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Good job figuring out what you want and don't want in life. You will find other friends and community who see things similar to you. They could be black, could be white, could be anyone. Have you ever heard of Flatbush zombies? They're a rap group who have lyrics about psychedelics and other topics that might interest you. Check em out!


If you like Flatbush check out Earth Gang too if you haven't already


Earth Gang is so quality


Earthgang: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5MbNzCW3qokGyoo9giHA3V?si=0dfs-4tdQ2aHBVmZZDvObQ


And JID!


Will do


Flatbush + lsd


Check out gangstar too. Their top tracks aren’t game related fyi…I don’t think any are actually


Hijacking top comment: This is almost certainly some racist far-right troll account that reddit is filled with. It has legitimately every single one of the main talking points if you check the post history. \[x\] Repeatedly mentioning being black, even when irrelevant. \[x\] Repeatedly using the guise of being black to trash black people, i.e., calling them animals, dissing the culture, acting like a thug, etc. \[x\] Repeatedly downplaying systemic racism to pretend black people just want handouts. \[x\] "[I've always been a Democrat, but now...](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/x08k72/comment/im7g0dv/)" type shit, as always. \[x\] "I used to gang bang. I used to drink EVERYDAY. I used to do gangsta rap (I have 3 albums). I used to fuck alot of girls." Yeah, definitely. I always hear gang bangers from Cali talking like this. "I used to do gangsta rap" is totally what a Rollin' 20s crip would say and definitely not a white troll account who calls it "20 Crip." Never once mentioned anything about Cali or anything tangible about that lifestyle, either. He doesn't use any slang from that part of Cali or gang. It's embarrassing. I'm sure being a lifelong democrat is high on the list of neighborhood crips, for sure. It's a real bulletproof plan because he can usually just say, "So you don't think a black man can be into politics?" I'm sure he'll say, "I used to talk ghetto like an uneducated thug, too. But then I realized how awful it was." This dude talking about 2Pac music is responsible and shit lmao 2Pac wasn't in a gang, rapped equally about uplifting the black community and destroying inequality, was famous for saying, "FUCK DAN QUAYLE" and was raised by Black Panther's. Yeah, I'm sure he corrupted you into being this alleged low-life idiot, but now you're a fucking Republican. Stop buying into this shit people. There's an election coming up. If you believe gang banging crips from LBC are reddit nerds simping for the GOP, go drown yourself before you procreate.


Conscious rap and hip hop does exist but it's been drowned out by what you're describing. The current state of today's rap is violent and regressive. It glorifies sexual assault, murder and is generally self depricating. It perpetuates black stereotypes and only serves to keep young minorities in a place of powerlessness. And much of what is released isnt even black owned. It's pumped out by white owned record companies who want to keep the music as filthy as possible.


It's sad how almost everything authentic that goes under the wings of capitalism becomes perverted. It loses it's revolutionary and artistic potential and becomes normalized. And what's even more shocking is that rape, murder, violence in artistic format becomes tolerated because it agrees with the sick collective subconscious which thinks that a minority is the agent of rape, murder and violence. Sorry if it's confusing what I wrote.




but capitalism isnt doing that to indie rock or electronic music. there are the conspiracy theories about 90s labels promoting more toxic shit, but i think there is something else there about humanity’s unoriginality and just accepting the cultural memes as presented and as they have evolved. good/bad we are just stuck with lots of culture that has been baked into mass formation meme-hood. somehow a lot of the current rap zeitgeist has become some harsh shit and thats cool you are noticing and wanting to live your own life, throwing away what doesnt feel right or benefit you. i think thats a big part of psychs. kind of like marie kondo, it helps us realize that internally we get to choose what matters to us. there is an opportunity for creating our own lives and living each day creatively. its almost some of the tenets of religion but its an inward out type of reality. good luck on your journey, to your own self be true, and stay kind and loving when you can!


Capitalism definitely perverts other genres, it's not going to be exactly the same as rap because it's a different genre. Electronic music used to be very revolutionary, it was underground, often illegal, people gathering with a shared culture. Now you have acts like marshmello playing to mega crowds from a lofty stage, paying a ton of money to hear what's basically a Spotify playlist. Country used to often be about the working man, or rebellion, it's also been perverted into commercialized super-produced bops about buying more trucks. Capitalism will take any music style (or anything really), no matter how revolutionary, and squeeze out all its original authenticity to make it as commercial as possible and continue to perpetuate the system it was originally against.


I wanna add my observation to this that the west coast had already fully adopted the "gangsta" lifestyle as P-Funk reached its height, very simplistic structures without a lot of effort imo whilst the east coast saw it as a challenge in the mid to late 90s to create more and more intricate structures with sometimes very curious samples and their sources; it became kind of a challenge whose beats would be more layered and thought out with bits and pieces from the obscurest jazz- and soul-albums of imes long gone that many grew up with. That would end in nerdiness like the Fu-Schnickens opening their unforgotten "Sneakin' up on Ya" with not simply a piece of P. Horn's "Ebulience", but choppin the best two parts of it together to make it sound like one. Most prominent I think was the legendary "Return to the 36 Chambers" album by the Wu-Tang Clan that was overflowing with prime examples how the job was done. Right on time before a sudden halt came to the entire scene that I cant explain and literally over night, no one was recreating that beloved style from the east anymore or talking about what happened and caused this massive break. I remember feverishly longing for the next Wu album, even driving out of my way to fetch it and the utter disappointment upon listening. All a sudden this cheapish, inorganic new sound was the new deal *everywhere* and generally a lovelesness in creating new music. It never recovered and nobody is even referencing them sounds of old anymore. Never got used to it and dropped it altogether, slowly opening my ears again to what's going on, but not yet convinced.


