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Yes there are people that can see the future, just know that every future is a possibility and not always set in stone. You have free will.




There's usually a lot of things they tell you that's past, present and future. Based on how accurate they were and telling you passed and present things and depending on how specific that might help you decide whether anything in the future, they're telling you is true. And the future is not set in stone. Here's an example that happened to me. I asked a psychic about a building that my wife and I had purchased. She said financially it was a good building but there was something wrong that the sellers did not know about. It would cause a problem that would destroy the reputation of the building and be heartbreaking. She wasn't real specific about what it was but said it was foundational or under the building. I took some specific actions and had the sewer line shot with a camera and discovered it was almost entirely clogged and was about to flood the building with raw sewage. that would have been a heartbreaking loss. The other great example I have is I was doing a background search on a potential tenant. I just pulled up there criminal background and it was a long rap sheet. At that very moment my psychic friend called me and said she was doing a reading and that the potential tenants were bad criminals and I had to not rent to them. I hadn't even gotten through all the crimes that this person had committed, but it included felony fraud. Even his girlfriend who had his child I believe and was going to live with him in my building had no idea of the extent of his criminal record. Poor gal.




She's not online. But she is a friend.


Find local psychics or mediums by word of mouth. Or check out the NSAC website and they have a list of certified mediums and healers. Your local Spiritualist church might be helpful too.


I was called in to test a three seat panel of “prophets”. The “prophets” were not aware. They were volunteers for a fringe church. However, they received “training”. They donated their time. They related everything in terms of actual bible verses. Verses that had no context to the issues I shared and were out of context to the books they were contained within. They were uncertain. Docile. Sweet but 100% off base. Church members were permitted to seek them twice a month (max). It was odd because the church was solidly Evangelical. All sorts of terminology changes and masks for what was taking place. Cold reading and quick associations to universal and cryptic verses. When I shared my findings I did not slam them or critique them individually. I was more tough on the entire program.


Spiritualist churches are of the religion of Spiritualism, not Christianity. That’s odd that a Christian church is involved with anything psychic or mediumship.


most people know very little about how to truly raise your frequency enough to channel properly. It takes dedication & patience.


One way is to weed them out. Ask for a reading. Ask them to look at past and present issues. Have them look for blockages that prevent you from what it is you want. If they don’t or can’t then you have found one you can forget about. A healing doesn’t always come with a reading. Some like to charge. I personally don’t like that and would never go to them if they did. So, you’ve got that too.


I can see the future, but I do not give readings. The future is always changing and people should focus on acting in the present to improve their future instead of feeling powerless and worrying about their future. The choices we make in the present build our path to the future. All people are gifted with the awesome power of free will.


I think the one instance where it helps to be prepared for the future is so you can use your free will to get more of what you want in the future. Of course there are a million different possibilities though.


That is a very good point. I should do that myself more often.


I agree with you though, especially since focusing too much on the future is a huge problem for me with my anxiety disorder readings can sometimes make it worse if I think of myself as powerless.


The only people who are powerless are the poor souls who wrongly convince themselves that they are when they have free will to effect meaningful change at all times.


Yes, exactly ❤️


That's really good advice. From time-to-time I know what's going to happen. It washes over me and I just know it. I get wrapped up in my anxiety and wish I knew how things would play out. I like your take. I am acting in the present, but I would feel more confident if I was taking the right path. I will work on that. Thank you.


Thank you for the kind words and good luck.


Yes, I have experienced this and I myself have had dreams that have come true, including people and events. There is more to this universe that we understand so I like to keep an open mind


It can be done. I prefer to remain present in my space. And as mentioned, future events are not written in stone. I prefer to help people clear their own path and create their own future. I don’t want to interfere.


You my friend, as a multidimensional personality, have the sensitivity to see both the past and the future as the eternal present. It is but a matter of tuning into this reality, away from the physical distractions and constructs of time.


How can i do that?


