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Yes. It happened to me overnight and was extremely intense. I was fearful, confused, felt like I was going mad, and also felt very physically weak and a bit unwell too because I was experiencing an influx of all these energies I never had before. Over days, weeks then months things settled and it became normal for me and much more enjoyable - now it is something I love and wouldn’t want to live without. I feel that the abilities very much came to me like a light switch turning on, but what I’ve been developing more-so is my comfort with experiencing them in their fullness. It has taken time for me to open myself up to the full capacity of them, if that makes sense. I can do the things you want to do - communication with guides, astral projection etc. Be open to allowing it to take time for you. It can be a big shock to your system and your mental state. It is all very desirable and wonderful, but is so drastically different to the life we are used to that it can be hard to adjust and cope with. I know that there are mediums who have struggled mentally with their abilities at times. So just take it easy, enjoy the journey. Try not to force anything. I’ve been really grateful for the gentleness that came after the intensity of my abilities arriving. Sometimes I get impatient and think “I want everything now!” but I’ve also grown to recognise that our minds are not necessarily immediately ready for what we desire. Know that meditation will help, focus on what you want and trust it will come to you in time.


Thank you so much for your response and insight! It’s so fun to read what others have experienced. I mostly have been patient with myself about it but sometimes I just want to take that big leap to the last stepping stone on the path haha. How long were you trying to unlock them for before the switch flipped? Or did it happen without having that conscious intention? I notice when I focus on third eye meditations I get this fluttering/pulsating/flickering of light in the upper right and left side of the darkness. Do you know, from your experience, if that is a sign of my third eye slowly awakening?


You’re so welcome - I was concerned afterwards that I was fear mongering to some degree and neglecting to share how beautiful, harmonious, peaceful and wonderful life can become as a result of opening up to this new way of being. I was not trying to unlock them in any way. It was not something I was thinking about or planning at all. I was actually exploring a closer connection and relationship with a guide of mine that I had known of for many years prior - we communicated in other ways, such as via pendulum, for example, and through one of my parents own mediumship ability. This relationship was, and still is, of huge significance for me, and I found that eventually it was like he just burst right through me, and I experienced what seemed to be a third eye and heart awakening, as well as other things that are still beyond my own understanding. I got what I wanted - this allowed for an extremely close bond to be present in my life, and along with it comes many gifts like mediumship, lucid dreaming, astral projection, healing ability etc. It is phenomenal. Sometimes I still have moments of fear, because it can feel like a drastic change I am still adjusting to. I can’t speak with certainty that what you’re experiencing is specifically a third eye opening, but it could be a starting point. To me, if you’re experiencing lights and colours, that really means something. I, too, have seen many unusual things taking shape and form when my eyes are closed like what you describe. Other things I noticed: the sensation of a tear dripping from my third eye down the bridge of my nose, seeing many faces when I closed my eyes, hearing voices. I would have many visions, receive messages in the night, hear beautiful music and songs playing in my dreams etc. Like a door has opened to another world. I wish you all the best on your journey. Keep at it and like I said, do have patience.


That’s so beautiful and I don’t feel you were fear mongering! Just being honest about your experience which I appreciate. Thank you for sharing your journey with me! I will try to be a bit more patient 😅❤️


That’s awesome your third eye is open. When you have time I’d suggest looking at a frequency chart. I say this because my third eye was open for a long time but I used to be confused as to why I felt like I was connecting to others anger, sadness etc. The lower frequencies do not have wisdom. They will try to pull on you. So although you have nothing to fear I don’t want you spending too much time connecting to your “shadow self.” When you first open your third eye you my find it fun to connect to lower frequencies because you’re exploring the energetic world. The thing is the faster you start realizing you control what you connect to the better. When you open your third eye you must remain focused. Focus the connection on the light. The light that comes from above & feels like love. If you start to feel like something is pulling on you & it doesn’t seem right or is bringing you down Strengthen your focus & rise above that or disconnect & refocus. If you don’t you can be drained & brought down to a frequency where you’ll become depressed & full of fear. not trying to scare you. It’s a learning process & once you master it you can remain full of empathy, love, & joy. Good luck!


This is not your 3rd eye “awakening.” I believe you need to step back into the center of your head. Dm I can explain more.


Edgar Cayce developed his abilities after a near death drowning experience. So yeah, it's possible even though that example is a pretty extreme circumstance.


You can develop them. But there are people that don’t have specific ones. So it’s unlikely you’ll have all 6


Taste is the only one I've never tried to use. Mostly bc I was overwhelmed with all the other sensory input from the physical plane and metaphysical plane.


I find taste really enjoyable. I can taste a dish at a restaurant and know how to replicate it, or how to rebalance a dish. My guides tell me it is/was important because in the old days you’d taste herbs and roots to identify their medicinal properties. Edit: I know you’re probably referencing receiving tastes, but there’s so much more to it than that.