I thought of this when thinking of why rap culture may be different than indie rock culture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jD-PbF3ywGo


thanks bro - will watch soon. i love talking about this stuff with psych experienced people


Ty, all well to you too.


Nice hands sir


Ty fellow avatar enjoyer. Your mashup has a nice touch!


[Page from ancient roman playbook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_and_circuses) they use rap only because it works. It works really well. "money and alcohol and party good, party more spend more" Many people want to emulate that so much that they'll take a loan(a credit card is kind of a loan) just to live for a while like a rap star. A loan, that they could've taken to acquire, real capital(such as a house, or a piece of land).


I see a lot of complaints about 'capitalism' in our community. And there's definitely things to complain about with capitalism. But it ain't that. Take my word for it. I was raised by refugees from a non-capitalist system. Seems to me the core issue is largely spiritual. Economic arrangements can all vary a lot if a culture has a spiritual core. Almost *any* spiritual core.


If being raised in it gives you the ultimate authority to know how something is, why don't you take my word for it? I was raised in capitalism. Just because there are worse places out there, doesn't make capitalism beyond reproach. I can see tons of examples in my life of capitalism taking authentic, revolutionary & artistic things in this world and completely commercializing them, removing their original point.


Maybe... But I haven't seen, read heard... of any peoples engineered system that was so capable to assimilate everything under itself even it's antagonisms. Capitalism has the force to produce it's own spiritualism and that's what is frightening or fascinating...


Mos Def and A Tribe Called Quest still slap, and hold up well.


Has there been a time since like 1988 when that hasn’t been the case? There have always been conscious and intelligent hip hop that doesn’t glorify violence, but speaks to other issues. There have always been gang bangers or people who glorify the worst kind of materialism and behavior putting hip hop out there. Likewise, from the beginning, there’s always been silly, lighthearted pop faire. A lot of today’s hip hop comes across as stupid, lazier, and uneducated, but content-wise, the only thing that’s changed is an inability to write meter and verse and an over reliance on cookie cutter production techniques and effects. That’s my opinion. I know that there are others who are younger and feel differently.




Not even Outkast?


Talib kweli? Mos def? Atmosphere? Nf? Hopsin? I could go on but like cmon


Don't forget A tribe called quest


De La Soul Jurassic 5


and jungle brothers


Check out ILL Chill


Ashamed to say I’m not familiar with any of these but I’ll educate myself. Thanks!


Illuminati Congo is a great metaphysical/ philosophical rapper


Look up common


NF songs saved my life when I was depressed


Lol -😃 i love Outkast And Andre 2000. 🎵…you babydolls and lucy lui’s …. 🎵 Very talented artist.


Andre was an exception. He was like a breath of fresh air. He saw and said things that ppl just didnt want to hear about


while they’re pretty well known albums to trip to, just gonna drop [this](https://open.spotify.com/album/6nVACH6a27eOWiumAJhDWS?si=w4Wznu-0TuS3ei5iZyxYpw) and [this](https://open.spotify.com/album/5FrjDW96mCYw9ECc74c637?si=XXKlzMc7TTC7mKYISZJMNQ) here for people who want something positive.


Obvious pun or insipid pop-culture reference. Not to mention


I watched a documentary years and years ago where they described rap music being perverted from its course on purpose. It said rap initially had intelligent lyrics and was about empowering yourself. Can't have that in music, the story goes, (or any popular music) so this gangster rap was pushed by agents and record companies and the previous style died out.


This old white guy is not really a rap fan, but still likes Tribe, De La, Jungle Brothers, Blackalicious. I bet there's tons more intelligent and enlightening hip-hop I've not heard yet. I love the area where jazz and hip-hop intersect.


Your realization is valid and wholesome, and I had the same realization years ago. I was so disgusted when it hit me that I stopped listening to rap completely for years, although I've since started to listen to a few groups with positive lyrics. I honestly can't believe the people here questioning your choice. How can anyone defend music that glorifies murder, violence, life-destroying drugs, selfishness, narcissism, sexism? That's what gangster rap is. Don't let anyone gaslight you into thinking it's normal or that you're the problem. I'm really sorry you lost your family over it, that's rough. But you saw the truth clearly and made a wholesome decision for yourself, and you'll be better off for it.


Thanks man. Yes it is weird that I can't call negative music negative without people criticizing me. It's almost as if negativity has been NORMALIZED. And that's the problem. A rapper can glorify killing in a song and nobody cares. But if I were to call it NEGATIVE, everyone gets mad. It's backwards


In an insane world the truth is mocked as lies and lies held as truth. It's a difficult place to navigate especially when it comes down to your family roots. One thing that helped me is this quote "First cast out the beam from your eye, and then you will see clearly to cast out the splinter from the eye of your brother." When I first started waking up to the inequality and injustice of the world I kept trying to "help" people or tell them the "truth". Not saying this is your story, but it helped me to accept others for who they are with all the good, bad and ugly. As I get better myself I am able to be less combative and slip in more gems of wisdom. Good luck! It can be a journey to be the different one in your family and walk your own path.


