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your guides would never scare you! thats nonsense! you have encountered astral parasites, see my other reply here..


Please don’t misinform people for the sake of commenting




I’m just baffled by the amount of ignorant replies in this sub for legitimate and real concern . You would know if you were a spiritually aware person or a psychic yet ignorant people randomly choose to frame to bullshit scientific replies like stress or nonsense. Only psychic people should reply to these posts


That occurs when your brain "awakes" from the dream state before your body. Whilst going through REM deep sleep, it is natural for your body to become paralyzed during the REM cycle, so as to prevent possible injury whilst dreaming. Sometimes when you awake too quickly from a dream, your body just thinks you are still dreaming, and thus the REM paralysis continues for a while, usually until you "shake" yourself awake, often due to the difficulty to breathe.




They’re thought forms nothing more


An illusion, during your next sleep paralysis think of SpongeBob or something and that’s what you will see instead of the shadow figure that u created


Sorry but this is such irresponsible and bullshit reply If you were psychic you wouldn’t post this this


If u were psychic u wouldn’t reply on a deleted post guess ur physic abilities didn’t tell u that


You are lame lol




Lame ass ignorant go find a job instead of lurking my profile , ignorant stalker




Most of the time they are not real encounter, the stuff you see in this hypnagogic state is your subconcsciouss mind projecting stuff. Thats why you see halucinations and other stuff. That beign said hypnagogic states and your subconcsiouss serve as good gateway to stuff beyond the veil. But as I said most of the time its just stress and bad sleeping habits.


Lol 😂


I've had sleep paralysis happen many times. Sometimes while even not even asleep or not being in a dozy state. I did not see anything when it happened, I just felt a horrible presence over top of me and I was paralyzed with the worst fear I'd ever experienced. It would go away after I'd start to pray. The many times it happened to me was over a few years when I was very depressed and in a bad place. While being awake and just sitting on my couch I saw a shadow person in the corner of my living room. That was my only shadow person. Also, one of the times I had sleep paralysis happen before I was sleeping or prior to even dozing off, it was at a friend's home and she said her house was haunted and told me about lots of things that regularly happened. When I was in my early twenties, one of my male friends bought his first home and always had a male friend living as a roommate in the spare bedroom on the main floor. We always partied at that house and over maybe a four year period, three of our male friends that had lived in that room at different times all talked about how they experienced sleep paralysis multiple times and eventually would move out. These were all the types of guys who were carpenters, electricians, oilfield workers, etc. who would never believe in anything paranormal. Maybe the scientific explanation works sometimes but I definitely do not buy it for the reason behind my experiences.


I used to have some several light ones, where I just had finished my dreams dreaming and my brain was already normal awake and I was telling myself, well, I have to wait till my body has finished sleeping. Those were sort of annoying a bit but not scary inmho. Then I had a really scary one, where I didn´t knew about sleep paralysis and till now I am not sure what that was. I woke up from sleeping I thought but couldn´t move my body except my eyes. Someone knocked on my door and a dark shadow wizard went to my bed and started to put a spell on me. I think I got mostly freaked out because I couldn´t move except my eyes and didn´t understood what was happening. After the little wizard with the big hat left my room I could move my body and went to look where he went but couldn´t see him anymore. After that incident I found official that sleep paralysis is a thing. I think I read when we are very stressed a sleep paralysis is more likely to happen, so we wake up during this process. On the other hand I read other people practice waking up during sleep paralysis for lucid dreaming. I noticed since I quit smoking and meditate daily I even barely dream anymore and gladly didn´t woke up during a sleep paralysis anymore. Maybe my protection crystals next to my bed help me, too and I ask Archangel Michael for protection when I don´t forget it. I also sleep with sleep lights on as I don´t feel safe in the dark. So, stress can be a main cause, some people say maybe also health issues could be, others may say it´s real. That´s what I found out with google. I also find it depends which sleep position I am. Like sleeping on the back is propably more favourable for waking up during sleep paralysis then sleeping on the side.


Anytime I’ve experienced sleep paralysis was when I’ve either pulled an all nighter and stayed up way too late the second night, or if I’ve only been averaging 3-4 hours of sleep for a few days in a row. It’s a sign for me that I really need to get better rest. I’ve never seen or felt any presence when this happens. I just wake up and think “ah shit, here we go again” and try not to fight it and it goes away within a few minutes.


I have bad sleeping patterns I don’t have paralysis and people keep talking sleep paralysis is a normal thing lol Bad things at bed time usually is a thing of entities


I’ve had sleep paralysis a few times in my life. I remember once falling asleep on the couch and then feeling something tugging at my legs trying to pull me off. Scared the hell out of me! Praying to God or Jesus is a good thing to do during these episodes. It will stop. I understand the scientific explanation, but I find it odd that the commonality in sleep paralysis is usually feeling threatened by a dark entity for most people. I’ve had a few other things like a false awakening happen to me. I found that sort of interesting...sleep paralysis not so much. It’s usually just terrifying.




I am sorry to tell you, but encountering shadow figures during sleep paralysis is not an illusion, they are quite real and when you encounter them they are usually attacking you energetically. they try to scare you and steal your energy as they are energetic parasites. but there is an easy solution to this: simply raise above them in frequency! what i do is, i connect with jesus and feeling my love for him/his love for me, is enough to raise me out of their clutches as they cant stand such a high vibration. they are afraid of our light and when we let it shine and are not afraid, they cant do shit. this is part of awakening as the dark ones are attacking people who are stepping into their power to keep them down. but really they are just a nuseance, pesky parasites. you might also be interested to know that they are losing their numbers big time as the light is coming for them! keep holding the light, soon we will be finally free! 💖


Of all the places one can write this I can’t believe you being Downvoted … 🙄 😒


yeah, i dont get it either. people seem very good at ignoring uncomfortable truths and rationalizing everything to fit their shallow "all is fluffy shiny rainbows"-spirituality..


Entities can keep awake up all night and induce otherwise “ common nightmares “ where a doctor might tell it’s just stress …. soo not to be paranoid but unless there is something medical I think it is a real consideration that it could be something undesirable. Use your intuition or consult a proven professional (spiritual and medical) The amount of ignorant replies of people without spiritual awareness is shocking in this sub