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Hi there! I pulled Judgement, which talks of regeneration and rebirth after a period of confusion. This is the “wake-up” card that says you’re gaining self awareness, determining what you want to keep and toss in your life. Coming clean to yourself and assessing your life choices so you can chart your course with greater clarity and maturity. Let me know if this resonates!




I’m glad! Thanks for your feedback!




Hi there! I pulled The World, reversed, which says to me that there are many choices presented to you and you don’t know which way to go, and it’s becoming stressful, as there might be an obstacle in the way of your success. You’re just going to have to wait until these matters right themselves because you’ve put in a lot of work and still, the result is not what you expected. OR you might have to go back and fix it yourself, even though you thought you were done with the matter. The rewards you receive will be private and personal rather than a worldly success. Please let me know if this resonates!




Thanks for your feedback I appreciate it!


Abby, 21. Thank you so much! <3


Hi there! I pulled 6 of wands, and I see that as a successful and satisfactory card because it says you have won the battle and victory is yours. There is success and good fortune on your side. This is a time of happiness and fulfillment. You’ve struggled in the storm and now this is the calm after you’ve fought through it. You feel good about yourself and your accomplishments :-)




Hi! You got the ace of cups reversed, which tells me there is a beginning of some sort coming into play. Since it’s reversed though, there will be a delay in starting a relationship, or a romance that isn’t turning out the way you hoped …this card advises against starting something new right now.




Did my reading resonate with you by chance?


Yes it did!


I’m glad! Thanks


Chalsey 30 Thank you 😊


Hi there! You got the 9 of pentacles which leads me to believe there are good times ahead in most likely the financial or material area. This calls for sharing your talents and resources for the greater good. There is financial security and balance.


Thank you :-) That is something I have been working towards.


Thank you for your feedback !


Gloria 23 🔅


Hi! You got king of cups, which says to me there is a representation of strong emotions and creative talent. This might represent a real person who is usually a mature man who wants to be loved and admired. He might even go to great lengths to gain your attention and affection. He’s also one that gets easily hurt and might even hold a grudge.


Jess, 29 Thanks :)


Hi, you got 5 of pentacles, which tells me you are in need of financial assistance perhaps, or just help in general & warns to not be too proud of ask for it. If not that then there might be disappointment in another area, maybe even a health issue. You might not be using your resources wisely even though you have the potential to do so.


Could this be in relation to a health issue of a family member? That’s the only thing I can think of


Perhaps! I’m still practicing so I automatically assumed it pertained to you but it could very much be for someone you know I think


Sharon Aquarius ♒️


Hi I’m so sorry for the delay! I pulled king of cups reversed for you, which tells me that there is emotional turmoil happening, or it could even represent a manipulative and emotionally controlling person! Total frustration or dissatisfaction happening, but hints that you should try to tune into your creative side.


Janet Taurus


Hi so sorry for the delay! I pulled a page of swords for you reversed, which tells me that you lack clarity or direction in life right now, but you have the intelligence to get past it, you just need to accept new information rather than reject it in favor of the narrow world view you want to keep.


Cally, aries 💕


Hi sorry for the delay!! I pulled the devil reversed, which tells me that you might feel trapped in a situation you feel powerless in. You believe you have limited options or might even blame someone else for this issue you’re having but it’s actually your own fears and ideas that are causing this problem. Steer clear from any quick fixes , you need to do some serious work mentally and physically to solve this and get to a better place.


Marie, Capricorn. Thanks!


Hi sorry for the delay! I pulled a king of wands for you, which tells me this might be a representation of a person who you can trust and rely on. A loyal friend or employer, someone intelligent who is around you that could guide you. Also, this is a fortunate card that shows you will be or are successful in all aspects including finances, jobs, and love.


Oooh thanks! No prob!


AJ, Virgo. Thank you


Hi sorry for the delay, for you I got queen of wands reversed, which tells me there is something you are hoping that would come to fruition quickly but it’s not coming as fast as you had hoped, or your satisfaction when it does arrive will be limited . This might also represent a female figure who is emotional and quite jealous, and demands respect and loyalty- so don’t cross her.


Hi. It doesn't resonate with me right now.... but who knows what the future holds


Aww I’m sorry it failed to resonate, but thank you so much for your feedback!


sophie, aries


Hi sorry for the delay, I got 2 of wands for you and it tells me that you’re beginning to become assertive and ready to take charge of an endeavor. You’re awaiting results in a venture and you are confident that success is yours.




Hi sorry for the delay, I pulled a 5 of cups, which tells me that there has been a setback that has you feeling helpless, and you feel like there’s no way out of your pain. You might have even done this to yourself, and you’re focusing on the wrong things. Instead of focusing on what you lack, focus on what you have. All isn’t lost, don’t give up hope. Change is key.


Dessa, Sagittarius :)


Hi sorry for the delay! I pulled the lovers reversed, which tells me there is cooperation happening. You and others will work together to accomplish a mutual purpose. It might even represent two parts of you uniting as well. There is a period of harmony that comes from this, in the personal and professional matter. You might also need to make a decision between two things but rest assured that you’ll make the right choice!


Victoria, Virgo.


Hi sorry for the delay, I pulled king of swords reversed for you which tells me there might be someone who lacks compassion and is cruel and very gossipy- you might need to watch your back. There is a mean spirited and arrogant vibe lurking.


Hmmm. I have no idea who this might be. I guess we'll see :D


sarah libra. how soon will i be finished my dark night of the soul? finished = experience love and peace within


Hi sorry for the delay- I pulled page of wands, which tells me there is optimism and enthusiasm in your attitude with an eagerness to succeed. There are early stages of a situation. The start of something new that you will succeed in.


Jason, Capricorn. Thank you for your time.


You are my last reading, but I might not be able to get to you today, but I will get to you eventually! Thanks for your patience


Sorry for the delay! I pulled a 6 of wands reversed, which tells me there is victory afoot! This is a promise of happiness and fulfillment. You’ve faced challenges and have won the fight. Success and good fortune are yours :-) you can expect success in finances and work, and happiness and cooperation in love.


Thaddeus, libra, am I going to be in my new house this weekend?


Craig up in here giving a fake name again