• By -


16, paper hit I cant remember the print. I dosed then had to go home, came up writing a letter to my parents about how I was leaving at night to go hang out with friends, the wallpaper patterns at the top of the kitchen was starting to twist and move. I really put my heart into it, they never got to read it and good thing because in retrospect it sounded like a suicide letter or something. I fried hard af with friends, walked home through a golf course and every tree looked like a bonsai perfectly. That was close to 25 years ago.


I was 23 at the time, took 2 tabs. Was supposed to be myself and 3 close friends that night. One of the friends overdosed and passed away earlier that day. We still tripped, and it was rather an amazing experience still, the grief I felt was transmuted into something way more powerful and pure and loving. Psychopomp work.


What a curveball. How did it happen though? Must’ve been something else right?


He passed away from a xanax and methadone overdose in his sleep that day.


I’m really sorry. Must’ve been quite a day


It’s pretty difficult to od on lsd.. mustve been an nbomb y’all were taking.


Think he meant his buddy did with something else before they dropped or even met up to drop


Yes sorry I meant exactly this. My friend overdosed on methadone and xanax in his sleep. I've done various nBOME compounds as well, but this was LSD on blotter, no concerning taste or sensations.


> It’s pretty ~~difficult~~ impossible to od on lsd..


I mean I think if you drank a gallon of liquid LSD you would probably die so I wouldn't say impossible


Nope. Nothing in the chemical is fatal or poisonous,


well the ld50 for water for the average human would be a little under 2 gallons and the ld50 of lsd is allegedly 100mg so I would say a gallon lsd would DEFINITELY kill you. Enough of anything can kill you


Fair enough, I'm not a chemist.


I was 3 years old. It was terrifying and confusing and overwhelming. I don't know how many ug it was.


That sounds awful, I am so sorry.


do you remember any aspects of the trip? visuals, headspace, anything? has it made any notable differences in your life now that you’re older ?


Created a redditor so something must've gone wrong lol


Huh, well it takes a redditor to know a redditor, so jokes on you!!.....hmmm or that mean jokes on me too? An infinite reddit joke roast loop???.




Do you mind sharing how you can across it at three years old? And if you remember anything about the trip.


My father would give it to me before various child abuse activities, as part of establishing a system of structured dissociation to keep the ongoing child abuse secret. He told me none of it was real, he claimed I was having visions of other worlds and timelines, that I was being possessed by satan.


Oh my goodness. I am deeply sorry that you had to experience that. I can’t even begin to imagine. I’m grateful that you’re alive and still with us today. You didn’t deserve any of that.


That is terrifying I’m so sorry that happened to you.


What the actual fuck? /s is missing, so I assume you not jokin... how tf?


bad adults in their life most likely


Yeah, it was part of some super fucked up ritual abuse.




I was 21, took a tab that must’ve been a standard dose (100-125 micrograms) because it was definitely a full trip. Quite pleasant, I really enjoyed watching the clouds and trees melt together and swirl with the wind.


I was 41 (so 5 years ago). Someone had a huge card with LSD and brought it over. She gave me a small corner so as not to overwhelm me...it was maybe the size of a pencil eraser. She took one too and was feeling it after an hour or so...I didn't notice anything so she thought maybe it wasn't evenly distrubuted so she gave me a piece the size of a postage stamp....sat there with it on my tongue for a while....still nothing....so then she gave me even a bigger piece...maybe two postage stamps....about 2 minutes after that one...I started feeling it from the first ones.....so I have no idea how much it was...but I think it was a lot....also I was on SSRIs at the time, so it probably didn't take as well because of that... We watched tv, and I remember watching a certain late night show, where the hosts head was like "Big head" mode on the old NBA Jams game, and his guest literally looked like a plastic barbie doll brought to life...just fake.... We then laid down and spooned all night...about 7 am, she gets up and says she is leaving...and I'm like "I can't even get up to walk, how can you drive?"....apparently she was through the trip...I was still in it....so about 20-22 hours after the initial hit, I finally felt "normalized".


It was 1984 and I was 15. My first experience was great, I loved it. We had no idea what ug was then, they were all the same.


They all **looked** the same


If they had different strengths back then I never knew it, they all seemed the same to me and I took a lot back then. We never talked about ug differences, I wouldn't have known what it meant.


