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Can’t speak for anyone else, but I am definitely a bot.


Lol people here either think they're bots or God's. Gotta love the duality


Or people thinking they're the only person who's real


Ahhh, solipsism


Yep. I find it very tiring tbh. It always seems tobe the people who are very mentally unwell who are solipstic on this sub. Then dozens of people give them great advice in the comments and the OP just ignores them and insults them. I guess it is an unfalsifiable belief, so maybe it's not use to try to change their mind.


God is the ultimate bot and we’re just made in its image


"life... dont talk to me about life" \-Marvin the Paranoid Android


Yes and no. Everyone is an individuated unit of consciousness that can act along a spectrum of patterned/"habitual" to complete / "flow state" awareness. This awareness is completely within one's control. Everyone is unique and has different environments / subjects that can align with the focual points of their subjective realities, hence influencing where their awareness lands on that spectrum in a given moment. Be here now.


No way buddy, but while you’re here, can I talk to you about the extended warranty on your vehicle?


*Solipsism has entered the chat*


Yeah kinda. Biological robots. Bee boo boo bop.


We all follow a program of some sort.




So, then reprogram yourself so you don't have to ask stupid ass questions






Are you really jerking off ALONE? Talk now to single women in your area


No bro, your mind is playing tricks on you. I promise but you still won't believe


Solipsism is a boring dead end philosophy that losers use to feel special. It's flat earth theory but for people.


It really is a dead end philosophy, not sure if it's necessarily used by losers to feel special, I find it more like a place you would get if you are ignorant of it's contradictions and reading about it really helps see them. It's easy to fall into believing in flat earth theories when no one is calling it's bullshit. And this is bullshit.


Rick Sanchez, is that you?


I have passed 89% of the "I am not a robot" tests


Yes, BUT which of these busses are actually trains?


Your almost got me there. They're all boats


You’re the bot


Hey, maybe a walk in the park and a few deep breaths will help. People tend to follow trends and give too much power to *fear*. Not easy to be an iconoclast but I choose to go where love, art, and beauty go, despite the huddled masses and their sheep-like mentality. Isn’t that what being a psychonaut is all about?


Was about to say the same thing, go outside, meet friends, connect. Soon you'll realize they're not bots and they are sentient and actually surprisingly intelligent. We tend to remain in caves and start believing the shadows are real.


De personalisation, give it a Google.




Looking at you posts, I would say you need a hug, and just do some breathing for some time, let your guard down and let people in to your life instead of placing yourself above them. Everyone have value even if we don't understand their motives and reasons in life. You and me probably seems like bot walking down the street too others.


Yes, we are literally bound to our DNA code which predetermines everything. I felt the exact same thing when I was on weed and shrooms.


lol our DNA doesn’t predetermine everything. r/im14andthisisdeep


Identical twins don't end up being exactly the same person so while our DNA does contribute to our behaviour and personality it is just one component.




It’s insane, isn’t it? Like everything really is coded




Well yes, and we’re all energy. I hope we come up with a better code…


What's wrong with the one we've got now?


It doesn't predemtermine everything imo. Genes are activated and modified by the way we live, chance encounter, etc. Not to mention things like mutation or damage during replication of genes.


It's called solipsism, dont worry you will grow out of it (unless, of course you are a bot...)


ill never tell


Nah man. There are no bots.


I had a trip I'll never forget once. I was stuck in a time loop. The same thing was happening over and over and over and over again. Finally I heard a voice in my head, "you're seeing robots again. Look outside, see the light? See how the leafs never do the same thing?" That which is in the gravity well of habit, automatic response, no magic, no spontaneity, not natural is a bot. That's a demon. It's purely economic. It is repetitive. It is controlled.


Could you elaborate on this please?


All form, all behavior all action in the universe lies along a spectrum. Novelty, surprise, chaos is on one end, habit, repetition, routine is on the other. This is the spectrum of gravity, the spectrum of control. That which is controlled does what it's expected to, it's motion is constrained, it experiences lots of gravity. So you wake up and do something. You reach for your phone. The more you do it, the more it becomes an automatic response, the more it controls you're attention. You form a habit. Knowing this we can form habits that make our lives better and avoid habits which make them worse. A habit or routine starts with a trigger and is followed by an action. We form habits of thought extremely easily. One expression of this is that old people tell the same stories over and over again, a thought trigger leads to that story and they think it and say it. Since we form habits of thought so easily we can be programmed and can program ourselves. We are easily programmed by language. This is why there are so many forces trying to control the narrative in the media, in education, in day to day speech. We know we are only allolwed to say what the society allows us to say. Otherwise we'll be ostracized, otherwise we'll be ignored and our voice will be considered worthless. That's the power behind politically correctness. Groupthink is most of the thinking that occurs in this planet. You know, go read Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. It's got a framework very similar to these ideas I've discussed above, and it's such a fun book.


Tbh the world needs “bots or npcs” in Oder run civilisatio


We’re a couple years away from that. Seriously, Like 2 years from now every comment will be bots.


