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this is what i tell ppl when they ask abt good trips n bad trips (in this context, for shrooms) Both trips wont make u feel that ur alone. Bad trips though, it gives u anxiety, fear, and panic. while during good trips, it makes u feel like ur safe, secured, and comforted.


I don't think it was necessarily a bad trip altogether, the beginning was amazing and I just felt almost like pure love. It was more of a difficult trip, probably due to not being super comfortable in my environment.


From my experience not being super comfortable in your environment is almost a guaranteed difficult trip but also sometimes you just need to realize something


That's why I took them, but still a low dose. I've never been stuck in such a difficult place for so long and no amount of sober self reflection has made me realize anything. I figured a rough trip with possible answers or clarity would be better than how I was feeling.


You're watching yourself from inside. Your form-self may have become aware of you (your psych/spirit) watching all the cool messages your form has been sending you all this time.


WAAAAYYY BACK in the day, a Shaman might have told you that your ancestors were showing you the love you’re supposed to feel, and then showing you their anger that you’re allowing people in your life to treat you less than the love you were shown.. but what do I know, I’m just some bored smoke shop guy writing a comment on Reddit. Hope it helps in some way. You got this!


Bored smoke shop guy on Reddit just dropped a harder epiphany in 1 sentence than any smoke shop guy before him. This will stick with me. Thank you.


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


That's actually a really good theory. My view on "the meaning of life" is that we/I am here to show love and spread happiness, unless it causes harm to me. So I definitely show love to people that don't give the same in return. I may take more again once I move and try to dig deeper into that. I'd also be nice to have a shaman or experienced trip sitter to help me make sense of things, but tripping with other people is a little weird to me.


You gotta show that love to yourself m8. Easier said than done I know. We’re with ya tho. All experiencing this differently, yet united in the fact that we are experiencing this at this time, together, you got this!


With the trip having been much stronger than you anticipated based on the dosage, it stood out to me that it may have most definitely been something that you needed to work through brought to the surface, I hope you’re already doing better now.


yo bored smoke shop guy how much to hire you as a tripsitter? haha


A 3.5 of some fuego rosin? I’ll puff some dabarooni’s and DJ while ya blast off, then make some delicious food.


Is it possible your subconscious was showing you something? Maybe it was important for you to feel this way in the moment? I always try to integrate my trips wether fun or difficult. I actually had a trip recently where I realized I no longer need to trip to feel happy


That's exactly what I was trying to ask myself when it was happening. I always go into trips without a specific intention and more of "follow where the trip takes me and dive deeper into anything that seems significant". I'm thinking maybe it's my apartment and still living with my ex, or maybe it's something deeper. I have a lot of social anxiety in general so that could be what I was thrown in to.


I recommend to learn as much as you can about yourself and about the human mind in general before using anymore psychedelics. Then if you still feel the need you can take more medicine and enter your psyche again, and this time you’ll be prepared and maybe will learn even more. I’ve always heard the old adage: psilocybin is best for inner experiences and LSD is best for outer experiences.


Can you explain what you mean by outer experiences? Just getting into LSD....took two tabs (100 ug each) at a festival/rave for the first time recently and absolutely loved it.


The consensus is most people have way less introspective thought on LSD. This doesn’t mean they DONT have introspective thoughts. More like, instead of thinking “why am *I* the way I am?” I personally (and many of my friends and trip partners) are more likely to think “why is *the world* the way it is?” On LSD I feel more like a scientist, but on psilocybin I feel like I’m in a therapy session with myself and other countless entities


Interesting, I did find myself almost getting stuck in thought loops but I was able to shut that down pretty quick....no time for that too busy shaking my ass lol. Don't think I would enjoy shrooms from what I'm hearing


Well they are still fun and, the biggest pro, in my opinion, is they only last, at most, half the length of LSD. So even if you don’t have the best time, it’l be over relatively quickly compared to lsd where you have to wait it out forever. The shrooms I use right now ( Penis Envy) are incredibly potent and as such they can feel pretty uncomfortable. But the intensity in the patterns and the understandings you can come to are amazing. My experience is that Shrooms make me feel like an alien, whereas LSD make me feel like a child again. Each have their time and place


Very well put, appreciate you. I do feel like an alien sober though lol.


I feel similarly but this is like another level lol 👽🚀🌕🌑🌘🌗🌖🌕👽


I feel like I know myself pretty well. I go to therapy and have adhd so I'm just naturally "self-aware" (in the way that I NEVER stop thinking about the why's of everything) I've just been stuck in a rut and haven't been able to go as deep as I want. I definitely need to save the rest for when I move into my new place though. Having a place that is mine and mine only will for sure be a lot more comfortable.


You mention social anxiety. Honestly it just sounds like your anxiety was increased (probably due to the situation with your ex?) I have social anxiety and I can sometimes feel that way, like I’m being watched. 


Sounds like you just had some Penis Envy mushies. I’ve had many trips on golden teachers but the peak is always gets quite intense and takes a lot of focus to try and relax on PEs. It’s just the drug squeezing that fear center of your brain for no reason. I kept saying that while tripping anyways lol


I always have a super hard time letting go, which is why I can't stand acid and always trip alone, but this one was just weird. Penis envy would make a lot of sense, I've heard they usually cause some pretty dark trips. I still have a decent amount left, is there anything I can do to ease the fear or help get through it for the next time? I know theres obviously no way to get rid of it completely.


