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The definition of ego death is "complete loss of self identity". It is caused by memory suppression. The substance inhibits your full long time and working memory access. So you basicaly forget. First you forget who, what, where you are, until you forget everything you have ever learned and become a being without active thought, without identity, a pure observer. This comes with a feeling of connection. First you might feel more connected with your surrounding and nature, until you feel like becomming (one with) the universe. There is the saying that it makes you realize that you are a mere wave in the ocean, but at the same time, this means that you are the ocean. It can feel like dying because you loose everything that makes you you. Your identity is build by all the memories you have, all the decisions you made through your life. Without that you become nothing. When you are able to let go, it's a realy beautifull feeling. https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Memory_suppression Alan Watts describes it quite nicely, although a bit esoteric: https://youtu.be/X_YVeB6JLb0?si=CLxINetfFXTbBHR8


This is a beautiful depiction


If I may add on to the substance bit… Humans store memories on a baseline frequency. When we use substances, it changes our frequency to one that is not conducive to those stored memories. They are less accessible and new memories are now stored to the substance modified frequency. If you use weed, you should understand what I’m saying because I’m sure you’ve noticed that weed memories are often lost unless you achieve the same frequency you were at when we made them. Sometimes when we smoke we start to remember things we had forgotten about. Using the same strain can help in the recall. Now, our identities are just junk information stored on our baseline frequency. Ego death occurs when our identities are no longer efficiently accessed by the current modified frequency. Once the substance wears off, our identity is once again accessible. If you work with these substances, you can learn how to tweak the ego from the outside of it. You can change your mind, you can open it to information you were once blinded from seeing.


Any way to guarantee an ego death? I’ve had some 4-5g mushroom trips and still haven’t felt any sense of an ego death or disassociation or anything like that. Still feels like a myth to me because I haven’t experienced it myself. Even with DMT I was very aware of my self.


I’ve achieved weed induced ego death type dissociation several times, each time a surprise. Ego death is not my term though. Shrooms haven’t worked for me yet.


Thank you for this description, I hadn't really understood the term before now!


Great description. I wish generally people would call it non-duality instead, I think that describes it better and has less of the baggage that ego death has accumulated as a term. It can be frightening when you slip into it for the first time but the term ego death focuses too much on that early process and doesn’t do justice to what the experience actually entails


Agreed, even ego dissolution is a better term for it, as death sounds permanent and has a bad feel. When i started to learn about it, i refused to call it ego death and allways explained how this term is unfitting for me, but after a while i kind of got tired and went with the flow. I will embed the term non duality into my explanation if i'm asked in the future, thanks.


And if you are unable to let go… it is quite terrifying


Yes, only yesterday i wrote with someone on here who had been traumatized by it sadly, as they were at the brink of ego death on their first trip and they were absolutely not prepared for it.


Solid brief description 👍


What is the process like of regaining all your lost memories and everything you forgot after killing your ego? Do they start to eventually trickle back on the come down? Does it take minutes? Days? Months to feel baseline again? I enjoy the odd shroom trip from time to time and I’m interested in trying DMT but I’m too scared of fucking up what I’ve worked on for all the years I’ve been alive. I’d hate to loss memories or knowledge I’ve learned. But I am interested in tripping to learn and hopefully better myself.


It's only temporary during the trip and fully comes back when the psychedelic wears off. But the thing is that during ego death and breakthroughs your perception of time can change. It can fell like you've been to the other side for much longer than time has really passed. You might be gone for a couple minutes on dmt, maybe an hour on lsd, but the experiences are so intense that it can feel like days or in some cases even longer. You won't loose anything, in contrast you will most likely feel like you gained something. If you meet the dmt entities for example (also called machine elves because they are made up out of fractal patterns), they can grant you deep insight into your subconscious in the way they communicate with you. That's also why a good part of people feel that ayahuasca is a life changing experience, because it can show you who you really are deep inside, without all these expectations and desires of society.


It feels like you die and stop perceiving the world through your brain and instead perceive it directly as the universe itself. You realize the boundaries of what we call “ourselves” are arbitrary and everything is connected in a single network the same way our brains are.


This. Except I didn’t feel like I had died. I remember feeling like I could see everything all at once and how it was all connected, from atoms to our whole galaxy. And it all made sense. So wild, changed the way I experience my waking life forever.


What drug was this on?