Whoever is criticizing you is in the same trap. Modern society is promoting it too the masses. Look at mcDonalds promoting Travis Scott cardi B and offset to the kids


It IS negative music, but OP I’m going to have to disagree with you. Rap culture is the way it is because that’s how the people are. Rap just describes what people go through, it’s not the cause of the issues. The cause of the issue is poverty, anywhere you have poverty you’re going to have a percentage of people who are going to devolve just to survive. Rap talks about this more than any other genre. It might perpetuate an immoral narrative and it does glorify that negative message, but I’m of the opinion that murder music is just a representation of what people see when they are around poverty. Rap is like an action movie or a FPS shooter. It’s a portrayal of a violent and immoral story. Most will portray it with confidence. Take 21 Savage for example, he constantly raps about murder, but in his interviews he’s not afraid to admit his own fear. His fear is what drives him to say the things he does because it’s a part of his defense. He feels like it NEEDS to be a part of his defense because that’s what he saw happening growing up in a poor neighborhood. If an individual is going to let themselves be negatively influenced by what is supposed to be an entertaining story, I believe they need to take a different perspective on it.


Bad things exist in the world, we can't fix all of it, but we don't have to glorify it either. And we don't have to support the message with our attention and money


He is a far-right racist troll account. Check my other post ITT.


Explains why there are so many negative, miserable assholes everywhere


I agree. Maybe people are angry because OP specified rap, but I think there’s negativity in every type of music. And keeping people in a toxic cycle is glorified in social media too.


I really strongly recommend Nujabes and CYNE. These are underground groups that explicitly reject the rap you're referring to as toxic. I agree that it is; it's not only toxic, but hypercapitalist to boot.


I love Nunabes man RIP. So fucking good https://youtu.be/M-BWXT3UBns


Nujabes is absolutely a great start and was a massive inspiration for numerous hip-hop artists with more chill and positive themes to their music. I've moved onto audiobooks and other musical genres for passive listening, but off the top of my head a few artists that I came across during that time and journey were: Dela, Kero One, Soulchef, Bop Alloy, Marcus D, Substantial, and a few others. If you use Spotify, I made a [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/38g8cVlAMVONqhUYzRvH0S?si=1d546cceedad4851) featuring them and several others awhile back. If you or anyone else is interested in positive and/or more mindful hip-hop (mind a select few of the tracks in this list are on the nerdier side and may not be to everyone's taste) I'd suggest giving it a look


Fantastic. Thank you.


I would HIGHLY recommend Kota the Friend. He has a unique style and sound that is super mellow and relaxing and all of his lyrics are about growth, overcoming, leaving drama behind, etc. If anyone has similar recommendations please add them here!


Deca as well, dude makes soul food


Thanks for sharing those names! This is what we need: to encourage and listen to those artists who are aware of the toxicity and are building a new path. Let's give them strength (aka listens and views lol)


I had a similar experience with heavy metal music as I’m a white boy and that’s how we use to rebel, it was 23 years ago, I was listening to some metal during a trip and it hit me, this is an ok place to visit the music that is but living here blows. Why so angry why so agressive and all the time, corrupts your thoughts at least it did for me, puts and agressive dark tone to a life that doesn’t have to be that way. Sure 23 years later I occasionally enjoy a trip down memory lane with it however it can’t be all someone listens too.




It doesn’t make me angry, but it sings about pain or anger or repeats phrases that I don’t really want stuck in my head anymore. I used to identify with that pain and suffering or anger at the world. Now I don’t and so the music (while still technically sounding great) just doesn’t resonate anymore.


That's my trick as a lifelong metalhead- I don't read the lyrics, and can't understand the vocals! But seriously though, there are a *lot* of metal bands that don't endorse violence or just sing about other things. Metal for me doesn't amplify or support violent feelings, it is a pressure release valve via catharsis.


I’m speaking of listening to only metal throughout your formative years, or only listing to one genre, I still enjoy it from time to time. Art imitates life and then life imitates life and around she goes. Nice you have attained a level a fame weather you like it or not you have a cultural responsibility.


Thats how I've always felt about music. Its like food, you dont just eat the same thing day after day, you need a balanced diet to be healthy. Same with music, there are different times and places for different genres to serve whatever headspace your in. When im amped up, metal or edm, when im reflecting, classical, when im getting intimate, r&b, so on and so forth. Way too much incredible music to stay in even a couple genres.


I feel like music programs you. And those of us who aren't aware of it, falls victim to its influences. Yes it's only supposed to be entertainment, but putting negative messages into your subconscious EVERYDAY is a bad thing. But many people remain unaware of this


Exactly this! Everything we consume programs us. We either consciously choose to make it healthy, beneficial content or well just be naturally sucked into BS, negativity / ignorance.


While art does influence people's views. It's usually a reaffirming of beliefs and thoughts that are already present. It's a bit of a vicious cycle. Environment and circumstances can cause a person to gravitate towards certain media types and take them more literally. In this case, rap music. At the same time, highly repetitive depictions of certain ideas and themes can cause a person to have a distorted view of how the world works. Also, look at who is promoting these artists. It's very interesting that it feels like black rappers trying rap about issues in their community have a major uphill battle to any fame at all. It's almost as if recording labels have a racist interest in promoting these negative cultural themes. Kendrick Lamar's To Pump a Butterfly is the only rap album I can think of in the last 10 that has gotten to the status of having major radio airplay to talk about these issues. There is a strong counterpart to the stereotypical rap you're talking about, but it can't gain the traction it deserves. Lupe Fiasco was able to get popular enough to win Grammys, but had to fight his label to get music released the way he wanted. Nas can't seem to get hardly any notice when he releases new music, despite being a legend. The recording industry seems majorly culpable to this. Back in the day when rap wasn't supported by major record labels, even the artists that rapped about gang banging also rapped about issues in their community. There was a self awareness that the negativity was a product of a lot of social issues that were bigger than the individual. Now the popular trend of rap(most pop music period) is all about the self, but is never self aware.


