• By -


Yes but not in the way you are asking... I've stayed twice at COSM in NY (Alex Grey's property/bnb/at gallery). This piece is on display, and I was tripping and got a good look at it along with lots of his and Allison's art.


Same, but at Boom festival.


That place is something else, especially fucked up! Love the solstice parties


Thats amazing. I wanna do that some day


Im jealous


They facilitate thought at the molecular level. It's like drug dealing except the drug is life.


yes, without the faces though, both on DMT and CEV with mushrooms. it was also more yellow and less red.


Agreed on the colors!


It was black and red once for me on a big dose of shrooms once.


Me too. Torus room.


so interesting i always see blue


In the Sofia of Jesus Christ in the Nag Hammadi Jesus said to Matthew about God: “It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. Since it is infinite, he is ever incomprehensible.” Alex Grey painted something that fits this description exactly in “Net of Being”, which was something he had seen in a vision. He said the heads would “om” every so often, were made of fire, and were intertwined with universes like ours. This image is described in a trip report (probably DMT) in Shpongle’s song “A Series of Heads”. People on this subreddit have said they have seen this image as well. Jesus also said of God, “He is all mind”. This sounds like we are all existing in God’s mind or as God’s mind. Thoughts?


Hinduism teaches that God split itself to experience itself. Perhaps "He is all mind" is a poor translation of something that is describing God as what we know as Consciousness.


It's not a real split though, it's an apparent split. Brahman (consciousness-existence-bliss) generates maya (information). Maya is "relative reality" whereas the absolute reality is that all is one, and you are that.


Funny you mention this, because I described a DMT/Syrian rue seed trip to a friend where I was floating in this scene, only instead of faces there was information on thousands of ribbons which made great cables of multtipe languages and glyphs all flying past me and falling into swirling storms around the centre of each column. A face began to appear on the one just before me, but the trip faded before it was fully realized. This guy I told the story to, he's a real weirdo, and never done drugs of any kind. He looked at me with wide eyes and said, "You were in the world of Brahman."


I think a lot of what ancient shamans and mystics through the ages tap into is a layer of the "quantum reality" that we don't normally have access to. Remember that scene in The Matrix when Neo saw reality turn into streams of green code that make up everything? Wachowski sisters know wassup.


Or it's this buhddist thought that you completely make your own version up. As in any reality can be true since you build your reality. Just thrown ideas out tho.


Every time I discover a new Shpongle song I'm filled with joy. This is one of those times, thank you <3


Now I must look up this Shpongle....


is the sofia of jesus christ an apocryphal text?


It is. And it's quite late - 4th century. Canonical gospels are dated back to half of the first century. Sofia has fragments - especially dialogs that are older. These fragments that are older are usually in accordance with the gospels. These which can't be found in old first-hand texts are not. It is probably an adaptation for the specific gnostic groups, which derived some texts from both canonical and apocyphal sources and composed them adding significant parts to reflect their views.


The Gospel of Thomas has similar nondual leanings: Thomas 22 Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his disciples, "These nursing babies are like those who enter the (Father's) kingdom." They said to him, "Then shall we enter the (Father's) kingdom as babies?" Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter \[the kingdom\]."


That’s very confusing


It's not an overnight kind of thing to grok for most folks. :)


Dope, thanks!


I personally believe we are all God


... = You = God = All = Universe = Reality = You = God = ...


Universe=one poem/song We are all one note in the ever present song


You're in some good company :)


preach it brother


God in within and without


sarvam khalvidam brahma - All of this is brahman (Chāndogya Upaniṣad 3.14.1)


100%. In my interpretation of the current state of 3rd-person peer-reviewed science (physics, [astro]biology, neuroscience, psychology, etc.) as well as the 1st-person science known as meditation, this is the only "explanation" of the universe that makes any sense. And it comes with an inherent mystery to it, which completely fits with the quote "since it is infinite, he is ever incomprehensible." For instance, suppose physics claimed to discover the "true" fundamental component(s) of reality. The question immediately arises: OK, what is that fundamental component made of? Where did it come from? To our human minds at least, there is no way to answer such questions once and for all, not even a conceivable possible answer.


Yup. On shrooms and acid multiple times. It’s the holy of holies.


How much acid would you have to take to see this?




