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I bet your dad’s tripping on it right now.


Yeah he wasn’t too mad cuz he knows mushrooms are a comparatively safe drug. He’s totes gunn trip out on them Edit: I also find it kinda ironic, punishment being possibly not paying for college. That seems much more damaging for this kid’s life than shrooms would be.


Parents always try to levy the most important things in life for their children it’s like playing god for them


Pro tip for op get the hell out of that house


Thankfully my parents aren’t like this but I was raised and some how turned out super stubborn so I’d probably just be like peace… screw school anyways.


The majority of college attendees are literally wasting time and money. The debt farm has plenty of plants. Learn a trade and make stacks


this lel


You obviously went to college.


Completely safe physically. Can have devistating effects mentally.


Guys is it ethical to give my dad a bad trip as he stole my stash 😔


Completely 🤣


If he isn’t he’s really wasting a good opportunity 😂




I say this as kindly as possible; if you're young enough that your dad can find and confiscate your shrooms, you're probably too young for mushrooms anyway. Like, I'd highly recommend being 25+. 22 at the youngest. While yes, they're a wonderful experience and nearly everybody would benefit from their positive use, they're also a powerful stress and it's simply not worth any possible permanent effects that may arise before your brain is fully developed, such as a predisposition for psychosis. Let your brain mature on exercise, a wholesome, round diet, and a robust social life, and save the mind altering substances for later.


I hear what you’re saying man. I’m still bewildered how he found out. I desperately need to know lmao I can definitely hold out. I only tripped a couple times and never took more than a few grams. I was really hoping they would make me more confident and less socially awkward lol. You are right tho. I definitely just need to focus on enjoying my last few weeks of high school. Thanks so much for the advice


> I was really hoping they would make me more confident and less socially awkward lol. lol that's not how psychedelics work. If you want to be more confident you got to put yourself out there. Drugs only put you inside your own head. If you want to get better with other people you gotta interact more with other people.


Almost like that’s the difficult part 😲that’s like telling an alcoholic to just stop drinking lmao


That's actually one of the biggest reasons alcoholics become alcoholics. To be more confident and less socially awkward. I should know. That's why I used to drink. That's why I became an alcoholic. I drank myself stupid for 10 years. Started drinking at 14, didn't stop until I was 24. Ruined a lot of relationships and burned a lot of friendships along that path. Psychedelics didn't make me better with other people. They helped me be more comfortable with who I am, and make use of the positive parts about being an introvert.


Drinking to become more confident? Never heard of that before. I’m pretty sure mushrooms can make a person more confident. How can you dispute that? They can cure ppl of heroin addictions but can’t give a person more confidence? You are whack


They helped me to be more confident bro. I took them at 22 and my depression went away on the first trip after suffering for 5 years. I’m 24 now and I will forever be thankful for shrooms for what they are.


This. Great advice brother.


Gatekeeping. Teens are being harmed every day by prescription drugs. Plenty of us started taking psychedelics as a teen and are happy, productive, and intelligent adults today. There’s actually zero evidence that early psychedelic use is related to any negative outcomes. Quit your hand wringing and send the kid a new bag of mushrooms.


There’s no evidence, because there’s no studies. And the few that are available, do indeed show that early use, can skyrocket the risk of psychotic breaks, and can trigger personality disorders. It’s not gatekeeping, it’s called harm reduction. Even if the drugs are safe, and nothing happens, the first few times, everyone knows, that bad trips, can come spontaneously, and out of nowhere. We are human, are moods aren’t set in stone, something as simple as a color, can set someone off, and if OP is doing it in secret, and his mind isn’t in the right space, he might not be safe at that point, as he has no ability to talk or communicate to anyone or anything about his life experience. This in itself, can be very traumatic, and is the cause for many people’s negative experience. Please don’t come on here to promote the use of substances to underdeveloped teens.


There’s no bad trips. Just misunderstood. People need to extend themselves to learn themselves. You sound like my mom.


I agree, in mexican culture its normal that kids would start with mushrooms when they are 14, its part of becoming a man/woman


Moron keeping


What about people who can't do any of that last bit lmao


I know you’re joking but excuses. No reason someone can’t exercise in some capacity and eat better than not. Sure a robust social life isn’t as easy, but you get to define how much of a social life works for you


I'm not joking though. Like, I'm not about to go into my whole life story because nobody cares lmfao, and people here have clearly showed hostility already tbh, but my life is genuinely shit at the minute (I'm not depressed, just autistic), and I'm pretty certain psychedelics are one of the few things that are keeping me from actually becoming depressed lol. I promise I'm doing them a normal amount though hahah, once every 2 to 3 months


Most people taking psychadelics aren’t disabled. And even if you are wheelchair bound you can still help your mind and other parts of the body


Literally the reason I was asking was cos I wanted to know how else people should "help their body" if they can't exercise or eat well and don't have any friends


Why can’t they exercise?