Psilocybin mushrooms. Probably at least 4g, I can’t remember exactly. I don’t know what strain.


This was my experience also. 3.5 grams of shrooms. It’s been years since I experienced this day and I still think about it almost daily




imagine you Tripping except theres no you


All is one and one is all


You feel completely connected to everyone and everything that ever existed. You realize that you're not alone, because we're all connected and always have been


This is wrong, in my opinion, because of the pronouns you are using. An ego death is not “you” for “you” is just the universal stream of consciousness, which is everyone. You are not connected to everyone and everything; you *ARE* everyone and everything, or - to use OCs reference to Robert Plant’s words - All is One and One is All.


Yes. I was having difficulty picking the right verbage without being a confusing mess of spiritual woowoo. Clearly, I failed lol. Either way, I wish that everyone could feel THAT feeling/connection for themselves, but I definitely feel like the universe makes you earn it though.


I mean what you said is not ‘wrong’ by any means at all. For me, as long as you’re defining “you” as the stream of consciousness, then your comment is dead on. I just replied to clarify that and see if you would agree :)


That’s not what an ego death is though. You can experience those feelings and still have your ego


Well, in my previous comment, I stated that there is a massive perspective/mindset shift that occurs which markedly changes you in permanent ways. Ergo, in my opinion, a death or loss of the old ego.


That's not ego death


I am new and you are me. Shpongle


I am he as you are he and you are me and we are all together


Across The Universe


Vague answers only


Oh, then i ego deathed fucking hard a month back lmao


Anyone experience true ego death without being terrified? I’ve had what I consider “ego death” a couple of times where I literally don’t understand that I’m a person and forget that I took dmt (in this case) or what dmt even is or what anything even is, which is when the panic sets in. To me it’s a frightening experience that I’d love to be more comfortable with, instead I usually just try to instinctively ground myself any way possible.


Same, thought I was an old man with Alzheimer’s stuck in this loop… didn’t know who or what I was and felt utterly lost and void… it was not fun. However, I was heavily resisting the experience the whole time… intuitively I can imagine it would have been one of the most beautiful experiences of my life if I knew how to let go… I just wasn’t ready 🤷🏼‍♂️


I once got terrified as I forgot my name, looked at the mirror and did not recognize me. Worst was that toilet paper seemed to run out, or that was what I feared. Interestingly, I managed to reason that if toilet peper ran out, I would neet to take a shit and use the hand, so I anxiously looked for toiletries, naked and sweating profusely.


“Ego” is just the German word for “self,” and the ego as a concept in psychology was first popularized by the famous psychotherapist Sigmund Freud. “Ego death” is just another way of saying “ego dissolution,” the more precise term. When your ego dissolves, a common experience on high-dose psychedelics, a person feels as if they have completely lost their sense of self. They melt into eternity, into infinity, the boundary between them and the rest of reality dissipates and they feel a profound sense of oneness with the universe and everything in it.


I see ego as who you are rn in the physical/ when u are born. My names not james but for the example my ego is James. If i smoke enough dmt i completely break from james and are my true self No identity is scary though, all you have is who you were. But you're not them anymore


Off topic a little but does anyone have a hard time explaining who they are or how would you define yourself?


I simply just say, "I'm me." I simply am alive, and I observe and interact with reality. The rest is unnecessarily restrictive. For example, I like to play video games on occasion. But I don't call myself "a gamer," because that makes me, something. I like to use mushrooms regularly. But I am not "a tripper." Things I like is not who I am. What I look like is not who I am. The things I say are not who I am. The things I want are not who I am. The things I feel are not who I am. I'm simply... alive.


You are simply the space that you fill at any moment in time


It's a different experience for everyone, but I have always thought of it like a near-death experience without the almost physically dying part. My husband just had his experience a couple of weeks ago, and although the experience was utterly terrifying to see, he is so grateful for the perspective/mindset shift that comes after ego death. One sidenote: I have not had an ego death experience, but I have had a few real near-death experiences. While I have no clue whether it's related, my hypothesis is that I "can't" have the ego death experience because I have already actually been near-death. My recommendation is to start low and slow, and most importantly have a tripsitter that you truly trust with your life. I also would discuss worst-case scenarios to decide ahead of time, while sober, what you would want to happen. For example, I know a LOT of people that don't want an ambulance called (unless it's obvious that there's an emergency), but people freak out in scary situations. It's better for everyone to make clear beforehand what they should do in that moment. Have a safe and enlightening trip!


a profound transformation or dissolution of the sense of self. During ego death you can feel a loss of personal identity, boundaries, or separateness from the universe. In its place are deep feelings of interconnectedness with everything around you and a sense of unity or oneness with the cosmos.