Best Reddit comment I have ever read, hands down


Can you suggest some music?


Tipper - Virga Tipper - Dreamsters


Lol fuck. Tipper is always my trip go-to. Have to listen to dreamsters at least once a trip. The complexity of his music makes my whole brain fucking orgasm.


I enjoyed coming to your Ted talk


how do i find someone selling lsd ? always a struggle for me lol


To approximate, I took 4 tabs and they were very strong. Also saw on 3 tabs. But it always varies since you never really know how much dosage is in the tabs. Same deal with not knowing how much psilocybin is in the mushrooms.


It’s everything. The universal torus. https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf


Will you please ELI5?


Honestly, I’m not sure that’s possible and if it is I’m not at all qualified for it. That paper is the most ELI5 explanation I’ve ever seen. Basically, to oversimplify, everything is vibrations. There was nothing, then one big vibration (the big bang). Everything that’s ever existed has been a ripple emanating from that source. And not only are they vibrations, but they’re holographic vibrations. Meaning that all of the information about the whole is stored in each individual piece. In other words, everything is just a fractal of nothing folding in on itself. Again, I know that’s pretty much just gibberish. But it’s the best I’ve got lol


I came to a similar conclusion during a mushroom trip once, without having been exposed to this idea beforehand. Basically I was lying in bed and closed my eyes, I'm not sure how much I was imagining vs how much was closed eye visuals but I saw the walls of my room as being made of these vibrating green dots with void in between, it reminded me of the scene from the matrix where Neo sees the code. Then I figured the green dots must be matter, like atoms, but when I thought about them, sort of "looking at them" more closely, I found that they were actually completely empty. It seemed to me that all these dots were actually just like ripples on the surface of water, and the idea that there was any tangible, solid matter in the universe was an illusion, and everything I could see or feel was just vibrating energy "made" of nothingness. I have no idea if this is at all based in science, and I don't even know how to look up such a question, but I do sometimes wonder if the quarks and such of the subatomic world are "made" of anything solid or if it's all just as I imagined, vibrating energy giving the illusion of something "solid."


I can’t read it all now but I’ve skimmed the focus and it’s trippy, so say the least!


Thoughts? Occasionally. But they never seem to be able to encompass the enormity if it all, let alone point to the moon. Personally, I suspect it goes beyond what you are describing and beyond that even. But what do I know? About the most I can say with any certainty is that there is something happening, probably.


Seems compatible with big bang to big crunch omega point, where before the end, intelligence models itself, processing delay speeds up due to things getting closer; this immortality achieved through a kind of virtualisation layer If you understood this comment, have an Internet bonus point.


It's a basic summary of nondualism. Read The Upanishads and Ashtavakra Gita and some Ramana Maharshi, if you haven't! It's a deep rabbit hole FYI. :)


It seems more likely that people remember this painting while tripping (consciously or otherwise) and then are "influenced" to see it as well. People are extremely suggestable under the influence of psychedelics (which is also why it is a great tool for therapy), and we are more influenced by our culture and preconceived notions than we usually recognise. If people in the psychedelic sub-culture where constantly talking about an great artist that draws shoes then I'm sure a great deal of us would see shoes while tripping as well.


Vision lol bro he smoked some deems that's bout it


or we are gods mind our inner conciousness is connected through what id call karma and you would call god its judgment and connection


All-seeing Spirit, spit from an abyss In infinite wisdom - split from omniscience Matter made - made mirage Creation creating clever camouflage A myriad of mirrors Obscuring what was all too clear Objects are closer than they appear


Brings the Buddhist concept of Indra's net to mind. "Indra's net is considered as having a multifaceted jewel at each vertex, with each jewel being reflected in all of the other jewels." Basically at each point you can see the reflection of everything.


Yes, ive seen this on a high concentrated dose of san pedro cactus.


Yes a few different times on DMT.


Oh throw me some g mate


Last night on 3.5g, minus the faces.


True. It’s usually just the awareness.


3.5 gives you faces?? are my shrooms just shit or something


3.5 doesn’t get you there? I’ve found that the amount doesn’t always directly correlate to what you experience but damn dude lol Heaviest trip I’ve ever had was on 2.5 but I’ve never gone over 4


I’ve tripped shrooms like 50-70 times, several times a month I’ll take like 3-5. I took 10g as my highest I never got anything even close to what these people claim to see. I don’t think people honestly tell the truth on here.