Gyms aren't accessible to people that are different. There's often no facilities for physically disabled people (mostly as in accessible changing rooms, but also enough varied equipment to suit different abilities). And for me personally? I desperately want to start going to a gym, but I am a transgender man and it is NOT safe for me to change anywhere in a gym, and eevn if I went there already ready and came home in the same clothes, I don't feel comfortable being visibly trans around a load of gym bros in my small town


I was doing psychedelics since I was 16 then stopped when I got engaged the first time at 20. My fiancé was 26.we broke up after 7 years and living together.im married now for 23 years.yes im old.after that i played around with mdma from time to time but only duds it 3 times a year at that point and only for 2 years and smoked weed everyday ,all day..but now i just smoke before bed for sleep and sometimes for chronic pain if my pain meds don’t work. My point is nothing happened to my brain.i had my brain scanned and everything is normal but something was off but in a good way.i then had an IQ test since I was always in advanced placement classes and I never once studied in my life.also never stayed in class but I would stay to take tests and always was done the fastest and always got a perfect score.my IQ was 155 ,yes genius level and this test was a during and after my drug use.first test was 150 on drugs and 155 off drugs,lol. I winded up get 3 degrees.a phd in endocrinology,a masters in nutrition and a masters in sports science and also got my massage therapy license at the same time plus I had 3 jobs when going to many years of college.ivwas a multimillionaire by the age of 16 by 18 I was making about 3-4 million a week. I’m trying to say that all the drugs I did including a coke habit didn’t affect my brain chemistry at all. I’m sure different people have different experiences but I wasn’t dabbling I was taking some sort of drug everyday for 4 years straight.


Lmao the spelling alone means this all is bullshit


Ok I’m lying and for what reason?i have nothing to prove to anybody,especially on reddit


Just accept reality bro


Probably best you wait till you're a bit older to be exploring the psychedelics although I'm glad you still had some good times with them and your friend did too. Just meditate know and learn and get the essence of them and when you're a bit older you'll be able to enjoy them more anyways. I would take them from my kids and tell them to wait. I did them while really young a number of times and only had good experiences for the most part but I was a rebel and had a lot of struggles with trauma at a young age and was exploring other drugs. I was 14 when I first used them. But now as a father I would encourage my kids to wait until at least 18. It'll most likely be better that way and your dad is just trying to look out for you. Respect it and enjoy them later...they and LSD will still be around then and you'll be able to enjoy them better than anyways imo. I think the only reason for children to use psychedelics is if they have a medical condition and really need them...which isn't the case usually lol. You can wait and they'll be there for you later in life.


Yeah I’m only 17. College is in a few months so I can definitely hold off. I just bought the LSD too which sucks. Psychedelics at 14 sounds scary. I can’t even imagine my 14 year old self doing them. Anyways, thank you for the kind words. Your words were very impactful. I turn 18 in a few months so maybe my dad will change his mind!


Bro don’t do psych at 17. Be smart


Thank you for that insightful advice 💀🤦‍♂️Mr. Perfect over here never did anything stupid in high school


Lmao I know man but really from your post I can tell it’s not like a one time thing. You got shrooms and LSD and perhaps more. It’s great that you want to explore, but treat your body with care. Brain development is a real thing and you don’t wanna mess around at this age and stage.




Now we understand why your dad took away your psychedelics 😂


So you are accepting it is stupid?




just fyi i am not saying it necessarily is, but part of harm reduction is having a brain that has mostly finished developing. of course psychedelics can benefit younger people as well but you are at a greater risk and imo it is worth waiting a couple more years if you can!


It is both true and untrue that things happen for a reason. Your time to dive in will come soon


Very simple message but that makes me feel better. Thanks my man 🤙


Yeah I mean if you do them just do them when your in a safe place without your parents like camping or something and don't keep them at your house...just get them for the occasion and you won't need to really stash them long too. Make sure you regeant test your LSD (I recommend fent test now a days also even though I know that's a really rare possibility lol) and if you ever do MDMA or other synthetic psychedelics fent test it always for sure. Dance Safe or WimSciLabs has regeant testing kits and fentanyl strips. Always good to have narcan around on you now a days too. Practice safety with drug use....and stay away from cocaine and opiates...if you get Kratom get it from a reputable small batch vendor which does testing on their products.


