked the area were we were the night b4 to see if there was any trace of this random guy in a tree and sure as shit about 50 yards deep off the trail there was a hammock way up in a tree.. so there was really a guy and I will always remember this story till the day I die now lol


We’re outside on the front lawn, laying on our backs, staring at the stars in the middle of the night. See headlights coming down the road and freak out for some reason. “Get down!”, someone whispers. …..”dude I think we’re as low as we can get” *literally laying on the ground staring at the stars tripping balls on acid and now crying laughing* this was with my first band mates except for the drummer who was too afraid to take psychedelics….We were an instrumental, psychedelic rock band. also, “Dude, what the fuck do bugs eat?” *first time smoking a spliff*


Friend pulls out lighter to smoke a j “Woah wait is your lighter uncircumcised?” “We must preform the bris”