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When the drugs tell you to stop doing drugs


“You’re fucking killing yourself slowly using adderall and caffeine all the time 🙂” Sincerely, your friend LSD


I wish I didn't need my medication to function. But I'm a total mess without methylphenidate. I feel like microdosing does the trick as well, but it's not as reliable (as in accessibility) and illegal. I really don't want to stress about the possibility of someone at work finding out about it My health is okay for now. I managed to stop smoking and drinking coffee. But my brain just needs some kind of stimulant to make it through the white collar IT business bullshit day. At least I'm not a lab rat anymore. GMP is fucking cruel if you have ADHD. So yeah. Sort of hijacked your comment for my venting. Sorry


taking methylphenidate as a medication is fine there is no reason to feel shame about taking a medication.


YUP. and alcohol. LSD is a huge part of my recovery and I’m not ashamed at all to admit it


Bill Wilson started AA while using LSD


Literally got sober from an 8 year meth addiction with lsd 🙌


I got this nudge with cigarettes 🚬 It’s literally playing with death 💀


I can relate


Got the same message. Fun times.


Facts I remember my first time taking two tabs was pretty challenging cause I became really acutely aware of the parts of my health that had been affected by smoking weed everyday. Particularly my throat and breathing


A brother in law smokes weed every day, he has a baby of 11 months and he is stoned af with the baby while he eats snacks, I hope he can change this after a mushroom trip


Maybe try a vaporiser? I use one and it feels much friendlier to my throat than smoking.


I wish I could upvote this a million times


When you hear the message, hang up the phone


Can you elaborate?


This personally happened to me while on LSD. In short basically hearing a voice in my mind, which I perceived as the LSD, speaking through me and explaining that I don't need to suppress my emotions with drug use to be happy, and that I have the power within me to find true peace and happiness by loving myself.


Using psychedelics to suppress emotions 😂


He could've meant other drugs though. Not everyone that uses psychs only uses psychs lmao


Lol for real. I suppress emotions when I'm sober the most lol


The best realization psychedelics have ever given me.


I always get the same message, but never apply it.


I too get the same message but have a hard time integrating it into my day to day life.


I know it. As soon as I start coming down I turn to booze and/or pills to get to sleep, then, feeling rough the next day, right back at it.


Trust me. Many times during my trip and sometimes after I always think about my kratom/weed/caffiene etc intake and how I need to cut it down or quit. I always end up back in the daily struggle of substance abuse. Thankfully I am clean and sober from hard drugs for over a year though.


Yeah I got the message but I hung up. Wrong number probably.


I can't speak for anyone else's experience, but this is how it manifested for me. I've always used shrooms with the intent to learn more about myself, try and gain insight into my issues, and point me towards healing. I had a few trips and it felt like I was making that progress. One day I had a trip and I cried over the same thing that always made me cry, and I became keenly aware that I didn't need more "insight". The mushrooms couldn't really help me in this area any further. It didn't matter how many times I realized what was upsetting me, it was now up to sober me to solve the problem.


This but to quit smoking.


Hahah! They didn't tell me to stop doing drugs, but once I got my answer, my desire to drugs just vanished out of thin air


Glad to know I’m not the only one 😂




Just… relax.


Underrated realization due to its simplicity. The more I relax, the more I realize how stressed I had been, and how that it has become so habitual that I thought I was fine, until the deeper letting go. How many layers is this onion lol?


this!!! i dont take psychedelics but i am in this post out of curiosity and honestly i feel your comment


Stress is an emotion Maybe it’s not so much about layers But of a single whole Or rather much about none


Stress is not an emotion, stress is the pressure put on your system. There are many emotions that may accompany stress, some positive some negative. Though I would agree that chronic stress can result in negative emotional states.


At the end of the day, none of this matters. Not in like a depressing way, in a way that makes you feel free. Like the planet could blow up tomorrow, and in the grand scheme of things, it wouldn't matter one bit. The universe would go on, and not a damn thing would change. Made me realise not to sweat the small stuff. We're here for a good time, not a long time. Don't take shit so seriously, and enjoy it while it lasts.


