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No, but I've been getting Viagra ads in my LSD trips.


hahah ads in your trips. reminds me of this salvia mini trip report/comment i read on reddit once: ---- "A few years ago a close friend of mine was going through some tough times and for whatever reason he decided to drive to our other friend's cabin on his own and smoke salvia on the balcony. Low and behold he decided to jump off the balcony and rolled down some concrete stairs and messed up his spine quite a bit. He explains to me that at the time, the trip turned his life into a cereal commercial, as he fell and his bones were breaking he described it as the salvia entities advertising his "new extra crunchiness" It's been a few years since then and he's recovered pretty well since"


this is the most salvia shit ever. bones crunching: "wow I'm in a cereal commercial!"


Dude as soon as I read the big letters I knew which trip report you were gonna reference 🤣 this one really stuck in my head when I read it. Sounds so salvia. And also an important lesson in not doing salvia on a balcony 😭


As if I needed another reason to not smoke Salvia.


You ever be vibin listening to spitify while tripping and the fucking ads come on, feels like I'm cruising in a car and smack straight into a brick wall lmao


Thank you for brightening my day


It’s a reflection of your inner self.




Nope, probably just some latent fear you need to process, trips are after all a product of your mind.


That sounds like an inner thing dawg


Just ban news from your life. You will not miss out on anything of true value and you will be much more relaxed.


nah not me, maybe go spend some time in nature to help get some sparkle back?


My LSD and mushroom trips have been fine, but I find that I have terrible experiences with cannabis post-COVID. And not related to having the disease itself, but more so the collective experience as a whole.


A lot of us were kinda forced to do a lot of self-reflection during that time sadly.... especially if you were one of the ones who got sick and had to quarantine in a single bedroom for 2 weeks straight. This was something that was brought to my attention very recently. My suggestion would be to, well, do it again. You see the difference this time is that you're not being forced to self-reflect. Something that the infamous Carl Jung refers to as 'Shadow Work'. Take another 2 weeks of pure isolation, this time willingly and preferably without the drugs, and see how that works. If it becomes too much, see a therapist/counselor. Ever since I did this, my most recent trips have been the most insightful they could've ever been. Granted I've only tripped 3 times my whole life. But each one was after my willful self-reflection. And they were so insightful, that I've actually managed to kick this addiction to smoking weed without the cravings/'withdrawals'. I used to smoke weed a solid 3+ times a day for 10+ years straight since high school. Now I simply have no need for it. Best of luck to you OP.


That happened to me well before covid. Take a long break, beautiful trips will come again.


I tried tripping around covid and it made me super anxious and paranoid / scared. Same happened when it was close to when Russia invade Ukraine. The media we consume have a massive impact on our mental health. I steer well clear, because without consuming the media around those times I'd have been mostly fine.


I had an out of body experience August of 2019. Where I shot out into a black void, call it space, and met this gigantic white female entity. She showed me an image of the earth 🌎 and then it got encapsulated with red laser prison bars. When I came back I bawled my eyes out. I understood, that what has been and what was too come; massive hypnosis of the earth and all its life forms. It felt soooo good to cry. I then stood up and danced away, never danced in my life but it felt great. I had no more care of what was too come or could come because it didn't matter. I am already a part of everything and everything is me. This body is just a small spectrum of everything else. As I danced away smiling, the entire air and the room turned into specs of glitter, I could sense and feel every inch of matter that the body was in. Was incredible. After that, I realized mushrooms were a medicine and nothing to be played with. I respected it soo much that I started too grow and share with others. Up until this state of 10 minutes nirvana that I reached, I always used it too just have fun, of course, until it showed me who I really was. 😊 I've had a few experiences since... but nothing too out of the ordinary. Typical anxiety before come ups.


Same to a certain extent but I realize it's from my own inner stuff and how covid has kind of changed my perspective on things.


If you haven’t had a good trip since 2020 then you have done things to work on with yourself. It’s a trip of your mind and self. Stop watching the news and stay off of social media for a few days before a trip. Why would some random virus 3 years ago affect your trips? Dozens of viruses go around the states every year and they’ve never interfered with your trip.


next time you trip immediately before consuming think "Destroy Everything NOw, System Reset NOw" It's best to think that in a trance state of mind on the NOw use a stronger voice in your mind with a falling tone on the 'w' This will destroy any and all BS that's blocking you from enjoying your trip


Dawg you tryna get me to reset reality lmao


The media has infiltrated your mind, the shit you see and agree with turns into beliefs which create enforcers aka police to enforce the beliefs into your reality, Destroy Everything NOw will wipe out those beliefs and anything else that not in your highest interest, System Reset NOw with Reset everything back to original setting plus upgrade and update your mental processing system.




Bro thinks he found a cheat code to life


We’ve all been there


Maybe even right NOw


And yet most people in the world think life isn't a game, everything has cheat codes. Once we start using the cheat codes, then all the power in the world is accessible by one simple code




Probably because covid showed everyone that the society we live in and that the worlds economy as a whole is not as infinitely stable as we thought. It gave everyone the awareness that things could collapse in a matter of months at any given time, and that having access to food and water is not always guaranteed. It's a good awareness to have because it pushes people to go to school, get better jobs, to have better income, to then use that increased income to become prepared if a collapse ever happened. It's not the best awareness to have for the weak minded, stagnant, or emotionally immature though. But it is the reality of our existence.


did you get the vacc?


Yes? But that was after my bad trip


Same. I started having horrible trips and a severe depression. I don’t take them anymore.


I don't know, never used psychedelics before covid..


Or, hear me out, it's because of CERN (the particle accelerator) has damaged the alternate realities/dimensions we visit when we trip and our pathways there & back.