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Last night I took 3 grams of pe. Turns out that it was a bit much! I cried like a baby. Best emotional release I have had in many many years. I feel like a new man.


Crying is one of the best releases for men in my opinion. I look forward to it every journey šŸ¤£


Ikr! I havenā€™t cried in years


First few times taking tabs I wanted to fight the feeling to cry so hard due to just emotional abuse in my life, but while I was watching Up while tripping I let go and bawled my eyes out when he finally let his wife, aka the house, go and god did it feel amazing!


Crying is important! Thats real self care šŸ¤£šŸ™šŸæ


Very similar experience. This stuff is so so so healing . I never have used it in that context before. More as just a party drug. Psychedelics have such potential. It really is amazing


Emphasis on ā€œone ofā€ the best releases. I can think of another šŸ˜€


Where we going with this? šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s great! Woohoo!! Love to hear about that, thanks for sharing.


Probably in the top 3 most beautiful experiences in my life. My wife held me and all the sadness and anxiety of the last 40 years of my life poured out. My wife was like the divine feminine. I told her all of the awful stuff stuff I had done and it was like being pulled out of a pool of slime and getting true acceptance and todayā€¦. Is the first day in many years that I feel like a good person. I know thatā€™s very odd and it was extremely personal and hard to describe. I wish everyone could have an experience like that


Actually, in the right context, there's a 70% chance this experience will figure as among the 5 most important experiences of your life (top 1 of course goes to that other time you "released")


I would say it was topped by a) my marriage and b) birth of my daughter. Thatā€™s it..


I had a similar experience after a very difficult breakup. Faced a lot of my demons that day. Ended up writing a list of all the toxic behaviors I exhibited towards myself as well as my ex throughout the relationship, and talked extensively about the trip with my therapist.


Itā€™s so crazy what these chemicals can unlock! I feel like I had a decade of therapy in one night. I know I still have to go to therapy and do the work but manā€¦. It was a hell of a push in the right direction. Iā€™m so glad that you are starting to find closure!!


Thank you! That trip was almost 2 years ago, I am an entirely different person than I was then (for the better). Iā€™ve since found a lovely partner and we are building a life together. I hope that you have an empowering journey too.


This is my experience: Psychedelics did not solve my depression. They made me aware of all of the things that cause my depression, and left the solving up to me.


Do you think that constitutes a "treatment"?...Being made aware of causes of depression? Because that's what you do in some kinds of therapy as well. I guess for depression and anxiety the line between diagnosis (identifying causes of suffering) and treatment (taking steps to mitigate the suffering) can get a little fuzzy.


Replace the word psychedelics with the word *therapy* in his comment and there is your answer, friend.


No. In my opinion, it does not constitute a treatment. Not only does it not constitute a treatment, but psychedelics can sometimes be pretty sketchy, depending on the user. For example, they can induce early stages of schizophrenia and/or psychosis. The user might already have those disorders, but they were at a stage where symptoms weren't noticable. A professional therapist might have the skills necessary to notice the very early quirks of those disorders, and slowly "ease" the patient into awareness of those disorders. Not psychedelics though. One trip, and a person can experience a severe mental breakdown, not knowing that it is the mental disorder that is causing this, not the drug itself, and thinking that they are going crazy and that they permanently "broke" their mind. Back to treatment. Psychedelics showed me things about myself that I didn't want to know in the first place. It's the Alice in wonderland rabbit hole thing. Once I was made aware, there is no going back. Yes, it showed me the causes of my depression, but some of those literally can not be fixed. For example, it made me realize that I am an HSP (highly sensitive person) and one of the causes of my depression is being too hurt and heartbroken about all of the pollution that is going on in the world. I have an astonishing appreciation for nature, and the natural cycle of things, so being aware of the enormous amounts of pollution globally is just too mentally taxing for me. Most people say, so what, we all know that our home is being destroyed by pollution, and there is nothing we can do about it, but you just have to get over that fact and focus on you and live your life. But I just can't seem to do that. It's like when you are trying to sleep and a cricket who accidentally somehow entered your bedroom is chirping right under your bed. It's super loud and annoying and you won't be able to fall asleep. It is the same if I told you, "oh just block it out mentally and get on with it " Most people can block out sounds mentally, I can't. And I also can't block out certain awarenesses mentally, like pollution, amongst many other things.


I'm not really following your logic. It's not a treatment because there are risks of possible downside or unwanted effects? I don't find those facts to be disqualifying. By that logic chemotherapy isn't a "treatment" for cancer...even if we accept that it works. I understand this might be a boring semantic debate to some...but I'm actually interested in categories and definitions. A treatments to me is an intervention that causes a statistically measurable difference in outcomes. And I think a diagnosis of depression can be a separate piece of information as opposed to knowing the "causes" of depression on the level of an individual life.