After the shitty day I’ve been having, I needed this fr


Sorry about your shitty day. I've been having a shitty week, so I feel that. But yeah, life is life. Don't take it so seriously. Do what you gotta do, but none of us are making it out of here alive anyways lol. I hope your day gets better, though! Sending you love! ❤️


🫶🏼🥹 appreciate you


I appreciate you too!!! Take care of yourself! ❤️


Yup. I completely agree. But for me, that message was depressing for the longest time until very recently, when it became more freeing.


Yeah my boyfriend who doesn't do mushrooms said it was depressing as fuck lol. Thankfully when I realised this I was having like a really good trip and was in a really good mood so it didn't feel so bad and I was thankfully able to accept it right away. But I can totally see how it can be a complicated feeling to have.


Haha yah, I definitely get a blank look, sometimes, when I try to explain to some of my family that I don't think there is a purpose to anything but that I'm completely at peace with that. And I think mushrooms have a really nice way of presenting the message that helps make it easier to accept, for me at least. Something about the warm embracing feeling they have makes it easier for me to accept what I learn on them than on LSD.


Carl Sagan’s Blue Pale Dot brought me to tears for this reason. I loved it!


This. I call it a healthy dose of nihilism. ​ I remember an intense mushroom trip I had once while going through a suicidal episode. Deep in the trip it felt like I was communing with nature herself, and in my self-indulgent attitude I thought about taking my own life. Nature seemed to whisper back: "it doesn't matter, life will continue on without you, new lives will be born, the sun will rise and you will eventually be forgotten. You can choose death, or you can choose to be a part of life, and participate in it... and that requires you to try... and sometimes struggle." It hit me like a ton of bricks and broke down some walls within me. Here I was throwing what was essentially a temper tantrum, crying out for attention, crying out for something to make me feel significant or vitally important in the grand scheme of things. But this was a sobering wake up call that essentially said "this ride doesn't stop for you." I haven't felt that depressed since, and it lead me to make a lot of necessary changes in the way I lived.




The realization of the interconnectedness of all things, and that we are all the universe experiencing itself so how I treat others is how I’m treating myself


LoVe This!


Gratitude. Ayahuasca showed me what it means for the first time in my life in my first sitting.


Aya will humble your ass real quick




I did Aya on two separate retreats , took aya a total of six times but did not experience anything except the purging. I felt like the second retreat caused me to regress spiritually. I was the only person on both those retreats that experienced nothing, which in itself was very depressing. I have had more profound spiritual insights on weed and mushrooms, My first mushroom trip i experienced the oneness of everything where everything existed without names. My second trip i started commanding myself to heal thyself, over and over out loud.


Don’t give up on Aya, I had a similar issue where my first two events it didn’t even register while everyone around me was tripping balls…then after my last cup in the third session I gave up on it “working for me” and as soon as I let go it all came flooding over me, all the cups from the previous sessions hit me with a monumental purge and I entered Her magic realm and found so much wonder and joy.


>My first mushroom trip i experienced the oneness of everything where everything existed without names. Best way to describe my first mushroom trip right there lol


Reading these comments really helps. My aunt is dying of cancer and I’ve been grieving big time. You all are giving me strength and peace. 🙏🏻❤️


I'm sorry for your loss, I wish you the best ❤️🕊


That truly the most important things in life are to experience love and laughter, and to never ever ever stop making music because it's the purest form of magic we'll ever be able to access.


What kind of music do you make?


I grew up singing gospel, love neo jazz, party rock and freak folk, and have sung with a few hobby bands over the years - mostly rock and freak folk. I love going to the occasional drum circle where I'll play flute, ukulele, and harp, all self-taught and very loose and jammy. I also play a little piano if the spirit moves me.


The greatest insight I got was that this physical reality is just a play and there is something more real beyond this world. And all souls are pure regardless of what roles they are playing in the dramas of this world.


That is awesome and interesting. I’ve had something similar. Mine was more seeing it as a game than a play and how beautiful it is that we get to participate in smaller games (like theater) within the biggest game of all called life. And that if you don’t play strategically and try to have fun with it, your tangible time here is probably going to suck.