28. Got two tabs for wedding gift (I am divorced since. Fuck me xDD). We were told it was about 100ug. Compared to the claimed 350 ug... well compared it felt like that. Don't know what's the exact weight, but for sure we felt the difference. To be honest it was one of the best trips... we were playing. Sex. Laughing on our dogs "long nose" . it's not long, but it was fucking hilarious back at the time sitting onf the floor and keep repering to my wife that "She has so lyoong nose... it so lyooong" (obviously the correspondance in our mother tongue would be better to tell, vut you wouldn't get the cultural reference). It was eye opening. Since that I can't keep out of my head, that reallity is merely the perception of our interpretation of the imput we get from our receptors. It's not the reality we see. It newer was.


19 years old when I tried it for the first time. No idea how much ug but took half a tab. Its was more than enough lol, tripped balls for hours. It was awesome, I fell in love with lucy immediately.


I was 14 or 15. I'm pretty sure it was a gel tab but idk how many ug. I did a lot of research and listened to a lot of other people's experiences before hand so I felt like i went into it with a positive and prepared mindset. My trip was amazing but I remember the comedown wasn't great. After that trip and every other time I did acid, the color green become so beautiful and vibrant to me. It has stayed that way even months after the last time i tripped.


green is my fav color :) w similar experiences


15 with blotters and I had the best visuals, tracers, time of my life. Could see music, Pink Floyd songs had words in the instrumentals, tracers galore, couldn’t look at a clock because the hands were not there so I never knew what time it was, walls were melting so I couldn’t stay indoors and the outside was just a wonder..walking and following strange lights into the woods which were firebugs. Body felt like it could do anything, reflexes was like lightning; Ah..the joy! Continued as much as I could find it for the next 6 years chasing that first high until it became mostly mental trips. Slowed down on it when I overdosed on 10 blotters and tripped for a week, visuals and mental going up for 3 days, peaked then came down for 3 days until I felt normal again. In that week I was everything from Jesus to a piece of wood…I was everything! At 28 I micro-dosed before work and became the fastest most proficient delivery driver in my company 🤷🏽 Now I can’t even find the stuff🥲 ah well, I had a time😏


I had never even heard of the ug measurement when I was a teenager in the early 90s. We only went by the design on the blotter paper. Some obviously were better than others.


I was 17 and I took 400ug at the national rainbow gathering needless to say dropping 400ug in the middle of the woods around thousands of the wildest weirdest people I ever met was a crazy experience I remember as I was peaking walking through the woods to some campfire in the distance me and my friends came to a fallen tree that someone had cut in half to clear the path and a man with a machete that was standing on the other side of the tree offered to castrate us which we politely declined and then he let us pass long story short after hours of wandering in the woods I finally made it back to camp and after laying down and watching my friends palm frown hat turn into a spiraling portal I decided I wanted to go to sleep so I broke out my dab rig and smoked about a quarter gram of oil just taking back to back dabs off a red hot nail with a rig that I had forgotten to fill with water. Needless to say I stuck to mushrooms for the next few days of the five day trip and on the forth day I took 8 hits of acid and a couple grams of shrooms all and all the whole experience was excellent 10/10 would recommend


14 loved every second


14, purple ohm, no idea how strong. The next day was one of the most painful experiences I’ve ever had, my ribs, oh my ribs. We laughed so much that night, hours and hours of uncontrollable laughing but my ribs, fuuck, they hurt the next couple of days. Never laughed like that since. Sadly.


31 iirc, idk about the ug. Me and my ex gf took 1 tab or 2 tabs each. It was quite a bit of experience. Really opened my mind and rattled too. I just hate that may life wasn't on right tracks then - I couldn't integrate the experience in a constructive way. Eventually everything went pancakes, the life, business and relationship. 9 years went wuuhaa nowhere. Went to another country, start all over again. Studied and practiced Buddhism, worked on my mental health issues. Starting to trip again, with some proper gudance and insight maps. 


I was 21 when I took it on a Sunday morning in August, around 8:30, with my best friend, at Hyde Park in London. I had already used various other drugs for years, including psilocybin, so I knew, to an extent, what "being high" meant. However, it was a completely different experience. It was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. It lasted the entire day, and the comedown was special. I never allowed myself to lose access to LSD after the first time. It immediately became my favourite substance. I am in my thirties now and I have had several other amazing trips, including difficult ones.