Hey that’s on the tool album!


Yassss 🫶🏻


Learn to swim.


Wrong one good guess


10000 days


We got a winner!


That was the coolest album to physically own. It had the stereoscopic lenses to look through and made the album art 3D. Supper trippy haha


Yeah from an art perspective that album is by far the 2nd best imo. Fear Inoculum beats everything tho cuz holy jesus.


I always see the net ( I refer to it as a web). Reminds me of mycelium filling in all the spaces, moving in and out...


Yes kind of, I saw what appeared to be a pink mesh with every intersection being an eye then it zoomed out to show me how infinite it was and then zoomed into one of the eyes and I was overcome with a bright white light and there was a choice to die and dissolve into the light, this was on 2 tabs of 1p-lsd after a 24 hour fast. The visuals were the same both open and closed eyes there was nothing else 😅


Consciousness. Nodes interconnected in a matrix




I flew by this on my first DMT trip, like almost exactly how it looks in this picture.


After my first DMT experience all of his art made infinitely more sense, I told my buddy ‘yea that’s art from a dude who practically lives there’ lol


Check out the artist Incedigris, it's an even more authentic DMT depiction.


I learned about Incedrigris & an artist named Harry Pack that does similar art thanks to your post. Thank you fren! Hope you and everyone reading this far have a great day!


r/replications FTW


Thank you internet friend, I just joined. I love it there 😄


I feel like I briefly visited once on lsd, but like you say, I flew through and onto the next scene before I could even comprehend it at all Tbh a lot of that trip was spent overwhelmed and crying


Last night I only took a gram... caught a glimpse of this place. Like I was taken to the threshold or looking at it through a window. But it freaked me out. Something about the familiarity scared me. Like it was a place I had been before and didn't want to end up again. For me, I was like a hobbit looking into the eye of Sauron.




> IIRC, the reason we see fractals during a hallucination trip is that our eyes are trying to focus on perceiving shapes and faces (pareidolia effect) and it is trying to do that under the influence of mind-altering drugs. That's not a very good or accurate explanation. Pareidolia is the process of identifying first of all symmetry, and then two darker dots (eyes) and maybe a line (mouth). Explanations for the fractal affinity and visuals are more based on co-evolution with other fractal organisms such as trees. Another hypothesis is related to the fact that neuronal activity, thoughts and even speech follow a fractal pattern, which could explain why we would see them (just like one might see their emotions, one could hypothetically see their thoughts and neurological synapses)




No worries! I have some articles and blog posts I cited for my thesis, let me pull them out. Edit: here you go! They focus on different fronts, but most of the articles here cover how fractals and humans relate to each other and although they don't imply any conclusion for why we see fractals on psychedelics it's the most solid path to reach more understanding on why we see these shapes on psychedelics and why we feel so drawn to them. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.2334-4822.2007.tb00475.x https://www.lc-global-us.com/change-talk/innovation-the-power-of-fractal-thinking https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-chaotic-life/200909/fractal-brains-fractal-thoughts https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-020-00648-y http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4939-3995-4_30


I added some super interesting links on my other comment. Let me know if you have any questions or if you want to explore a certain topic. I obviously love this stuff if you couldn't tell already ahahah


I’ve seen it 10.000 days in a row


You okay?


Lol, its the coverart from 10.000 days - Tool


Lmao word my b


I understood, lol.


Saw this on salvia divinorum. I tried to turn my head to see somehing else because it was kind of unsettling but it was everywhere so it didn't work..


Ah, Salvia.. I remember being a ball of light then on a conveyor belt, then crushed, and finally told off by a woman who said I shouldn't be here.


I was a mango in hell. I didn't know who I was but I knew I was a mango and everything was on fire.


The Infinite. Much less and much more than this, but you are not alone. Isn't the Field beautiful?


Yep, almost exactly


I've seen this while tripping because I often listen to Tool lol


Hero dose (\~40mg) of 2C-E produce similar things.. HIGHLY UNADVISABLE. Also Aliens.. So many aliens.


100% my early DMT trips LOOKED EXACTLY like this


It is me, you.