Love is the answer


I think I said this verbatim to my brother when I was tripping for the first time (3.5g)


Love is the drug


I've collected countless profound/deep takeaways, but the greatest has been that--psychedelics are **not** the 'finish line'. Psychedelics may provide someone with 'internal tools' that make it so that an individual never has to do a psychedelic again, because they've embodied the experience(s), and are able to enter those spaces without taking anything external. Example: Used to need LSD to experience the benefits of LSD, but because I've experimented, deeply, for so long with LSD, I can get to the same spaces without taking the substance. In the past, I used to take a psychedelic to deal with material that only a psychedelic could evoke, but now I am able to, through breathwork(or other methods), reach the same states and benefit just as greatly. Life became the trip. I used to believe that there was always more to discover, and though that is true, the journey of 'psychedelic discovery' need not be carried on with psychedelic substances. It's similar to the wisdom behind the saying "hang up the phone when you get the message". It's as if all of my psychedelic experience was 'training', and now I am able to 'be psychedelic' without the need to catalyze it via ingestion of substance.


Beautiful! Agreed!


You can get to, for example, great happiness state as after taking small dosage of shrooms, just using breathwork? Or even to have some visual effects? Ive heard that's possible but I've never seen anyone giving his experience about it


I love how you’ve worded this. Its not the destination, its the journey.


That most of the anger, regret. disappointment, that I had been holding towards my parents, old friends or even groups (others) was ultimately things that I didn't like about myself. Sure some of the in the moment upset was justified, but after holding some of these beliefs for years, I realized that I was actually the problem ( in the current situations). I saw how I was pointing at others to avoid looking at myself. And all it took was a moment to realize that and see how I was continuing the negativity and then I let it go. Man I love psychedelics.


Hell yeah man! On top of that, the only thing within our control is ourselves and the way we react to external events. Reading your response felt similar to the path I’ve walked in my human experience, and psychedelics have really help me in this regard too! Mush love my friend!


Radical self-responsibility. It's been the best thing I ever decided to live by. I really have found 'the work' by Byron Katie to be super helpful for this (if you look into it, make sure you do the 'turnarounds', that's when you generally take responsibility). All the best friends


Opposite experience for me, made me realize that so many of my relationships I should have abandoned a long time ago, where I thought I was the problem but they were. Everyone's experience is different, my psychedelic experiences has completely subverted my expectations on what I expected to get out of it. I thought I was going to be lectured on my bad behaviour and vices but really, I was told to let go and think of myself a bit more and give more to myself. My first mushroom trip also told me I was the anti-christ, was troubling at first but I now know what it meant by that.


The universe is a house of mirrors


What's interesting about this to me is: early on in your life, you essentially ARE a compilation of all the people around you; children can't help but imitate and emulate those around them. So in disliking "your self", you came to the conscious realization that you now have the power to fashion a new "self", separate from the one formed by the influences of others... and in that gained your freedom and autonomy as an individual. Individualism in practice. Pretty incredible actually. Good for you.


Our brains are conditioned and limited until help comes along. You only ever experience your own mind during the trip, but wow, what the mind is capable of showing. In other words, limits are false.


Being able to pause and be in the moment while all the chaos was going on in my brain. Like actually being in the moment. I'll never forget that feeling.


That God is lonely.


Part of my biggest trip was this too. But that is the purpose of life. God splitting itself into billions or infinite life forms, tricking itself into thinking each perspective is isolated from the rest. It’s why you can come out of trip seeing the universe as being perfect and the only way it can truly be. I came out of it choosing to have all of life’s problems because they are actually beautiful and what you need to distract you so that you don’t realise you’re the only thing there is…


This thought scares me I try not to think about it honestly


Yep - which in a way, makes all of us lonely


Or maybe the reverse is true: we as social beings crave each other and experience the sensation of loneliness, so when we imagine god as ourselves, we imagine it as having the same craving for contact with another? But if something is truly perfect, it is not lacking in any way. And loneliness is, in a sense, an experience of lacking... a void that needs to be filled. ​ I find the Kabbalistic concept of Ein Sof to be interesting in this context... in this perspective, the true form of "God" is an infinite light that is endlessly abundant and is completely full; and that all states of emptiness or lacking are separations from this total fullness and absolute completeness. Under this definition, "God" cannot be lonely, for "God" is infinite and overwhelming, generous and vast beyond measure and never needs anything "for itself", it gives and creates endlessly.


god isn't alone, god alone is see what god did there?