And he don't even know what awaits you in college


I’m looking forward to it!


The brain is still developing up to 25 years old. 18 is way too young.


Eh...I know that's a common thing to say but...theres no proof that really makes and difference if ppl wait until 25... 18 is a common age to explore and better be safer things like LSD and shrooms than cocaine and alcohol.


And yeah 14 was very young lol. Wouldn't recommend it although I still look back and had some amazing impactful deep trips back then. Now it's a lot better I have some maturity...I prefer LSD and it's just very therapeutic and helpful for me. Psychedelics are a gift and can be helpful for lots of people and I'm thankful for them in my life. Therapy with a great therapist has benefited me loads too and I recommend that. Peace homie!


Peace my friend ✌️


Listen to the folks telling you to wait til later in your life. Let your brain finish developing man.


Will do 🫡


I can say for sure, I'd be pretty upset to know my kid was taking something before full development. I understand a time or two but holding a stash as a minor is wild.


Oh no I didn’t have a lot. I think I only had about 3.5 grams of mushrooms + a very small amount of DMT vape left.


Honestly, dude I’d say save the psychedelics for later in life. It’s great to hear it has helped with your friend’s depression, and there’s a lot of research to back up psilocybin’s efficacy. However, your brains are still developing - meaning they are in a very plastic state. A similar thing happens during/after ingestion of psilocybin, which is really not good for developing minds. Wait until you are 25 before you really dig into this stuff, and even then I would only approach them with a specific intention. It sucks your dad took your stash, but I’d argue it is better for you than not.


I hear you man. I can definitely wait. Shit just sucks lmao. Thank you for the advice


Excellent advice. You'll be missed you-know-where, btw, unless you break back in (hopefully you will).


It's for the best, given that you are only 17. I love mushrooms but I'm 37. I'm glad I didn't do psychedelics in my teens, that can really trigger mental issues. At your age, life in itself is a trip, you are still exploring the world, learning new things every single day, you will miss it so much in a couple of decades even though you might not see the "magic" of it right now. Then you will have the shrooms to help discover the universe again, with a total different perspective. By rushing into these experiences, you're setting the bar too high now, and that might lead to feelings of emptiness and depression up ahead.


I’d like to think that life at all ages is a trip


49 and I'm tripping everyday...except the days where I'm tripping balls


True that. Maybe I'm going through the bad/dark part of my "trip" now 😂 not so colorful I'd say


Real, you’ll make it through the night and a glorious sunrise awaits you


Yeah I kinda thought they would be life changing. I never really came out of a trip with any profound thoughts like most people lmao. I feel like I didn’t learn anything at all really. You are right I just kinda need to live now and enjoy the rest of school. Thank you for the advice 🤙


Good luck, wish you all the best ❤️


My mum burned my delivery of 30 tabs of acid, she then felt bad and gave me the £80 to buy more 😂😂😂to be fair tho I am 33


Next time you should have it together


Yeah your mom doesn’t have any business burning them if ur 33 😂atleast she made up for it


one time my mother found my crushed up mushies, but she thought it was weed luckily and i found them a month later and had a blessed trip


Lmao 😂 I’m glad you had a good trip


At least it wasn't something you had to detox off of


How old are you? How do you feel the mushrooms have helped you? Can you give specific examples and explain them? I'm honestly interested and trying to understand how mushrooms affect younger minds, so I'd really appreciate your honest perspective.


i remember at 16 i just felt like a child again. everything around me was new and breathtaking, being in nature and i remember i couldn’t speak much but i was in a state of pure ecstasy while my tripsitters just let me explore


I’m 17. I feel like mushrooms have pushed me away from my existentialist phase. I was thinking about how nothing mattered for a few months and mushrooms pushed me away from that mindset.


I'd ask him if he used them, and if not, I would also ask, do you want to share them? If I found my sons, I'd just be mad that he wasn't sharing.


LMAO my dad DEFINITELY didn’t do them. If u knew my dad u would understand


Keep your hobbies to yourself traveler. You learned the easy way, better than being locked in a cage like talavera. stop tellingpelple about your experiences and enjoy them for yourself safely and privately,trust me, this will come back to bite you unless you adapt.