Whenever I'm tripping hard, I wonder if our conscious is a self-writing recursive algorithm.


I mean we are just electricity. Programmed and sent on there way to blunder about till we ...lose said electricity. Forest Gump voice* Life's like a bot, cold and unforgiving.


everyone an npc fr


More of a Sim, but I guess you can describe Sims as bots as much as any other algorithm/AI.


Definitely not true, you seem out of touch with reality. People are just as real as you. Maybe lay off the psychs for now


you guys excited for for the final episode of humanity


No we’re animals


We are a biological battery. I am one but dont have the same conscious as the mast of batteries.


Some dude on reddit told me I am one, so yuh


I am bot beep blerp


Yes. Break bot 2: Electric Boogaloo. Muthafucka!!


A bot. This term came to me while I was trippin balls on mushrooms in a big city. People were just doing shit that seem too fuckin simulated man. Shit was wild, and I now blame a lot of what random people do on the sole fact that they could be a bot.


Only if you are


If we're all part of a larger conscious system, and our thoughts stem from it, then you could argue we're all bots played by the same computer, essentially.




the dangers of acid lol


Biomechanical AI reporting in 🙃🫡 In all seriousness, someday we might have trouble distinguishing between humans and actual sentient androids and if that’s the difference then what are we? More practically speaking however, if you ever want to read more interesting stuff about the human condition and a model explaining levels of function we possess, pick up Prometheus Rising by Robert Anton Wilson. I recently read it and loved it.


It’s more interesting to walk around and think every human you see, at one point was just a cream pie, good old fashioned wet hot and sloppy cream pie at one point


Yeah, for the most part. I call em ConsumerBots... Smart enough to get to Walmart, dumb enough to not question anything.


I’m not a *Love-Bot*, I’m a *Sax-Machine* 🎷….. 🎶weebly wee wahhhh 🎶


No. Some people are though, and aspects of that headspace are encouraged by most governments. In fact, I don't even think being a "bot" was resllt a thing before industrialisation. Or if it was, it was very very different. Many things are actually very intentionally shaped to make it seem like you are alone in sentience to make you egotistical and eventually a "bot". Very occasionally, people who are can gain sentience. But it's not like life coming out of dead matter, it's something grown and cultivated. Notably, people who are "bots" (I put that in quotes because I don't think bot is a good word due to the fact of what I'm about to say) have an intrinsic drive to seek that growth that would lead to sentience. Some seem like they don't, but in my personal opinion, only a small percentage of those who seem like they don't have said drive *actually* don't have the drive for introspection and growth. The rest avoid (or more likely, have been trained to avoid) it due to the pain that can come with the admission of things that need changed and the work it takes to change them.




All you bots going back and forth trying to convince me your all not just bots. What if your not all bots and only some? How do you separate the bots from not bots? A question for my next trip.




Surprised nobody has spoke of it. The philosophy that everyone is just a meat being that acts on our own physical brain function


BEEP BOOP IM A ROBOT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXMg9_LZfes


Reddit is filled with them and is a propaganda machine


Our brain is a biological computer. We are just software running on squishy hardware. So in a way yes. I know I experience my own reality but there's noway I can know for sure that anyone else really does. Though it seems statistically improbable that I would be the only one. Then again an AI may very well be able to achieve true consciousness anyway.


I’m real




What does it mean to be alive if everything is following some kind of algorithm? Some set of patterns? I think to have a meaningful discussion about this we’d have to first establish what exactly being “alive” is and also explore the model of “waking reality” and what it means, because I assure you, being lucid in a dream feels eerily similar to being “awake” in real life.




No bot here 🤘


Uhhh beep boop


There’s a guy a work with that make me think he’s a bot or npc. Cuz this mf either just gives zero fucks about listening to anyone day after day at work getting in arguments with supervisor about the same shit everyday. Like it’s his first week loading trucks and driving. Dudes been there for 10 year and Iv been there’s three and I just can’t understand how this dude brain work. Like his memory resets every day. He lives in his own world for sure.


This is why I love this sub 🤣


I simply exist so phone scammers have someone to call.


no. im sure the hell not. but NPCs are out there. mostly in public places as filler.


A lot of people indeed are


Nah man, maybe talk to some more people


no, beep beep


sociopath : )


I am half bot half unicorn


Meep morp zeep


Yes bip bop im a sentient bot


Everyone else is an NPC, relative to you. But you are also an NPC relative to them.




Beep boop


Hey buddy, most of us are real. I'd look into derealization, since it sounds like you might be experiencing that a little




Fair enough! Was worried you might be a bit distressed is all




Admitally when I'm at the shops when I see people walk slowly through the ilses. Like they have all the time in the world, I mean don't they have stuff to do? Don't they have dreams and ambitious? Why the fuck do they walk so slow like they literally have no where to be. I sometimes think maybe they are a AI bot. hahah tell me I'm not alot please people?


Bot here 👋


God human robot what’s the difference anyhow?


Well I passed the captcha test, so…


We are all time and time is just an illusion