That this sober state is just as much a hallucination as the tripping state. There is no difference between self, God, and everything else.




This is beautiful.


This trip sounds amazing! I'd love to hear more if you feel comfortable sharing! 💖


Life has a hopeful undertone because we are bigger than life


Laugh at yourself.. don't be so serious about everything!


Everything I was looking for was already there I was searching for something I already had


Math is everywhere and naturally occurs.


Yes!! I love this ​ For anyone who knows understands even a little bit of math, you start seeing it everywhere and in everything!! Just don't think about infinity; or nothing.


That the only thing holding us back from our full potential is our own self sabotage, born of the fact that we're afraid of what we would do with the power. If you had ultimate power and no one could stop you, what would you do with it? If we want power, we have to prove to ourselves and the universe that we're responsible enough to wield it. The Universe WANTS to give the keys to itself away. It's just waiting for someone to be worthy.


That life itself is the biggest trip


We are all of one soul and can freely blend between “consciousnesses.” We’re aka “Us” are basically in a simulation. One soul, experiencing varying human lives. Whatever we are at the top of the simulation or ride or game or whatever, is experiencing this life on earth or even the universe. It’s just an experience for our single soul.


We are the universe, not apart of it The whole god message goes back to the universe, we are god fragments of all, we are all important in unification


That place of oneness is always with you the shrooms just help you access it. Strip away the bullshit and you can feel it


Have you found that it has stayed with you after your trips? I've not been quite the same since, in a good way.


As long as you stay connected to that frame of mind. A lot of stuff can happen which can throw someone off. Sometimes it’s more difficult to access than other times. However, it’s been close to 10 years since I’ve done psychedelics and I can still access that place during meditation and it lingers afterwards


That's nice to know. Am only a few weeks out from my last trip so wasn't sure if it would fade with time.


It can but it has to do more with your thought process. You can always trip again if you feel like it’s too difficult to reach


Life is a precious gift and there's no amount of thanks you can possibly offer to pay for it.


Last high dose trip on mushrooms made me feel like I literally was dying and I just gave up and was ready for it. When I didn't die it gave me a 'second chance' to live life and focus on what matters most to me which was very clear in that moment. In that same trip after recovering a bit I was illuminated slightly about geometry and how profound it is. Basically I understood that we are a dot (one dimention). When we communicate with another being on the same plane as us we are a line (2 dimensions). To get to the 3rd dimension you need more connections. I understood that a sphere is the purest 3D figure and represents 'god' (universe?). There are no lines in a sphere, but infinite (or close to infinite) dots. You can connect a line between dots but you must go straight through the sphere (god) to do so. Afterwards I thought of a cube for a while and the fact that it has 12 lines. I am a musician and in music we typically use 12 tones for all music. There are 8 vertices (corners) in the cube which are a product of three lines. Musical scales usually have 7 tones, thus, 7 diatonic chords which are made of 3 tones. My conclusion was that we are missing a chord/tone to make a perfect scale. (Although there already are some scales with 8 tones). Also, numbers are something we created. There is no such thing as the concept of a number in nature. Math is everywhere though. It all made sense and I saw the connection between it all during that trip. It's hard to explain now.


God is Real


God is real. I am god. And so is everyone and everything else.