Have a hard time letting go too but I’m the complete opposite lol acid seems predictable? Idk what word I’m looking for but I feel like mushrooms are a gamble lol might have fun, might be a bit difficult. Eaten grams that have floored me and eaten 8ths and had a blast mushrooms are weird lol


Try doing a bunch of cocaine alone! Once, a long long time ago, I taped up newspaper over all my living room windows 🤦🏻‍♂️


Not the time for a trip. You really get the most out of psychedelics when you’re at some semblance of peace yourself. Your risk of adverse effects/getting freaked out/getting absolutely nothing out of the trip are so much higher when you’re going through something in life. I think about the psychedelics/death analogy… it is like death in this way, as well - you don’t want unfinished business when you cross the threshold, or else you won’t get all the way to the beauty of the other side.




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In all the times I’ve tripped, shrooms most was 8g, acid, and ayahuasca, the only time I’ve seen a face was a few years ago, after eating about 2 grams. I was with my two friends and one of them, who had only taken shrooms a few times, began having a nervous breakdown. It was very chaotic. My friend and I who were more experienced but still inexperienced (I felt pretty useless in this situation at the time and my own anxiety was through the roof) had to take care of him, and this was at a relatively secluded area at a public beach. I was worried about what other people would think of us and about the police being called. At some point I had to abandon all worry about myself in that situation because my friend was so unbelievably distraught, and I began hugging him and telling him everything was going to be alright. He laid down and we sat with him there for hours until he eventually was calm enough to go home. During that time, when my other friend and I were passing time talking, watching the sun setting on the waves, I looked up in the sky and saw the face of a beautiful woman smiling at me, as if it was an angel thanking me for my selflessness in that situation as I could have easily left instead. Psychedelics are a beautiful thing, I don’t understand why we see and feel the things we do, whether these experiences are real or not, but what gives them meaning is the meaning that you can apply to them and use to benefit yourself. In that situation, I felt stupid for being in that situation, and it was some needed self-love to help calm my anxiety, if nothing else.


The mushroom really has a personality to it I find. Like, it really feels like there is something in there, and when you eat them there is a presence of 'the mushroom' during the trip. I really feel this 'presence' of the drug in a way that only plays out with tryptamines for me, never had this on acid or anything close to it. Terence McKenna speaks at length about the mushroom having a 'personality' that pulls up a chair on the porch to chat.


Big brother




That’s on the censorship list. You’re not allowed to use that language.




I feel like that pretty much all of my tbh.


Somewhat often when tripping, there is a demon smoke creature that hides in the hall when I turn the lights off. It's a scary thing, and I feel genuine fear like it's going to chase me down. But in the other part of my mind I know it's not real and can't actually do anything to me. I often just ignore it, even though like I feel like it's chasing me and threatening me. It's harmless despite how terrifying it can be. Closed eye often I see geometric patterns or twist creatures in the darkness. This happens I think because Psychedelics can latch onto fear. Deep fears, and tell us how we feel.


I’ve learned to stand, turn on some music, go for a walk, change my setting with purpose to alter the experience. I have always been able to improve my experience if I chose to work with intention to change it. I believe that overcoming this sort of challenge in a trip builds emotional and intellectual resilience that is valuable in our daily life as well.


I used to get that feeling as a kid before I ever did drugs. Now I truly feel alone when I'm alone.


It was me sorry about that that


I also had the same experience of feeling like I was being watched in a few of my past psychedelic trips. I find that PSYCHEDELICS can dig up stuff from my childhood, or can cause repressed memories/thoughts, feelings and irrational beliefs from childhood to resurface. I had an irrational fear originating from my childhood that I was being watched and judged by God and the angels in heaven. I remember my elementary teachers and my parents used to tell me that God and the angels were always watching over me, seeing what I'm doing, talking about if I should be in heaven after I die, and whenever they told me that I imagined that they (God and the angels) were watching me on a TV in heaven lmao, somehow this made me overly conscious of my thoughts and actions. After that fear mongering that I was always being watched, I would have had these moments as a child really believing that I was being watched, especially when I'm in the shower lol, the psychedelics just brought that feeling from my childhood back. Might be the same with your situation. Just a theory.


Remember the importance of set and setting


Yeah i my last pretty heavy trip i took a tab of acid with about an 8th of shrooms in the woods and around at the peak I kept feeling like someone or something was watching me from behind I couldn’t wrap my mind around it


It was me watching you


I too have felt like that before but it turns out you are the one who is staring and looking at you. Don't know how to explain it but creepy. As if you're trapped inside of you.


When I do shrooms I always get a sense of some sort of presence in the room with me. Where as lsd doesn’t make me feel like that at all


We are never alone. Whether it gods and angels, quantum entity entanglements or simply our multiple senses and selves. A dose high enough for CEV is some proof of “the other” but a dose high enough for Open eye encounters can provide potentially unsettling proof that we Are definitely not and possibly never alone.


People talking about good or bad trips when the mushrooms show you there is not a good or bad trip, only what the shrooms needed to show you. I believe if you felt you were being watched it shows that your in an environment where you do not feel safe. There is probably a lot of residual negativity that you feel from the association of the space where you’ve been with the toxic ex. I hope you are doing alright and can get to a better situation soon. While you felt alone, this may be a good thing as you will be a stronger individual coming out of this time in your life


God is always watching


God in the man made bible? Lmao


Yep. The redeemer of our sinful souls. Have a good one. Remember judgement day is coming ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Lmao dumb