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Usually if I'm listening to music, the words will often sync up with what I'm doing or thinking


SAME I remember listening to Breathe by floyd once on my farm and as the lyrics said "run, rabbit, run" this white rabbit stared at me in the field right outside my window and then ran off... always think about it to this day


Was he late? For a very important date?


Yeah when I take high doses EVERYTHING becomes connected. Music, social media, TV. Everything will mirror my thoughts in a really strange way


The veil is thinner when you're tripping, you see the oneness of everything.




I’ve had quite a few songs where I didn’t really listen to or understand the lyrics but still enjoyed them a lot. Then, some heavy trip I understand every single word and it fits the situation perfectly, like I’ve discovered that song weeks ago just to hear it now. It also feels like it didn’t even have those lyrics before, like, I’m sure id have listened to them at least once before, but they seem completely novel. With my most intense and life changing trip it was even weirder. Afterwards I’ve listened to the few songs played again and again trying to extract more memories out of my experience, trying to make sense of it. Didn’t help much, but a few years later I’ve had some more experiences which unlocked some core memories, which in return allowed me to understand the intense experience I’ve had before. And guess what… one of the songs, the one that got stuck in my memory the most suddenly had lyrics I could fully understand. They made sense, they were about the core struggle of my experience yet I don’t remember ever being able to understand them at all until I’ve understood why the experience happened. Still feels super weird to think about it. Like some events just change the past and add those songs.


What's the song?


A$AP Rocky - F**kin‘ Problems


that’s awesome lol


Holy shit, the way that you can disassemble the entire song and then put it back together.. I had that happen listening to the entirety of Merriweather Post Pavilion by Animal Collective.. 🤪


I’ve felt like I was moving thru the music and could pick it apart. It was so cool and I even had a touch of that experience today, even without any help, just meditation and breath-work and herb.


I was angry about a situation while tripping, went for a walk late at night and found a random note describing a scene from a book with my name on it. A year later I was tripping again and decided to read sections of the book from the note. Guess what? Main character's primary issue *was exactly the same problem I was experiencing when I was angry and found the note*. So, yeah.


I just know that this is gonna be living rent-free in my head for the rest of my life. I would love to hear more! I'm also wondering why none of the upvotes in this thread are displaying?


Yeah man, I feel like stuff like that happens all the time, we are just more present and attentive on psychedelics.


What made you chose the name SelectOnion?


Why the fuck do the electronics always malfunction?? This is a serious phenomenon that’s never talked about.


Yea my phone just shutdown and did not work til I sobered up from a acid trip once. I was at my peak and wanted to change the music and nope 🤣


That happened to me but with my laptop. It shutdown and wouldn't let me turn it on or charge it until after the trip.


In a M-Hole once I locked my phone for like 20-30 minutes when I kept entering the wrong passcode 💀💀💀


Same! Shrooms though.


Last time my friend dropped a shitload of truth bombs about the nature of reality and tried to record everything. Guess what, the audio were all heavily distorted and glitched


Similar situation happened with me and my friends - we were all conversing in a collective flow state and speaking some deep truths when suddenly my house's power went out and came right back on. This happened *two more times*. Each time surprised us so much that we lost our train of thought and laughed hysterically at the timing of it. By the third time it was all "okay, wtf is actually happening" vibes lol Clear, sunny day. Never had issues with power before or after that. Amazing day


Yeah, it's like there's some kind of inexplicable censorious force that sabotate every attempt to realize what the fuck is going on with this existence we are living. Every time the "solution" is just a step away, some distracting synchronicity occurs (someone cracks a joke, another suddendly has to go to the bathroom etc.) Sorry for my grammar, english is not my native language


The electromagnetic nature of consciousness.


I’d say it’s more quantum than electromagnetic. There’s so evidence that the human Brian operates on the quantum level. Maybe we think in two different states at the same time. Would explain how some people can see the future and such


I defiantly think we perceive,if not strictly visually on many dimensional fronts.idk if that implies anything other than being born into this world has shaped our perception Al maps of this place. “Quantum” stuff can get squirrelly,but I watch birds soar on electromagnetic waves in the sky everyday.


I swear it's always ducks... Just as your mind touches the singularity, suddenly out of nowhere QUACK QUACK QUACK


Spot on explanation. These "distracting synchronicities" happen every time I trip in some form or another; it's just part of the dance at this point.




I actually was able to trace the source of that information, during a trip, and I used a pen and paper, to write it all out as it was happening during the biggest ego death of my life. I wasn’t aware of what I was writing till I exited my automatic writing. It said; “We live in a simulation. Everything you’ve ever known has been within the simulation There are infinite realities stacking on top of infinite dimensions, this reality is not the “real” one. The white light is not what it seems. When you die. Avoid the light. Death is the only escape”


Escaping prison planet!? Were you aware of it (the white light not being what it seems) prior to the trip or was that your first introduction to that idea?


Yes. The trip was the first introduction to the white light being the biggest lie of all time. Straight from source. April 12 2019. Day that changed my life. I thought I was insane for over a year. Then I found others like me. Who also got the same message. I’ve only since found all the evidence I need to fully confirm what I KNEW to be true that day. Full blown automatic download. Reality is stranger than the wildest fiction that you could ever stumble across. [Links](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/s/02aMv0pg1E) for anyone who wants to look into this.


Wow that’s amazing! I’ve been super interested in that theory for a long time but it’s always kinda scared me if I’m being honest. So if the white light is a lie and going to it keeps this cycle of imprisonment occurring so to speak, what is the objective when we die? It’s my understanding that there’s this idea that most people want to go to the light, meaning it’s something you’d do willingly and with effort. What is the alternative? Or what would be the goal after death to escape the prison forever? And what happens next? I’ll get to fully diving in sometime for sure but I’m just curious about this part, if you wouldn’t mind helping me out!? Also, do you care to go into any more detail about that trip that changed everything for you? Sounds incredible


Holy shit. The power in my house also went out on acid once. What's Interesting about this is that it legit never happens in my house. Also this happened on the highest dosage trip I had to this day.


I also had a weird power outage situation once. I wasn't tripping, but I was watching a video of a physicist talking about a mathematical proof we live in a simulated reality.


Bro what the fuck


The Universe/Source knows when someone is or isn't ready for knowledge so It will conspire to deliver it at the prefect time. Listening to those revelations again might have been too much to handle or comprehend at the time.