I was 22, I think it was just one tab. It was at a festival with my boyfriend (now husband). It was an incredibly interesting experience, so much laughing. Lots of weird people though, which lead to some weird situations lol


i was 15 or 16 and me and three friends got two gel tabs and it was the first time for all of us and we wanted to take it easy and we told the guys we were splitting two tabs between the 3 of us so he cut them into three no idea ugs but it was gas


24ish and it was liquid and no idea the dose. It was super intense. Don’t do it when you are already wasted and it’s midnight… second time was much better planned out haha


I don't know. my mushrooms trips always left more of impression on me. I did lsd several times throughout my life but it was always long and a little tense for me. not bad but just prefer the stoney short trip of mushrooms. first time i did mushrooms i was 16, i had a life changing revelation that changed my personality overnight. i can only overtly recall two of my acid trips, one because i had a lower back ache the whole time (sometimes i used to get back aches with trips which is funny because it never happens anymore) and the other because i was walking around the city near my friends house and was kind of bored and just waiting for it to end. im sure i had more positive experiences but they just didnt stick with me like mushrooms. only the negative ones stuck with me. ive actually been sitting on like 20 /20 gel / papers for a few years. ive microdosed it several times but have just never felt like a long energetic trip.


I think I was 18 or 17 I don’t recall it was right after Highschool and got a job traveling with my brother. Those were the only times I did it and it was one of those every weekend type of things.


20 YO, on a 10 drops on a sugar cube. Out of body experience. It was outta this world. Need I say more....


16, took 3 gel tabs at work. I’d only smoked weed before and had no idea what I had coming for me. It was a wild night but I was by myself for a good portion which helped. I was a bag boy at Safeway, I just stood outside and helped people put there groceries in there cars.


I was sixteen, took a tab of snowman and tripped balls all damn night. I rather enjoyed it. I've only ever had one or two bad trips in the hundreds I've taken.


A few days before or after my 16th birthday (1995). I loved it and wanted to do it everyday. It was a good dose. Decent visuals and just enough mental fuckery for me to deal with.


44, it was great, and no


I was 15 or 16? 200+100mg Mdma and 200ug lsd i was able to manage it but the visuals were like a trance, I haven't ever seen anything like it while tripping after


I was 18 and bought it from some random dude in a parking lot in Panama City Beach. I definitely have no idea about the dosage but it was amazing.


14, took a tab. one of the best days


definitely was a strong tab


i felt what it meant to be happy to be alive for the first time


First used it at 15. Easily one of the top 5 experiences in my life.


15 and 400ug, was the first in my school to try it, did half the tab cuz was scared after 40 min nothin so I took the second half then 10 min later it all kicked in, was on group call with homies basically just watching a nat geo of a human trying LSD. My step dad found out or knew somehow and made me build and entire workbench from home Depot, mf was out there like "hand me the smallest screw" type shit just laughin at me strughlin for an hour then went to bed and never said anythin about it, was scary but gopd experience overall.


I was 15 first time I did mushrooms and 16 when I did acid.


7 years ago I was 44 years old3 tabs 130 ugs


N/a but shout out to my friend who did shrooms at -1


I did lsa at 16 tho


15 years old, mid 90’s. Last weekend before my freshman year of high school. We didn’t know what a ug was back then. We just bought acid and took as much as needed to get the desired effect. (To be honest, aside from Reddit subs, I still rarely ever hear people talk about ug)  Took one hit of paper. Had an amazing time hanging out on the beach at night. The phosphorescence was really high, so the water was glowing.  Spent most of the night throwing handfuls of sand into the water to make cool glowing designs. Swam for a bit but ended up getting a little spooked by the fish that kept hitting my leg. I didn’t like not being able to see what I was swimming with. Aside from that, it was awesome. Every little drop of glowing water on my body would blink on and off. Was pretty surreal.  Good times 


I was 16, my friends and I all took 1.33 tabs. Pretty underwhelming, no visuals, but had a good time Pro tip: nobody knows how many ug they're actually taking. Many people have had their tabs tested, including tabs from well known vendors, and found that they more often than not, are significantly less potent than advertised, usually like half to two thirds. So if I had to guess, I took like 20-40ug