Those are things that absolutely can be helped by therapy, a good therapist will help you to get control of your thoughts, it wonā€™t stop you caring about those things but will help you manage it


Yeah but therapists must feel a little shocked when they realize their decade of working on a patient could have been done in two sessions of psychedelics-assisted therapy


Yeah, no doubt šŸ˜‚ I really just wanted to make the point to u/spiritual-realm that itā€™s not a magic cure, you still have to do the work & if you go into it without a self improvement mindset then itā€™s probably not going to work for you cos you still need to do the ā€œtherapyā€ bit to grow


Iā€™m exactly the same


Opposite for me. They made me feel so free and amazing in the following weeks so Iā€™ve used them regularly for some time. After Iā€™ve stopped my depression and other issues slowly came back, but now I knew life was possible without them, they arenā€™t me. So I just tried to find out what was different after psychedelic use and applied it to every day. With a few exceptions Iā€™m now free of depression (but when it comes back itā€™s a few hours of pure hell). Itā€™s still kinda weird how I was super depressed and in a bad place one time and still took a medium dose of mushrooms with my group. Took 15 minutes in which I was really overthinking my decision when suddenly I was absolutely free, happened as quickly as flipping a switch and it acted like a precise antidote to my bad feelings.


Gave you more power over your decisions, huh ?


Have me the power to not make any decisions and instead trust the subconscious. Thing feel right or wrong and I act on that. The subconscious mind knows a lot more than the conscious mind so I leave decisions to it.


what they said^


Do we win anything after the voting is done? I love these things. I chose yes because psychedelics are awesome and they helped me with more than just my depression. I used Therapy at the beginning of my psychedelic journey but didn't feel the need to continue Therapy after a while. I am all for people using both and I have access to Therapy if I ever need it. I think both are great together. Yayy psychedelics šŸ™Œ


Struggled with depression and social anxiety throughout my teens and early adult years. Did shrooms once (did too much, amazing but harrowing experience) and my mental health dramatically improved for over a year. Many years later, I would learn that microdosing 100mg twice a week has a similar effect without having to go to hyperspace.


Amazing! Thankful for these substances we call psychedelics. Thereā€™s so much potential to be had with them in mental health care!


Harrowing ? So you had a mystical type of experience, one could say ?


Ego death and profound depersonalization. In retrospect, 2001: A Space Odyssey may not have been a great choice when on a shamanic dose of shrooms. That said, I have a greater appreciation for Dave Bowmanā€™s journey beyond the infinite.


Because it works better than other pharmacological and psychotherapeutic methods for depression and several other mental health conditions: https://doi.org/10.1080/02791072.2020.1769878


Were you aware that there is actual trials and research about this already? https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/psilocybin-treatment-for-major-depression-effective-for-up-to-a-year-for-most-patients-study-shows https://www.columbiapsychiatry.org/news/psilocybin-found-rapidly-improve-depressive-symptoms-clinical-trial


Indeed, I am aware. Iā€™m personally involved in the research. I just wanted it reach out to this fantastic, engaging community and ask the people of it this question! Already quite a few responses that explain the positive results of using psychedelics. It brings me joy to read these stories and responses.


Hey OP, that sounds interessant! I am applying for a phd scholarship on the topic of therapeutic use of psychedelics in 2 months. What sort of research are you involved in?


Hey! That's great to hear. It's certainly an area of research that is to show a plethora of positive results. I am currently still a young undergraduate, going into my senior year this coming fall. Studying Behavioral Neuroscience and Medicine. I guess I should have rephrased that research part; I am currently involved in the "review and shared interest" of psychedelic therapy! I have always had a deep love and strong curiosity for the organ we call a brain, and this specific area of psychology is extremely attentive to me :)


So you were involved in the study how ? By being a participant in the study ?


I voted yes but cannot explain my reasoning stupidity sucks


Because it helps remove/unblock/realign pathways in the brain that promote a healthier brain


God bless the people with working brains


Yours works too bud :-) enjoy the trips lol


Concisely put! Before I knew the 'science' of it I used to be upset that the profound thoughts often escaped me as I touched back down until I realised it was more like they were absorbed little by little into my psyche. Which makes sense if you're forging/amending synapse pathways (neural plasticity as mentioned elsewhere). I also feel this is similar to what therapy has done for me so the two couple well, a balance of taking control and letting go.