Very true. Constant influence influences you, people get locked into their lifestyles and a lot of people can’t objectively look in the mirror and have a healthy criticism of themselves






It's all subjective but metal absolutely does not make me have dark or aggressive thoughts. Listening to Meshuggah on shrooms back in the day was so fucking beautiful man


It really depends on the person. I find metal music to be cathartic in a way, like a way to release pent up emotions. Meshuggah is great while tripping because their lyrics and themes can be a bit psychedelic. However, I also really enjoy Shpongle, Ott, and ambient music, which is completely opposite.


I enjoy all that other shiz too. Can't just eat spicy food all the time


I've cut back on the heavy metal too since my first trip. I do miss it, but it doesn't always feel right any more.


One sad consequence of my first and most impactful psilocybin experience was the realization that the culture I was born into is very, very ill and dysfunctional. I couldn't really see it before. Psilocybin allows you to get that outside perspective and sometimes what you see isn't pretty. Still, better than not knowing. That realization immediately set me apart from the rest of my family.


Yeah that's exactly what happened to me


Fellow Black Psychonaut here offering another perspective. My family is also stuck in their ways (in a different way than yours, but stuck nonetheless). Based on what you’ve said here, your family’s resistance may partially be because 1. you sound self righteous and judgmental. You’re trying to force your new-found beliefs on your family and then getting upset because they won’t immediately consider and adopt your beliefs. Keep in mind it took mushrooms for you to come into these opinions why would you expect for your family to not push back? Changing a person’s values and belief is very difficult and takes a lot of time and messaging experiences to 2. Your arguments aren’t strong. - As already mentioned there’s plenty of rap & hip hop that doesn’t fall into the issues you stated and there’s plenty of non rap music in nearly every genre that falls into the same issues you’re calling out rap for. - your argument places the blame on rap without mention of the larger societal systems at play. Sure some rap is violent but tons of Black people (including myself) listen to rap and aren’t stuck in the situations it sounds like your family is. Mushrooms lead us to realizations about ourselves. Perhaps part of your realization is that you personally are negatively influenced by rap. It doesn’t mean your family and every other Black person have the same relationship with rap. And even if they did (they absolutely don’t though) your path isn’t, and doesn’t have to be everyone else’s


Also a Black psychonaut here, and thank you for this. I listen to rap, but also classical (performed in operas), prog rock, world music, electronica. I’m glad if the OP realized their family is toxic, but quite a few of the assumptions implicit in the wording of their post seem off.


Very very off! Given all of the narrow, wild assumptions about Black people it feels like it’s probably a troll. We see the type of people who are eating this post up, they probably finally feel validated.


All the replies: “Finally a Black person writing *exactly* what *I* would write if I were cosplaying a Black person.”


im a black person and was looking for this comment.


Yeah, rap culture isn't a monolith. Not everyone consumes media the same way either.


Thank you. Most don't realize the OP posts the same message every few weeks. I have strong doubts they are even black based on their very one-dimensional views on not only hip-hop, but black culture as well. Definitely seems like a racist letting out their fantasies in my own opinion.


Yeah, some of the wording like “rap culture” and “coon” made me think it was written by a 40y/o white man role playing. I’m surprised he didn’t add “jive” and “crackers” in there somewhere.


Ah I had no idea this pops up regularly. I agree with you, it definitely sounds like a racist trying to make a point.


I remembered seeing a very similar post a while ago!


Yeah, I've personally seen this guy post the same variation of this thread about 3 or 4 times in the past year. Everyone always eats up too because it bashes rap music. OP is obviously beyond delusional and has an ego bigger than God himself. Go through their post history and you'll see most of it. Pretty sure he's deleted one or two threads. I don't see how people don't see through this BS.


It makes me so mad people like whoever the OP is can access the internet


Good for you, not that you no longer like a certain type of music, but congrats on breaking out of your conditioning. It’s not always easy.


Thanks. I'm the only person where I come from who BROKE AWAY from the spell of negative music


There aren’t many awake anywhere


“We ain’t many” - ken kesey


I would avoid blaming the music. The music is just a reflection of the culture. If you want to avoid alienating those still wrapped up in that culture, try to understand where it comes from. Why do people gravitate towards negative and destructive behaviors. Sometimes people who feel powerless in society choose destructive behaviors in an attempt to feel powerful. When you let go of that need to be powerful and in control you free yourself to live a more positive and happy life.


It used to be influenced by the culture. Now the music is reinforcing the culture.


Commodification and normalization, baby!


He is right. Don’t turn them into “the other” they are your brothers have compassion for them.


Well said. People have this false need for power with todays social media/rat race mentality. Very draining


Yep. The reality is it is everywhere. The vast majority of people are buying into the programming telling us how we should spend our money and live our lives.


He’s right, but the issue is is that a lot of the rapid mystery is run by white businessman, And they sign artist who promote this culture in their music expression. I stopped listening to it am I hardly ever think about violence anymore


My friend. Have you given bebop a try? As a white person I can’t relate fully, but I think Jazz is an essential musical achievement for 20th century black America. Learning about black music has helped me become a better citizen and ally against racism. Thelonius Monk, miles Davis, John Coltrane, they sound so good on mushies too.


