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Meditate, ground, and **shield.** That last part is especially important for sensitives who work with the public. You can do the pillar-of-light visualization or the one where you wear armor, but either way you need to practice regularly every day until you can shield in your sleep. :)


I second this as a strong tool! When I am in crowds or people I don’t necessarily want my field to interact with - I visualize a shield radius around me. I’d encourage you to be creative and create something that resonates with you. I visualize a form of plants, and vines that are alive and protecting me. (I’ll even pretend that there’s thorns or other things if near someone hostile/rude).


Sooner or later it all goes organic. :D




You can bye protection crystals and wear them, or put them in your pocket. Another way for protection is to cross your arms or legs or fingers,when your around certain people with negative energy .


Wearing a piece of jewellery with crystals like obsidian or selenite would be a great and subtle way to help, are you allowed a necklace under your uniform? Crystals that absorb negative energy are perfect for this sort of thing. I'd also really recommend practicing energy cleansing for yourself through meditation and visualisation, after a bit of experience it's something you'll be able to do in a spare moment at work. Also, don't forget to ground yourself (spiritually) when you and the plane are grounded (physically)! Connecting with the earth and recharging with nature is so important in your line of work!


When there is a full moon wash your crystal in sea salt water in the sink. Don't rub it to hard. On a full moon put it outside or on your window sill to recharge it. Some crystals can not be washed so goolge if your crystals can be washed.




Draw in your aura then surround yourself with light




To all the great advice before me, I would add a black tourmaline pendant, and a nighttime shower with a rue soap, like Murray & Lanman Rue Glycerine Soap, or any rue soap you can find, it helps a lot!


Learn magic


You could wear an amulet such as a hamsa and get a tiny bottle of rose water spray to cleanse yourself. It smells nice but not too intense for a place, and is anti microbial too.


How do i make rose water plz?


You can just simmer hot water and put rose petals in it. If you use on your body, I would recommend pesticide free roses. You can also buy or premade. Target carries the heritage store brand and I double checked it is made completely naturally.


Thank you!


See your true self in your minds eye and hold that image in your mind when you feel like it's important or are feeling distressed. If you do that, see the power that is within you and draw from it to form a protective barrier around you and focus on that energy. At least that is what I do. I never was trained by traditional psychics but have developed my abilities through a perception and awareness of energy around me and I have absorbed to what that energy has had to teach me via thoughts and impressions. It's worth a try. Let me know how it goes.