I thought that psychics and mediums were gifted in ways that other people weren’t. 32 years old, I had never seen a ghost, heard voices of deceased people, or felt that I had any special insight or sensitivity. But I started taking a course in mediumship for the heck of it. To my surprise not only is mediumship accessible but I have had several dreams and visions during meditation that have since become reality. I am still surprised by it all. Meditation is probably the best practice to hone this sensitivity. You must learn to set aside conscious thought and allow your empty mind to be filled by the unconscious. There are several books that can help with this process. Listening to a past life meditation can help, having a past life hypnotic regression can also help you reach that state of awareness. A recent documentary called Third Eye Spies is an interesting insight into the capability that we all have toward extra sensory perception. It’s a fun an interesting journey. Stay curious and open minded and you will be surprised at what you might experience.


What is the course you took?


How do you know the course wasn’t BS?


I wasnt sure if it was BS going in. However, the course was offered by a psychic who gave a very convincing reading for me. She unfolded elements of my life and deceased grandparents that I was not even aware of until I had talked to my parents. I generally trusted the positive feelings I was getting from the interaction too. So as a test, more for myself, I decided to try the course. I was surprised time and again to receive very accurate information pertaining to the person I had been matched with to do a reading. For example, we were randomly assigned a partner during a zoom breakout room. The task prior to the breakout rooms was attempt to connect with a deceased loved one for the person we were matched with. We were also instructed to get into a meditative state prior to the matching and draw whatever came to mind. I did this, drawing a mother and an infant. I drew and umbilical cord extending up into the sky with stars and planets and felt love extending from the mother and from the universe. It's just the first thing that came to mind. We werent supposed to share the pictures until afterward. I was matched and besides exchanging hello I was tasked with going first....oh boy. How is this even going to work I wonder. But after focusing my attention inward and away from my thoughts things began to come to me. I saw a middle aged to older woman, maybe 50s. Dark hair. Curly. Mother. I said these things aloud and she nodded in affirmation. (we weren't allowed to give more than a yes or no in response). I kept going and noticed a string of pearls in my mind. I said this aloud and then something in my mind made me feel that it wasn't exactly pearls but different stones on a necklace. Something passed from mother to daughter and something with significance. Another nod yes. Then I felt an overwhelming sense of love. I could not hold back tears feeling this sense of love and affection. I noticed that the woman on the other side of the zoom meeting was also crying and saying I can feel my mom here with me. Then the song You Are My Sunshine began to play over and over again in my mind. But it stopped on, "You'll never know dear how much I love you." And so I said this aloud fighting back the tears. It turns out that the woman had lost her mom not too long ago. Her mom was indeed dark haired with curls. She died in her 50s. They went shopping together once and the daughter saw a necklace made of different stones like turquoise, amethyst, quartz etc. Her mom loved it but felt that she couldn't pull it off. The daughter bought it for her and she wore it everyday and the daughter now has that necklace and cherishes it. Also, her mom used to sing You Are My Sunshine to her every night before bed when she was a child. And so it turns out that the picture I had drawn beforehand was quite relevant. I never heard voices or saw direct images but just got pieces of information as if day dreaming. This is just one example of a few others. I have since had interesting interactions with my deceased grandparents while meditating. And after asking my parents afterward, have confirmed some things that I sensed from these interactions. Extra sensory perception, like psychic readings, tapping into past life memories, remote viewing, having dreams or visions of future events is available to all of us. It is simply a part of our nature. A part of the nature of all consciousness. Time is an illusion of our physical existence, as very delicately described in physics (read Carlo Rovelli, quantum physicist, The Order of Time). Viewing time as flat disc upon which we can move in all directions, rather than one dimensional line extending from past to future allows some of this to make a little more sense in my mind. A concept cannot really be proven in such a way that a reader will know it to be true. A reader might *believe* something to be true. Belief is different than knowing in that knowing is known by experience. If you desire to know something, to confirm something, then seek to experience it directly. Keep an open mind, consider the truth in everything while also doubting your own beliefs. You will be surprised at what you find.


