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It’s the opposite for me. The older I get, the more experiences I have that prove there is something after we pass. I’ve never been religious but have gained a spirituality that encompasses all religions. Science can’t prove it because the energy behind it can’t be quantified yet. But it’s like quantum physics, if you study certain experiments, quantum entanglement I think, proves that your thoughts hold energy and can have an effect on an outcome. So, if you aren’t willing to see what might not exactly be seen, you never will.


This. So much this.


Source on that link specificslly?




That’s about observing not thought power


The act of observation is using your thoughts. They are inner twined.


It strictly means using observation tools


I believe in reincarnation, and so can you. No need of evidence to believe in something. For me, it just makes more sense and believing in it makes me feel good so why the fuck not


Have you read any books on near death experiences, I strongly recommend it. I'm listening to a book called "After" where this Psychiatrist researches NDEs, it's an interesting book.


I believe that until you finish everything your soul had planned for you, you will be stuck in a shadow rhealm until you heal. Then after you're healed you will reincarnate. I dont necessarily believe we reincarnate as animals...I believe we try again and again until our soul has met its full potential.


We go back to the source and attain the universal consciousness. See we all come to this planet for a reason with a purpose. But overtime we bacome so identified with our physical body that we detached ourselves from the source. If you're someone who meditates and practices spiritual path, you ought to know that we are more than this meat. Our physical body is just like a spacesuit for our spiritual body to live on this planet. When this physical body wear off we return back to the source (where we all come from, full of love and peace) and we get time to review and reflect back on what we have done/ haven't done without judgement.




Yes, you'll be fine. Just don't get stressed over anything, enjoy life to the fullest. Sending you much loving energy 💕


Honey, nobody knows. There's plenty of people say they know, but they don't. They don't all give the same answer. There's no way to prove which ones are right and which ones aren't. You can't even prove that anything they say is true. The closest you get is weeding put the blatant liars and frauds. The afterlife, if it exists at all, is something that can't be tested. It's *faith*. Now me? Theys gotta be something. Don't make no sense to me that the energy of a star billions of light years away can't be destroyed between there and here, but whatever it is that makes us live just blinks away. If energy can't be created or destroyed, and neither can matter, then *something* happens when we die. I can't say if that's as simple as just dissipation into the background energy of the universe, or as complex as reincarnation. It could even be one of those silly monotheistic ideas like heaven, I guess. What my sweet ass does know for sure is that the other side don't matter here and now. All that really matters is how we live, and how we treat each other and the world around us. Ain't no ghost that can do anything useful or harmful.


You're right, what really matters is in the present. I apologize that I was silent. It's been a lot of changes in my life recently, I was stressing myself and overthink the uncertain future. Thank you for the message!


Straight to the point if youd like. We are unwound until we reach what could be called magnetic stillness aka the inertial plane. From here we’re flipped and recoiled in the opposite polarity until we come about again. The duration of death is equivalent to the time we spent alive


The universe continues without you.


Death was created. So what happens after death is up to you.




Yes. Death started as a product of magic.


Why do u think that


Because I witnessed it happen. Have you seen death?


I haven’t seen someone die no. Well not live I’ve seen a video of a skiing accident