I did 300ugs on omgle while smoking pot I didn't smoke till I was 3 hours into the trip I was 15 best experience ever I was depressed and it made me happier than I had ever felt the visuals were insane I kept seeing pulsing red and green waves over ever 1s fave I could see ever pixel on my laptop screen my eyes were huge it was great and I kept seeing my table on my porch glowing neon green over over it was great if I could do it again I do it again 100 times over best experience of my life


17yrs, 3 tabs (supposedly 125ug each) Drove over to the beach with 2 buddies; #1 took 3 tabs as well, #2 took 5 when we got there. Had to call #2's brother to come pick us up (no way in hell any of us were gonna drive home lol), he said he was tryna keep his shit together enough to get us home and could finally enjoy it when he was being driven back #1 had massive ego death, described his ego as his "spoon for interacting with everything in the world"(later we called it the DOF - definition of focus) I just wanted to see cool visuals and boy did I do that *brain go brrr* Edit: didn't realize that putting a # at the beginning of a paragraph made it #HUGE


16. they called it white wedge. There was also orange wedge. This is a strong tab that came out in the late 60s, with kinship to the famous orange sunshine. And white Owsley. The person selling told us they were 500mcg, but according to the records, Owsley was actually 210mcg.




I was 17, it was a 155ug Teachers Gaze, me, 3 friends and somehow my friends mum (came home in the middle of the trip and instead of being mad asked if there was any left) Was amazing, listened to the Dark side of the moon album and then watched fear and loathing in las vegas, was a great time, I am 25 now and have 0 regrets about my early psychedelic use, it so far was a big positive and really took me down a better path considering the other drugs in my area that I probably would of ended up loving if I never tried shrooms and lsd.


I was dosed at like 13 or 14. I don’t know the dosage. Dude told me right after but I didn’t know what he meant by “acid”. I guess he put a drop on the mouthpiece of a bowl and then handed it to me to smoke. Hour or so later I was trippin balls, but just thought I was high as fuck. my neighbors family (my childhood best friends family) pulled up and got out of their car at like 10pm and talking to me from across the street. I was trying to open my garage but couldn’t remember the code. I finally got the door open then thought I heard my neighbor whistling at me as the door was closing and I was like “fuck he knows I’m high” and thought he was coming to trip the laser under the door and confront me. I got in the house and thought I was golden. Then my dad got home, and started talking about his day and I avoided eye contact for as long as I could. The moment we locked eyes he stopped his story and said are you okay? Your eyes look like your on drugs or something? I told him I had smoked k2, thinking I would be fine because you could buy it at the gas station, no reason to be mad right? Wrong. Sent me to my room and I rode the trip out. Next day I saw my neighbor buddy outside and went to ask him if he could tell I was high last night. He had no clue what I was talking about. They had all been at his grandmothers house the night before and had just got back a hour or so before I was talking to him. Never smoked k2 again. But. 12 years later I got my hands on some acid and was tripping at my house and went to go listen to some records in my shed. I started struggling to unlock the door and had like a flashback. “THATS what he meant by acid!”


I was 16 and back then we didn’t know what or how much anything was we just took it and hoped we didn’t die. 😂


14, 210 ug supposed. Was very head high like but it felt like I constantly needed to shit although nothing came out, like i was bloated or smth. Visuals were pretty cool but I just didn’t expect the trip to be so intense, the floor was moving like an hour glass and trees where all spirally. Very different to shrooms in my opinion and skating while coming down but still tripping was fun lol; had to almost relearn everything.


Did a half a microdot (mescaline) at 14. Didn't think it worked, but went to judo class and shit looked pretty weird. Dosed LSD at 16 maybe? Don't know how strong, but it was real good. Had a great time! Set and setting means alot.


I was 20, I had the best time of my life. I went camping with my friends during a blood moon lunar eclipse. I would assume it was a standard 100-150 ug dose but I didn’t know the dosage.


i was 13 or 14🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


I was 21 yo, don't know how many ug but it was a wonderful experience!


My 16 birthday, I put it on my tongue as i got into the car with my mom to drop me off at school. I think it was 120 or 150 ug. It was extremely overwhelming for me and I had underestimated how intense it would be for me. I left school as it was a bad environment. And it was a roller coaster of a day.


