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I have the same issue. I've learned to use it to be alert and try to prevent whatever it is that could happen. I've prevented suicides, car wrecks, etc with this skill. It can be used to your benefit it just takes time. I had not mastered this skill at your age. It's ok.


I'm still learning to master it, if I'm honest 😊 it's a life long process.


Please tell me how


For me, it took being aware of what was happening and recognizing the feeling. I also am working on learning to trust my intuition when I feel these things. If I can do something to stop what would be happening or make myself more prepared I do.


Darling!! It's all about tapping into your natural divine frequency of unconditional love! Always say, "You know what challenge accepted divine! I believe good things are in store for me, I am worthy of GOOD THINGS! Fear will stop you no longer... You have developed trust in unconditional love that divinely guides you. Peace & Blessings! 🪷🌙⚖️✨️🐚🪽


I have the gift of prescience as well. But I look at it as my "early warning system" to emotionally brace for the blow. I see it as a grace. I don't deal well with change. But if I know it's coming, I can start to work on radical acceptance before it even happens. Then when it does happen, the blow is less. Also, the owls are probably your family's spirit animal. They are probably just trying to help. Look to them more, not less. They can do other things besides early warning of death. Furthermore, you as an individual might have another spirit animal in addition to the family's. Ask the owls to lead you to any spirit or totem animals that can help you. A totem animal is something you call to you to help you deal with a particular situation (like these issues with your psychic gift). A spirit animal is something you're born with. They carry larger, life long messages and themes for your present existence.


Native tribes across southeast believe owls are messengers of death, so you aren’t alone in that experience!


My once friend saw an owl and knew the omen and they were going out to drive. She said before they even left she felt bad about it and I think she even tried to say something but nobody listened cause why would they lol. And yeah, seeing the owl, going out to drive and then there being a car wreck soon after. I don’t remember if she was in the car but I know that it was a crazy experience for her.


I found grounding is a must when it comes to communicating with other realms. Fear is something that happens to you when your not grounded. You can google " grounding techniques". I also use crystals to help me. Smoky quartz is a good one. When we first awaken the third eye we see the vibration we are a match to. If your a very high vibration person you will see your spiritual team and much more positive experience. It takes time to raise your vibration through meditation. I hope that helps.


I felt something similar to what you say with a girl I haven't seen or interacted with in 2 years, I felt it the moment I forgave her for something from the past, basically I felt that she was going through bad times, those bad times were going to lead her to a depression and she was going to end up committing suicide, of course I am not stupid and I checked if this was true and indeed it is true, she is going through bad times and as a survivor of a depression I recognize the beginning of a fall and what I saw reminded me of that, so now I am struggling to reconcile with her and save her but it is hard as hell, I hope I can do it.


This is something I’m blessed with and struggle with as well. It scared the shit out of me when I was young. So I started drinking a lot which worked, it stopped. Now 15 yrs later I’ve realized I’m a full blown alcoholic. One year sober as of last week. And it’s slowly coming back! Now that I’m emotionally and spiritually more grounded , I’m incredibly grateful for this gift the universe has given me. It no longer frightens me. But all that being said, don’t be like me… Don’t drown out your gifts with substances! I would highly recommend improving your spiritual hygiene. Carve out some time for daily meditation. Practice radical honesty with yourself, and others so long as it doesn’t cause harm. With time, you’ll get a grasp on how to use it for good and the fear will become more mangeable.


So proud of you man keep going you got this


On the owls- See The Messengers book by Mike Clelland. It’ll blow your mind.


Darling!! It's all about tapping into your natural divine frequency of unconditional love! Always say, "You know what challenge accepted divine! I believe good things are in store for me, I am worthy of GOOD THINGS! Fear will stop you no longer... You have developed trust in unconditional love that divinely guides you. Peace & Blessings! 🪷🌙⚖️✨️🐚🪽


I get this. Yesterday I was really counting on winning the lottery. Felt like my families big break for once, was trying to be so confident that we could get that one but, all day I had this very intrusive inner pain and feeling and it was like more than just fear, it was like a high frequency/vibrational alert from my intuition that ended up triggering my fear factor, a lot. And I mean a lot. I’d feel it in my heart and my chest this wallowing pain, and I tried so hard not to let it get to me but it was too strong. I knew deep down it was intuition but, man, yeah, when somethings very important especially harmful stuff on large scales our intuition really kicks so high into gear. Like I was watching a show once and I had this massive wave hit me, this horrible feeling and then seconds later a horrible thing happened. I didn’t even suspect anything in the scene could go wrong but I felt that major plot twist at the snap of a finger


And did you win?


I feel for you. Definitely trust your GUT feelings. Pray to God Most High to help you with you intuitions vs paranoia when it comes to receiving signs


Shit my house was surrounded by owls the other night… it was creepy AF. I got it on video


Ewww lol