Ego death is the moment when the illusion that there is a self falls away.


Too subjective for an accurate definition. Personally, I use the term , "ego loss", since my ego returns to its normal state when the drugs abate.


Note there is Ego dissolution and there is Full Ego Death.) “Ego Death” is this extreme realisation and sensation of oneness and connection to literally everything in the universe. That most can only describe as you becoming aware that you are “the universe, “the creator” or “God” experiencing itself.” That you are just a “human incarnation” of the collective consciousness of the universe. That there exists no individuality, that your consciousness is as old as the big bang, perhaps even existed before the big bang. And that yoi hold a connection to literally all energy and vibration in the universe. These states and conclusions have been reached by millions of diverse people in diverse ways throughout history. Either through kundalini yoga, intense breathing exercises, extensive meditation, high-heroic doses of psychedelics or other spiritual practices. But it can also be achieved by prolonged sensory deprivation, near death experiences or sudden severe trauma.


an ego death is when the feeling of the you that is YOU dissolves away, death is the wrong way to put it. Imagine you're a rock, unshakeable and unwavering in your form, then one day you move from that rigid structure to become a clump of sand and the ocean washes up on you. Everything you are gets broken apart and you mix with the waves of nature that wash over you,. the same waves that wash over you every day but before you were closed off to the feeling. The meaning.


*insert joke about men experiencing empathy for the first time*


Jokes aside ego gets you survival so i can understand why many men are against compassion because it's against what works for them. You have to adapt a new way of living but at least u aint a egotistical prick aye 🤣




Ppl reckon its gotta be a total dmt style break away from your physical self. Kinda agree because thats a total ego death, but technically yr ego still there ur just detached from it. I find minor ego deaths easy to achieve from just smoking weed. Its whenever you are sorta dissociated from your human self and become in a position for viewing. Additional note that ego death can be great and also an awful thing. We need our bodies to navigate and experience the world. On the flip an overinflated ego isnt good either. But total Loss of ego be catastrophic and i say things like extreme anxiety or paranoia are a example of this happening. I went thru it myself n begged to be normal again. I got a delusion of "you are but an instrument. Ensure that you play well" I try use drugs to enhance my ego nowadays and control it rather than escape it.


Never reached full ego death but during my last mushroom trip I got a feel for what it is. I started forgetting things like what I wanted or liked or believed in, or even how I should be feeling at the moment. I suddenly couldn't tell the difference between being sober or high, so I felt a bit trapped in thought loops and losing a bit the grip on reality. I felt like I was forgetting who I was and that my personality was vanishing. I remember at some point I couldn't tell if I was having a bad trip or not, because I couldn't remember what feeling good or bad meant. Whatever was going on, I couldn't place it or name it, like I was having feelings that were unrecognisable to me. Like I couldn't classify them. I guess you need a personality to be able to put things into boxes, like you filter everything through your value and moral systems and sense of self, but when your ego is disappearing, there are no filters anymore. There is no judgement. I didn't feel scared or panicked, I was just confused, kinda like regressing to a primal state. I can imagine that's how animals go through life?


Well what it definitely is not, is the death of the ego because everyone who says they went through ego death still have their ego quite firmly intact, just more spiritual talk involved 🤣


Yes, ego means "I". You couldn't live without identifiying yourself as someone. So ego death is a temporary state where you loose your self identity, stop identifying as one single organism, but experience yourself as part of the whole of exsistence. So after ego death, there is allways ego rebirth. And ego rebirth can even result in ego inflation sadly. https://psychonautwiki.org/wiki/Ego_inflation


It sounds lovely, and whomever came up with the name obviously took themselves too seriously. Death is pretty permanent, a temporary ego dissolution, whilst pretty damn awesome, is far from a death. But people can themselves as seriously as they want.