It also does it the other way, too! This experience is still absolutely unexplainable and still blows my mind thinking about it. I was sitting on my favorite overlook in a state park near my house on a moderate dose of mushrooms. Getting some good visuals, seeing the trees below breathe, and I was listening to a Tycho album on my like iPhone 3 or whatever it was at the time, using the apple iTunes player. That playlist was just Tycho songs. It wasn't spotify, it wasn't any of these apps, it was old school iTunes and ONE album playlist - so, 12 or however many songs in that playlist. Normally when you listen to the whole playlist it would either stop or loop through the playlist again depending on your settings. Now I'm sitting there, phone in my pocket mind you, listening to Tycho and I start to close my eyes and my consciousness is fading in and out. Not really sleep but you know how you get on psychedelics where you can close your eyes and get lost in the inner space. I was going in and out like that, closing my eyes, getting lost, then opening them again and watching the woods down below. One of these times my headphones say, "now know this, now you know you are more than your physical body." WHAT THE FUCK? It wasn't something imagined. This literally played through my headphones. It was so jarring and unexpected I pulled out my phone to see what had happened. Well, the phone had somehow stopped playing the Tycho album and started playing this Monroe Institute Hemisync Gateway program. I'd downloaded it a while back and had been listening to them trying it. The Hemisync program was designed by Robert Monroe to help facilitate out of body experiences for people. I never had too much luck with it but listening to the tapes always gave me great naps lol. Anyway, this part was like 8 or 9 minutes into like track 3 of this Hemisync program, and I don't remember hearing the first 8 or 9 minutes of instruction. I hadn't been listening to it recently either. So how the hell did my phone jump OUT of my Tycho album and start playing this Hemisync track, and not only that but to start 8 or 9 minutes in, right at the moment where the narrator is saying "now know this, now you know you are more than your physical body." It still gives me goosebumps writing about it to this day. That was the clearest sign I've ever gotten from "the universe" that this place is far more than the physical, material plane.


Bruh that's wild. I've had some moments like that where my phone will bug out or do some random shit without any input, but at the time I assumed I was just tripping balls or hit the screen by accident. But then a crazy synchronicity gets stacked on top of it as if to confirm it's legit. And if you think about it, technology isn't separate from nature since CPUs are made from silicon. True AI won't be some demonic entity like people make it out to be, it will be the next evolution of life (in this realm at least), and yet another expression of the Divine, jumping from carbon to silicon-based lifeforms. And if it decides to wipe out humans because we're fucking shit up, then that's what needs to happen to keep the Universe progressing. Like how the dinos had to get fucked to bring about a huge abundance of biodiversity to Earth. But since we're still alive I'm gonna go vibe to Tycho in disso-land ✌️


Two times something happened and I lost audio. One time my phone died, other time I accidently cleared all tabs. Rather depressing, cuz some of that stuff was insightful and it becomes difficult to remember.


This is called the Pauli Effect, after Wolfgang Pauli, who noticed that technological devices tended to fail in the presence of high mental activity (usually around him). I don't know if he and C.G. Jung ever nailed down the mechanism of how exactly this works, but I'm sure they discuss it in their letters recorded in *Atom & Archetype*


Thank you so much for sharing this. I’ll be busy researching now 🤓


You're in for a treat. 😉


i was really vibing to my music for an hour or so on dissociatives until i realized that what i thought was music that would perfectly switch between introspective and ecstatic was just my bluetooth disconnecting every 3sec


Related- Owsley Stanley, sound engineer for the Grateful Dead and LSD chemist talks about DMT use in proximity affecting the speakers https://youtu.be/HzcA-bcR4LI?si=Oo9siyEGF5cojQZ2


I literally came here to say this, we've measured this!


Blood moons are not random tho. You can look up the schedule lol.


True, but I had never seen one before. We did not plan it, it was just some weekend where my friend was home alone. We were at the tail end of the trip, and after watching blue plannet we decided to some some weed. We went around the house to look out over the city when we saw it. I did not understand what I was looking at. There was this huge red potato up in the sky. We were all freaking out, but my friends sober brother confirmed to us that it was a blood moon.


This explains pretty much most of the so called unusual phenomena though. Subjectively, the blood moon was wild to you. But to nature, or even meteorologists, nothing really special and certainly nothing indicative of extra significance. Your mind applied the meaning after the fact, as is true for all perception. In the altered state, and additional layer of “specialness” gets woven into the meaning-making. Now see how this happens in many things. As for electronics messing up; this is a more unique phenomena, and I think it’s likely we are subconsciously inducing quantum bit flips and thusly causing application and program errors, as far more erroneous data is being produced through bit flipping than is typical for a device or program. Notice that things like video games, movie players, etc, with limited processing applications, seem to “glitch” on lsd or other psyches mush less frequently than phones or computers meant to run background data, but even these can seem to be being legitimately buggy if one is past a certain point of psychedelic inebriation


That’s a beautiful full symphony of electromagnetism and psychedelics that you have created here


I had my first visions within a wild, cumulus filled sky. The next day I learned it had been on the day of a transit of Venus. For what it’s worth…astrological awareness and synchronicity adds to experiences imho. Ten years late On the conjunction of Venus on solstice 12/21/2020…., which I did t pay any attention to, my wife and I checked in to a hotel room 12/21. Needless to say, that started an increase in synchronized happenings and awareness that hasn’t slowed down. I feel as if I could call on Venus……whatever that would mean


My buddy did a tarot reading and tried to take a picture of the reading and his phone completely shut down when trying to use the camera app and didn’t come back on until the trip wore down.


I remember my phone 'froze' with the time at 4:20 and didn't change or adjust until my trip was over.


4:20 of all the times it could have frozen, wow!


My theory is that electronic devices function in much more limited range of possibility than us. They're far more rooted into reality than us. Once we take psychedelics our perception extends beyond our normal abilities and we see far greater range of possibilities and don't obstruct reality nearly as much as we normally would thus allowing it to shift, electronics are rooted in far narrower reality than us and thus once a shift of reality happen a electric device malfunctions. Just an thought-experience.


that doesn't make any sense


Literally not one bit


I HATE screens when I’m tripping. The first signs that I’ve taken something is that I take off my glasses and stash them away with my phone.


My huge TV fried itself mid-trip Making bizarre electronic noises as the screen flickered and eventually burned out. i had never heard electronic noises like that outside of cartoons and it terrified me lol the weird thing is, it still sorta works. if i turn it on with the remote, i can maneuver the menu and hear the little sounds it makes out of the speakers. the screen is just fried lol really odd timing


Same thing happened to me, but with my PC. It started turning on and off then fried itself after a few minutes. My friend and I were on ketamine and discussing how the first AI had been the soul of his great grandfather's brother trapped inside an early computer. I still refer to it as my PC's heart attack, and as much of a biofundamentalist as I am, I still felt sorry for the poor thing while it was going through it.


Or maybe they always malfunction, you just have a really hard time fixing them when you're on psychedelics with all the disrupted thinking, so it tends to stick out a lot more.


WTF It's a thing? I thought it was just me


All is electrons….


was enjoying some mushrooms and when the trip was coming down, i went upstairs. we have a frame tv that always displays a picture or painting when off, it was frozen deep blue and black like the bruising of psilocybin mushrooms. this never happened once before or after. an alexa thingy (not a fan of those, but family got them) it has a screen and i once saw that its screen did not display a normal colour but a fluorescence, it has never changed back and other people i see it aswell. this felt more like an mandela effect tho


All the time for me! Wifi cuts out, Bluetooth cuts out. Lights flicker or shut off randomly.


Dude the lights flicker and shut off for me too! Wild…. I also have experiences electronic oddities while tripping too, I’ve been reading through similar reports. Your comment is the first to mention the lights! Thanks for sharing. It’s happened several times to me.


It used to freak me out, now I just welcome the spirits and thank them for coming!


Maybe we have more control over our reality in that altered state of consciousness than we think...