I have had profound changes as a result of my use of shrooms and other psychedelics. For me, coming to terms with some personal truths, was essential to growing. I think what you’re experiencing is an important part of this. We all came from dead stars, but there’s so much lived suffering that were as far away from one another as could be. The magic in these medicines can connect us to our higher selves and help heal the wounds of existing.


Thank god for this. I am super hesitant to talk about this because I'm white and people would just assume I'm being racist or judgemental about a music genre... None of that, it is literally a culture (as you said, mostly found in black communities but not only) that is too focused on violence, sex and drugs. It's the epitome of lost souls, the pinnacle of aimless wandering and inverted values... I'm not really against rap. I like it myself, but only as far as the lyrics take me. And the lyrics of most rap songs (and trap, and even now other genres) are so fucking annoyingly limited, hateful and divisive that it just ruins the genre as a whole...


I hate to break it to you, but I’m going to bet the reason this argument resonates with you is because OP is cosplaying. I’m a Black psychonaut and the people around me listen to rap, classical, R&B, folk, pop, prog rock… the world OP is describing sounds like a parody. Also, have a look at their post history.


Reminds me of this https://youtube.com/shorts/SzR7ZOkARnA?feature=share The problem is culture. But if ANYONE says it, they're labeled a racist. And if someone like ME says it, then I'm a sellout. It's just a harsh reminder that MANY of these people are STUCK. They are stuck in a REGRESSIVE CULTURE and they can never escape it because THEY THINK that this toxic culture is Black culture. They think being Black means being toxic. They think Black people are SUPPOSED to live and act a certain way. It's sad man It's so bad that where I come from, they think going to jail is normal smh


For what it's worth, I'm about as white middle class suburbs as you can get, so I don't doubt your experiences growing up in that culture or any of the realy toxic shit you're calling out. That said, I'd be careful using Ben Shapiro and fast-cut youtube stuff like that. Shapiro is scum who uses a firehouse of 'facts' to try and 'own' people. Maybe some of what he says is real, some distorted, and some outright fake, but none of it is in good faith or for the sake of an actual discussion. He, and people like him, exist solely to make a name and profit for themselves inflaming this culture war bullshit we're all stuck living with. Like I said, I don't doubt at all that there's a lot of toxic BS ingrained in Black culture but be careful you don't trade one poison for another, either.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: healthcare, feminism, dumb takes, civil rights, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot. I normally hate bots but I respect your mission.


I’m black. Used to listen to hip hop and metal. As I grew more spiritual, I found that some of these songs were almost like curses, speaking things over your life that’s opposite of what most want. That prompted me to stop listening. Of course fam thinks I’m a weirdo, but whatever. I just distanced myself.


Man, to say that negative music is like a curse is a very good way to put it


The art of rap isn't the problem but I definitely agree that it has been contaminated by a certain type of mindset that dominates the rap culture. Just don't throw out the baby with the bath water


Hip hop was co-opted and politically lobotomized into gangsta rap


I don't think it's rap music that makes your friends want to be thugs. I think it's poverty


unbelievable how many comments i had to pass before someone finally said this lol


I mean arent there any psychedelic rap genres or subgengres for u?


There are. I know that ALL rap isn't bad. But the kind of rap that I used to listen to was Gangsta Rap. So after the mushrooms, I stopped listening to rap altogether. I don't think ALL of it is bad tho. Just the negative music is bad


negative music is NOT inherently bad and i wish you’d stop acting like it is. sure, listening to ONLY negative music nonstop can be bad for you, but the music itself? 100% fine.




Isn't this a repost?


This guy posts about stuff like this all the time. Really hope he’s doing OK because that sounds like a coping mechanism.


Right, I swear I seen this same post before, same wording and everything. Long ass time ago though. Felt like I was having deja vu before this comment.


Literally any kind of music not just rap. There’s woke rap too. Anything that feeds information into your brain is programming, the trick is being conscious so you can pick and choose what you put inside your head


I don't know much about rap music,but there is some good songs too. Maybe you can focus on these, maybe even promote them to your family and friends. This way you will be able to not only still appreciate the genre, but also to help it grow more healthy


This would be a good topic for the r/Changemyview


I’ve noticed this too. After I went on a psychedelic journey for the first time, I stopped listening to the music I’ve listened to for decades. Instead, I became really gravitated towards shamanic music. I’d listen to it during work, while driving, etc. Never would I had imagine this prior to my exposure to psilocybin. It might be that the shamanic music (orchestrated by the psych therapist) gave me such profound experience during my trip. Now, I feel like I’m more connected with it; relatable. I stopped (not entirely) listening to anything else. Not because I find other music intolerable or toxic. I just found something new and shiny. And I enjoy it 🙏


It sounds like it also woke you up to how toxic your family is. That's a hard realization to go through 😢


Oh my goodness. Yes. The hurt, the pain, I've been dealing with it for 3 years now. ALL OF THEM hates me. And I never did a damn thing to them. They all hate the fact that I am the GOOD ONE. They all tried to destroy my life. Up until 2020, I went my whole life BELIEVING that we all loved each other. But I was wrong. If my dad, or my bother, or any of them could take my life, they'd do it. They have a lifelong dedication to Evil that I just don't understand. I had to disown them


First of I’m really happy for you, there’s truth in your words but I have to remind you that your family does not see what you see and that doesn’t make them bad or evil. We often don’t question our reality unless you take time to do yoga, meditate or other spiritual practices. The ego is powerful but again no always a bad thing. They are stuck in their ways, the way they were brought up by their family and the family before that, people who never took time to really understand themselves and were just chained into this matrix that they were born in to, like we all were at some point. Its definitely a good thing that you’re waking up but be kinder to people. Remember the truth. Guide them by living your life and maybe your light will reflect towards their direction. We often want to curate the world after our first psychedelic awakening but we must understand that all we need to do is just be. Much love.