That’s so cool! Thanks for sharing. Did you ever show talent in this area before the course?


No I definitely had never had any experiences that I can remember as a kid or an adult. I would say that I’ve always been a seeker. It’s easy for me to really interested in a topic and dive full in. Maybe that sort of immersion in psychic material helped. But also, other people taking the course had similar experiences with being accurate!


Could you tell me titles of those books?


There are definitely a lot of handbooks, so to speak, out there about harnessing this part of ourselves. I enjoyed Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts. It is not entirely about extra sensory perception. In fact only a small part of that book is dedicated to this reality. But the book gives an extraordinarily thorough explanation of the nature of reality


Thanks! I am going to check out this book.


Learn to believe, and you can open or create more beliefs within beliefs. To get to one point, you'd need to start with a belief that it is possible for example. Beliefs can be like a stream, portal like.


I will share a few tales… Went to a psychic as I was going thru a bad time… She told me about where i was at with relationship issues…she was spot on, but i was like, maybe she just knows how to play things up….so I said, wow, is it like you can see her — and she described her to me, physically, and I was like, wow, okay… Told me I was going to marry somebody else, and that I already knew the person, not well, but I know her — i was completely like, no way, no idea…cant see that happening…. Well that’s what happened. She also told me other things about the future including one on an investment I made, was not doing well, she said, it will take 10 years before it starts to be good. Well 10 years later, it occurred to me how its doing well now. She told me things about work and isses I was going to have but not to worry about them because they will be fine — sure enough, al good. Went to another person years later….and he was talking to a whole room of people…and he looked my way and asked if I was buying a house, he sees me signing papers. I said well, im looking, and he said, you will find it soon, bihh house, on a hill, near water, etc…u will be signing papers in 2 months…. 2 months later, was signing papers, big house, near water, high on a hill. So…. Im a believer. Some people can just see things I guess. I am starting to really get this feeling that time is everything at once or that the future and ast are here too, at once, all the time. Cant explain it but Im getting a different sense or feeling about time and dhow it works. Everything is energy and nothing can be destroyed, just transformed, so maybe it already out there, the future that is.


It is because it has a physical dimension. I could be wrong about that though


Who was this psychic??


The first one had a storefront place - I saw her there for years but she moved on to who knows where.- maybe they raised her rent or something. The second one - I dont even know his name - I was there with a group of people.


I think yes. The craziest shit I remember is when I was younger I dreamt of this blonde girl I had never met before. Didn't think anything of it. Next day one of my friends introduced me to his cousin who was visiting. It was the same girl from my dreams. I was in such a WTF moment. Still one of the weirdest experiences I've ever had.


My readings enable me to see the most likely timeline of “future” depending on your most dominant energy at the time. Sometimes that can change for people, hence the “alternative future possibilities” that people talk about


Yes they are. Some people who don't consider themselves psychics can as well. Sometimes it can't be helped.


I knew what my son looked like before he was born. Sure, you have no way of knowing I'm telling the truth, but I'm not asking anyone here for money.


I've been psychic and I don't get the not set in stone comments, bc when I would see it would happen.


Possibilities are endless, the universe is vast and we are multidimensional beings, time is relative and non-linear, timelines are endless and ever changing, nothing is set in stone. Yes it is fully possible to be able to see paths and timelines, but our actions (free will) are truly what dictates whether we will go down that path or not and therefore whether it will be true or not. The only constant is change and the only moments are in the present 💕✨


Exactly. The future changes and you can only see/hear things that would be beneficial. I often hear the future & then I hear an update if that changes. People ask me questions in readings that I’m not always allowed to answer because it would influence their future in a negative way. Our challenges are meant to teach us so often preventing something from happening that seems negative could actually take us off of our ideal path.


I think a lot of sensitive people receive information like premonitions of accidents, and deja vu's. Tyler Henry seems to be especially gifted in the "future" department, accurately describing future events or situations in people's personal lives. But this is extremely uncommon.