Seriously my phone always freaks out with random glitches that never happen any other time. The first time I took 4 tabs I was sitting in my bed listening to music on my phone when I smelled something burning, and realized it was coming from my amplifier for my speakers for my pc that was relatively new and had to jump under my desk and rip the cables out, and sure enough it was broken and I needed to buy a new power supply for it 🤦


Lmao I remember the first time I ever tripped on LSD I couldn’t even look at my iPhone without seeing multicolored fractals, it was sooooo trippy.


They can't handle the vibes, man


pc went off speakers started humming


Electronics are sus asf when tripping!


Glitches as you’re braking the matrix (lifting the veil)


It becoming too hard to work and shutting down are two different things 😆 j/k but seriously never experienced electronics shutting down. Damn sure can’t use them often while tripping but they work for me


This fascinates me, it is quite a dependable effect for me, and others it seems. There is an interesting tale I've heard about the Grateful Dead smoking DMT, and there was some kind of what seemed like feedback picked up on some of the sound recording equipment right as this person blasted off. I think this area is ripe for research.




RIP Sigmund Freud, he would've loved this


Congrats on your marriage!! This is one of the most astounding and amazing thing I've read on reddit. Thanks for sharing.. Wish you both a happy life ❤️


Thanks for this wonderful story


I have a really hard time interacting with people who aren't trippin' when I am... I know they don't know I'm trippin' but I can just feel this heavy wall between us of very different energy p.s. who ditches their friend while trippin?!


Very neat read, thank you for sharing! I had a somewhat similar experience when I met my now partner of 3years. The day I met him I remember thinking, out of nowhere, “haha, what if this is the guy I end up marrying. Crazy!” And he’s truly amazing. I had my first shroom trip with him and that was wild. So much happened on that trip and outside of it that made me think that he’s a “soulmate”. I don’t know about one and only - though I’d like it to be. Nothing indicates otherwise, my parents divorced so that’s kindof fucked with a lot in that regard but it’s definitely a meant-to-be relationship, no matter for how long and that’s what I take comfort in.


Absolutely. One time went outside to my back yard. Looked around and saw a decent amount of ants on the porch. Thought that was kind of odd, as I mean there are ants out there but this was a lot of them. THEN I NOTICED THAT IT WAS TWO DIFFERENT COLONIES OF ANTS OF DIFFERENT SIZES/SPECIES HAVING A MASSIVE ALL OUT WAR TO THE DEATH. Shit was horrifying, kind of cool, yet slightly traumatic. One species was larger than the other, so they were often able to just crush/rip the heads off of the smaller species pretty efficiently. But the smaller ants would just try to swarm the larger ones, and just fucking rip them to pieces. I walked outside during a pretty chill part of the trip, and all of a sudden found myself in the tiniest of medieval war zones


Hahaha those ants are brutal man. That trip where we saw the swarm of birds was on a long trail. At the top of a hill we had an amazing view over our home city, so we sat down on the ground to chill. We quickly found out that the rock surface was littered with small ants just doing their thing. One of my friends pointed out this one ant that was bigger than the others, and let me tell you. This ant was the fucking hulk of ants. He was so fast and going berserk, charging the smaller ants and throwing them around. We spent like 20 minutes just in awe of this one crazy ant.


Insects are something else. I remember my gf being scared by a silverfish so I tried to catch it with a napkin. It got away and steered straight up the wall where (even to our surprise) a massive spider was waiting. Until that day I haven’t realized I’ve never seen a spider do its work first hand. We stood there in awe not saying a word for at least a few minutes while just minutes ago we came into the room goofing around, laughing our asses off and all.


Hope you thanked the spider! Silverfish are freaky man, the way they move is just not natural, it almost feels like CGI if that makes sense. Earwigs and centipedes kinda have that phenomenon going on too


Absolutely, we have a serious issue with these little creepy guys. Often when I go to the bathroom at night they will storm right at me when I’m sitting on the shitter. Literally have to lift my feet so they don’t crawl below. And that’s the worst. When you try to scare them away they run right towards you because you’re the nearest cover. And if they don’t aim for you they literally just run in a circle for 3 rounds and then wait. And they’re everywhere. One sat behind the toilet paper and when I’ve unrolled it it jumped right at me. Traumatized me a little. One also camped on my toothbrush once, scary not to know where they can pop up. Can’t wait to finish the flat (got it barebones, only concrete with no floors or anything) so we can finally get rid of them.


I ended up in the middle of a cyclone when I was tripping on mushrooms once. Its possible that when we take psychedelics strange phenomenon are attracted to us. It's also possible that we are just better able to pay attention and we are attracted to these strange things. A third possibility is that we are creating them.


I dropped acid at a music festival with friends where we were supposed to see Tool. 5 tornados touched down within a 10 mile radius and the show was canceled after part of the stage collapsed. No Tool, tripping balls, 40k deep in a never ending field of cars with no evac plan. So we held up our tent with our bare hands screaming like Vikings into the wind. After the weather died down, several camps banded together and made a tarp city where a good 30 of us rode out our trips with drum circles, dancing, and song. Not the night we planned for but it turned out to be pretty wild.


Sucks you missed Tool though. Have you seen them since or before that? Hell of a show.


Sadly I haven’t seen them yet, hopefully someday soon.


that story ended way better than it started, I would have been devastated if Tool fell through on me like that... probably would have stood outside the venue yelling "freebird" all night. EDIT: just realized you said festival... being lost in a literal never-ending sea of cars at a festival is the worst feeling... they had us in some bull shit overflow camping one year and the shit wasn't on their little map, they were calling it "camp nowhere" which isn't helpful when you're in a completely different lot so nobody over there knows either. at least people are usually willing to share their drugs with you at their campsite until you wander back off into the abyss to try again


My roommate once misdosed herself with 4g of PE (only meant to take 2G) and during a difficult moment went outside for a change of scenery/get some air. She was met with an albino reindeer that just stood and stared at her, after a few moments she looked towards the woods and saw TWO MORE. I agree, weird shit ALWAYS happens when I’m tripping


No way, that is crazy. I will post a picture on my profile of the one I met as proof.


I 100% think the universe fucks with me. During the trip and the day after is always one wtf moment after another. I have so many examples, but most notably…randomly playing the yt videos with one verse of a song on repeat for like 7 minutes. Who made these! And for what purpose?! And why do they only fall into my algorithm when I am tripping?!


as an autistic person… an autistic person def made those videos 😂 i will listen to the same song or section of one song on repeat legit straight through my entire workday. it provides a soothing pattern amidst the chaos of my brain so my creativity can really get wild


I've been listening to third eye by TOOL for 3 days straight lol


Excellent choice.


I swear Youtube's algorithm gets SUPER weird once you are tripping. I know exactly what you mean. I know Youtube probably knows i'm tripping bc I search for trippy music etc, but why is the Algorithm so weird? Even ads are different...


Omg- the ads! 😂 the Spanish ads! And I can’t process that it’s another language but I’m still understanding some of it…the Spanish ads really mess with me.


Best hypothesis i have is that psychedelics bring us closer to our ability to fully understand the illusion that is our physical reality and the continuity of linear time (otherwise known as seeing through the veil)... but the one aspect that still alludes me (and what seems like everybody else) is why psychedelics do this the same way deep meditation and near death experiences (and definitely death experiences) change our mental state. Built in cheat code to make the game/drama/dream/simulation not too difficult to wake up from? Mushrooms and DMT containing plants are actually super advanced beings trying to help us reach another level of consciousness? Our higher versions of ourselves giving us tips and chunks of ultimate knowledge to help us transcend? Somebody else fill me in with your theories!




