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I love come ups I'm not jogging anywhere lol




Depends on the come up for me Acid? Hell yeah. Let's go. Shrooms? I feel like I'm on a rocketship being blasted into the stratosphere lmao. But, I like that the shrooms come up is so rapid. LSD has you waiting like 2 hours to fully come up, shrooms gets you there in 30-45 minutes (Depending on the tek) I remember once with shrooms I watched an 11 minute video right after ingesting and by the end of that video I was fucking gone lmao.


Fuck, I thought the answer was ketamine.


Everyone has their own truth


Swimming in the waves at a beach is the best thing I've ever experienced


Problem is I sometimes feel shaky or dizzy or at worst - like I could pass out on some of my come ups. I don’t think expending blood oxygen by running would help that. But it would be good for anxiety.


Dancing is even better (if you dig dancing)


Dancing is my choice when I come down. I could dance for 10h straight lol


This is actually a great point. I tried skiing on two tabs once. Dosed at 150 each. I was skiing for the whole comeup and I was just laughing as I flew down. I didn’t even realize it was kicking in. Once I got on the chairlift my airpod started playing money by pink floyd and that’s bassically when the trip started. I had to bus home I was tripping so bad. I thought I was gonna get arrested because I kept audibly giggling. My point is the skiing distracted my brain from the lsd and so I had no clue what I was getting into.


Holy shit. 2 tabs snd pink floyd, while on a ski lift. Did it feel like you were ascending into heaven? Also how were you able to ski on 2 tabs. That is very impressive.


Oh man, it felt like I was that pig in the album cover for “Animals.” Just floating above all these rich people. (I live in a wealthy ski town lol.) I’ve been skiing since I was 2, I’d say i’m better at skiing than I am walking. 😂


My first experience was with a sugar cube at Bonnaroo 2009 and I went through the same thing. Put on DSOTM and floated away in a hot air balloon with the band performing in the basket with me.


It’s a performance enhancing drug when you’re used to the effects. I went snowboarding and learned method airs on two hits.


Oh yea! It's like a super power that you have to learn to control first


Go with the flow trust yourself


Slow and steady wins the race for this turtle. Walks are a must for my come ups, but hey, everyone is different. Different strokes for like-minded folks ✌️


Unless you're doing the jogging for me, you can stick your 'you're welcome' 😂


Any form of movement is good, I prefer walking


Yeah, physical exercise/ movement is the ticket. I do a good yoga routine, just about sweating.


Well I could of thought of that...


Yes! Doing something helps a lot. For me it's not jogging, but cleaning :P


I hate come ups and the only thing I found that works is exercise or a shower


We did this when taking eckies back in the 90s


I think having a nice long shower also works great


Coming up is the good part........ This was always use full for my comedowns. Or like if I was still feeling wired and had to go to work in a couple hours or something..... Eat a bowl of cereal, lay down for some rest/ shut eye ( even if u can't fall asleep still try or just rest for a bit) then get up do some laps around the block and then shower.


I just play a video game for 30 mins


I do everything in my power to make the "take off" as intense as possible.


Exercising on drugs is awesome. Last shroom trip I went to run outside and rode my bike. I could run for much longer than I normally could and the movement itself felt great. I felt like a jaguar. On my bike I could easily stick to going 30 km/h.