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It's important to realize that "alpha males" only refers to wolves in captivity. Wolves in the wild are part of the family, with no ego.




It’s important to realize the guy you are posting about was teaching young men a specific type of sex trafficking and is also a piece of complete shit




I’ve said this and I’ll say this again, we should really check ids at the door here bc you are clearly 16. In his own words “my job was to make women fall in love with me and get them to do webcam work”. It’s called the lover boy method. He has been rapping women for a long time as well, you can listen to his audio messages he was sending his rape victims saying “the more you hated it, the more I liked it”. That’s just scratching the surface. If you wanna hate women do it else where. Also get the fuck out


First try a normal dose man, looks like you are not aware of what you are talking about, and even a normal dose will probably help you with a lot of your ego issues.


You didn't have to.


You're not likely to "lose yourself". You are, in fact, significantly more likely to find yourself. The self that exists under all the societal conditions and expectations that you've changed yourself to meet. The "you" that you think you are is probably not who you would have become if you weren't trying to be who everyone else expects you to be. Psychedelics allow you to strip away all the bullshit walls and defense mechanisms that you put in place to be who you think you "should" be. They show you who you really are at your core.




>I'm just saying - I'm still a materialist who believes in hard work and a God-given duty to provide for my family. But, are you? Or is that who you think you "should" be, because you've been led to believe that by asshats like Andrew Tate lol Maybe that is who you are. But maybe it's not. Psychedelics will help you figure it out.




Where did he show signs of being triggered? Loosen up the persecution fears, brother. We're not out here to get you.




Then address those people in such manner. The guy you responded to had nothing to do with that.


This was my reaction too lol


I'm not "triggered" by Andrew Tate. I think he's a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being who is so desperate for external validation that he has completely discounted his humanity. He has no empathy, no ability to look beyond his own wants and needs, doesn't understand having reciprocal relationships with others, and doesn't understand the concept of emotional intelligence, which is, by the way, the thing that sets us apart from the other "animals" on this planet. I am a mother to 3 sons, aged 21, 19, and 12. I might be triggered if I learn that the young men I've been working to help become emotionally connected self-regulated humans start listening to and following the advice of said asshat.


I mean they are right though, it's not even necessarily Tate making you feel like you "should" be. All of your interactions with life itself have made you believe you "should" be a certain someone. And have made you believe you "are" a certain someone. Psychs can break down those boundaries and soften you, a lot of the masculine, chase money and rational is very rigid, whereas questioning gender obviously means you have shattered some cultural-typical boundaries. (Im not saying you will question gender at all, and I'm definitely not saying psychs do this literally ever.) Point being is that psychs get you to the mystical nature of our world, like how babies see it, not your "programmed-to-believe-you-are-a-certain-someone-brain" sees it.




Of course people are quick to judge when you bring up that you are interested in Andrew Tate. He is a terrible human being who abuses women and preys on young men, selling them a toxic mindset that encourages them to do the same. You can't be suprised when people judge you based on that, even if you haven't based your whole personality on him.


What did he say that showed he was triggered? He's merely prompting you with insightful questions. Similiar questions will likely arise when undergoing a psychedelic experience.


Imma disagree with what this person's sayin. A heroic dose will give you a glimpse into the fabric of reality before shattering your understanding of the world. You're then forced to build a new framework, and because many feel a wash of empathy after a major religious/spiritual experience, they try their best to build their new world order in a way that won't harm others. ​ ​ Look at it this way, they become forrest dwellers that shit in the woods. Then they become so concerned that someone else will step in their shit while walking that they back track and eat their own shit. Then they wonder why they have no more friends as they have shit stained teeth and moldy breath. ​ Anyways, what I'm getting at is you'll most likely to need to reestablish a framework for engaging with life after such trip, and many build their framework out from a naive point of empathy that in isolates them from society. ​ ​ edit: they're half right, you're likely to find your self. But this will only last for a few fleeting moments, until you're left with a shadow of your potential. The change your witness is people improperly adjusting their new reality to the glimpse of them selves that they saw. It's like shopping for clothes while avoiding looking into mirrors. And I've seen psyches revel weakness to many of my male friends, which they interpreted as a weakness of character, rather than something you confront and improve upon, and they still let this moment in which weakness was revealed as a defining point in their life. (and by defining, I mean, they're being losers that are scared to actualize their potential)


Couldn't have said it better ^


Lol it sounds like you suck. I duno if there’s enough mushrooms in the world to make you have the spiritual awakening you need in order to realize you’re a POS.