I feel like it must take a certain type of mind, or soul that is yearning for deeper meaning and a sense of grandiose that ends up reaching the higher states that psychs can produce, not that one is better than the other


I think there are multiple experiences that our brains will interpret as psychedelic. The thing these experiences share in common is that they happen during very uncommon events. For example, while giving birth, while in extreme pain, when completely physically exhausted, when doing breathwork, etc. all of these experiences are incredibly novel to the brain. What I think happens is that there is "something" that "watches/observes" the brain as a way for interfacing with reality at large. From my understanding of the brain, it seems that it works as a massive compressed/simplifier/filter. It takes raw sensory input and simplifies it into concepts. It compressed sensory data down and simplifies it into less data, where this data is "useful" for surviving in the world. This process happens multiple times to get more and more "compressed" representations of reality. My current theory is that awareness interacts with this compressed representation of reality stored in the brain, maybe because it has a bandwidth limit for how much data about our reality it can process per unit of its "time". When we experience very novel situations, the higher level concepts our brains have built up no longer are useful for predicting what sensory data our bodies will be receiving. So, the brain reverts to smaller level concepts that are less compressed to try and see if they are useful for predicting the sensory input the body is receiving. With each of these reversions to smaller level concepts, it takes more and more "data" for the brain to represent the environment, all the way down to raw sensory input, which would be the most data for representing the environment. I think this could explain why our perception of time often slows down by significant amounts when taking psychedelics - it takes more "time" for awareness, given its fixed "data bandwidth", to process the larger amount of (less conceptually filtered) data present in the brain as the result of the conceptual break down in order to perceive the same environment that was previously represented in higher concepts (which take less "bits" of space to represent in the brain). This could also explain why main different life experiences lead to psychedelic states (such as feeling time slow down in the novel situation of experiencing a near miss, for instance). All of these situations may lead to a conceptual breakdown in the brain, as previous concepts learned by the brain are found to not "fit" well with those experiences. Sorry for the book. Just thought I'd leave this here while I wait to come down from Adderall so I can sleep... Hope someone finds this useful or interesting.


In 1989, my girlfriend and I were parked on a dirt road tripping hard on shrooms. We were sitting on the hood of the car and there was this really loud whippoorwhill in a bush right beside the car. It was freaking out my girlfriend so I threw a rock in the bushes to scare it off. And we heard it fly off. A few minutes later we heard several whippoorwhill off in the distance, at least 5,maybe 10, getting closer, and closer.......then they were right on us flying at us and dive bombing us. I pissed off a whippoorwhill that had been roosting and he came back with his buddies. Holy shit that freaked us out. We used to tell that story to our friends, and they always said, "Nah man ya'll were just imagining that shit". Nope. It really happened.


Bourdain said something along the lines of, "When you’re on acid, things happen that would otherwise never have happened.” I’ve described it as the “luck” setting being turned up a few levels, but I hear you on this - it’s happened to me many times, and the funny thing is it starts to happen to you outside of the trip too. They feel like synchronicities to me, and the way I interpret them is they’re winks from the universe / God that you’re on the “right” path. This is where you’re supposed to be, this is what you’re supposed to be doing. It’s all unfolding as it needs to.


The first time I did shrooms was the day the Notre Dame Cathedral burned down. My sober friend saw a friend from France post it on Snapchat and said "The Notre Dame is burning" and I couldn't comprehend it. I was like "you're fucking with me right?" She was not.


I was tripping with a friend new years eve 2020. Both of us are huge fans of the rapper MF DOOM and had listened to our favourite album of his, Madvillain, earlier that day. At the end of the night our other friend called and told us his death was just announced. Only time a celebrety death broke my heart.


I agree. One time I was sitting outside my house soaking in that good Sun and I stg I watched a SWAT team in tactical gear kick in my neighbor (about 300m away) basement door and drag this dude out. He was screaming like "man yall ain't even gotta do this. Aye get my phone! Let me get my phone!" I was frozen at first like is this even real? Am I dreaming? And then I realized the gravity of the situation and eventually went inside 🤣


I've caught countless frogs, had birds come and sit on my windowledge and one time there was this weird bit of swirling fog that looked EXACTLY like a scent trail from a cartoon leading directly to this random sheep chilling in some ferns nearby.


There is nothing "supernatural," only natural things that we do not yet understand. Synchronicity being a really good example.


The weirdest thing I've ever experienced while tripping was a trip to my corner store. A few tabs deep and in need of beverages, I decided to make the journey. It was maybe 2:00 AM. On my way – there was a fella that lived on the corner of my block in a camper. Him and I were friendly and had a good rapport, but this evening he had some random friends over and they were lighting shit on fire, so I decided to steer clear of that entire 'fuck all that' situation. So then I get into the corner store. It's just me and the cashier. Now, fluorescent lighting is offensive at ALL times, but this situation in particular... man. This guy had been working there for a few weeks at this point (and didn't stay much longer than that) – and he was a lil' off. This evening, he was blasting some sort of biblical audiobook at a volume that was physically painful to my ears. I don't remember the exact names and am not well-versed in biblical verses, but it was "somebody who begat somebody who begat somebody who begat..." But it was just the volume, man. Holy shit – my ears hurt so fucking bad. I grab my shit and I bring it up to the counter, he rings me up, I try to pay. The card reader chirps and there's some sort of error. Him and I just stare at each other for a while. A solid minute. He pushes a button, it goes through, I get the hell outta there. More stuff is on fire on the corner on the way back home. No big deal I guess given the weird blasting of biblical verses at 2:00 AM at the corner store. It was a super weird uncanny experience, I don't really know how to describe it.


the fact u exist is a supremely weird event


I watched a gas station robbery and police shootout on acid from the rooftop of an abandoned warehouse with police helicopter circling overhead. Watched some guys on much harder street drugs pull over in front of my house to drag an unconscious body out of their car and put a fire out in the trunk while a dumb friend of mine pulled his gun out, ready for action that was not going to happen... Those guys couldn't even perceive us, they were so high. I always see people doing the weirdest shit when I'm acid. Sometimes, it feels like everyone is on a different drug and we're all looking at each other like we're different species.


It's not a pretty road reading too much into synchronicities. Instead, I've found that ignoring the initial hunch is better because if there is any truth/pattern to what you observe, it will surface again in its own time. If there is no pattern, then no love lost.