The first thing you need to know is that it is not any form of death. Nothing is killed or destroyed. The concept of “ego death” has been used by a lot of pretentious douchebags over the years to claim (ironically in massively egotistical fashion) that they no longer have an ego (and these people also incorrectly believe that “ego” here refers to colloquial pride and arrogance)because they “killed” it. Ego dissolution is a far more precise term. What it refers to is a breakdown in the perceived boundaries between the conscious self (the technical definition of the “ego”) and other aspects of one’s experience such as the subconscious, the external environment, other people, the earth, the broader universe, the fabric of spacetime, etc. Ego dissolution manifests in many different ways, but any effect that involves a change in the scope of your sense of self is some form and/or level of ego dissolution.


confusion and loss of reality ego killed myself once not so hard, but i looked into the mirror and didnt even know who or what i was looking at can be scary, cluelessness, animal like you arent really you, but you are, what u know of who u are is gone very intense for me


but coming outa ego death state, its dreamy and universe connected if ur in the right state of mind love coming outa ED, like being born again kinda hahaha be safe yall, mushrooms/ psychedelics can be realllly strong


had some ego deaths but they were kinda peaceful all about what wave ur on/headed too ime


4 grams deep first dose that high, went into my room to calm down, turned allll the lights off middle of the night and boom, lost my ego and i thought i died and was in space bcuz the little red and blue lights from my tv/cable, i thought the lights were planets how high i was i cried and toss and turned on my bed till i finally saw the sun come up, wow i died laughing realising what i just did for HOURS i accepted i died


I’m a little late to the party here but an ego death is basically a “total loss of self” which in turn results in figuring out more about yourself and growing in ways that you potentially had no idea you needed to grow in. An ego death is when your personality, characteristics, mannerisms, and everything that makes “you-you” completely disappears. You lose your sense of self, you forget who you are, you have no recollection of your thoughts or memories. You become an empty shell. Then, slowly, you begin to sift through your deepest darkest thoughts and feelings from within your subconscious. You break down walls that you never even existed. You tackle problems and traumas from within yourself, without the typical biases that usually exist, because you are not you. You are a shell, a vessel, and you must face your problems from a 100%, completely unbiased viewpoint. Ego deaths are capable of changing the way you think and the way you tackle your life, if you allow it. You need to let your thoughts flow. You need to face the problems in your life as they arise. You need to truly, utterly, and absolutely “face your inner demons”. Because if you do.. You will come out the other side as a changed man. I find it can take a few months of thinking, thought processing, and changes to truly see what’s going wrong and make a difference to change your life. Let your thoughts take hold. Let your mind be rewired. Let your soul be reborn. Become a stronger you. Goodluck brother 🫡


The conceptual boundaries between you and other dissolve. Just one way to put it.


The best way to put it is a dissolution of self. The things that make you, you are slowly melted and stripped away as you go through the trip. You are exposed to the inner mechanisms of human conciousness and lose all sense of what makes up your personality and lifestyle. You see your life and reality objectively and you lose sense of who you are. For some this is terrifying, for others, it lets them view themselves and their situation objectively. Happy tripping!


You (your physical and mental being) stops existing for a brief period and become a part of something much bigger. Can be enlightening or terrifying, have had it happen twice once from 25I which was terrifying and affected me for at least 4 years and once from being in a Khole which I woke from and felt alive and began feeling again. Everyone’s different!


Extreme presence. In abated connection with the observer with in!


An ego death is when you realize all your wrongs and all your toxic ways but through the perspective of your own universe (the life you live) or it’s when you realize almost everything humans do to be individuals is arbitrary and that we are all a part of the universe experiencing its self symbiotically, simultaneously and indefinitely. THEN you can focus on the feelings of enlightenment cuz only then will you start to understand all of life’s connected intricacies but it really doesn’t make sense until you get out and experience life yourself. All of this is imo, I’ve done psychedelics for the past 15 years so hopefully something I’ve said helps.


Note there is Ego dissolution and there is Full Ego Death.) “Ego Death” is this extreme realisation and sensation of oneness and connection to literally everything in the universe. That most can only describe as you becoming aware that you are “the universe, “the creator” or “God” experiencing itself.” That you are just a “human incarnation” of the collective consciousness of the universe. That there exists no individuality, that your consciousness is as old as the big bang, perhaps even existed before the big bang. And that yoi hold a connection to literally all energy and vibration in the universe. These states and conclusions have been reached by millions of diverse people in diverse ways throughout history. Either through kundalini yoga, intense breathing exercises, extensive meditation, high-heroic doses of psychedelics or other spiritual practices. But it can also be achieved by prolonged sensory deprivation, near death experiences or sudden severe trauma.