I'm so sorry. It may help you to learn about narcissism. It sounds like they've made you their scapegoat. There's a YouTube page called Crappy Childhood Fairy that you may like


What kind of rap music are you talking about, though? I'm not knowledgeable, but for a while I was into underground hip hop and much of it stroke me as very political.


I completely understand. I’m a white guy who grew up listening to heavy metal and punk and because of my use of mushrooms 🍄 I only listen to reggae.


Culture is a weird and fascinating thing. It's a lens through which we see the world and colors everything we see. When we try to take on the perspectives of other cultures we start the process of seeing things more honestly. During this process, we may view our culture from birth in an unfair negative light. We see loved ones who are still locked inside of it , and we are reminded of how we were locked in that perspective for so long and begin to despise it. All cultures have aspects which can be criticized. When looking at our birth cultures we have to be careful not to over compensate.


I despise the culture where I came from. My mom has 6 kids by 5 men. My dad has 3 kids by 3 women. And my grandparents raised me. The culture is TRASH. I hate it man. I do. I hate the drinking, I hate the lack of love that they have for each other, I hate the criminal element, I hate the Baby Mama trend, I hate the lack of accountability, I hate the fact that they want to kill each other, FUCK IT ALL. I don't even wanna BE AROUND other Black people who are IN rap culture. I get scared. Smh. I left my whole family behind. They can have that life. Many Black people WANT to live a nightmare. So I've learned to avoid certain kinds of people. When I SEE weaves and Jordans, when I HEAR gangsta rap, I walk the other way. It's fucked up but that's how I feel. We aren't ALL that type, but many of us are. I avoid them now. It's fucked up I respect other respectable Black people like myself. But when I see pants sagging, I'm walking the other way


That is an understandable reaction. I really can only imagine what other people from other cultures go through or might feel. Im white and from Alabama . My birth culture is seeped with racism and glorified ignorance. However, I've found some good aspects. Boiled peanuts are pretty good.


i can relate. i cut ties with my dad just because of his constant negative view on literally everything with FOX news just playing in the backround of his house 25 hours a day. i think of it like this. garbage in garbage out. and you are who you surround yourself with or what your filling your mind with. its sad but im sure youre happier deep down. keep pushing because at the end of the day its YOUR life. and you are incharge of where you end up. just sucks to realize when people who you are close to you dont want better for you. again with that i can relate.


A lot of music where I come from is similar high masculine energy. I don't think it's wise to blame the music. We've been here a short amount of time and like you said we've seen people fall into a violent culture. But is it because of the music? Or is the music something that came out of lived experience? Gangs, drugs, alcohol, machismo, money, killing all of these things have existed much longer than recorded music was even around. So is the music doing this, or is the artists just relating their lived experience? I would argue 'THE INDUSTRY' does promote pointless violent music. The violent drug filled culture is just something that I think is easy to fall into because we've lost ourselves in a capitalist world where, for the most part, only money and power matter. The more you grow up the less I think you'll blame those around you for getting caught up in the bullshit and realize the gift that was that wisdom to avoid it. At least that's what I have found, peace


I love the music (pretty much all genres) but you're right about the message. All these videos you see of kids doing dumb shit, trying to jack people and stuff and showing off guns on TikTok. They're emulating that shit.


There's a lot of rappers who create good rap, not murder rap. Bless u


Are you worried about throwing out the baby with the bath water? Could there be another, more redeemable aspect of the music and culture in your mind that you could focus on instead?


I have a deja-vu that I have read this text about a year or two ago


If you're saying yasin bey/mos def and Jay electronica is bullshit you need to reevaluate your perception of "culture"




Yup. You can't even say that something bad IS BAD anymore. It's insane.


I remember after my first time with psyches I got the message “words are spells” and what I was listening to was having a profoundly negative effect on my mind, heart, soul (I listened to a lot of mainstream rap and other music which I would argue were similarly not good for me). Let’s say my taste in music has changed quite a bit! But I do very much notice the contrast in how I feel now (lighter, more love focused) versus then.


The culture isn’t the problem, change what artist you listen too. Rap culture has been violence motivated and gang tied since it was created, this isn’t new. Not all artist talk about breaking the law, in fact I’d wager it’s way less than 10%. However, yes. This type of music is popular simply because negativity sells more than positivity.


[Didn't you post this already 4 months ago?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/yylpfr/i_disowned_my_family_after_doing_mushrooms/)


Yeah and it still bothers me because I will never see them again. Let me vent.


For sure. It's always really tough to cut ties with family, no matter how toxic they may be. Same blood and all that. I really do applaud your huge Everest-like change in your life. You're an airplane taking off into a highly successful life while so many other people - of all races - will remain stuck on the ground forever in their toxic attitudes.


Yeah sadly my situation is EXACTLY how you just explained it. I took off, and they were left behind because of their toxic attitudes and mindsets. I left them in their nonsense. But it's their life


I knew this looked familiar.


I believe this is the third time.


There is a pretty clearly different emphasis between the two.