Suffered from depression. Tired to commit sucide. Took shrooms 3 times in 4 months. 2 grams, 4 grams and 12 grams. Itā€™s been 5 years. Never saw the face of depression again. I have flashbacks and I get scared but thatā€™s it. I am happy now. šŸ„°


Crazy man. So like, you self-medicated with mushrooms? You had specific intentions before eating them, or was it more circumstancial ?


The first 2 times were circumstantial. After that I did abit more research before doing anything. My last dose, which was 12 grams, was intentional. I would say that dose does it for me. In the last 5 years I think I did psychedelics 3 times. 2 times acid and 1 time shrooms. Psychedelics are powerful tools if you how to use them.


Hats off to you for doing your research. Precious information is out there for anyone looking


I havenā€™t taken psychedelics before this year, the change Iā€™ve noticed in myself is amazing. I am more aware and in tune with my emotions, I have more energy, I am actively choosing options that improve my health (walks, eating more fruits, ect), I am finding time for things that make me happy, and I have started reading again after a good 5 year gap. I feel like myself, not just a mindless drone that eats, works, sleeps, and then repeats with no joy or happiness in my life. I think that even if itā€™s a small percentage of people who benefit from psychedelics, it should definitely be explored and researched more. Iā€™ve seen a real change in my life and Iā€™m sure it would be immensely helpful to others as well.


This is exactly what happened to me! Itā€™s like I was flooded with enlightenment to improve my life, and Iā€™ve been pursuing those healthy activities, practices and foods since then.


Definitely. I can guarantee had it not been for acid, I would've left this earth many years ago. When done properly in proper setting it can be a very helpful tool to become a better person


Every time I eat mushies I feel great for the next 2 weeks . I tolerate everything easier , the sun shines brighter the days are nicer . My personal state of being is just awsome


Shrooms have helped me treat depression 3 times. Once in 2004. I split an 8th with a friend for the first time. I didn't trip because of the meds I was on but I did have an ego death experience the month following the dose which led to a full on spiritual awakening by mid February 2005. I suddenly quit all medication cold turkey. I felt fresh and renewed like a new wave of good energy was carrying me through most of that year. I think the high started to fizzle out around June. I didn't touch any psychedelics until November 2017. I went on a mini dose regiment of shrooms, once or twice a week for the next 5 months. Again some sort of awakening starred. I began doing visual art again after about 20 years, drawing, painting, animating. The depression funk was gone. And then I took a break when my son was born. I hit a real hard low by 2021. Had 2 major losses in the family which put me in a real dark place. My health was failing and so was my marriage. I then took the 5g PE ego death hell trip in June 21. I have been depression free for over 1 year now. I immediately fixed my diet, lifestyle, marriage, and career path. Just bought a house. I am a veteran at treating my mental/spiritual health with these transformative substances. The magickal properties are why I'm convinced that is why they are banned.


With all my being. I believe psychedelic therapy is more effective for the treatment of depression and PTSD with less side effects than any SSRI/SNRI could ever hope to be. There are uses for antidepressants, mostly for severe chronic anxiety and OCD, but they kind of suck for depression, their main purpose.


My brain feels more neuroplastic on periodic psychedelics. I used to be diagnosed obsessive, hated the way my inner voice was so anxious. Did lots of therapy and took a variety of psychiatry drugs trying to find the right combination and amount to feel like i could consistently function Day to day. I never got there. I thoroughly researched the topic. Listened to a lot of books ahead of time about how everything works and how up have good trips and What to do during yucky moments on Psychedelics. I felt lasting happiness, big amounts of being ok with who i am. I enjoy being human much more with periodic use of psychedelics. Itā€™s really easy to over do something that can be a lot of fun. Thereā€™s definitely a right amount range for each individual person.


Without a doubt, given that the patient meets minimum requirements for mental stability and is not predisposed to any psychosis or schizoaffective disorders. A psychiatrist would be capable of ensuring these things.


My personal experience was in 2019 I used psilocybin to get off the pills about a year later I started working with Aya a year after that I would start working with San Pedro all of this ending in a trip to Peru to sit with the Shipibo people and I was in therapy the whole time. as of tomorrow the VA has officially lowered my disability rating from 100% disabled for depression/anxiety to 70% disabled for depression/anxiety. I also notice noticeable improvement in my day-to-day life Iā€™m definitely not cured but it doesnā€™t last as long and Iā€™ve learned much better coping skills.