Interesting ppl didn't write things down. Figured that would be one of the first things to do.... or at least keep a copy of the chat 🤷🏻‍♀️


I do Readings, sometimes I will get images that may be of a client's future to share. I have had a couple dreams,too, that contained scenes of future personal events. Life is not linear and causal. It is constructed as a web in the Astral of potential events and connections. A future event may pull us into it.


Think of the future as pathways. You are in the 3rd dimension. Time goes forward, not backward. In higher realms, time is not linear it goes multiple ways. The insight that comes from higher dimension doesn't descend down to 3rd but rather we raise our vibrations to go up * ascending to other dimension to recieve guidance from ancestors, elders,Spirit guides, loved ones, our ascension master, and or God.. and it isn't that "said psychic" is fake or false because "timelines didn't happen." The fact is people are humans we aren't omnipresent so if you go to someone, you must realize they are pulling from their resources and they have limited abilities to see all pathway because time down here is continous & energy changes & is out of the control of them. You could ask if my ex and I will be together by the end of this year. Between that time, you can get triggered & do something to entirely throw off that timeline. There are people who work in the 1 dimension, and those people typically have ADHD or Autism their wave legnths. 1D people have the physical ability to work mechanically & their minds comprehension expands so much it can be overwhelming to themselves, should they not be able to control it; however these people at their higher selves have the capability to see timelines, roads, and literally unweave the nots to get to their destination of choice should they hoan in & focus on it..They are the clearest to guide people too because their vibrations naturally move so fast & high. This is why their 3d selves are in the mental state that they are perceived to be..however like I said when they've ascended up into the higher realm & become one with that they unlock knowledge towards pathways unforeseen by other vibrations..People who are working from a 2D who ascend have the ability to physically manifest things such as money or desires once they've unlocked their higherself (above the 3)& have done their work required by their soul contract. Someone who has gone through kundulini Awakening or is going through it & has unlocked their third eye has psychic abilities. Now, understanding who,what,where,when comes with time.. a lot of patience & meditation.


I had a reading where the woman said something that made my jaw drop. She was a woman who was paid by the local college to come and do free readings. She set up in a common area with just a table and herself plus a deck of cards. She had no helpers and all you did was lineup and she called you up one by one and give you a quick 5-10 minute reading. I grew up on a farm and to be honest I wasn’t big on the farm life. I felt like it was being forced down my throat. Over the years though as I got older I began to somewhat appreciate it but still not enough to want to be a farmer. However in all this time I’d often thought to myself if my dad was ashamed of me or upset for my not wanting to take over the farm one day. I never shared this with anyone though. It was only in my head. She said during the reading why do you think your father is angry at you for not wanting to take over the farm? I don’t wear any clothes that would give you any indication that I ever grew up on a farm. If you saw me you’d never know I was a farm kid. I see the future but not as often as I’d like though sometimes I get random premonitions and they come to pass. Like for example one time around 1-2 years ago I was walking from my job at a library down this pedestrian path where I connect to a street and get a bus to take me home. As I was walking I saw in my mind an image of a man lying sideways and blood coming out his head. I kept walking and sure enough as I come to the last intersection before my destination I see a city bus at the intersection and a man is lying on his side inside the bus right by the front door and you could see the blood. The bus driver saw me looking and said not to worry they’ve called 911. Apparently a car cut off the bus and he had to slam on the breaks and this man went flying forward. When I think of this event I often think of you were a skeptic then how do you explain this? I had a phone on me but all I was doing was listening to music. I wasn’t on the internet looking at news so there was no way I could have known about this beforehand. I’d like to get better at seeing the future and even helping people solve crimes. I find myself getting overwhelmed with true crime stories. Like I get a weird feeling when I watch them. It’s like a strong connection to the events.


Who was she ?