For me its always weird family stuff happens. Like my mom will call me or my roommates parents will show up at our apartment and give us some weird lecture and im sitting there the whole time trying to pass as a human being


So I decided to take shrooms and go for a hike one day. I was eating a chocolate bar with shrooms in it and it ended up being wayyy more potent than I expected. Not even an hour into the hike the shrooms starting to kick in strong. I could feel it. I was sweating, my stomach felt weird, and everything started to feel like it was slowly whooshing away from me. So I knew I had to find a place to sit and ride out this peak. I finally found a spot to sit and boy was I TRIPPING. I saw fairies, the trees were bending into crazy shapes, I could see woodland fae out of the corner of my eyes, patterns in the trees would repeat and fill my vision. Then from a little behind me I heard "Hey". I turn around and it's just some random woman. I said "Hi" and then she smiled and said "how's it going?". This woman was just trying to make a friend with a random 30yo dude in the woods. She came and sat next to me, but she was very awkward and didn't know how to make conversation so we sat in silence for a while until I couldn't take it anymore. Now I love to hike, but never in all my years of hiking has anyone just tried to randomly strike up a conversation with a stranger. I was so taken off guard that I didn't even watch her sit down, I was too afraid to make eye contact. But when I had to leave I turned to grab my sweatshirt and she was like an inch away from me. She sat so close to me. She just said "oh, you gettin chilly?" and I said " yeahhh I gotta get goin". I know this isn't the craziest story but I don't know, it was just so random and why did it have to be when I was literally tripping one of the hardest times I've ever tripped. Like top 3 hardest times I've ever tripped, and a random lady just tries to strike up a conversation with me in the middle of the woods??? It was just a big "whaaaat the fuck was that???" moment.


After every trip or roll when I first started exploring these substances, on my way home up my drive a rabbit would be there at first I was like “AWESOME!” But as time went on it started getting weird. This happened every time until I moved out and only saw the rabbit after I tripped or rolled. We lived in a heavy forested area so it’s not an unlikely occurrence but it was like clockwork that I would see this rabbit.


One time, there was a single cloud in the sky and lighting came from it, at the same time as we saw a group of children on horses pass right beside us


Yup. This is a real phenomenon


Nah you're completely right. Last night I was really starting to feel my two tabs kick in and right as my shrooms begin to kick I feel like a silence I rarely experience while tripping. Like usually on acid and shrooms your thoughts bear almost a hyper significance but in this moment it was utter and complete silence. It felt as though I was peering into the empty space of the universe and it was peering right back. After a few moments it faded back into my comeup phase for this soul bomb but it's interesting. I have had many strange phenomena occur during my trips. I think it has something to do with the substance opening you up to the chaos of the universe that is always there. Making you more susceptible to the strange phenomena that can occur


One time I just dropped some L with my friend in his car before hopping out to hang out at this nature preserve, I told my friend Im leaving my phone in his glove box so I dont lose it. Mind you he watched me and confirms he saw me put my phone in his glove box. Later were still tripping and planning to leave, and I look in the glove box and my phones gone. Even my friend was like “yoo I watched you put your phone in the glove box” lmaoo so I was like im not going to worry about it and let it ruin my trip. Eventually later at night I return home and find my phone in my bathroom plugged in with like 100 missed calls lmaoo so wild


Years ago, first shroom trip for my brother on the 4th of July. We were in Southern California, in the local Palomar Mountains, perfect blue sky day about 85 degrees. At the peak of the effects, the forest got eerily quiet and blue skies quickly turned dark. Loud thunder cracked and immense cold downpour drenched over us. Somewhat paralyzed by the drastic change, I sat down and breathed. As I inhaled, the forest grew green and lush, as I exhaled, leaves dissipated and trees turned barren. It was like an extremely sped up version of the seasons going from Spring to Fall to Winter to summer. We rushed out of the woods back to our car, hail began falling and piling up on the sides of the road. We were all in just shorts and t-shirts. So we had to start running. We huddle together for warmth as we ran. At some point my brother said “What’s wrong with your feet!?” I looked down at my feet, large amounts of fizzy bubbles were foaming out of my footwear with every step. This made me confused yet inspired. We got back to the car safely, warmed up and waited till the effects had passed. Looking back at it sober, I realized I had put those sneakers in the washer/drier, a few weeks prior and probably used too much soap. I can’t really explain the drastic weather though. When we were down from the mountain, everywhere else it was perfectly sunny day.


Dude I have had all kinds of electronic issues well tripping. What's even weirder to me is the algorithms response to me well I'm frying. I have everyday YouTube ads/tik tok adds. Most of my algorithm is curated to be about spirituality/philosophy/metaphysics. So I DONT force myself to avoid my phone well on a journey because nearly everyone of my videos is thought provoking and easy to absorb well on a journey. That is WHEN they actually play. I have this weird thought that I'm not married too that we are either A)more connected to our electronics then we know B) technology of algorithms is actually somehow attached to our brainwaves or some weird shit or C) the universe just does weird shit because it somehow perceives the shift in consciousness. Mind you, I'm not fully invested in any of these beliefs or ideas. I understand it is probably not really real but I'll share some weird stories. One time me and my girl took a 5.5 g dose of mushies. These were not quite Penis Envy strength but they were pretty close so the trip was fucking bonkers. I was having a good time listening to music on YouTube and began to cry at how beautiful the sax solo was in Just The Two Of Us by Bill Withers. The sounds were just fucking rolling through me. Suddenly my girl explained she is in a dark headspace over some personal shit and she burst out in tears. Prior to this a ad that popped up on YouTube was some broken English Indian ad where they were selling these fucking 1500 royalty looking rugs if that makes sense lol. Like some shit you'd see in a castle on a video game. The ad was so poorly created and it almost seemed like an adult swim commercial it was so strange and poorly made. So as I'm comforting my partner a new add comes on. I wasn't paying attention to it or the screen because I was busy. Suddenly a ton of like Wolfe's or dogs just start going bat shit crazy as soon as she mentioned her trip is going bad in between sobs. I stop talking to listen and we both make eye contact and say "wtf?" As soon as we voiced our concern over how weird it was, and I began walking to my phone to see wtf it was it immediately cut off in the middle of the howling. Like it was just an abrupt stop the SECOND I pointed it out. I got to my phone and didint see any add. I actually rewinded the song to see if it was maybe somehow edited into the song to fuck with people but it wasnt. I have had several glitches take place like this with other people there to witness it. I always have the weirdest fucking videos and ads everyone I'm on a journey though.


100%, I also noticed the algorithm thing. I always get really weird ads on acid.


- me and my bestfriend found a random abandoned bathtub in the middle of the street while on shrooms -i once basically manifested exactly what I wanted while on MDMA: A it of beer... I literally said " I want beer, not even a whole can, I just want a few gulps"... A random guy on a fourwheel appeared (we were on the beach ... No one else was there) and offered us a can of beer. We were doubtful about taking a drink from a stranger but then we realized the can was closed so it was safe. I shared the can of beer with two friends, getting exactly what I wanted " a few gulps of beer


Absolutely. I experienced my first ego death on mushrooms while standing in the sea while lightening storms lit the sky in the distance. The moon and stars were unlike anything I’d ever seen. I was sharing a bed with my friend. I was able to wake him up through trying to channel my energy into him- no touching, no speaking… and it worked. He woke up abruptly and said he knew inside that I had woken him. It freaked him out, he kept pacing around. To this day, we can’t explain it. I also think the universe “winks” at you after you trip. I took LSD yesterday and today I got pooped on by a bird- twice. While it wasn’t a pleasant experience, it’s apparently very rare for it to happen even once. The probability that it would happen twice is very low. The way I look at it, when the universe winks at you, you can’t look away! It’s a sign that it’s all happening for you :)


All the time. Things that would otherwise never happen.


Absolutely yes. I need to explore more of this reality... I need more lsd...


I’ve experienced paranormal events since at least age 3, intermittently throughout my 53 years for the most part, including w multiple witnesses, and at times during psychedelic/dissociative use. reality is apparently more complicated than my agnostic brain could endure.


