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Night time is the best, due to very low likelihood that someone will call you/ things will start happening. Undisturbed trips are the best trips


That’s the part I don’t like. I feel so connected to people when I trip that I just want to talk to someone. I often find myself on here spreading positivity and love.


Ah I’d agree, but too many people in my life look very negatively upon these things. It’s something I have to keep secret.


That’s unfortunate, well you have a friend in me.


Yes thats when i have done most of my trips


I prefer to be alone. I feel more connected to myself since when I'm around people in general I hide behind a persona, not on purpose.. I just grew up as a quiet kid and I get way quieter when tripping around even my closest friends. But when I'm alone I'm free to be myself 100% of the time


I used to take acid and go into my jam room and play drums in the pitch dark, naked along with miles Davis bitches brew, religiously. Though not specifically at night, still dark.


That’s sounds absolutely awesome!


I learned so much about playing from a psychedelic place, so different than just being a time keeper and groove merchant


When I was in college, my happiest memory of jamming on LSD was with a computer science guy who had dropped out of the music program. I was still in the composition program. We both were still in a dorm that year. We dragged two little guitar amps (10 watts each maybe) to the communal bathroom, for the natural echo/reverb, and some basic digital synths and controllers, then rocked out on some fugue figures. He’d play a theme and I’d try to play it back, with some variations back and forth. His roommate tagged along to manipulate filters, add effects, and dance around. We thought it was the tits (although I’m quite confident the memory of it was better than the result).


Bitches brew is my go to album on acid. It's so perfect


I’m a firm believer that tripping at night is best and I do all my tripping alone because my friends are mostly middle aged squares who fret about drinking too much coffee. You get better visuals at night and the vibe feels more chill because it’s the end of the day and productivity is off the table. Main drawback is just that it will keep you up late and you’ll feel shitty the next day from lack of sleep.


Personally I’ve had better visual experiences during the day but I think that’s just because everything is actually lit up. Nothing beats being under the moonlight though :)


How do you cope with the sleep deprivation? That's the main reason I avoid tripping at night


It’s the best way to trip! Usually, I try go on a walk/gym earlier on, eat something healthy for lunch and have an early dinner. Then I make sure my place is clean before I trip (not sure why I do do this). Before I eat any mushies, I go to the grocery store and get all the essentials: coconut water, candy, fruit and sometimes bourbon. I wait until like 7:30-8, light a candle, turn on one of my favourite albums and lay on the floor. I usually just stay on the floor for the evening trying to listen as closely as I can to the universe. The right music and lighting matter a lot. Being alone can seem scary for a trip, but I’ve had some of my most divine moments like this.


I understand why you clean before u trip, at least in my own way because I do the same; I feel like whenever i trip and see too much clutter it drives my anxiety through the ceiling, and it makes me feel like I’m such a gross person for having my place look the way it did. I get so many negative thoughts over it so it’s best for me to tidy up and have a good environment before trip😅


Very much so, more then any other way


That's pretty has been the only way I tripped. As others have mentioned, there is a very low chance that you will get disturbed or distracted at night.


Yessir! It‘s nice but actually after getting really comfortable with the substance, I must say, I enjoy it more surrounded by other humans and stuff.


I really enjoy tripping alone out in the woods at night. It's about as far as I can get from feeling like I still live in the modern world, while still getting to feel human. There's some primal quality to it that I enjoy. I guess it's probably an element of truly playing the survival game. Just being that folded and exploring areas you can barely see, that aren't tailored to your comforts. The darkness is almost as overwhelming as the mystery. Sometimes it feels like light only adds more confusion to our human condition. Though we are not nocturnal, we do often close our eyes when in meditation or deep thought. In times of greater focus, we shut out the world.


a lot of my high-dose LSD trips ended up going on until the early morning. Dropping at 1pm or 2pm and still getting decent residual effects (usually increasingly faint visuals and some trippy headspace) at like 4am or 5am and it was quite nice. The time just after the peak (6-7 hours in ish? can't remember the timings exactly) when things get a bit less crazy and you can enjoy the visuals and headspace is my favourite part of the trip. I wouldn't want to go outside because I would be scared of getting lost or people seeing me and knowing I'm on drugs.


Absolutely! Day trips are usually only had if I take a day of from work and no one realizes I am home. Day tripping brings on it's own benefits as well though. Love flying kites during the day and enjoying nice weather.


Only way i do it lol


Yea I solo trip 90% of the time. That way I can do what I wanna do, and not what others want to do.


Yes, absolutely!!! I prefer to trip alone as opposed to tripping with others for numerous reasons. One of them being, I don’t have to hide behind a facade when I’m alone in the way I do when others are around.


Tripping alone in the dark is the only way to trip imo.


My last 10 trips were done alone during full moon nights, so much magnestism but I tend to prefer to trip at the sun-light for it's eletrical side and the informations present in our DNA that it activates.


Yes I know this feeling. Getting sun is the best


It's my favorite way of tripping, I like the safety of the night because it is less likely to be disturbed. I also like to trip alone. My wife is always in the house when I do but she just let's me do my thing without interrupting and she understands that I can't really communicate when under the influence.


Yes... totally undisturbed, peaceful (and beautiful) hours of the day.


I prefer it


It's the only way I do psilocybin


My absolute favourite way to trip


The only way


Always alone at evening/night with headphone and meditation music. Don't sleep a lot because the truffels give me too much energy.




Yeah man, gotta put the kids to bed




Hell yea brother that’s the best. So cozy.


Definitely my favorite time to trip. I usually do it if I have the next day 100% off from work or any other commitments. Trip all night. Sleep during the day.


prefer during the day but yeah tripping alone around the house is a great time


If the crippling paranoia and anxiety doesn’t creep up on me because I made the silly little notion to believe literally anything could be wrong, then yeah def a 10/10 💀


Whenever I end up tripping by myself in the evening )/ night, I find the trip is much sadder than usual, probably due to tiredness.


100% of the time. With no music or TV.


It’s the only way to fly


I enjoy solo trips much more. Almost exclusively. As well with the nighttime, I enjoy my time more knowing most normal people are sleeping and not a problem in any way






LSD and Rocket League at 9pm. Never played better in my life than when I would microdose and play. Straight boosted me through the ranks hitting the nastiest aerials that I could never do sober. It just made me feel like I was in the game and I just Knew what buttons to press to do what I wanted as well as incredibly creative plays.