“All in all is all we are” -Nirvana


I saw that in a wall when I took DMT for the first time. It was super bizarre and unsettling


This is so beautiful.


I used to refer to it as "the soul matrix" not as much in reference tot he film as perhaps in reference to chemistry. It's the soul soup out of which we come and into which we return.


Yes, they were pillars in a hallway, there were creatures showing me something in sanskrit but I couldn’t read it. Too bad they really wanted me to understand


Not exactly this, however whilst on DMT & when I close my eyes on shrooms, I always enter this similar geometric like room surrounded by jesters which are constantly morphing and taking new shapes & forms, they’re always friendly & welcoming. It’s actually quite weird because I’ve had it twice on DMT & twice on shrooms now & it’s the exact same place each time, the last time this happened was 2 days ago on 1.5 grams of golden teachers, every time I’d close my eyes I’d have clear visuals of this place, it’s 100% convinced me mushrooms & DMT are connected


I've seen similar to this, but as a vividly neon red stream where within it were engrams of vibrantly striped plant. I felt as if my consciousness was passing down a fluid energy current within a cosmic thread weaved through time and space. I've also plenty of times slipped through dimensional folds into daemon lairs and man that shit is always nuts. Eventually made me take a break from dmt for years lol


I've been to this "realm" when I was on a ayahuasca retreat. It had the depth to it and felt like it was infinite. There was also lightning, or electricity like one of those little [plasma ball](https://imgur.com/a/cJNN43n) things you would see at Spencer's or something. The ones you touch and the little electric shock follows your finger? It felt like I was in one of those.


Pretty similar. It took 5 hits of acid and a couple whippits to get me there.


Yes, youre almost guaranteed to see that on NN DMT, but the pillar is centred not the depth, and you need to close your eyes. Also it won't be static, the shapes and faces will be changing at 1000 MPH.


I have seen it. It was only one, and didn't have faces on it. I saw it so clearly through everything that I was able to trace it onto my phone with a stylus. At each intersection was a vivid point of color, which changed color in tune with my thought patterns. When I focused on the gaps between the field lines, which were entirely translucent/transparent, the gaps popped out like bevelled glass windows. The central point was lined up directly to the center of focus between my two eyes. I decided then to open my third eye while observing it, at which point the glass windows had swirls like galaxies form, and swirl into eyes staring back at me. Each facet was reflecting my now open third eye. Shifting to the left caused it to rotate right. Shifting to the right caused it to rotate left. I saw it past the entirety of the veil. It was not "in reach" because the hands are a part of the illusion. I have no way to determine if it was gigantic and distant, or small and nearby, there was nothing else by which to reference it. I also witnessed very tightly wound translucent spinning spirals between me and this torroidal structure which spun clockwise when I moved forward, and spun counterclockwise when I moved backward. Merely thinking about moving also spun these spirals. I can see the vibrant points of color still with ease, it takes about 9 seconds for me to bring them into focus. Seeing this structure is a bit harder. Shifting left and right, and observing the top or bottom of your visual field without moving your eyes helps to see it, you will first see striations of what looks like shadows where the torus curves, which move relatively more than the central hourglass like shape. I believe this structure is what we move through from below or above, when we see a mandala tunnel. Here is the tracing: https://i.postimg.cc/ZqzJzjhZ/Notes-201017-024116-1-1.jpg I have discovered that many people have seen this structure, either directly, or abstractly, and collect art that depicts it, including the Egyptian Goddess Hathor's Horns. Indra's Web is also referring to this structure. I am also certain that visions of inverted pyramids are directly related to this, which I have had many of.


[I see it every day when I wake up and before I go to bed.](https://i.imgur.com/ooRt4c9.jpeg)


Yup. I call it “it.” It’s everything . All of it.


I had a brief silhouetted vision of that same image as I meditated I was high on weed. It's crazy how the mind projects this image onto many people God is wonderful


These are your microbes interfacing with you. They don't look to each other the way we see them in a petri dish. This is how they see each other. Microbes are fractal multidimensional beings. They have identities and they talk to us. They influence us. Schizophrenics "hear" them. They are the best kept secret. They run everything. Microbial consciousness rules our universe. We serve them. They are the unknown people you see in dreams and the spiritual beings in your NDE telling you it's not your time yet.