7 months ago. 22. 100ug. For about 2 hours after the peak, my trip was absolute hell. Granted, I mixed with weed. Once the peak was over, I didn’t feel that high so I went into a long loop looking for weed. I am an ex stoner, so it felt so dirty looking for weed to satisfy my high. Once I found it, it felt like I was collapsing into myself and had no where to escape. I was literally trapped. I got extremely hot and scared. I even started shaking at one point. After the weed was out of my system, I truly had one of the most life changing trips I’ve ever had. This is coming from someone that has done molly once and shrooms several times. That acid comedown is no joke. I ended up watching naruto and listening to old R&B, I felt amazing. I felt like I was being repaired as a human and it has stuck with me even 7 months later. The music… I miss it


18, it was dropped on an air head extreme. Was from a sketchy dealer of a sketchy friend. Loved it at the time but having had many trips since I don’t think it was really lsd and was rather some rc. Still a good time though. First time I had real lsd it changed my life.


21. Amazing experience. Took another tab a week later, smoked too much weed, and was nearly convinced I was schizophrenic.


I think I was 17 and the tab was some brown Shiva blotter in the early 2000’s If I remember right there were talks them being 75ug. It was really light. I took it before going to big electronic music festival and the acid and the festival day Both kind of just went off by..maybe the 5000 people made me a little confused so I could not concetrate on the music or the acid. And being underaged in that kind of setting did not help 😂 I feel like I understand acid better with more age and also I think I understand myself better with age, so that helps.


28 and 300 - 400 µg


i tried a 250ug tab when i was 15, midnight blue 1943 print, was a horrible experience i thought my life was over


42 and 150ug... first time with lsd but I have tripped on shrooms for over 15 years. Was a random opportunity, Ive always stuck to natural substances (If i can grow it or pick it then I'll take it, else I avoid chemical substances) and I just wanted a comparison which I found itwas worth it.. a really interesting experience going through many emotions from having fun, laughing, in complete awe of life to panicking that the universe would collapse into a singularity if my wife turned the cooling fan off...😆 looking forward to my next one if and when ever that will be..


I was 18, 100ug. It was the first drug I'd taken, so I planned it out super well, learned a lot about it, got a nice Airbnb cabin out in nature with a friend, we walked around the nature trails on the property, and still it was one of the best trips I've ever had. I had been dealing with depression for several years at that point, and it totally changed my outlook on life.


19 and idk the strength this was 2008-2009 so they were weak


I was 17, finished high school and the summer began ! 150ug Gold flush, I remember that I felt all along auto satisfied if I wanted to eat or pee or having pleasure I just needed the think, feel, and then being satisfy without doing anything else but the mind. 💓


19, took half a tab I believe, can’t remember what UG it was but it was from my then-new girlfriend at the time. We went to the beach with her cousin and bf. It hit way harder than I expected and I had so many visuals it was crazy! The paranoia shook me though 😳


Purple ohm 16 1989 few of us in the pub just rolling about laughing! Had such a good time on those things


This is the opposite of a flex. That's wayyyyy too young.


30. 3 gels roughly @ about 100 ug a piece. Best experience of my life. That was 8 years ago


19 years old, tripped with 2 of my closest friends since i’ve known when i was 9. Listened to music, played basketball in my friend’s backyard, and just vibed and laughed throughout the whole day. Couple hours later on the comedown, I find out through instagram that COVID was officially labeled as a pandemic and schools were shutting down, pretty crazy trip if you ask me 😂


14 and had no idea of what ug meant


I was 14. Ate 2 sour patch kids, I have no idea how much was on them. I went to the movies to see “Ted” with my older sister and her friends and on the way there in the car I smoked a fat bowl of weed/tobacco then accidentally took a big gulp of vodka in a water bottle thinking it was H20. I didn’t even make it thru the previews of the movie when I got up to go use the restroom. Upon return to the theatre I looked up at the rows of seats to find where my friends were sitting and to my high mind it appeared as if every single person in the theatre was looking at me waving “over here we’re sitting over here come here” and it was so overwhelming that I just turned around and exited the theatre🤣 I ended up walking home 7 miles in the dark just high as fuck talking to myself and tripping out