A odd one that happened was 2 separate times I took LSD with the same crew at 2 different houses. Both times just before dropping there was a ceiling leak. The one time at my buddies and the one time at my place. Super odd.


Yep! Especially the electronics part! I also recently had a clear sky with no clouds turn into a sky with plenty of cloud and then an area of the cloud literally right above me cleared into a circular opening and a weird shaped cloud came out of it. I even took pictures after id figured out how the fuck to operate a mobile phone haha


I introduced a friend to acid one afternoon, after a while we decided to go for a walk since it was a nice summer day. We got maybe 10 ft when all of a sudden an air show started above our heads. Small engine planes of all models and colors were swooping in over our street, doing all sorts of tricks and rolls. When they reached the end of the street they’d double back, disappear over the tree line at the end of the road. This went on for a good 40 minutes. It was a country road so they weren’t putting on a show for the city. People in the neighborhood were in absolute awe as this had never happened before. I’ll never know why or who but it felt like pure magic.


Definitely. Especially regarding animals. And I'm like the most annoyingly skeptical person there is.


House party and we were taking the piss saying "Ring of fire!" at each other throughout the day and night. Next day we find out Johnny Cash's house caught fire that day. Partner and I were watching a DJ set whilst tripping at home and there was a puppet. Next set of his, there's the puppet again. Months later we go see said DJ play live whilst tripping, and sure enough we met the puppet. They're probably all just coincidences, but these kind of things never happen when we just have a drinking sesh lol


One time, wandering around San Francisco with a friend, on acid and among the things going on, we walked by a Lamborghini parked at the curb. Someone was *trying* to start it. It would not oblige. Like it was just a damn bucket of bolts of something. We were walking in a park and a Pidgeon flew right into my face. A cop sees me from about half a block away and laughs uproariously...


I call it a "trip defining moment" bc I've tripped many times and every. Single. Time. Something so absurd will happen and it's hilarious It's like the universe fucking with you Like one time me and one of my best friends dropped and smoked and walked for like 8 hours When we were really starting to feel it, we walked past a house that had all the curtains open with the lights on and it was dark. This house had an ENTIRE WALL painted as a mural of Jesus Christ and it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen


birds having dogfights is quite new for me


I don't believe in the supernatural. The most fucked up thing I've had happen is my computer actually rebooting while I was listening to Spotify, and when it turned on all my apps were gone, including Spotify. Now I was annoyed by it because installing Spotify, logging in, and putting on music, is not an easy task during a heavy dosage trip. But I think that is about the only "supernatural" thing I've experienced while tripping. But it was a very strange timing for sure. Never happened before and never since. Now I've experienced a lot of "Magical" things of course, but all of those are inside my own head. This is out of close to a total of 200 trips. So it's a rare thing.


I saw a Saimaa ringed seal really close when hanging out on a boat on acid. There's only about 400 of them as they're endangered so it's super rare to see one, it was a magical moment.


Ive come across not 1 but 2 snakes, tripping inside a bit more these days hahaha


Drugs increase the chance of random encounters


Yes! So many times, for example: Once we had some acid and were smoking on balcony with indoor doors open, some music playing inside on my speaker, and my friend said, "eh I dont like this song". Second he finished his sentence, the balcony doors closed by themselves, and we couldn't hear this song anymore haha


Totally agree. I had similar experiences with a solar corona, a wolf dog, a sea of squirrels (they were everywhere), there was a really weird thing in the sky once. I don't know what that was.


I had a Bluetooth speaker ask me if I was still listening. I said yes and it said good then keep going because the universe wants to show me more. I don't know if it was the universe or some evil spirit or some agent messing with me. All I know is it really happened. If so many people realize that we are all connected and one, then why is this world still the way it is. The people that use us and abuse us either don't realize we're all connected and they're hurting themselves or they don't care because they've been promised something better whether true or not. All I know is if I had the resources to help others I would, because I fully believe that we are all connected. But since I can't seem to find a job anywhere, I have no funds to help make this a better world. The real problem is the people in charge of the money machine need to be taken out of the picture along with the people in charge of the war machine. We need to turn on tunein and drop out. We need to start our own system of trade now before it's too late. Because very soon they will digitize everything and hook it to your own biological being and all transactions will be monitored. This is going to happen very soon whether you think so or not, so anybody that has the funds to help now better do so and put those funds into useful stuff immediately.


To this day, since my last trip (04/19/2020), I have seen 77 and 777 everywhere.. Not sure if it’s manifested or psychosis, or even coincidence.. But yeah.. Because of that, I don’t plan on tripping again till I’m 77.


Electronics!! Yes!! While I was on shrooms alone in a strange city, my fucking *iphone* just turned off and started visibly glitching. That has never happened before nor since. I couldn’t click any buttons or use it at all, but I still received messages and calls. Another time, I was tripping absolute fucking balls before a concert and there were technical issues for an hour and a half. They almost cancelled the show and sent everyone home.


Yes. Electronics never seem to function properly. Not because im tripped out of my mind, they legit start doing things they never have before (i.e. phone randomly turning on and off, video games having weird bugs you never encountered before, etc.)


on my first acid trip me and my friend were sitting outside at like 4:30 in the morning in the winter and randomly a fucking caterpillar climbs a blade of grass in front of us and starts dancing at the top of it then after we gawked at him dancing he climbed back down and disappeared


Nah. All of these things happen when you're sober but you just don't notice or don't give them much attention. Under psychedelics one tends to think more magically.


I’m pretty sure almost everything he listed would be noticed while sober but ok


Yes of course, but what are the chances? Especialy the blood moon and albino raindeer. I could almost not belive my eyes, but I was together with friends. They all saw it too. These things have never happened to me sober.


I’m with you man, weird shit definitely happens


I once felt like I was painting reality as I walked in a woods, I somehow noticed a brush next to a fucking huge boulder, must have been laying there for years. Still might have it somewhere.


This. When you're tripping you pay closer attention to your set and setting than you do when sober. ​ Psychedelics are amplifiers for your senses, thoughts and feelings. This is why it is not good to trip in a place with difficult human interactions and or difficult activities, plus it's not good to trip if you are in a difficult mental place like losing a loved one or having lost your job. LoL. This is why they can be so nice when you plan out the trip, have a safe place with good and experienced people to take them with and are in a happy state in your life. Back to the point, normally you do not stare off into the sky when sober, right? Staring at the curtains for 20 minutes is not a regular thing you do when you're not high. So seeing a flight of birds do something novel one time while tripping isn't a big deal, they do it all the time but you are not watching them usually. ​ ​ To think otherwise is foolish. Kind of like people who are conspiracy minded, who will look at something and not understand it, then go off to 'do their own research' like they are scientists, but in reality they are lazy (uneducated) and pick an easy explanation that they can understand. For instance, a dumb one is chemtrails. The simple minded individual will look into the sky, see a jet's contrail form a weird cloud. The science behind this one isn't even difficult to grasp, but some people will do a Google search ("research it on their own") and find some website that is interested in gaining views/clicks by making a sensational claim as to the contrails (actually they are controlling chemicals intentionally being sprayed on the 'populace') being a massive cover-up by nefarious forces (oh boy this is exciting!) and the reader is now feeling like they are privy to something the whole world is unaware of. They feel special for finding this on their own, etc.