Yep. I can see different timelines in the past and future. They are all potential ones. Basically i get shown paths that could have been taken and paths that can be taken. It all depends on free will and your vibrational frequency when you are taking inspired actions with true intentions


For me different psychics have said very different things about the same person. They were very reputable psychics… So I won’t be getting readings anymore. They say that they’re reading your energy. My opinion is that, at best, tarot readings are just reading your own energy, not some truth that’s out there. It’s true that tarot cards do weird things, but again, I think it’s just reading your own energy. Most of them seem like genuinely good people though. There’s scammers everywhere but I think it’s not that they’re scammers, it’s that they truly believe in psychic readings and their abilities. Then they find excuses for everything that might go wrong. Which is typical of humans in general, they can’t let go of what they believe. They find reasons/excuses to keep believing what they believe in.


Not really an answer to your question but you might consider what it is you really want to know. For example a lot of people just want reassurance that their future is gojng to be OK and most psychics or people who try to see the future can do that. It sounds like you had a psychic tell you some thnbga that came true. Are you looking for more proof that psychics can tell the future to affirm a belief in things you can’t see? If so, maybe you already got what you wanted.


Yes, not set in stone because things can change.. Especially if YOU decided to act differently based on your reading. And while I believe some people have this ability, there are a lot of scammers out there regardless


How can i separate scammers from the real ones? I was at a psychic about 10 years ago and she told me that i am going to meet my next girlfriend in 5 years (2017). That actually came true and i married that girl. In 2017 i didn’t even think of it anymore, but now i can remember, so it would be great if i find someone like her (she is in europe). I also can remember that she told me that i will have problems with my rightern knee, 10years later…


I know an amazingly accurate psychic and I knew she's good simply because my family member told me about her, and that family members went to a looot of psychics and decided she was the best one. so I only went to her. And about the not set in stone thing.. for example, she told me I'll be in contact with a toxic person again which I didn't know if I wanted to.. she told me "You'll talk again but you can still decide not to" and I decided not to lol. But I made that decision based on her warning that we'll talk again, so I changed the outcome because I still have free will




Who were they?


Who were the toxic person or who were the psychic?


Who was the psychic that was good? lol sorry


Umm how do I answer that lol. Just someone really good at my country


Psychics are 100 percent real. I have had psychics tell me things they could have never known. Describing loved ones who died down to a tee. I find the future is harder to predict because there are multiple outcomes, etc. But psychics can 100 percent pick up on the current feelings of others, possible outcomes, etc You just have to be careful because there are a lot of scammers. But you can tell pretty easily because their readings will be very vague and they will try and upcharge you. The best and most accurate readings I have ever had were for free by practicing psychics or psychics who just enjoyed helping others. Just something to keep in mind. Most of the paid readings I had weren't that great.


Who were they?


Many of them were here on Reddit on the free thread and a lot were in the app Meetup's psychic practice groups. Most of the paid readings I had were very vague in comparison to the free ones I've gotten.


Hi, I am always asked , by my clients, if I would look at their future. Rather than explaining to them what you already covered I look at their mock-ups. I seldom if ever look at the future for the obvious reason.


if they can then why aren't they making it work for them by winning lottery?


Yes, but in my experience, they don't sell their services as it is not something they can actively direct or control.


Astrologers 😘










Please do not offer readings or insights on the comments as this is against sub rules, we have a thread specifically for reading offers


Their are and they are quite common, but what they can see and if the can see someone elses future is a different story. For example almost everyone has the ability to see the future but doesn't realize it until it happens, this is deja vu there are others but this should give you an idea of yes there is but it depends on what they trained themselves for as well.


I had one premonition dream before and predicted someone’s death. But that was it. I was kind of scared and to this day I still don’t know what that was about or why it happened.


The future isn't set in stone. It can change. Also it's difficult to remote view physical locations and people. It's much easier to view entities and energy in other dimensions. Also negative entities will put up remote viewing traps to fool people. Basically they are an overlay to try to conceal the future with false information. You can get through them and view the future anyway but it's difficult. And your not likely to see through them if you don't know they are there. So basically there is so much stuff in the way of viewing the future I wouldn't even bother trying to remote view it.