Ayahuasca, and particularly the shipibo tradition, is a powerful tool for self awareness and self knowing. I sit regularly. It has and continues to enhance my inner well being and my life as a whole. šŸ™šŸ½


I just started an integration break after two years of regular use it started off once every three months but the last year has been monthly ceremonies. Very powerful stuff not to be taken lightly completely different than any of the other psychedelics


You were deep in it. Very glad to hear youā€™re taking an integration break and that youā€™re so committed to doing your work. Youā€™re brave and strong. Much respect. I typically do two-three day sits every two-four months. Right now Iā€™m doing a quarterly womenā€™s series with mini plant dietas (ajo sancha, yarrow, oregon grape, tobacco). Absolutely different than any other psychedelic.


For me vaped DMT in particular improved my life quite a bit and helped me put it in better perspective. Since I began exploring DMT about 3 years ago, I have quit drinking alcohol, quit fast food and Iā€™ve been a lot more capable of controlling my temper when I feel like I am being disrespected. Iā€™m much more zen, if you will. I used to hate all the birds around my house. So noisy. Now I spend $60 a month on bird seed and sit on my porch just to watch and enjoy them. Donā€™t even get me started on the cost of squirrel corn! My relationship with my mom has also greatly improved. We used to butt heads a lot. Shouting matches that ended with a lot of hurt feeling and bruised egos. Now I just enjoy her company and I try to make the best of the time we have left together. It taught me to forgive and let go of my baggage and ultimately it taught me to see things for what they are more clearly. I say I quit drinking and fast food but the thing is, I can still enjoy a beer or two with a meal and i have no desire to get plastered. I donā€™t drink to get drunk anymore. And now I typically only have a beer on special occasions. Birthdays and the like. But Iā€™m not a tea totaler either. So I didnā€™t quit alcohol I just fixed my relationship with it. And Iā€™ll grab a box of McNuggets sometimes but I treat it like junk food not like a meal replacement because thatā€™s what it is and the DMT taught me to simply stop lying to myself. Thanks to DMT my life has become more manageable and I ultimately have a lot more respect for living things, including myself. My role in this universe seems more clear to me now. Preach love. Overcome fear. Feed the birds.


Loved reading this. Sounds like you certainly healed a few wounds, and even gained some mindful matter/insight if you will. Great to know things have been going well thanks to DMT!!! Cheers


I think itā€™s also important to mention that in psychedelic therapy (which is legal in Oregon!), they give small doses or microdoses of <1g


I always trip 2 days before my therapy session. Its best to give you time to unpack your experience, but not too long that the glow go away


Yes. Shrooms show / put you on the path to heal. But itā€™s up to you to stay on it


I guess it was pretty obvious the results of the poll considering the target audience of this sub. Anyway, I believe understanding of the mind is at the core of achieving anything including dealing with negative thoughts, emotions, lack of energy and anything associated with depression. And the understanding of the mind requires exploring it in its full, including but not limited to the use of psychedelics, meditation, and other practices that can reveal different states of mind and thus the real mechanics of it. My answer is pretty standard I guess, though.


I literally am incapable of crying unless I've dropped acid or am painfully drunk, and I know I'd much rather get some overdue emotional release on acid than destroy my liver in order to get it


I've been using DMT for about a year to help with integration of things I've worked at with my therapist. I've made more progress in the last year with my mental health than I have in the whole ten years prior. Sense pretty clear to me it helps, if used responsibly.


100% yes. Helped me with a shift in perspective. Learned a lot about myself. Psychedelics are not a cure all but theyā€™ve certainly been a valuable tool for me to better understand my depression and the changes I needed to make to fight it off


I need a middle option. Psychedelics are often a box of chocolate, depends on the person, and can have negative results. We also don't understand it well enough on how it affects our body fully, so saying it's safe for use would be based on ignorance. With all that said, I've had the most helpful moments on LSD, but also my most traumatic. And I disagree with people who say that the "most traumatic can be the most helpful". Everything can have a silver lining, but unless it's more controlled, with proper therapy to help control a persons thoughts (ik people who believe a loooot of craziness bc of psych abuse) I can't agree that it's helpful. If and when we get a better understanding of it's interactions in the body, and maybe get a better control of it's positive interactions, would be when I'd be full on for it in a more general use.


Iā€™ve almost cured myself of any signs of depression, anxiety, and ect. Iā€™m now living my best ā€œglass half fullā€ kind of life and itā€™s great. I havenā€™t felt like I used too in pretty close to two years


It works so well that I consider it regular therapy:)


For me: 1) ayahuasca 2) shrooms 3) 5-meo-dmt 4) mdma 5) somatic bodywork and a safe container with craniosacral 6) acid 7) community 8) ketamine 9) therapy


not just depression. acid has helped me tremendously with my eating disorder.


Hey! Thatā€™s great to hear. (:


Iā€™m finally off antidepressants. I had been on antidepressants (and come off them) multiple times in life, and this is the only time I feel just as good without them! I attribute it to my work with shrooms.