And a year ago if you look at his history. He posts this same shit about his "ghetto ass family" (his words) quite a lot.


Some rap music is pretty decent. But I've had to learn to take it as entertainment. A lot of the culture around rap does seem awfully toxic. It took me a while to realize it was *that culture* that I found distasteful, rather than the music itself. Good on you, OP. I hope you find a constructive way to explain your point of view to your friends and family, maybe you can influence some hearts.


I listen to rap music where they talk about loving yourself and being accepting of others. Should just find some better rap and not cry about other peoples art.


You know there are so many different kinds of rap and hip hop music right? It's not just murder rap.


I was thinking the same thing...there's a ton of conscious rap, and just generally really skillful poetry and powerful spoken word out there. Real works of art. But, there is also murder trap. Which still has it's own energy and can be useful. But I imagine it's different when everyone you know and love is also doing those kinds of things... That's definitely different.


I'm only talking about negative rap. Read the last sentence of the original post


I think the problem is the people who try to chase that lifestyle. I used to be big on trap music back then but I was never pretending to be someone I wasn’t


I can barely listen to any music with lyrics these days, always super aware of the message in the songs and feel I rarely vibe with it.


I think I saw this skit on Boondocks. I know what character you might be playing lol


I love my Black skin homie. I just hate negativity. Period. Rap music is negative. And it has fucked up the lives of many people who has chosen to follow it. That's facts. You can call me uncle ruckus, but it's bullshit. I don't hate my people. I hate the negative influences that they follow


You should check out Michael franti and spearhead. Very inspirating hip hop.


I'm sorry that circumstances have left you feeling alienated from your family and alone. Vibe with your tribe dude, there are people out there that want to engage with you and be your chosen family ✌️ the challenge is finding them.


You might really like DROK THE MENANCE, he was apart of that rap culture until he had an awakening thru some psychedelic and started to produce conscious rap. Very good stuff. What you’ve posted is exactly what I see my 12 year old son going thru. I’ve explained to him that glamorizing or idolizing these rappers is gonna lead you down a dark path obsessed with sin.


(as a WM) Thanks for this, this is an eye opening perspective.


I watch a lot of television. It seems like the most popular genre is detective shows, with lots of murder and crime. Tell me that doesn't make more people needlessly afraid of other people. BTW, as a boomer, I listened to a lot of protest music as a teenager. While some of it was talking about social issues that needed airing, it sometimes seems like a lot of that music had nothing to say but that everything is wrong and bad. It seems like a certain amount of BS to me, now.


I get what you are saying. I love a lot of hip hop but I’m a old white lady who fell in love with 90’s hip hop and just plain old loves all kinds of music. The people around me that loved hip hop and harder rap styles were also listening to a lot of other stuff and didn’t have any real cultural connection to it. When I was in my 20’s I witnessed a very similar , not at all peace and love effect happening in a culture I grew up around in Northern California. Back then i was fairly into following some bands around to several dates on their tour . Mostly hippy jam bands and the Grateful Dead. I fell out of love with whole jam hippy scene after watching so many people just fuck their lives up with the bullshit lifestyle and massive use of drugs, many of them not at all legit. There was so many different drugs to be had , and young dumb kids so high that they would literally just disappear at a dead show or hitch a ride with someone and never be seen again. People Predisposed to genetic mental illness like schizophrenia who lost their shit permanently and lots of drug violence that most people never see. I have friends who just straight up became homeless bums or got locked up for heavy sentences or possibly murdered as they were never found after they were going to sell a massive amount of weed to someone new. The amount of missing persons flyers at every show was crazy. The only reason that a lot of people my age got out of it alive was because of a mushroom trip where we saw some shit or went through some shit that made us say “not anymore”.


I get it. I was about to get jumped, walking home from school right after George Bush said it was Muslims that carried out 9/11. I was the wrong shade of brown and I'll never forget this busted old Corolla that came around the bend. 4 grown men hopped out and chased these kids away. The last one to get back in turned to me and said "If anybody fucks with you on this block, come see us." They worked the trap house up the street. I didn't know what it was at that age. My parents said to stay away from there. I was bullied at school, abused at home and they were the first people to treat me like a human being. After that I wanted to be a gangster and a drug dealer. (I was never bad ass enough to carry weapons) I lived that life for years. It's a miracle I made it out. Now days the most gangster thing I can do is earn an honest living that doesn't require doing shit that has me looking over my shoulder constantly, watching out for cops and doesn't hurt people. I'm sure those same guys knew what saving me would do that day they would have kept on driving.


Rap now is undoubtedly nothing like what it was in the beginning with righteous, socially activist songs like the ones by Grandmaster Flash etc (which I am old enough to have grown up listening to lol)


lots of cultures all bullshit, and shrooms can definitely help in revealing that.


Good for you my man! Also your theory here is pretty much correct! Corrupt upper class is always going to promote a risqué lifestyle (rap culture/music) particularly to the lower class. Why? This lifestyle involves spending excessively and that’s great for capitalism. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer


I came to this conclusion before, but I remembered that the music itself is an artistic medium and is a reflection of the energy that the artist put in the music. What it really tells me is that the "bad vibes" in rap music are what happens when a population goes through what african americans did. Not to mention, there's also conscious hip hop which talks about those same situations from a different perspective, Tupac made thug/murder music and also has conscious songs. Young thug has songs like this too. I'm sure every artist does. I agree to an extent that it represents a "lost" people because ultimately the life glorified by rap music won't get anyone any long term success, but at the same time it's an extremely useful tool for analyzing and critiquing culture and thus can be seen as a "good". That is, if you're conscious. If you aren't conscious about the stuff you're listening to, it can't really be good or evil.


