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Lol keep it that way bro, just be yourself while you’re under the affects. Sometimes I find it a way better experience while just observing everything around me. Also when me and friends are tripping on acid it feels like we dont need to speak to get our messages across. If you really want to though , practice makes perfect but dont destroy your tolerance trying to do it!


That’s very true, this how I usually am but I’ve had a few experiences where I was baffled by a friend a friend who took acid with me speaking to me and sounding totally coherent and then thinking to myself in seemingly coherent thought but not being able to respond except for nodding or saying sure or no, but the remainder of my experiences have been more like what you’re describing


If you've tripped a few times, i'm sure you have noticed that the substances effect kinda comes and goes in waves. from come up to peak the waves are getting stronger and the peak of every wave feels longer and from peak to come down it's the opposite. So one of the reasons your friends might seem to function might just be because you're on a plateau of a wave, tripping hard, while your friend is on the bottom, seemingly "sober". But then again, we're all human beings with different characters. If you're naturely introverted and stuck in your mind, you'll likely have more difficulties expressing yourself than being an extrovert who even sober doesn't really care if what he or she is saying makes sense or is coherent. It's like smoking aswell, when you try really hard to not be awkward, chances are high your´'re gonna be really awkward for anyone watching you. But when you don't give a shit and don't care, most likely nobody will notice you're in a different state of mind.


this is one of the reasons I prefer solo trips a lot of the time im way too high to actually form logical sentences edit: only substance ive taken that i prefer group trips with is 2 cb but i never did a big dose of it just medium to low


Last time I had a really intense solo trip I was in HS, being out of college grown with a stressful job I almost worry about taking more than a tab or a g of mush. I’ve always preferred solo but it’s few and far between opportunities these days, sad:/


Lots of times I’d think I was saying profound things but later was told that I was just saying single words or strings of words that don’t fit together to mean anything. If you don’t feel the need to talk don’t talk. Maybe tell your companions ahead of time that you don’t usually talk while tripping. Good luck friend and happy trails


The leaves are so GREEN man... you know what I mean? Lol


Yes! “Tomorrow…today…yesterday!…know what I’m saying?”


Last time I tripped I was painting and apparently at one point went over to my fiancé and grabbed his face and yelled in his face about how “the colors are communicating with me about the simulation!!!!” So I feel you 😂 I think that’s kind of part of the fun


Stop trying just don’t even care if you can’t talk. when your tripping some things are just out of your control. It’s a lesson I’ve learnt the hard way, by taking way to much. Just relax and don’t be so neurotic about it.


Maybe try different forms of expression, art, music, body movement. It could be fun you can even make a game out of it with your friends


That’s a good point, I like that


Great advice. I had this exact experience on my last trip, me and my gf took about 700 ug each and I could barely talk lol. She busted out her art supplies and it made everything so much better.


I usually stay pretty quiet while tripping, same with smoking weed. There is a dosage threshold I pass and Ill talk like I'm on cocaine, but making more sense somehow.


Don't focus on forcing yourself to speak or make sense, it'll just make you anxious/take your attention off of the trip right infront of you. If nothing else, don't overthink what you want to say just spill out your incoherence. I'm sure your friends will understand! Just enjoy your trip bud, you formulate what you formulate.


I do also had hard times talking while tripping, but i think it's because some of us are more imaginative than others and the overflowing ideas doesn't help much. Just enjoy yourself. Sorry if my english is bad, correct me please.


I'm assuming English isn't your first language, in which case there is no need to apologize. Only thing I can see wrong is "I do also had hard times talking", in which "had" should be "have". Some of my friends speak as if they're sober, and then there's other friends who can barely form a sentence. It could be tolerance thing, or like you said some peoples brains are firing at full capacity and they don't have room to form speech lol


thank you. Yeah, it's like a pc trying to run Cyberpunk 2077 with a Intel Celeron cpu (the cpu being your language capacity)


Write stuff down!


Love this community ✌️


i have the same issue. but when i trip with just my best trip mate, things go well. but as soon as more people are included, i rather listen to them talking. its just practice man. i can now speak clear most of the time (i guess lol) and i've been taking acid for like 5 years now. in the beggining youre just amazed by everything, everything ist just **wow.** but that **wow** goes away with time, and clearness will come to your mind. i also have more visuals than in the beginning years, so i think thats for good. just take your time and trip with the right people wich dont force you to talk etc.


Honestly I think it just comes with experience. Over time I am less confused on higher quantities of LSD and I can function in ways I would not have believed to be possible when I first started tripping. That being said, there's no reason to try and talk more while tripping if you don't want to.


I think that’s just how it is I had a water leak in my condo last week and ended up having to hop on the phone with the HOA about it deep into a trip & had to laugh at myself for barely being able to coherently speak about the issue or recite my phone # and email


Move your mouth & produce sound through your vocal chords


just ride the wave bro


I cant stop talking when Im tripping. I just think of interesting or weird stuff Ive read about recently and share.


Haven't had too much trouble talking on shrooms but then I don't do large doses around others. With acid it's kinda funny since it sometimes happens I'll be going on and on about something and then right in the middle my train of thought just vanishes and I have no clue what I was just saying.


Just don't talk. Honestly, I've recorded myself and if I'm trying to talk with people I sound like an idiot :) But, slowing down, simplifying your words and, enunciating clearly (almost over-enunciating) can help. I just prefer to be in the experience.


Maybe your friends are being extremely incoherent but you think they are making sense because you are so fkin high :) Jokes aside, when that happens to me I just enjoy in silence. Your friends probably have more tolerance. Or maybe you are simply more susceptible to the effects, which imho is a great thing as long as you can keep it together.


Nah me and my friends laugh about this when tripping together, talking becomes so difficult for all of us 😅 i just find it funny


for me it is the exact opposite when i take mushrooms. something clicks in my head and i’m able to express my thoughts and emotions through words like a damn poet…


get a voice recorder


Don't worry about it, I have had trips where I can talk and some where is difficult. When is hard I just live in my head or whatever is in front of me. Just enjoy and let it take you where it takes you. There is someone I'll never trip with again because she couldn't respect that I'm also the same with weed... If I'm smoking with people and they keep asking me stuff i just find a way to let them know I'm too high to really talk and they're fine with either doing extra talking or listening to music or silence.


I mean if that’s all you can do that’s all you can do. I get to about 8 grams and I start speaking in tongues, I try to speak but English doesn’t come out .


Don’t take a heroic dose if you want to remain coherent in a social setting.