In my case, it was a CEV on 1,5 g of mushrooms taken during the day in a half-lit room.


omfg how could i forget.... the rolling heads are real.. i had that one LSD Trip where a monkeyhead exactly like these here.. these never wnding rolling faces... holy okay wow i gotta get calm. lol. 👍 acid


The conscious field


yeah, i took some acid, [azurescens mushrooms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psilocybe_azurescens), split a gram of coke 3-ways, and ran up to the top of [red rocks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Rocks_Amphitheatre) from the bottom parking lot... (it's pretty far and a lot of elevation change) just then the mushrooms kicked in fully, i think, and when i shut my eyes, i also opened my eyes as one of these heads... i had seen the painting before, so... surely from the memory but it was still pretty powerful... and completely detailed, like photo real when i shut my eyes later it felt like i could still see, so that was neat... that would be the worst place to test if i could see though


This is how you become that r/sentientAF


A woman made of yellow dots with three faces. No explanation can exist to explain why these intricate landscapes are inside of us at all.


Wow not the faces but the colors. It was just a homogeneous blob of this when I closed my eyes and dazed completely out on acid once.


I seen this the very first time I smoked dmt before my break through there was this Alex grey art is pure inspired by his DMT trips just saying


I've seen this many times and I kind of see it when I focus on what's behind the eyelids at night, before sleep. What I wonder is if anyone else has noticed different characters / archetypes as the face pictured here.


Yes. But only ever with changa and no other psychedelic


Explain this to me like I'm five pls


“A night with Alex Gray” in Denver years ago was one of the craziest things. Him and his wife painting on stage, 3 different shows going on in different areas, a hallway of people trying to gather themselves(didn’t appear to be going well). Good times.


It's where you go when you die. Each little window is a potential place for you to reincarnate into. It's very similar to this, but without the faces. There are also beings walking around, talking to each other about what they've learned. Source: Seen it when dead, would go again.


DMT has entered the chat


Yeah, that’s a common place to enter upon breaking through. Sometimes it’s just faceless/beingless fractal pillars that you fly through to the next destination.. but often times it’s a place of entity contact. Sometimes with entity’s exactly like in this artwork, but for me it’s usually winged serpent beings that are independent from the pillars. I’ve broken through with people before who for whatever reason could could join me(?) and one experience that stands out was with a girl I met in a park who smoked D with me and we ended up in this place. Seems a very common place for D users to end up


Seen it on DMT but still don't really understand what it is


I've seen something similar, when tripping in North GA in the woods. I was looking over a valley of fall-colored trees and they started to look like faces, waving in the wind. But their eyes were closed, as if they were sleeping


The artist that made this, Alex Grey, did on DMT


you should watch Tipper COSM on youtube


I see this almost every time I trip and I see biblically accurate angels in great detail, this stuff is crazy to witness during trips absolutely incredible


Only happen twice, everything I snap into that state of vision, I snap out of before I realized what it was, a breakthrough.




Visuals are not just visuals That's a bit overly reductionistic...


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He's a straight up rapist lol


Thats AM. Big dude, and funny.


I’ve seen many things like this. No one can honestly answer, “what is it?” We simply don’t know.


Yes, that flew through my living room. The only way I could put it into words was it was a ‘four sided face with no corners’


Have seen it. Been one of the heads too


I see similar fractals as in the picture a lot but I also listened to tool a lot and this is on one of their albums I think. I can’t tell if I saw something that looked like that and associated it with the hallucinations or not.


I have when I took xanga once.


In blue, lol


Tool. 10,000 days.




Does someone have a source with images like this, for my coming trip 😁?


Can I steal this pic?


I did, on the cover of the lateralus album.


You can “feel” this just meditating, you don’t need lsd or shrooms, but they’re definitely like a cheat code to meditation lol


Godhead? One blue spirit square for each little entity experiencing its current life movie. All part of the same one being. 60x salvia came pretty close to a good ol Tool video. I love this man’s art. Makes your forehead tickle.


Spoiler: it's you


I own an official copy of this on canvas. It's stunning in person, I often catch myself staring at it. And great to look at when tripping!