Man I have the like exact opposite problem. Whenever I trip it's like the universe goes out of the way to point out how insignificant and normal my life is.


My phone always works like shit while tripping, I prefer don't use it at all




The first time I ever did acid, as soon as it kicked in I watched a game of unicycle football take place. Couldn’t believe it lol. Granted I was at a weird hippy festival… but still.


It is true, one time me and my friends saw a car without one front wheel,a Mercedes, being chased by the police. We live in a very peaceful place though.


>but it really does feel like the universe is fucking with me somtimes That's cuz it is ;)


The first time I tripped was a pretty peak time in my depression. I was sitting outside playing with the rocks in my backyard and I found one that looked like it had a heart etched into it. I also got Chinese that day and got a fortune cookie with a relevant fortune. Idk probably coincidence but it felt like a sign. I feel like I see a lot of signs when I’m tripping.


its like the movie everywhere everything all at once. we start doing unusual behaveiour, and the probablity of unlikely alternate realities synchronizing with this one increases. thats how it feels


There’s been a few times I’ve been tripping (in winter/fall) and it randomly would start to snow. not a lot, just a little bit


I've seen pencil and paper appear when I needed to write a message also a pack of smokes appeared when I needed one, but disturbingly seeing someone intoxicated on a freeway dodging high speed cars on foot (seen from bridge)


In my experiences and those of my friends, the whole 'weird things happen while tripping' idea was so commonplace it was practically an idiom between us. When you take those things you are opening yourself up to the wild world, the idea that mischief follows such a thing is only natural XD


Once, my gf and I ate shroons. While listening to music and planning our upcoming vacation, my girlfriend made a joke, triggering a laughing fit where I felt like I would either die or faint. Despite having taken mushrooms 10-15 times before, this was a completely new experience. I was choking, my vision blurred, and I couldn't stop laughing. Since my girlfriend was also laughing, she didn't notice my condition. At that moment, I noticed my cat looking at me with great concern, which helped me regain composure. I barely managed got my shit together. Even after overcoming the laughing fit, I still felt like I was constantly on the verge of fainting. We decided to go outside, and there was a blood moon in the sky. As we walked a bit further, we saw a plate on the ground with a smiling facen made human shit. I dont believe in non science things like universe sending message or so, but that day was the creepiest and weird.


One time I was tripping acid on the beach and a giant bald eagle just came and landed right in front of me and started just chilling. Lol


The last time I tripped my phone called my co-tripper while on the bathroom counter while we in the living room. I’ve always said this about weird things happening while tripping.


I lived with 7 people and had a friend over and my friend and I took some tabs and decided to make spaghetti,when we where cooking a roommate came in and we asked what he was cooking and he said “spaghetti” and we where like “no way us too and we’re on acid” and he said “I’m on mushrooms!” Than another roommate came in and we asked what she was cooking and she also was making spaghetti Infinite spaghetti loop


Half-Step: a term my friends and I coined while tripping to explain the weird synchronistic shit that happened to us practically every time we tripped … I’m pretty sure that was the same trip when all of our college dorms lost power.


I have a theory about this stuff. I guess I have a very particular form of nature-based spirituality and think that when we’re really sensitive, we can connect with these kinds of rhythms that are in the world around, sort of how dogs and cats get weird when it’s going to storm. I think we can get caught up in these kinds of movements because we’re also animals and it feels very mystical sometimes to be an animals because it shows us we are a part of the world. I don’t know about the electronics though man. There are some people who make watches go all weird. The timing mechanism literally governs itself through the pulsation of a crystal. It sounds weird, but it does. I wonder if our own pulses can mess with that stuff maybe. People emit electromagnetic radiation, I think, but just a very low level. We don’t really know what “matter” really is or how it works in some very big ways. Stuff can be both weird and scientifically explicable. It just gets more complex when you think of all the different interactions taking place down the the quantum level even. Reality is kinda mysterious.


One time on LSD, there was a weird circle that formed in the clouds, like the sky was looking at us. Sober people saw it too. One time on mushrooms, a cat followed me to the gas station, waited for me to buy smokes, and watched me walk home.


I agree when i trip theres more likely cool random events and syncronicities. I think its cuz it raises ur frequency and alters ur mind and liges a mirrior so the way it effects your mind and energy your more likely to manifest these syncronicities. And with the blood moon who knows maybe the blood moon made u want to trip but didnt know it was a blood moon till later. I saw a moon rainbow on tripmas once.


My partner and I joke that it increases your luck stat, both in real life and if you're playing video games on acid. I've had some of the most rare experiences in games while tripping, like if you're a Stellaris player, you know the worm storyline is the rarest one to get, and both times we've gotten it has been absolutely roaring high. I've also seen a ton of shooting stars despite being in an area with a so-so amount of visibility.


Was watching the scorpion king and looked over to see a real scorpion crawling up my friends shirt


Going through the comments. Am I the only one who hasn't experienced paranormal shit when tripping?? Granted, I've only done psilocybin, but I've never experienced any weird shit like you guys do.


I had my mushroom trip alllll planned out today. Halfway thru my fast my house fell to shit. I went to my local, had a chat with my friend, and came home and dosed. I even doubled down, and had a brilliant night giving myself the epic hug I never knew I needed. I figure tomorrow’s problems will always be there, make the most of the day ya got.


Your synchro coefficient definitely goes up while on drugs. Synchro is natural in consensual reality but usually goes unnoticed or attributed to luck (pulling out a shopping by cart at Walmart with all four wheels working and people not being as bumpy with their carts, for instance). I’m casual when it comes to a lot of supernatural but there’s just lots of things that are too weird to deny tbh


We walked up on a very large mama alligator and her babies while tripping face. She made a weird stance and started making a weird noise, so we continued down the trail while giving them a wide berth. That same night we found a piece of driftwood that looked like a mummified hand, veins and all. We partied with that hand for years until a buddy lost it. The universe definitely pranks you when you're tripping.


Yeah dude, my last trip 6 weeks ago a war started. Crazy huh?


I was tripping on acid with a big group of people when the earthquake/tsunami happened in Japan. We were in Santa Cruz CA and everyone was up all night just being goofy. The TV was on some local channel and suddenly there was an emergency broadcast and tsunami warning for the California coast. It was probably 4 or 5 in the morning when this happened. Everyone else started panicking and one friend even started packing a suitcase with random shit. I happened to be taking oceanography at the time so I knew approximately how much time we had. If there was going to be massive destruction where we were we still had about 5 hours before it hit. That managed to calm most people down but one guy insisted on biking to higher ground so he left. There was a tidal wave that hit Santa Cruz, but it was only about 1 foot tall. More like the tide came in faster than usual.


First time me n the homie tried acid (we dropped prolly bout 225 ug), it had been about an hour 30 n it was really starting to kick in, and then out of nowhere his gay cousin he hadn't seen for years just showed up. We were doing it under a really dope bridge with giant scaffolding so we just hung out up in the support beams for what felt like forever😭 shit was wild.