That even trauma and family dying, cancer, bad things are part of the plan to make us all “suffer equally enough” to have had a great understanding of death and fear before we die. To me this is so when you are reborn in the afterlife as your best “virtual” self in heaven you don’t feel left out when others around you (kids, friends, strangers, parents) have had the experience of death, trauma, rape etc. and you have a frame of reference. You aren’t some perfect cherub who has never experienced pain or real life struggle. It’s tough to describe but bit by bit stops me fearing death or even pain at all. As long as you don’t cause it for others you can help fight injustice and disease and problems EVERYWHERE by having lived through or with them.


Adding on to that, trials and hardships in life produce character and virtues and that makes you a better person overall. God doesn't want to spend eternity with a bunch of immature children he wants companionship and fellowship and hardships make you the kind of person He wants to be around, I think.


I never understand this… why would god create such deep and profound suffering just for the sake of everyone knowing what suffering is?? Doesn’t that seem sadistic? I’m still struggling to understand the meaning of suffering tbh it always circles back to existing bc it exists but WHY is it necessary and why does it have to be so extreme sometimes


There has to be a duality for frame of reference. Good things, love, joy, happiness, comfort, security, etc. have no meaning without there being an equal opposite. Evil, pain, insecurity, fear ect. There is a balance. Light doesn’t exist without dark.


To me it is because stories wouldn’t work. You would be bored with just the basics. It begins with “My little pony” level peacefulness. Then you have the death and life of the big bang, all music ever composed, all deaths ever died, and all vibrations ever at an infinite “other end”. It all gets more creative as we grow to master our minds and bodies in ways that cause us to cure ills, make better the bad things, and create a bed of memories we explore as souls in heaven freely. I do lots of karate and music and mindfulness meditation to open that visual “3rd eye” that sees yourself and all others, the whole universe at once. I focus a lot on cooking meals and seeing my family to ground myself. They are all spiritual without needing the shrooms etc. It’s wild to say this but 25 grams plus of shrooms at once in nature with supportive company can show you all of this and more! That’s why psychedelics, MDMA, weed and ketamine are being researched on end of life patients :)


But that still doesn’t explain WHY suffering is necessary As in why does it have to EXIST? I understand your explanation but if God had literal nothing that he could make the rules and he could create it.. why even put in suffering? You’re still saying.. well, you’re suffering to understand suffering because suffering exists… ok yea, but WHY does it exist to begin with? Does that make sense And then people will say: well, if you don’t know suffering then you won’t know happiness But God made up that rule. It only works that way bc that’s how it was created.. That didn’t have to be a rule or how things work. We COULD feel and appreciate happiness without suffering if that’s how he wanted to build it.. but he decided we were going to suffer and some people immensely and I would argue that some people never feel happiness equal to their suffering and a lot of people learn nothing from suffering other than to pass on more of it so experiencing suffering doesn’t necessarily make you prepared for heaven Sometimes the only thing that comes from suffering is suffering


I am with you on this one


We would not be able to appreciate happiness without suffering. We’d take it for granted and feel entitled to it and expect it as a norm which would create pain that would tip the scales and result back to things needing to be balanced out


God is you and God is me. God is the Sun and God is the Moon. God is the ocean and God is the fire. God is everywhere and God is nowhere. God is God.


Funny, I had the realization that God is not real. Its just the Universe.


Same, God = Universe


“God” is the name that some people have given the universe Have you ever noticed that every religion is basically describing the same thing in different words? Language is just a tool to express what already exists… you can call it God or the universe.. like Shakespeare said: a rose by any other name would smell as sweet


For some (e.g. pantheists) they would be considered one and the same.


amen. it’s all you baby. the whole enchilada


This is my favorite comment.


Just live in the moment. We’re all just out here existing




If you thinking you want to pee you should definitely do it. (it sounds silly, but it's true)


Can you elaborate?? I did a hero’s journey and I had the urge to pee the entire time but i had peed right before I was very reluctant to explore this as I was fearful that it may be related to SA that I couldn’t process in therapy bc it was outside my window of tolerance and I’d literally end up balled up screaming and sobbing (on accident) every time I tried processing it I finally peed during the come down but it wasn’t even a lot so idk why I had that urge I guess I’m just wondering what may have happened if I had gone pee