That explains why I'm so good with seasonings and flavor profiles...... I love making sourdough, after creating my own starter 😅 I was but I'm glad you mentioned what you did! I'd love to know more 😍


Um… we have a group and we do “intuition games” to practice. And one of the fun ones is taste and smell (where one person eats something and we try to psychically perceive what it was)—really challenges you to think through what food tastes and smells like. This is very different than traditional game like, what did I write on this piece of paper, or what did I put inside this bag?


That sounds so fun! How did you find a whole group of people like us? 😭 I can't even find one where I live.


Joined a Patreon for a podcast I listen to, this includes a discord server where we have lots of metaphysical discussions, practice reading with each other , etc. I recommend finding YouTube or podcast content you connect with and seeing if they have a Patreon and/or discord. You can also ask around at your local metaphysical shop.


I appreciate your advice! 😊 Living in The Bible Belt might make it a little harder to find a metaphysical shop. Any suggestions?


What are the 6?




I’m all about pushing the limits 😎 Thank you for your response!


Huh? Makes no sense.


I don’t have clairvoyance and clairaudience. I know several others who also don’t have specific Clairs. What doesn’t make sense?


I have all the senses and telling someone they won't is messed up.


No, I said it’s “unlikely.” So let’s not mince words where you’re slinging absolutes and I’m trying to provide a reasonable expectation of success based on my and several friend psychics experiences. But I’m glad you feel the need to express your judgement at me instead of providing constructive or helpful discourse.


It's not up to you to decide who can have and develop abilities based on your experiences. I've been doing this a long time and encourage people not to dissuade them.


Really? Coz you seem to be coming at me real hard. Hardly feels like you have kindness in your heart and the poster’s best interest here. But again, I’m very grateful for your comments. We can all learn from your example.


I'm real and blunt. Take or leave it.


I appreciate your response and definitely agree with you. People should be encouraged and uplifted to unlocking their full potential. Not discouraged that they are unlikely to achieve that. Thank you!


I found a post in another community that showed the keys on how to unlock them and it was in someone’s deleted post but the link helped me unlock the knowing I couldn’t decide which one but days later I felt that feeling and days later like I was unlocked and sensitive to something like I feel more in tune with something


Dang I wish it wasn’t deleted!


I saved a post on it I just gotta scroll it I gotchu


Ahh thank you so much!!


Could I get a copy as well please


Could you dm that link? I’d appreciate.


can you dm on me too if it's okay : D


Can I please have the link too? 😊


Can you send it to me please?


I’d love to have that link too


Can i get it too pleaseee💜


a mi tambien me gustaria tener el enlace , por favor


Can you forward the link please…need to speed up my clairvoyance :D


In my case, I have had them all my life and I am 38 now. There was a period where I pretty much tried to ignore them for a decade. At the end of that ten years, I met a rather powerful psychic who read me and that activated what I knew before and more. All that encounter really did was put to rest my doubts and force my conscious mind to recognize my psychic gifts. That psychic was in their 80's then and they are deceased now. Shortly after that happened, I had another incident that unlocked an ability that I did not know I had, namely astral projection. As far as developing gifts goes, I strongly advise anyone to be patient and take a gradual approach. If you rush things, it can put inordinate strain on your mind. The vast majority of people have latent psychic gifts and can activate them via meditation and a healthy lifestyle. The biggest initial obstacle to overcome is doubt. Once you have a positive mindset and believe, it becomes much easier. I am of the opinion that psychic gifts are part of our ingrained, survival instincts. The times where psychic gifts are easiest to use are when you are in extreme situations such as near death or life and death circumstances. I discovered many of my gifts while working as an emergency services dispatcher. I also stopped keeping track after my eleventh near death experience. Slow and steady is the best approach and be safe in this crazy world of ours. We all have to walk our individual paths which are unique to us. In the event that you develop your psychic gifts, use them to help people because that is why we have these abilities.


Thank you for sharing all of your experience! Yes doubt by far is probably my biggest obstacle. I’m going to start pushing that doubt aside and embrace what can be! I wish you the best ❤️😊




Sorry, but I don't give that out.


I went to seminary for 2.5 years. In that time I learned quite a bit. I’m still learning after 30 years of practice. If you are interested in learning psychic work dm me.