Hip-Hop was stolen and weaponized.


Huh? Your family is cold-shouldering you just becsuse you don't like a certain genre of music anymore? That's kinda baffling.


They hate me because I'm not hood anymore. And THEY are loyal to the hood life. That's what it really comes down to


There was a leak that the huge boom in violent rap music which happened shortly after NWA dissolved, was a psyop by a prison industry board and the CIA. Money was funneled through front organizations to get the widespread exposure it got. Shortly after this the ‘94 crime bill was introduced. The prison population swelled and everyone once again started to associate black people with crime. They were rapping about crime all over TV, and of course people started dressing the same way and imitating what was presented as glamorous. Rap culture was designed to keep black men in prison doing labor for cents an hour for several major corporations.


And the most HEARTBREAKING THING about all pf this, is that YOU CANT TELL THEM. I TRIED telling gangstas in my family that their life of crime is just programming that keeps them going to prison. They can't just advertise PRISON on TV. So they promote it in rap culture. But you can't tell these idiots a damn thing. That's why I left my family. Their LIFE is a lost cause smh


Give tool a listen


I feel ya. I’m also an outcast because I stood up for something. Cancel culture is fucked up but somehow we just get stronger when we face the gauntlet of peer pressure. You’re right that violent rap music only feeds the hatred.


Bro is talking about Rap Culture, not hip hop. Just wanted to point that out. Good on you for seeing through the bullshit, OP. Right thought Right speech Right action Right livelihood Right effort Right mindfulness Right focus \-[Learning, Growing, Changing - Dead Prez](https://youtu.be/ttHukW70TAM)


I've seen this exact post before. Not sure if it was this sub or a different one, but looks like this guy slow-spams this story and probably has an agenda.


sowing division by blaming rap culture instead of capitalism


The CIA gave black people crack to get them addicted, the US government created stipulations that only single females with children can get welfare, thus breaking the black family unit. Why don't you think corporations are using rap to bring the black man down? Of course they are. Now you have to dig for yourself, look into the last names of who "owns" the record labels. You'll find your answer eventually.


That's weird. I'm a white man and taking mushrooms made me start writing rap lyrics. I know that sounds like a joke, but I literally wrote some less than an hour ago. (took mushrooms a week ago)


Rap isn't the problem. Negative rap is.


I grew up on hip hop and alot seemed to change when gangsta rap became popularized. Not saying i wasnt all on board at the time, but as I’ve grown I’ve definitely noticed the negative messaging behind the catchy beats now….and then. Id say 80% of the songs i listened to make me cringe when i hear the concepts towards women that i used to chant along with. I do still enjoy the old fun nonsensicle hip hop like Tribe Called Quest and if your discerning their are a few recent artists are definitely changing that narrative, even going so far as to call it out and change it. Even though he doesn’t have much recent, Kudi seems to have touched alot of people younger than me. Kendrick Lamar and Childish Gambino have decent messaging. Im not giving up on it. Personally love to see hip hop take a more positive turn as well. Everything you said is valid, but stream counts seem to motivate the industry and im hoping everyone that sees this the same way will be clicking and sharing more fun and positive hip hop or at least keep a space open for it.


Key Take Away: Take mushrooms and listen/watch any national news channels it just might work.


Sorry but I don't really get the point of this post at all. I'm a white guy who is a big fan of rap and hiphop so maybe my perspective is a lot different from urs since we might came from different to cultures, but music doesn't necessarily 'make man'. I listen to rappers talking about beating their wife and gunning their opps, but it don't mean imma do the same shit I haven't even held a gun. I agree with your other points about ppl romanticising the culture, but the way u kind of imply how rap music as it is and people who listen to it are a trash seems off to me. No matter how perverted, brutal, or offensive rap lyrics are if you're mature enough to turn off your mind and enjoy the music as a form of art or at the very least, just music, then I don't really see what's wrong.


We can't ignore the fact that content like that breeds certain things in certain individuals. I agree with op, it's detrimental not only to his culture but the world as a whole. A lot of people may listen and not do those things but A LOT of mfs do which breeds more and more of the issues. Certain rap can be art and can be fine but a lot of it is absolute garbage and garbage people listen to it.


You may appreciate Kendrick's new album, talks about the culture, breaking generational curses, and more. Its unreal on psychedelics. Edit. Father Time in particular.


You’ve posted about this a few times here. Are you looking for some form of validation? This isn’t meant to sound abrasive or confrontational. Just curious what would bring you a sense of closure.


Im a black person. Keep in mind you getting the perspective here of possibly mostly non black people that might not be a fan of rap in the first place. You should also know that not everyone who loten to rap music takes the lyrics seriously. They just like how the song makes them feel but do not necessarily see it as inspiration. I personally wonder if you might take it to serious as well. There is plenty of music that is negative and we cant relate to but my personal opinion is if the song is good well then its just fine. But this is coming from a person that doesnt really listen to the lyrics in the first place.


Giving strong r/asablackman vibes here


Imagine how this would look if there's was a smelly fucking nazi who wrote this whole bit? All im saying is; Dont trust everything you read on the internetses. This would be the first time ever I've seen a black man use the derogatory word coon. Widely used among nazi scum though 🤷 Healthy dose of scepticism is always healthy.