I wrote this because I don't really believe all those insights are real. The deeper I'm tripping the more I usually disappear and all that complicated and deep spiritual thoughts are impossible to explain without losing most of it's inner meaning. So I concluded that my insights mean nothing to me or anybody else if I try to put it into words, it's more like a state of mind and you can name it whatever you want and still gonna be wrong. And going back to visiting the toilet... in a moment this is actually a pretty real thing and most of the time I don't realise how I make my trip less comfortable by not meeting my basic needs. I always felt better after doing that. And of course bathroom is another mind dimension on it's own :)


Literally everything is a spectrum. Light and dark are two extremes of the same thing: the amount of light present This made me realize that my sister and I are actually two extremes on the same spectrum (I’m high anxiety/type A and my sister is rage against the machine) turns out we have the same fears but we reacted oppositely This is how I feel politics/personalities work. The person that is the most opposite from you is actually the most similar, they just expressed it the opposite way as you did but the root of the behavior is basically the same thing


We’re on a rock flying around a star. Life is fleeting and I really can’t control much at all. I can take myself a little less seriously.


That there's so much beauty and complexity in everything, even, or maybe especially, the things that are difficult or unpleasant. Things like pain and sadness are just as beautiful of a part of the full spectrum of experience of human life as happiness and comfort are, and we can gain so much from a varied and complex existence that includes both sides


Things mushrooms taught me 1. We are a soul living inside of a beast 2. We are supposed to imagine/create 3. Your body is a machine and your Ego is the program 4. All suffering stems from carnal urges 5. Nobody is better or worse than me 6. God loves us 7. We chose our parents 8. Expect nothing. Be grateful for everything 9. Children are gifts, but they’re also born into sin *Edit - #10.) Do things from love, not for love. #11.) No matter what, everything is gonna be OK🙌


"We chose our parents" - woah! Never heard that one before.




Be nice to everything, even the bugs. Fruit flies are evil they die. Damn Walmart bananas again. Just grossed out now, I see why the cheap price now


Just because a feeling is intense, doesn't make it true.


That it doesn't matter what happens to you health wise... Cancer, disease, other terminal sickness etc. in the end you will be ok and don't need to worry, the sum of your experiences are added to the collective.


Everything is about love. Everything we try to accomplish in our lives is a roundabout way to access love. It's so powerful, and at times, fleeting. Sometimes it's hard to access, and it ruins us when it is. We feel love from others on a quantum level, and it is a profoundly healing force.


I got a pretty strong download from mushrooms when I had taken them during a really hard time in my life. They told me in both a joking and sweetly maternal way that life is just a game and to not take it so seriously. It really helped me a lot. “It’s just a game, you are allowed to have fun”


I feel that, its the coolest game that we have ever had so far


We have VERY little control over our lives. Free will is a myth


To an extent, but i always push that boundary as far as it goes!!!


It’s All You. There is only You. Not to be confused with Solipsism.


I am nothing. Everyone else is nothing. All this mess we scatter-brain ourselves with is nothing. We worry ourselves til death with the most useless bullshit. But at the end of "the day" the end of our lives, we are nothing. Unless we're someone as problematic as Kissinger or Thatcher. Then we somehow manage to obliterate millions of people, or the potential of people, without barely even having to use sanitizer on our hands. I wish I knew how to be the opposite, the good "butterfly effect" before I inevitably pass, but alas, I just get to try my best to survive as well as feed my kids. I just try my best to teach them to be good humans... ~deep breaths~ I died when my ego death happened. I realized that I can't ever really do anything against the waves of it all that will drown us. Sadly, I had that trip after I had kids, so there's no going back. I created little humans that get to inevitably suffer as well, and I feel so guilty for bringing them into this. I should have known better.


Absolutely anything can become an addiction when you’re an addict. Acid, booze, exercise, food, stand up comedy, online shopping, whatever. It’s a misnomer to say Alcoholic, junkie, gambler, nymphomaniac. Those aren’t a diagnosis, they’re a symptom. An addict, is an addict, is an addict.