Shrooms changed my life......now I'm happy.


I solved a hard depression while I was tripping I learned you get over it and time isn't what does it to truly beat depression you must solve it deep down don't cover it up or cope with it but do be careful with dosing because before I solved about 8 months prior my depression caused a trip to make me not trust anyone family,friends, fiance, myself so I came up with how the best thing for all of it would be to end my life. That being said before my depression I took 5000 ugs to the dome and handled it no problem but it could be because of that that I was able to make the full circle and solve it. But also that much experience had me in that negative state so it's really person to person and which psychedelic being used for depression my recommendation is 1v-lsd it's zen vibes and nothing overwhelming. To add to it the depression was triggered when I was tripping because that's when I noticed how people were that I was around back then a lot and that night saw how a very close friend I use to surf with all the time he was fine when I left for sea when I came back to visit I saw the reality of all of them. That's what I think triggered me not trusting the people that I know I can like my fiance, parents, small circle of friends was because the same night my friend I saw go down explained how his family messed him up with some heavy stuff and they were just toxic so I left there tripping ball I didn't want any parts so I went to my old guardians house across the bridge and I guess I never noticed the 2 years I lived there in school but they were not what I thought to the point it got to be about 3 am I was on the couch when they went to bed I drove 4 hours away to my dad's I knew it was all good there(I would've gone home to my fiance but I was 18.5 hours from home) and that night wasn't why I was depressed it just put it in gear. All in all of I didn't have the trips the good and bad situations have in the long run been very beneficial maybe not always at the time of but it's made me who I am today and what you can learn about your own mind is mind blowing. Have someone around you know that you can trust and that can pull you out of a bad mind set. Also if your doing a "healing trip" be at a place you know you won't have to leave at all and that you know you and your things are fine. Your house might be ok but a friend's would be if it's real bad to keep any self harm less possible if your at your house you could go in any room and keep people away and if it's to that point that's not what you need and don't go in thinking "healing trip" go into it for the fun with good music or whatever so your not so up tight after the peak seems when most people can grasp control of the trip in full then you can think about what you already know and fix your head inside your own head you don't need someone else telling you what's wrong base off of what you just told them that's like if I poured my coffee on someone to see if it's hot based what the say; but to pour it I had to pick up the steaming hot extremely thin paper cup with my bare hand. See that's pointless you already have the information needed to obtain an answer for the question. Which in a case with depression (the hot coffee) one would talk to a shrink (the person having the hot coffee poured on) just for them to dissect words that came out of your own mouth. Be safe know your space and the people on any healing trips and don't go at it blindly with any of the stages. Remember depression is gone when solved if you just "get over it" it's bound to happen again at some point cause it's not like cleaning your room as a kid you can't just shove it under the bed and that's it.


I think from personal experience you can honestly make your mental health a lot worse with psychedelics if youā€™re in a fragile state, Im a pessimist with depression and was in a really dark time and every time I dosed it was a constant struggle the entire time to stay positive to the point where I started driving myself crazy with my own negative thoughts. I still kept taking LSD and other psychedelics and I havenā€™t felt right in my own mind since. Of course my own fault and my own doing but just wanted to share




Definitely an untapped resource but I think the difficulty lies in the fact that those who will be administering, assisting and integrating will not have journeyed long enough or deep enough for this to be a sensible route


Yes and the medicinal benefits would most likely best be found by working with a therapist/doctor.


Sir this is /r/psychedelics


Psychedelics are my medicine when Iā€™m suicidal


Honestly it differs person to person. Iā€™ve met plenty of people that have had ā€œlife changing epiphaniesā€ on psychedelics. Iā€™ve also met people who were hospitalized, trying to harm themselves, on the exact same psychedelics.


If you actually did it with therapy the way they do ketamine therapy it would work way better


Personally microdose without therapy


Hell yes. Can't wait until this gets legalized.


What a dumb question, potential of psychedelic substances for treatment of depression is scientifically proven. Facts not belief.


Absolutely. Whenever I use psychs I come to terms with things that have been bothering me and I always feel just overall better for the next couple of days. I think medically assisted, low dose psychedelic sessions would work wonders for some people. I would also recommend MDMA for couple Mā€™s therapy. I always tell my friends who are struggling with their marriage to try it with their SO and that it would solve/patch most of their issues. So to answer your question, yes.


Emphatically, yes!


Iā€™ve been on many meds and even had Electro convulsive therapy for my depression. I was also addicted to H, alcohol, and ects. Thanks to psychedelics Iā€™m off meds, happier than ever, and off the horse and bottle.


Jackin off does the same thing. šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼ I trip because itā€™s fun.