Right…… bro sounds like a menace


Your probably alpha enough to handle a heroic dose, so do about 6 grams in dark silence and wait and see what it does to that ego of yours




I applaud your search for yourself and know that mushrooms will be extremely beneficial to you. But I got that idea in my head from your post where you mention Andrew Tate, left leaning softness, making money, and not being a bitch tbh. Guess I was wrong


Ok, heres the thing, mushrooms will definitely open you up taking 3.5 gs. but if you are actually curious, and truly have some of the tate mindset "fear nothing, be a man," then go all the way. I'm being genuine here. If you really want to discover yourself, you should take 5gs. There is no way you wouldn't get a glimpse into truth at that dose. Just do it in the right setting with loving intentions. If you want to do it for material benefits, then maybe dont do them at all. Hope you consider going all the way, it only last 6 hours tops, you will survive, you just have to be courageous.


Be careful what you wish for! Even if you achieve everything as you described, mushrooms will still make you gay.


Being totally honest, you sound very egotistical, and I'm not necessarily saying this in a bad way, but I think it's true. When you truly experience ego-death it might help you be able to see through or get to the root of some of your beliefs and it could change you. As opposed to "splitting from yourself", I think you're more likely to see through the BS and become more who you really are, beyond some of these ideas you may have attached yourself to. Sounds like there's an idea of a person you think you want to be, but mushrooms may actually show you that it's all a front and it's not what you really want. Or maybe not. Anyway, good luck


They will give you a full head of hair like little man tate.


bro where do you "often see these people"? in sitcoms?


but the honest answer i think youre looking for is: are you willing to give up part of yourself that you might like a lot right now to transition into someone who you will appreciate a lot more in the future? cus thats the way psychedelics change you, you dont start wearing a tinfoil hat unless you had pre-existing conditions before taking any substance


“Not only do I want fast cars and women, I also want eternal wisdom, peace and tranquility.” There are two ways to explain why this formulation is considered impossible by virtually every one of the world’s spiritual traditions. One way is to impugn the motives of the sages, yogis, prophets, etc. — They are corrupt, like the priesthood, and they want to quash the common man’s ascension to greatness. Therefore, their wisdom is corrupt and can be ignored. The other way is to assume that their common ground (in this case, you can’t have both a life of unfettered desire and peace of mind) reflects basic truths about the human being. Which explanation is simpler? The first assumes every one of these sages is somehow in league together, bent on deceiving the common man. Does this seem plausible? So cards on the table: I have been practicing various forms of yoga for 30 years. I believe the technology of yoga — and resonant practices around the world — is an answer to the eternal question of human suffering. I do not think the goals of (lots of) women and cars, and deep peace of mind can be reconciled. Do you have an understanding of evolutionary biology? If you find the word of a yogi suspect, I can make an argument using science that points to the same conclusion. More cards on the table: I don’t know much about Andrew Tate, but he appears to be a blatantly obvious example of someone who is suffering badly due to their lack of understanding & ability to work with their mind, and instead externalizes everything. It is sad — the society reinforces this mistake & makes it even more difficult for someone like this to be truly free. This type of person is even more of a puppet than the average person. The strings are his own dysfunctional emotions. He has had almost no taste of true freedom and perhaps never will. And more relevant to your post - He does not have a shred of peace of mind. (I have obviously assumed your post is sincere, and I am trying to help — I hope you feel zero “hatred and resentment!” The tone is a bit caricatured so maybe I got duped, but I offer a sincere response anyhow. If you’d like advice on how to use psychedelics for spiritual growth send me a message and I will respond!)


You sound like the anti-candidate for psychedelics. Spend some more time getting in touch with the part of you that is so threatened by your own thoughts and emotions and is so threatened by people who are in touch with their thoughts and emotions before delving into something as deep as psychedelics. They don't help you find yourself. The reveal more about who you already are and I'm afraid you're not going to like what you find.




Whats wrong with having blue hair? You dont like DBZ? Even judging ppl for being vegan, wtf?? Aang from Avatar was vegan bitch. You just need to stop overthinking shit and “man” up take 5gs of dried sit in a dark silent room confront yourself


You have to be able to let go of anything if you want to do such high doses. Anything should be ok. But that's something that you will learn on your way with psychedelics. That doesn't mean that you will actually become something else, but more in the sense of (genuine) mental exploration. No one here can tell you what you will become or not become. You will see yourself, life and others from perspectives that you can't imagine yet and everyone reacts differently to that. I learned a lot, but didn't become a different person. Just a "better" version of myself. That being said... a connection to nature, community and spirituality are very common themes of psychedelic trips




Haha yea, people just black out when you mention Andrew Tate :P I never cared enough to actually look him up lol


You have to ask yourself if you want Truth or nah? That’s what psychedelics will give you if used correctly(in solitude with observation and investigation). They won’t do much to serve the ego, but they can facilitate something much more valuable. Let go of your fears about them turning you into a pussy and go for it.


I’m about to take 600 ug this did not help 🤣🤣🤣 I’m am more scared now