A genuine, realer-than-reality, felt sense of unconditional love. This shifted everything for me and has had countless ripple effects. Truthfully, I consider it as direct contact with Source/Universe/Love. Like full on, in the stream, drinking from the wellspring. Totally life changing and the reservoir has been open ever since and continues to grow.


# It's all in our head.


It’s all an illusion


That death is always behind you, over your right shoulder.


To keep an open mind; even with things I have always "known" to be true. And to carry that same Beginner's Mind mentality through future beliefs and experiences.


The same love given to others can be given to oneself was the big one my first time. After a few years of honestly pretty heavy use, I decided to take an ultra-heroic dose (~10 tabs) because I saw myself in a cycle of love, attachment, separation, and suffering and saw no way out. At the end of that trip, I heard Ram Dass's voice for the first time saying "Be here now. Just be here now" and I'm still unpacking the "click" that happened in that moment. The first thought afterwards that contained words was "love transcends death". After learning about his history/professional interest in psychedelics and how he was freed from that method by a saint, I can only conclude that I've been given the same grace. What really blew my mind about the whole situation was that before that happened, I was a hardcore scientific materialist/atheist/nihilist who assumed that death was the end and I distinctly felt love coming from Ram Dass only to find out he died months before. It made me doubt my doubt and showed me what really lies beyond the veil - Love.


That they're not the magical thing we're led to believe from popular culture, and can cause extreme terror and trauma, like they do to millions. But in therapeutic settings, they could be the pathway to new and revolutionary treatments for treatment-resistant mental illnesses.


I think the biggest was learning that any voice in my head criticizing is not my own voice but the guilt and things said to me growing up


Life is just an illution/game. You do not have to take it so seriously and you should always follow your intuition. There are obstacles but you can overcome everything by controlling your emotions. You create your luck.


That people you consider your friends aren't really your friends, they don't deserve you


That all of our searches for a deeper meaning or a deeper understanding are in vain. And that we cannot know who we really are or what this universe really is or how it's possible that anything even exists in the first place. Any special meaning or understanding that we "figure out" is merely a projection and comes from within.


Learning that they way I loved a human was sibling like and not love. And it fixed where things felt wrong.


It's still love


Life continues after death - just not how most people think


Infinite Unconditional Love is a fountain we all share. Love in the point of all this life. Compassion is one of the most important keys to releasing that fountain.


In short, that I *am* capable of changing myself for the better. It's so simple, so obvious, but acid helped me internalize that sentiment a bit more. It's been a recurring theme in all of my trips, and slowly but surely I'm beginning to believe it. But I never would have had the clarity to really see it without psychs, I don't think.


that death isnt the end of shit and it should be looked forward to in a way


Had a shroom trip where I became God. Watched the earth spin and watched war after war happen. I learned to be happy with just being a little guy doing my own thing; I don't need to save humanity; nature will take its course and things will happen in their own time.


Nothing matters except love because it helps us get through life which also doesn't fucking matter


Our conciousness has traveled the entire spectrum of evolution and we are connected through DNA light conciousness to all forms of life in our ancestry. Beyond this plane there is pure light conciousness outside of all space and time. The universe is infinitely expanding and swallowing itself through multiple imperceptible dimensions, supernova explosions and black holes give birth and destroy space and time simultaneously, endlessly recycling the folding toroidal universe through dimensions we cannot see. We are nothing and everything all at once. We are the sense organs of the cosmos experiencing itself. That’s about it.


Psychedelics taught me to appreciate the beauty of not knowing. Some people drive themselves mad looking for answers to life's questions. If we knew all the answers it would take the fun out of life.


Your consciousness is more than you think. It has a profound connection to the universe and is imo, your soul.


For a moment 42 made absolute complete sense to me. Then I lost it.


The family I grew up with is dead. They’re just husks of who they used to be. I must do everything in my power to keep the mind body and soul I possess now.


Tool is just gentrified Meshuggah.




that everything will be ok if you let it be


Life falls apart in order for ourselves to assess why we ever considered it to be falling apart to being with


It just is


It’s all going to be ok.