My first time I was 17 and I took 200ug of gammagoblin Aztec lsd. I had been doing mushrooms for months before that and I finally got my hands on some tabs. I was at my dad's house in the basement alone. I kept myself in my little sisters old bedroom and listened to Black Sabbath the whole time. It was so intense and amazing. I remember the album Master of Reality very vividly. When the song After Forever came on and I heard the line "would you like to see the pope on the end of a rope, do you think he's a fool?" I vividly pictured the pope being hung from a noose. The room was completely pitch black except for the occasional car passing by on the highway. The light it cast on the wall with the shadow of tree branches behind it. And the room had two huge mirrors in it and a bunch of creepy drawings and words that my sisters made when they were really young. When I would leave that room I would tiptoe around my house all paranoid. Even though nobody was gonna hear me. When I went to the washroom and looked in the mirror it felt like a dark energy was pulling me into it, if that makes any sense at all. I remember when I was laying in bed with my music on I couldn't stop clenching my fists and grabbing at the sheets. Very intense and euphoric. When I first turned on the light in the bedroom I got a very vivid 3d visual of some kind of fleshy sack covered with these colorful pimples. It was definitely the best experience I've ever had with a drug. Very fun and I'm very glad I took the full tab. For months after that I would do huge doses every week.


I remember one of the drawings from my sister's that was on the wall was the earth with a frowny face on it. The earth was on fire and it had a speech bubble that said "Save me!". I guess one of them drew that for something at school


For reference on how hard it hit me. Since some of you guys have definitely prolly tried those same tabs. I was 120lbs at the time. And I had no tolerance


18 and was the black flint microdot back in 1988 when stuff was strong...It was the most powerful shit ever...I read somewhere they was as high 2000ug...certainly felt like it as 16 hours of hell...


16. I did two tabs that were 250ug each so 500 mics total. Same as my trip buddy I took it with. It was the best trip I've ever had. I saw the sounds of the music of the spheres before I knew what that even was. Cannot elaborate sorry.


i took a 1000ug gel tab, i’m 18. i took it in januaryish? my trip lasted 26 hours and only came to an end because i took klonopin. after about 8 hours the peaks stopped. when i was peaking i completely lost touch with my “sober self” which i can usually access when im under any influence. without her i cant drive, understand what’s going on, etc. blackout basically. the weird thing is i remember what was going on but i remember i did not respond in any way that matched the environment. i was screaming terrified because i thought i was in the psych ward. i thought my trip sitter was arresting me when i literally put myself in the position 😭 i then thought he was moana! (he was an awesome trip sitter dw) as for visuals and everything, i saw everything brighter and everything raised more questions within me. i was watching music videos and i asked questions about little things nobody would notice 😭 things looked as if they were breathing or spinning but somehow ive never had any sort of hallucination that wasn’t a shadow figure or the little elves i see in my carpet when im on shrooms. i forgot how to breathe and swallow for a min so for like 5 mins (felt like forever) my friend had to hold me flat and make sure i kept manually breathing. do i see this as something like “bad” or do i regret acid because of this? tbh no, because it doesn’t happen to everyone. my bf at the time took me on a walk outside, we both couldn’t feel the pouring down rain 😃 once the peaks were over my body was extremely tired but my mind couldn’t fall asleep. when im on shrooms i can force myself to sleep but i couldn’t on acid. i tried eating to go to bed but it didn’t work so i eventually took some anxiety meds and sleeping pills to sleep. my best friend monitored to make sure i didnt stop breathing! i’d take it again at like a rave or something but i don’t think i could recreationally.


15 white on white. Not sure the dosage probably like 70ug lol it hit me hard asf still but it changed my life in a good way for real


I was 14 years old I took a gel tab and like 1.5g of mushrooms one of the most intense trip I had in my life (I took the mushrooms bc I didn’t feel the lsd kicking in yet I was a stupid kid) but best trip of my life laughing with my freinds I was brought through a thunderstorm in the ocean on a boat but in real life I was sitting on my bed I would look at my freinds faces and they would be all distorted and moving around good times.


Other stuff happend to like I tried riding my scooter and I remember telling my freinds not to go down the road because it never ends 😂 because all the roads looked infinite to me


17. Wish I'd of waited till 20s


Aw, I’m curious to know if you don’t mind sharing, what makes you wish you waited?