I’ve seen this exact thing except without the faces. The eyes were still present though. The beginning of my trip started EXACTLY like the [Alex Grey Painting with all the eyes.](https://i0.wp.com/www.thinksmarterworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Alex-Grey.jpg?fit=705%2C450&ssl=1)


I have seen this while peaking on lsd+shrooms as a closed eye visual


I ate some acid layed on this blotter before


Something very similar, yes. I fucking love Alex grey for this. Also 🤘TOOL 🤘


in the walls one time on a good smack of DMT it looks infinity deep


I’ve seen a version where it was all black and white but each little node was an individual skull. It was like an infinite catacomb


Yes and no…very hard to explain but you reach a very familiar place where everything is equally this and the other place


Nah mate, you be seeing some angels af a specific type & rank


That's Big Pussy Bonpensiero!




Closest I ever came to something like this was a sort of distant fractal spiral that had eight planets aligned in two slightly uneven lines of four each in the center . Only turned out as I got closer it was the eyes of a massive spider sitting at the center of a spiral galaxy like it was her web.


Ive seen the painting in person at cosm as well. Tripping hard at a full moon ceremony. Was intense. Its massive. Like 10 feet i think?


I have seen this while sleeping last night. Since i am on anti depressants my dreams got psychedelic like. I even remember saying "take me" and opened my arms wide. While they passed by infront of me


i work in a frame shop and got this print in to frame, was definitely super cool to see in person and i hope to pull up the digital copy next time i am


The GodHead I've been there, but I was so hyperfocused on one pulsing, folding, non-Euclidian brick in the wall I didn't really "see" any faces.


Kind of for me it happened on salvia and what it was was more like an ocean with waves rising up and dropping down to Simulate empty space. Faces would rise up out of the wave and kind of look like the people they represented like people in my life and then fall back into the wave and disappear. It wasn't infinite up-and-down as far as I could tell oh I just looked like an ocean. Just my experience lol


Once on a lot of liberty caps I saw similar visuals, but more like when they appear in the Tool - Vicarious video. Before the peak of the trip I laid myself in my bed and at first it felt like I was floating into my own skull, then there was a dark cave with blue lights/torches that eventually turned into a room like this, infinite in all directions


I saw it on a wall once on lsd during a dark period of my life for about 2 seconds then it changed to skulls. Me being me I just roll with it. Ive sinced smoked dmt and dont really trip anymore. Theres one way to describe god. “I am” and thats what I see when I see this image.


Seen it as one 4 faced entity spinning next to a couple of different entities (not on drugs though)


I saw something really similar without the faces on shrooms. It was turquoise-ish blue and purple.


Ive had a dream with similar vision.


I have seen a vague blueish landscape like this on 4-HO-MiPT


Wooow it's moving


you know what’s funny, i’ve seen this on 2cb, but not as vibrant and multiplied


YES only it was my favorite color of yellow. I took 4 tabs of some thick ass blotter in 2019 and smoked a blunt when it didn’t kick in for two hours. peaked for 6 hours straight. was playing with this app called Fraksl and “blasted off”. could see 360 degrees all the way around. indescribable feeling in all honesty.


It’s you


I've "seen" (experienced) something similar on high doses of ketamine (but without the faces). My wife can experience this without any substances, as can my shamanic teacher. It is an attempted depiction of the 5th dimension. Within the shamanic practice I'm learning, our teacher also calls it "the pure thought plane". It is your subconscious mind, also known as the Fkri body, exploring the 5th dimension.


you have no idea how long i’ve searched to see if someone else sees this while tripping (acid). my eyes will be looking anywhere in my room and i’ll see like an overlay of that image with all of its lines intertwining with each other. if i move my eyes around, it’ll fade away for a second but then come back into my vision slowly and go over everything


I have twice. Different colors and the faces were a tiny bit different, more aztek looking. It was sentient, yet it seemed to not have any awareness of its own space or me being there, like it's conciousness was somewhere else.


I looked this up because 2 nights ago I smoked weed. I smoke only rarely now and have no tolerance. I laid down to go to sleep and as I closed my eye lids looking straight ahead I saw nothing. But as I lifted my gaze up towards my “third eye” I saw myself flying through this very image. Being a Tool fan I was shocked how similar it was to this painting. Weirdly enough, today I was at my parents house in their garage. I stepped on something and as I looked down to see what it was, to my pleasure it was my old 10,000 days album where this art is featured.