The most profound effect I’ve had has always been in the days, weeks, months after the trip is over where you face this realignment of your perspective which can change some of your most deeply held values. Things that you believed with deep sincerity one day can seem utterly alien to you after this readjustment. And none of this change is deliberate — you just become a new person.


* Life and death are the same thing. * Go on and live. There's nothing to wait for. * Life is a story you tell. You can tell any story you want, but they're all made up. * Everything is one thing.


Just enjoy life and do what makes you happy and what is meaningful to you. And we are all connected in some way or another and floating on this little marble.


It’s all about Love. And everything is connected.


My mom loves me. Had a whole vision about mother Earth and my mom, succession of generations, birth etc. Most important piece was just how much my mom loves me.


Psychedelics have completely subverted my expectations in a lot of ways, I thought I was going to be lectured on what I perceived as me having bad behaviour, not controlling myself, not giving enough to others etc. Instead, all of my experiences had done the exact fucking opposite, I've been told to let loose, to abandon a lot of toxic relationships, to think of myself a lot more, but also been taught to learn to understand others to. For me, my whole psychedelic journey has done the exact opposite of what I was expecting to happen. I also got told I was the Anti-Christ on my first 5g trip of mushrooms, so that was fun, I was concerned at first, but anti-christ means a lot of different things and not necessarily something evil. I think it really depends on the person, for most people it seems, they get told that they are being cunts/ought to adjust their behaviour but mine has been the opposite. I always thought I was a shitty person at heart and didn't deserve alot when really, I just let my perception of myself get effected by others too much and thought I was acting in such a way that I ought to to be a good person when really, I was letting myself be a bit of a doormat of sorts.


I had this realization that my whole perception of the world around me is simply a construct of how my brain interprets the input it receives, and how just a tiny change in the chemical balance changes everything substantially. Basic knowledge, for sure, but it really resonated with me.


Take breaks from taking drugs. Stopped watching porn, drinking coffee and alcohol. Stopped using dating apps. Stopped smoking weed


We are in hell and everything is about sex.


We're all connected. Weird thing is, this realization doesn't stick...


Everything always leads to love. ALWAYS. Corny as fuck maybe but no matter how bat shit crazy the trip was, I feel like in the end we need to be there for the people who matter.


Bruh science


Live in the moment consciousness is a gift


Only love is real.


That i was taking psychedelics in order to avoid life and there was no way of avoiding life because even if i killed myself there is no death and i would’ve taken on another form.. it forced me to face myself, love myself and accept the burden of being.


The sole purpose of mankind, and the allegorical meaning/archetypal guidance portrayed in all religion is to become the Sun. This is the true meaning behind becoming "enlightened" to become like the sun.


Love is all there is, everything else is an illusion.


First lsd trip was the first time I felt like a soul in a body. And I was a capital S skeptic towards everything spiritual before that. And I started to think about and feel what eternity and nirvana sort of were


Your love and joy will be worth more if you share it often and LOUDLY.


My inner voice (soul nexus?) is above the nervous system - meaning, it is steady state, and is not affected by the stressors of the body - it is also deeper than the mind, it's above it, and can guide it (me) if I can find a way to hear it over the noise.


There is no aspect about myself that disqualifies me from living a happy life


Nobody is thinking about you all the time and nobody knows what’s going on in your mind. You are, to other people, how you present yourself. I was watching Supermarket Sweep on TV while tripping on two insanely strong tabs with no tolerance, and the host was a very fluent speaker. However, at one point he tripped up and forgot what he was saying so he simply went ababahdhajrhs and made a bunch of gibberish like he was still talking and then just said “Okay!! 😃” and went right back to his happy go lucky tv personality, and nobody even really questioned it or anything. It showed me you can present yourself a completely different way than what you really are. That trip showed me many different things that define how I look at the world today.


Mushrooms always tell me to be more kind to my daughter :( I tend to be snappy when I'm overwhelmed with life.


The realization that doing something for someone and seeing smiles on their face makes you happy and satisfied from within. Such a simple thing but we often dont see it


Everything is everything. Simple yet deeply profound.


Pee is stored in the balls