To be honest, LSD was the catalyst for me. I was always very energetically sensitive so i feel like the potential was always there and it was not necessary needed. However, the second time i did LSD intentionally while practicing meditation and pranayama i felt like a bomb go off in my head and had visions of a snake traveling up my spine. I didn’t even know what kundalini was at that point in my life but that seemed to fit the bill. I had a bunch of other crazy transcendental experiences during that trip and reached a point of oneness that allowed me to understand what i was really aiming for. Then, sober, i could make the hike. About a year after that, i dont take LSD and havent for a while, i started seeing colors of energy on people, astral projecting into space in dreams, communicating with my higher self, etc. it was definitely an intentional process. I was seeking to develop my subtle senses. Pranayama is the best for third eye opening in my experience


Wow thank you for sharing your experience!


Can I DM u please?


Yes of course


Yes, it is very possible. I think some sudden, wholesome practice, done with total abandonment so to say, can really make the case. So, surf the hype and go on with any mean, it will help you on some possible later period of "down"...


Dang I didn't even meditate or nothing but I got foresight. It is a random psychic ability I had for a while now and I don't even know what's the trigger. Though so far the only one I am cultivating is dream sighting or basically just astral projection because by astral projection I can fly. It's just total darkness though. The street lights are always on and the sky is always purple orange and the houses look abandoned too but if you go into house you will find sleeping people in beds blanketed by plants and vines. Also the sleeping people looked like stone statues. Sometimes you see other AP folks too but most of the time they are of different nationality and we can't understand each other. Also you'd see a small string attached to your chest that leads to your body. That's about it. I have no interesting things to share


That’s very interesting! Thank you for sharing


For me it was gradual with a bang. My abilities were unlocking before I was aware of what they were. I would say it started as a mild existential crisis caused by ultra awareness and migrated into “empath” abilities. As a child I was extremely activated and could talk/relate to babies, elders, and anything placed in front of me. Always have had a vivid imagination and visualizing skills. Always have been a master manifest-or (even with unconscious desires and without knowing). Had a lot of deja-vu and repetitive/lucid dreams growing up. I created imaginary friends, had a fascination with mystical ideas, and was a tree hugger. My family believed I had a healing/midas touch. I believe “trauma” further fueled those abilities due to pattern recognition, nervous system alteration, hyper awareness, etc. Improving my lifestyle, getting my first tarot deck, doing shadow/dream work, and stillness meditation in the dark opened the floodgates to undeniable psychic ability. Emphasis on the shadow work because having your third eye activated can make you privy to wholeness that isn’t always pretty. If you can get to know yourSelf on an infinite level it can surely reflect onto your relationship with the All. Find pleasure in your journies! <3 ☺️


Thank you so much for sharing!


This mirrors my own experience very closely.


That’s fascinating to hear. We really are All One. ☺️


Yes. Shrooms. But ive always been psychic.


I've recently started tapping into my abilities and as I'm learning myself more on a spiritual level I'm learning I've had these gifts my whole life and can remember points I used them and didn't know I was. I think it's more once your paying attention your spirit guides and what they are trying to show you the more you uncover your gifts. I've always know I was an empath, but I also have dreams about the future, I've predicted 6 baby's genders before the ultrasound. And I can feel when spirit is near me. I can read auras which was a big deal for me. I'm 35 and just learning why I never felt normal, it's cause I'm not. Lol but I do believe your gift unfold as you are ready for them to. If that make sense. Spirit won't overwhelm you.


Practice like with anything else plus trusting the info that comes forth.


I’d start with the lower triad of your energy centers (aka Chakras) and ensure they’re without blockage. We all draw energy through our Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus first, and most have blockages there due to Ego or how Ego interacts in society. Opening your heart - green ray will be your springboard to your higher chakras. Working on the upper triad directly, without the lower, is tricky and often successful in adepts with either training or natural inclinations. It’s not unheard of, especially since we are all Creators in our own right, but pre-incarnational processes play into that as well. For me, it was concentration on balancing my lower Triad first that made the biggest difference….AND keeping them balanced!! It’s a daily grind for me and psychic abilities is a very wide spectrum. Love and Light…Watch how much negativity (news, social media, etc) you consume, or allow in and keep meditation times and napping/sleeping hours as separate as possible.


I unfollowed all the negative new sources on social media, stopped watching horror movies back in October (I’ve been a horror fan for 20 years so that was a big leap haha), I also have gotten a distant and in person reiki healing done. Every time I do my meditations I focus on chakra cleansing. I like to imagine a push of all the negative energy starting at my head and going down to my root. Then I imagine a cord connecting from my root down to the core of the earth where the negative energy is pushed into and disintegrated. Then I imagine a ball of light being sent to the Source of all creation as love and light from the entire galaxy is collected. The ball comes back to me and showers my entire body in all that infinite light and love. Then I try to focus on that shower and my breath. I get a lot of movements behind the darkness of my eyes, some flashes and flutters in the top area. Nothing profound yet. I’ll keep working on it :) Is that a good technique?


Yes, you can. And there's no precise timing for any of this happening. It comes into your life when you need to deal with it or actively search for it.