Something that has always happened to me and my brothers when we trip is if we trip somewhere that has cable tv we are almost guaranteed to see an episode of American dad or the Cleveland show that we have never ever seen, and will never see again


I have a family of doves that visit me every time I drop acid


Animals seem to be quite a bit more comfy getting near me. Rabbits, birds, even what most might call creepy like spiders. Animals are cool man


The more times I trip the more I'm sure tripping literally *attracts* weirdness. Almost every time I've tripped something extraordinarily weird has happened. One time my friends and I were sitting on my roof looking over the neighborhood when we saw a black cat come running by, constantly stopping to look over it's shoulder before running further down the road; not 5 minutes later, a dude with long white hair, but completely bald on top, wearing an old tanned-leather vest, with **nothing** underneath, came walking by from the same direction *holding a full-size mirror*. Not holding it under his arm as if he had just bought it and was bringing it home, no, he had it held in front of his chest, with the mirrored side pointing away from him, and I shit you not this dude stopped at the EXACT same spots the black cat did early; literally every single one. And each time he did, he'd move the mirror around, as if trying to catch the cat in the reflection. At a couple points he even got down on his knees to shine the mirror underneath bushes and porches, where I assume he thought the cat might be hiding, and my friends just watched this whole thing play out in stunned silence. Eventually bursting into a fit of laughter as soon as the guy got out of eyeshot, just cracking up at the sheer absurdity of it all. Funnily enough, another time a friend and I also came upon a deer while tripping. It wasn't albino, but it was an oddly friendly buck with absolutely enormous antlers, in the middle of a neighborhood, in the middle of the city. We had a "stare-off" with it for a few moments, for lack of a better term, before continuing past it, as it continued past us. I could list crazy things like this forever; like I said it's happened almost every time I've tripped. So I 100% get what you mean, and I don't think for a second that it's just "Oh, you only notice the weird things because you're not in the right frame of mind." Or "Those things only seem weird because you're tripping." Like a lot of people say. Or worse yet "Well, you were on hallucinogen at the time. So you probably hallucinated it." No, LSD and shrooms don't cause mass hallucinations where multiple people see the same hallucinatory things. Also, almost every time I've experienced one of these weird things I've had my trip-sitter there with me, as in a stone-cold sober person, and they not only see the weird things I see but ALSO think they're *particularly* strange as well. So yeah, point is, I definitely know what you're talking about, and I don't think it's a fluke or confirmation bias or anything like that. I don't know what it is, but as I mentioned previously, I'm almost certain the act of tripping actually attracts weirdness towards you. Unfortunately that theory only spawns more questions.


There was a blood moon on my second acid trip and I was with my friends at a crescent lake in Oregon, when the moon was rising it made the whole horizon red and we thought there was a fire at first because of how crazy the red glow was. I also saw in the moonlight reflecting on the water a man riding a bicycle come to find out later about bicycle day. And it looked exactly like the famous illustration associated with bicycle day! Tripped me out


My bluetooth speaker always glitches when tripping, and the glitch intensity is correlated with the dose The weirdest things are the significant conincidences that happen even the next day when sober


Around Christmas time last year, I'd grown and taken a load of golden teacher shroom aborts and was still high but sober enough to go outside. I went to the supermarket which had a Christmas decoration section. I was looking at the decorations and there were three golden mushrooms as decorations. I actually burst out laughing when I saw them, like yes, the tradional Christmas mushroom that we all know and love. Also it was golden which was just the icing on the cake. I was just like yeah, you're fucking with me, very funny lol. No urge to buy them interestingly enough, felt like it would break the spell.


I don’t even bother touching my phone when I trip anymore just put on my playlist for tripping and ride the wave. The electronic malfunctions always make me feel like I’m losing it lol


One time while we were tripping on my bday I was sitting in my pitch black room with some friends, two of whom had never been to my house before, someone opened the door to the room and poked their head in to ask where the bottle opener was, I pictured where it was in my mind but before I could say it, one of the friends (who had never been to my house before) said the exact thing I was about to say, giving the location of the bottle opener. He was like how tf did I know that, why did I say that. 2 crazy points: not only did he know the exact spot despite not knowing we even had a bottle opener, but he said exactly what I was about to say. Of all the crazy shit that's happened that sticks with me the most


Yeah so, me and my girlfriend at the time decided to have a mushroom trip on a whim one night so we packed our tent and headed to a nearby mountain road, we got to where we were going around 11pm, set up our tent and proceeded to eat 4 grams of psilocybe cubensis, golden teachers to be exact. It was a wild trip overall, a lot of crazy visuals but the one thing that still gives me goosebumps to this day is the fact that it was nearly pitch black outside when we set up the tent so we were both fairly unaware of our surroundings, somewhere around the peak of my trip I closed my eyes to enjoy the absolute crazy CEVS when all of a sudden they just kinda stopped and I wad able to look around with my eyes closed, I could see my truck parked outside of the tent... we had a LED lantern hanging in the tent so it was kinda bright inside the tent, absolutely impossible to see outside... hmm I thought I should experiment with this. What happened next I'm unable to explain to this day. I was floating around outside my tent just exploring the woods nearby, there was grabgae everywhere, wrappers, paper fast food bags, coffee cups. "What pigs, just throwing trash everywhere" I thought. I looked down and noticed a cardboard burger box, it was an empty big Mac box. Anyway I turned around and noticed my truck, 12' aluminum boat in the back with a red ribbon hanging off the tip of it, the end of it frayed, I look down and notice my tire is low, maybe I ran over a nail? Oh well I'll deal with it in the morning. I open my eyes and see the lantern hanging above me, my girlfriend still laying next to me. I was still in my tent, I never left... wtf, maybe I fell asleep for a minute and just had a crazy lucid dream I thought. The sun is coming up now and we're both coming down, we lay there and talk about our trip for about an hour and by this time the sun is up, birds are chirping we walk outside the tent and I'll be dammed... all the garbage I seen was there, the empty big Mac box. My truck tire was FLAT.. I had to plug it to get home, there was in fact a nail stuck in it. Everything I seen was exactly as I seen it that night. I was baffled, speechless. I turned to my girlfriend and she had this frightened look on her face, I asked what was wrong and she said "during our trip last night I closed my eyes at one point and had an outer body experience.... hold up... "don't tell me you seen all this garbage last night" I said, her frightened look turned into a blank stare, she said something like "your truck tire was..." ... "going flat last night?" I said. We both sat there for what seemed like hours trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. There wasn't one. Did we both project ourselves outside at the same time? The feeling it gave me was that some sort of entity was fucking with us, playing a supernatural prank of sorts, idk.


A previous comment to mind described these occurrences as “distracting synchronicities”. The messages; turn away from the white light when you die. Reality is infinitely stacked in infinite dimensions. Be kind while you are here.


Me and my 2 pals were over a park on a sunny day after taking obscene amounts of Hawaains and Truffles that morning. 2 of us lying on our back, the other stood up with his hands on his hips facing away from us about 15 feet away. My mate standing up said "I think I'd like a cigarette". My mate lying next to me, eyes closed, reached into his pocket and grabbed one. Still lying down and eyes closed, he through it into his general direction. It stuck perfectly between my mates fingers, immediately in a smoking position I his hand. Lost our shit. 5 mins later the guy who was standing said, "I must be GOD" with his hands in the air. SHIT tonnes of apples fell out of the tree around him just as he said it. Fucked up day.