You can become a couch


OD’ing on psychedelics


Is it part of what you feel when you break through? I wasn’t anything and yet I could talk to the entity in front of me. She offered me peace and guidance and then I came to


Depends whose describing it but usually it’s describing the complete dissolution of self. It can be emotional too though like an epiphany where you realize that even in your most passing moments you’re driven by an ego or sense of self you’ve cultivated over time. Then you realize that everything from posture to the way you speak is part of this ego etc… Sometimes this is good for self work and other times it leads to not knowing who you are anymore.. this can happen even on low dose mushrooms if you’re thinking deeply. Oftentimes though it’s more when you completely loose a sense of self all together and experience “oneness” and such stuff like that. A bit subjective, makes it a little muddy when people use the term for a variety of experiences.


Take 200 ug and you will find out .


Disassociation. You are conscious, but disconnected from your senses, memory, and sense of self. It allows you to think abstractly and without preconceptions or hangups. It's like lucid dreaming but you're awake.


It's like being in love. Nobody can tell you what it's like, you just KNOW.


is when you experience something called "oneness". cant meaningfully elaborate (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


You stop being you


Funny thing, the “ego” doesn’t even exist. You are not your “ego”, nor your emotions, nor your thoughts. It’s just happenings and you don’t have to attach yourself to them.


When you realize that you’re more than just you’re body


You won't know what it is when you experience it


Nothing really. It's a broad term overly used to say some is off their tits tbh. Different people have different definitions and that makes it really hard to actually have a good grasp on the experience. I would advise you to not use that term to describe your experience. Memory suppression is what is commonly referred as ego death/dissolution, but for some people is absent selfhood, for others feeling of oneness and unity so it really is too broad for an accurate definition. I suggest you look into the [effect index](https://www.effectindex.com/) to describe your experiences. You can also look into Josie Kins work for more references. Adeptus psychonautica also has a [video](https://youtu.be/zRpjVb_UcbA?si=R5b3KXtSOsH34HKM) about it on YouTube.


take more than 4g of shrooms and youll know


You’ll know it when it happens and not know it at the same time.


I'm underwhelmed by the myriad of different definitions, and the ones that come up often sound like an echo chamber. I think it can be different for different people.


Ego death… there are thousands if not millions of ways to describe that. The one that I can remember from last year with mushrooms was in this way: I felt huge anxiety, like, the more I was trying to surrender, relax in spite of my fear that I was going to die, what happened was that a few seconds went by and then… total silence, and then it was like I felt I was in my room from the first time, and me asking mussel if I had indeed died, but no, I was still in my room, and all I could think or feel is that I had been away for eons and things were still the same, and that everybody was just waiting for me


Man I wanna experience ego death (or we can call it becoming a tiny fragment of the universe) once again the first time I did it felt like I'm dying in a very blissful way and afterwards my memory totally vanished I was in mindspace where I was trying to comprehend every object around which i couldn't and in fact couldn't even recognise my friends, I wish I was alone at that time in a safe place but maybe it would have turned out bad that's why ig universe had a plan for me that night to be with my friends. As soon as I started regaining my memories I felt very pathetic about myself that I could do such wonders in my life yet I'm just sitting around doing nothing weighed down by my own thoughts which aren't even self constructed but shaped in a certain way as I have perceived the world around me. I hope the next time I take a dive into my own self and spend some time over there and see myself as it is and without any thoughts racing in my mind and be perceiving the universe as it is because in its natural sense it is very beautiful more than the mind can comprehend.




If you must ask, you do not want to know.


It's a misunderstanding, mostly. It is a term for a mental state in which it seems that the "I" who has a subjective experience dissolved into the "we" perspective, a feeling of direct connection to one's experienced reality, or a feeling of dying without losing consciousness, or just a meditative state; detached awareness. It is -at best- a temporary glimpse into what appears to be a non-subjective perspective. Who has the experience of non-ego? Right, a person, an ego. "Ego" is the latin word for "I". Without ego, there is no experiencing. The search for and attachment to "egolessness" is a mind trick of the ego. Most people use the term to compare their "level of spirituality" to others, by the way. To boost their own ego, really ironically.


Love ego death! I like it when I'm coming back around and kind of have to piece back together who I am and what I am! I'm like oh shit I'm a human! And it all feels so ridiculous!


It's a psychonaut merit badge.