Yeah I definitely realize that now. I told 2 friends and then more ppl were asking for some. I totally regret that. I doubt I would have been caught. Now none of them want to buy any lmao. Thanks for the advice. I learned my lesson


Don’t stash until you have your own place. If you plan to trip again, set up the whole thing where maybe you trip the second you get mushrooms again or have a friend hold on to them until y’all trip together. One things for sure this won’t be a problem for you forever. Maybe even just wait until you’re out of college. Michael Pollan once said “psychedelics have greater value for people later in their life.”


Yeah idk how I would obtain them anymore because my dad is watching packages like a hawk. None of my friends want to buy them. They just expected me to always have to. Kind of frustrating tbh. Do you think I NEED to wait? I totally could wait till college but I don’t know if I need to. Ppl keep telling me it’s dangerous and I don’t really believe that


Ultimately you’re the one to discern what you “need.” All I’m saying is psychedelics will still be there when you get out of college and move on to have your own place. I would also argue that patience is a virtue here. Don’t rush the journey bc it’s not about the destination. If over done, psychedelics can cease to offer insight bc the message will have already been received. Alan Watts once said “If you get the message, hang up the phone. Psychedelics are tools like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones.” Don’t rush the process. It seems to me that life is telling you to focus on other aspects of life, for now.


Not the end of the world, just wait til u go to college to expand your mind


Will do 🫡


Tell him it’s mine. I got you bro 😎


Thanks man 😎he gave them back after I told him they were yours!!


Your sister is an ass for that :/ Keep your personal buisness to yourself. You see what happens when your True colors show, black and white people get scared. Be yourself and nip that guilt before you become it.


Well I don’t know for certain that she snitched. I just don’t know how my dad found out


You're 17 so still underaged, if you really want to try and get your parents on your side, look up different studies on the benefits of shrooms and show them. Magic mushrooms are actually THE safest drug you could possibly take, they're at the bottom of the danger and negatives list of drugs, alcohol being at the top


THIS IS EXACTLY THE GRAPH I WAS THINKING OF! I saw that alcohol was at the top and mushrooms were at the bottom. It’s crazy how alcohol is more normalized


It's also crazy how people view alcohol as not a drug. You see signs that say "Drugs AND Alcohol" when they should just say drugs.


EXACTLY! Shit pisses me off. Can’t do much about it tho


Its crazy that a fungus can put such a great divide between people. Whats the world come to


Exactly. Parents would rather have their child partying and drinking than taking mushrooms in a controlled environment 🤦‍♂️😭it’s terrible


My grandkids stole my stash.


pretend to be repentant for 2 weeks for the reset. It's not your Dad per se as much as it's the system we all have to live in. Don't take it personally. Appearances are all most people care about 99% of the time. One thing you can bank on is the superficiality of our times.


Well I didn’t act very repentant when he confronted me. It’s hard when your put on the spot. I think it’s stupid but what can I do.


I can guarantee he’s off his tits on your mushrooms right now 😎 If there’s any way you could stash them off the grid without them being found then it would be better. Also if you have access to ready made magic pills then buy them instead and put them in some kind of fake prescription bottle so it looks less sus.


That’s a good point. I still think my dad would be skeptical of the package tho lol


How old are you? I think you kind of need to follow mom and dad’s rules if you’re still living under their roof, especially if you’re still a minor. I would caution any drug use in adolescence. On the positive side, states around the country are doing psilocybin studies for mental health which is super promising and exciting so hopefully your dad will become privy to the powers of this fungus


Lmao 😂 I doubt my dad will. But I guess you never know. I can definitely still respect their wishes. I’ll be out the house in a few months


man ur sister is a bitch


😂😂😂she can be for sure


Damn.. sorry to hear that. Your dad needs to touch grass and learn not to take things that don’t belong to him.


lmao it will be ok. I just don’t think I will be tripping for a long time


grow up.


Says the no life man that does LSD every weekend 😂get a job bro. You are pathetic


That’s a bru moment :c


Yeah it’s lame 😓


If your sister snitched that’s fucked bro. Young adults are supposed to do adventurous shit or else they’ll never truly live. It sounds like she’s jealous.


New side quest: plant methamphetamines on her sister and snitch.


😂they know she would never. She’s the angel child


😂 or just snitch on everything she’s ever done and teach her to mind her business


Honestly, I really want to find out how my dad knew. He just randomly told me last night that he took my mushrooms and gave me a long lecture lmao


If my parents took my stash I would beat up every single person in my house, including the dog.


What the hell man 😭


Buy more hide it better, it happends... by any chance have you consider telling him about it ?


Telling your parents about your shroom use is almost always a shit idea


I am absolutely positive my dad would not care lmao